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What do we know about the novel coronavirus?
  • 3274 Replies sorted by
  • Very fresh Mordor news

    All Moscow citizens won't longer have right to leave their homes.

    They will require special one time pass, on each block they even can have military/police block posts.

    Citizen will have right to visit only predominated one food shop, go to work and up to 100 meter walk with dog.

    AI face and walk recognition and thousands of cameras (Moscow have cameras on each entry already) will be used to track trespassers.

    Moscow do not have emergency state declared still breaking multiple laws and constitution with such restrictions.

    In short - we are witnessing establishing of fascist state.

  • this could easily lead to's worth reading her whole account....

  • @Vitaliy...well Sauron seems to do with the constitution as he wants, so you didn't really expect anything else, right? But the thing we should be worried about is if there's far more to this story than we peons are being told. The virus could become only a nuisance if war breaks out.

  • @kurth

    We now have lots of anti Chinese accounts spreading fakes and such.

    Also note that elites knew something from December at least. In Mordor we had fast reforms that had been decided at December 23th and performed during January 15-20. They broke major Constitution parts and so on, had been extremely urgent.

  • @kurth

    The virus could become only a nuisance if war breaks out.

    It won't be war (except only in media, may be). But it can be precise strikes by low power nuclear weapon to strike out 50-70% of world population in major metropolitan areas, and keeping all other areas safe and usable.

  • Latvia joined countries with total mobile tracking under pretense of coronavirus.

    US also started to do it officially since yesterday, for now they use advertisement cookies and such shield to avoid legal issues. In coming week this bluff will be removed and it'll be declared openly.

  • 360$ USD a month sounds very low for young PhDs. Here in Mumbai, 800 - 1000 USD is the salary per month for uber drivers. Mordor has 10K per capita GDP, India has 3K per capita GDP. Are you sure of these numbers ?

  • @zcream


    In university for not young PhD salary will be $304 per month with all premium payments, and if you add various grants and such you can reach $500 or $600, but it is not easy.

    PhD position in scientific institution can be $250-350.

    This is salaries outside Moscow.

  • Is this like a Research Asisstantship/Internship or a proper job ? And what are salaries in Moscow ?

  • @vitaliy....most people would call that war. And that account isn't fake, she's just anti chinese communist party. And her take on chinese reactions looks like they think it's war. Has the Moscow lockdown already begun ? If that's where you are, can you get out ? I'd be getting out of washington dc in similar circumstances. Stay safe. Do what u gotta do to survive.

  • @zcream

    Moscow salaries are significantly higher, like 3x times (but expanses are also higher).

  • @kurth

    Moscow is now same as Israel and many other countries.

  • New update

    Each Moscow citizen will get individual permanent QR code to make it able for authorities to track him even if he has no papers with him.

    Precise procedures will be known in few days. It will also require that you can be tracked using mobile data and will constantly update authorities about your location via site.

    Citizens without permanent QR code won't be able to buy food or do anything else.

    QR code will have your registration address, full name, passport data, working address.

    No longer any travel not related to this destinations will be allowed.

    Huge concentration camps are being formed out of big world agglomerations.


    685 x 505 - 82K
  • On artificial mask shortages

    Why it's been so hard to ramp up production of surgical masks and respirators and are curious as to why private companies haven't flooded into the market to meet peak demand?

    Because they are regulated medical devices & new versions require FDA approval which can take months to obtain.

    FDA is constantly refusing to make any changes to this process.

    Do you think it is sudden accident (as it is same all around the world? I don't.

    This guys are taking away your work, income and all rights, in very planned and perfectly executed manner. Breaking any laws. But somehow can't break laws to make masks and necessary medications.

  • March 29, 2020 - A plane from Shanghai arrived at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York Sunday morning carrying an extraordinary load: 12 million gloves, 130,000 N95 masks, 1.7 million surgical masks, 50,000 gowns, 130,000 hand sanitizer units, and 36,000 thermometers.

    Why it matters: The flight is the start of what might end up being the largest government-led airlift of emergency medical supplies into the United States.

    That's according to Rear Adm. John Polowczyk, who runs the coronavirus supply chain task force at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The airlift is the most dramatic part of the Trump administration's frantic attempts to catch up with a nationwide medical equipment crisis.

    Polowczyk said that he's already booked 22 similar flights over the next two weeks. Starting with this weekend's airlift, he said, "We have essentially a flight a day, mostly from Asia" to expedite the transport of medical equipment that distributors already plan to sell into the U.S.

    Polowczyk said many members of Congress "want me to nationalize this supply chain by using the Defense Production Act. They want me to do all the buying, all the distributing, and all the allocation." But he's been resisting that.
  • @jleo

    It is very small amount.

    US needs around 500-700 millions gloves a day, 500 millions surgical masks a day, around 100 millions of N95 masks a day, around 100 millions hands sanitizers.

    I mean, if you want to follow present government approach.

  • EU death rates do not see any coronavirus effects, they are normal


    633 x 758 - 98K
  • Trump is clearly pushing Hydroxychloroquine

  • Canada:

    B.C. experimenting with malaria and Ebola medications to treat COVID-19 patients

    According to provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, anti-malaria medication hydroxychloroquine, and the antiviral Remdesivir — at one point used to to treat Ebola — are currently being tested on patients inside at least one facility in B.C. Outbreaks have occurred inside 12 long-term care homes in the province.

    Hydroxychloroquine is also being tested on COVID-19 patients by researchers at the University of Manitoba — a joint trial in conjunction with researchers in Alberta and Minnesota.


    "Chloroquine has good antiviral capabilities against the novel coronavirus as evaluated in vitro. It has been approved for clinical trial by the Ministry of Science and Technology and National Health Commission," said Chen at the daily press conference. "The Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica and Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co have recently launched a joint clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine in Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center."

  • ANy ideas about how to clean N95 masks? I'm thinking of sponging them with peroxide and laying them on a hot surface to dry out and kill bacteria. Washing them in laundry doesn't seem prudent.

  • @robertGL...I posted a video earlier

  • Bill Gates Urges 10-Week Nationwide Lockdown.

    Mordor. Soon we can see road blocks around most big cities as well as martial law. Lot of this cities have 3-10 sick (total) still. Hence despite original plan only Moscow have it for now, mass media got more time to push hysteria as it is not enough.