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RAW makes obsolete all your skill
  • This discussion was created from comments split from: Future of wedding market.

  • 287 Replies sorted by
  • @vitaliy_kiselev i'm gonna make a wild guess and say 80% of the weddings now days are shot on a 5d, I doubt either one of us could find an actual number. but if you do a quick "wedding video" search on vimeo or youtube you will find tons of "shot on 5d" in the description.

    and most wedding photographers are people that "own a dslr" and any family member with a rebel can run around shooting pictures of a wedding. not everyone owns a "big camera" that you speak of.

    I am NO photographer, but I bought a 6d for low light, and have used it for pictures 99% more than video. With raw photography...ANYBODY can be a photographer. I have taken pictures that you would not be able to tell if I took them, or somebody with 30 years experience took them........thanks to raw.

    It's to the point, where I have taken probably 1000 pictures in the past 2 months (with my 6d), I've taken several more than that over the past 10 years. and for somebody to charge $2 or $3k to be a photographer is a joke. Almost to where I feel like i'm in the wrong field. lol

  • i'm gonna make a wild guess and say 80% of the weddings now days are shot on a 5d, I doubt either one of us could find an actual number. but if you do a quick "wedding video" search on vimeo or youtube you will find tons of "shot on 5d" in the description.

    Do not base your decisions on vimeo and youtube only.

    I am NO photographer, but I bought a 6d for low light, and have used it for pictures 99% more than video. With raw photography...ANYBODY can be a photographer. I have take pictures that you would not be able to tell if I took them, or somebody with 30 years experience took them........thanks to raw.

    And this is just pure bullshit.

  • @vitaliy_kiselev is it bullshit? how can you assume this without seeing 1 picture i've taken?

  • The best way to get photos of your wedding that anyone will want to look at in the future is to hire a photographer, a real photographer, that doesn't specialize in wedding photographer.

    ANYBODY can be a photographer.


  • @GravitateMediaGroup

    If you wish, you can make something in Offtopic with title "RAW makes absolete all your skills", will be good flame. Here it is offtopic.

  • <--- go to the photography tab

    keep in mind, I do not consider myself a photographer in any way shape or form, I just like to take them. I use the free version of wix and am limited to files under 10mb, so ignore the jpeg compression if you will.

    like them, hate them, I still stand by what I say of photography is a joke. Although I will admit the 6D takes some pretty nice pictures compared to my previous junk nikon d7000

  • Back in the day, a group of people known as Photographers had to know how to operate every function of the camera in order to get it "just right"

    In 2013, with RAW photography, you pick up the camera, shoot away, and make adjustments when you get back to your computer. I understand that low light situations will require some minor camera adjustments, but other than that, it's just shoot until your finger hurts.

    I know multiple old school photographers who have gave up on their professions because the digital era has continued to make it easier for anybody to do. For every old school photographer that has "gave up" I know 10 digital camera photographers that have "became photographers"

    Even if you take RAW out of the equation, Photoshop has also made it possible to make nothing look like something. I have witnessed my wife (she is much better with Photoshop than I am) take a picture of an older lady with quite a bit of wrinkles & no make up and transform the lady in the picture to look 20 years younger, wearing every form up make up that a woman would wear, make her teeth whiter, and remove every wild hair on her head.

    When I find time, I'm going to find a kid in the age range of 6-12 and have them take a few pictures with my camera as an experiment and see what happens. If I consider it a failure, I will look for a 13-17 year old.

    this conversation stems from my opinion of what TRULY takes more skill, photography or videography.

    this is my...personal-view, what's yours?

  • the title of the topic is not my words. my words are "With raw photography...ANYBODY can be a photographer" skill or no skill. because in the end there is NO wrong way to take a photograph, add RAW to the picture (no pun intended lol) and you can't go wrong.

  • This is ridiculous. Technical know-how has never even been half the job of a real photographer.

    RAW and Photoshop are not what goes into good photographs. There is more to taking a good photograph in the instant before the shutter is snapped than everything that happens afterwards. If someone doesn't know this then they're just an arrogant and/or ignorant chap with a camera.

  • the title of the topic is not my words. my words are "With raw photography...ANYBODY can be a photographer" skill or no skill.

    Might want to be careful, because saying it that way just makes it sound even more stupid.

  • with RAW, you can shoot without a care in the world, from WB to exposure. with photoshop, you can remove that pimple or phone line in the background, or that stain on a shirt.....

  • the title of the topic is not my words. my words are "With raw photography...ANYBODY can be a photographer" skill or no skill.

    It is topic made from splitted posts initially, so it is perfectly ok that it is not your words. I think it is shorter and more clear.

  • with photoshop, you can remove that pimple or phone line in the background....

    Btw, it was one of most popular flame topic "You don't need skills, Photoshop will do it all for you in post".

  • only an extremely anal retentive photographer would say "it has to be PERFECT"

    a realistic and artistic photographer would tell you, "there is no wrong way to take a picture"

    that's what makes it an art form. there are paintings that have had paint just thrown on canvas sell for millions...

  • not to mention this topic could expand into 100 categories. freelance, wedding, artistic, nature, portraits, new born, gore, war, porn, macro, astro, aerial, advertising, underwater, action/sports......

    there is no wrong way. and when you are shooting RAW, it stands true that much more.

    shoot now, adjust later.

  • omg, what a stupid thread.

  • @stip yep....but nobody is forcing you to view it, and if they are call the police ; )

  • shoot now, adjust later.

    Small corrtection - shoot now, never adjust :-)

  • @gmg

    I'm thinking of all the things wrong with your view of photography, but I just can't summarize it into a simple, concise statement... I will say this - photography is a storytelling medium; each image should tell a story, and in an artistic way just as movies are cinematic. I guess that's what differentiates the technical photographer from the "real" photographer. Anyone can shoot a half-assed picture of a horizon in RAW, only to rescue the sky detail in post to make the image "technically" pleasing (might as well shoot death charts, cats, and bushes while you're at it), but it takes a good eye, an understanding of human psychology, and lots of heart to be a REAL photographer.

  • @vitaliy_kiselev yeah, you don't have to adjust, but the option is available.

  • @pinger007 what if you are a nature photographer? do you still need a understanding of human psychology?
    Every picture does tell a story, no matter who took it, even that horizon.

    the thing about that half ass horizon that was shot RAW, it can be made to look perfect.

    I guess the video world needs to stop working on RAW technology because it has no purpose or need if it can be done right to begin with, colors and all.

  • Fortune magazine reported in September 2012 that “10% of all photos ever taken were shot in 2011.” That same month, Mark Zuckerberg said Instagram, just shy of two years in existence, surpassed 100 million users. Instagram users, who are signing up a rate of one per second, have taken over one billion images with the app. Such frenzied activity will account for some but not all of of the 250 million images uploaded to Facebook every day.

    Looks like everyone is a photographer now days, when RAW reaches smart devices, game over. lol

  • And the hits keep on coming. Step right up folks to have your jaw drop to the floor at what you'll witness ITT.

  • Looks like everyone is a photographer now days, when RAW reaches smart devices, game over. lol

    As far as I remember it already reached them. Nothing changed. Same shit. Just more shit per second.

  • @vitaliy_kiselev which phone has RAW? I gotta have one so I can take more steps to becoming a master photographer ; ) if it's an android, count me out lol the 645 app claims RAW I believe, but it's not.