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What do we know about the novel coronavirus?
  • 3274 Replies sorted by
  • If you look at main points of Macron, Trump and so on - they are fascist points. Nation together as one, capitalists and workers as best friends fighting the enemy...

  • Some mayor changes in all the world will be made, economically politically and socially and will be applied after this movie ends. At rulingclass benefits of course, as it always is.

    I wonder what mayor changes will be the most annoying?... No more cash?....etc

  • @endotoxic maybe mass starvation and military curfewed cities, as any materialists here are sure there will be army pacification in major cities some months in the future and already now only two weeks and some food simply disapeared from stock. There hints of fully faschi intentions on how to manage work question also, already very divided society lots of civil supporters for such things. It would be very anoying to live in a faschi state.

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    THE CORONAVIRUS PREVENTION HANDBOOK. The book consists of six parts: 1) overview of the coronaviruses, 2) transmission of coronaviruses, 3) COVID-19 detection, diagnosis and treatment, 4) personal precautions, 5) precautions in public places, and 6) basics on contagious diseases. It addresses the concerns of the public on COVID-19. If we are united in the face of adversities and execute epidemic prevention measures based on scientific evidence, we will undoubtedly win this battle

    order hard copies here:


    COVID19 Handbook published by Chinese hospital. This is more for health care professionals.

  • @Jleo. Thanks for that very useful link. Written in Feb 2020 but practical advice from someone with a successful track record. Here's a link to today's long read from the Guardian. Less practical but an interesting read on the issues around the development of vaccines.

  • @G3550D yes, interesting article, thanks. Makes you wonder if 20-30 labs came out with different vaccines, they might have competing TV ads with smiling family members enjoying social outings because they take Covax 19A or CovinXT, then there's fierce competition to get government and celebrity endorsements :)

  • It is real theater

    Boris Johnson. Last 24 hours I have developed mild symptoms and tested positive for coronavirus. I am now self-isolating, but I will continue to lead the government’s response via video-conference as we fight this virus.

    It is like rapist declaring to victim that they together are getting big pleasure.

  • @jleo

    Makes you wonder if 20-30 labs came out with different vaccines, they might have competing TV ads with smiling family members enjoying social outings

    This is how capitalism works - lies, waste of resources and pointless competition instead of common goals and work together. And most probable result will be none of them making anything really useful, but promoting lot of scam and hoax.

  • governor of puebla says that coronvirus is only dangerous for the rich...while the poor are immune. Of course he's one of the most corrupt (and rich) politicians in Mexico .... sorry first link is for spanish speakers.... and cnn ...and interestingly in isolated communities people are beginning to take the law and the closing of communities in their own hands. A dangerous step in indigenous communities as history has shown.

  • @kurth how are south self governed communities acting on all this coronavirus situation? People tied to zapatistas etc?

  • @RoadsidePicnic .... well they're setting up improvised road blocks and this usually leads to vigilante justice. And I've seen this in Peru as well. In Guatemala, indigenous pueblos like todas santos are well known to murder outsiders they think are bringing them harm. And Mexico rural communities have seen a number of vigilante hangings in the last few years, usually tied to sexual predators. But when these things happen, there's no justice done for anyone. Chiapas thankfully has a low count so far. I've spent much time in the indigenous communities around san cristobal...zinacantan, chamula , tenejapa ...and they're dangerous places for (unwanted)strangers.

  • Coronavirus tracked: the latest figures as the pandemic spreads | Free to read from the FT A lot of up to date charts.

  • What in the fux is really happening in Italy? Almost a thousand deaths in one day. The virus musta morphed into something else.

  • @kurth


    I have issue with all this charts, as this guys literally stop economy and it is smooth and nice.

    And I still think that we have control of both died and detected numbers using test kits and test labs, so they'll always more or less fit to the planned curve.

    800 x 360 - 43K
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    800 x 468 - 41K
  • I don't see how USA can effectively arrest the transmission of Covid when freedom of interstate/county-to-county movement remains, and 'essential' employees (retail) continue to be forced to work with little or no PPE. I think most citizens are employing good practices as far as social distancing is concerned, but it is easily undone by everything else that spreads the bug.

  • @Vitaly Cumulative logarithmic plots are going to look smoother than daily counts of deaths etc. Also the horrendous decisions that need to be made on switching ventilators off in "hopeless" cases may also be influenced by the daily numbers of new serious cases - and may give rise to some kind of smoothing of numbers of deaths. Horrible times.

  • @kurth

    Based on data from several quarantine facilities in the city, which house patients for further observation after their discharge from hospitals, about 5%-10% of patients pronounced "recovered" have tested positive again.

    Here we can observe exposure of controlled tests. If primers (stuff that select RNA part to multiply) are different and aimed at different viruses we can have exactly such picture.

  • Now... to me, this is a real conspiracy. What happened to the easy and cheap availability of hydroxychloroquine, and why have all medical authorities, even WHO, assisted in denying it's efficacy and why have the providers gone dry ? If I was conspiracy theorist, I'd think WHO and the pharmaceutical industry were trying to murder millions of people.

  • @kurth

    Interesting data.

    My own observation is that all mass media hates Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin.

    Too widely available, too cheap, hard to continue with horrors. And they WANT to continue.

    Out local response from medicine had been also very harsh (no need to test, we need billions, shut up), and they want to again continue buying ventilators at 10x of normal price without any competitive procedures even.

    As for availability - in our land is professional smart resellers who bough out all masks and most of hydroxychloroquine .

    Zelenko, 46, a Russian immigrant who became Hasidic as a young adult. and runs a medical practice in Orange County, N.Y., has been doing that for more than a week. His self-reported success — no deaths among any of his clients, who are almost all Hasidic Jews — has given him an audience on Fox News and across conservative news sites, as supporters of the president look to bolster Trump’s attempts to curtail coronavirus — and the economic repercussions — as soon as possible.

    It'll be fun that if again Russians and jews will stop our elites horrible plans.

  • well, remember there's two distinct strains of the virus ....s and L.