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What do we know about the novel coronavirus?
  • 3274 Replies sorted by
  • I was being facetious about Italy. Maybe western humor is different. And not confused here...the spread of the virus is proportionally directly related to the deathrate, obviously. And apparently, so if asians have more ACE2 receptors than other races, as was written in some scientific paper I read but don't have at my fingertips, was that caused by inbreeding too ? Give me a link that says inbreeding produces more ACE2 receptors, or more appropriate , is a factor in coronavirus deathrates. And to ask again, why does Saudi Arabia only have 20 something cases...cause you linked the nytimes article about inbreeding being a problem in SA. I don't think you can make the leap...I think it's just your opinion w/o being able to validate it with facts. In my opinion...inbreeding doesn't affect the coronavirus except possibly in isolated cases that won't make the slightest difference in outcome. Whereas old age and smoking have been demonstrated to be a large risk factor in contagiousness and death resulting from it.

  • @Zcream...that's a possibility but far more likely it's msm propaganda to reduce the crisis factor. They do perform flu tests on people hospitalized for influenza in the USa, which would have shown something. I'm firmly convinced the coronavirus is a bioweapon.

  • I never said there is a co-relation between ACE2 receptors and inbreeding. I said

    Death rate is due to increased ACE2 receptors due to smoking, pre-existing lung disease, age AND inbreeding.

    Which should read as 1. increased ACE2 receptors due to smoking, 2. pre-existing lung disease, 3. age AND 4.inbreeding.

    Also, quoting official numbers makes no sense as

    We wont know for a year or two how many people actually died.

    Another co-relation is temperature and humidity, I linked to it earlier. So lower rates in hot countries.

  • Norway. Exponential growth.

    1041 x 953 - 70K
  • The American Hospital Association (AHA) conference in February reveal that US hospitals are preparing for:

    • 96 million coronavirus infections
    • 4.8 million hospitalizations from the infection
    • 480,000 deaths in the United States

    Like a flu, yes :-(

  • The United States has fewer than one million hospital beds, and they are typically around 75% occupied by existing patients, unrelated to the coronavirus.

    So it'll all look exactly like Spanish Flu, beds at unprepared spaces and unqualified personnel with bible in hand around.

  • ""Italy COVID-19 fact: the Corona infects older people who have previous pathologies and has a mortality rate of 42.2 % for people between 80 and 89 years."" Whoa....we saved Social Security !

  • @kurth

    And it seems to be only alpha version, test run.

    If it'll be success they could be able to precisely cut all people older than certain age and who have diabetes and such.

    Overall age distribution and almost complete ignorance of kids pose strong questions on it being artificial.

  • Michael Osterholm in infectious disease epidemiology .... joe rogan, known disinfo agent hosts bioweapons expert ...denying coronavirus is a bioweapon. A too obvious a disinfo plant.

  • Sam Parker , candidate for US senate...twitter banned....speaks the truth...

  • The CEOs of major insurance companies, including Anthem, Cigna, Humana, and Aetna, attended a briefing at the White House today. The companies also said that there would not be surprise billing for costs associated with COVID-19, the illness caused by the new virus.

    But all complications and related treatment and extra bed days will be covered from your own cash :-)

  • Personally i'm on the side of this scientist, strong flu and elders should care more than anyone else but Chloroquine gives great results and it's pretty cheap, far from msm fearmongers.

    By the way, it is funny how some people made some weird bets :p

    "Bridgewater Associates LP has bet more than $1 billion that stock markets around the world will fall by March, said people familiar with the matter. The wager, assembled over a span of months and executed by a handful of Wall Street firms, including Goldman Sachs Group Inc. GS, -2.413% and Morgan Stanley MS, -2.025% , would pay off for the world’s biggest hedge fund if either the S&P 500 SPX, -2.813% or the Euro Stoxx 50 SX5P, 0.089% —or both—declines, some of the people said."

    Anyone is free to believe what he wants of course :p

  • @Fraudel...their data completely contradicts with what's happening on the ground in Italy. So either France has a coronavirus S outbreak and Italy has a coronavirus L outbreak, or france is simply a couple of weeks behind. The chloroquine treatment has already been acknowledged by this french researcher, but saying it's a bad flu is bogus, unless he's only talking about the milder form S. Sadly my french sucks, like barely capable of buying 10 tickets on the paris metro, and the subs too, so my understanding might have been flawed somewhat. USa National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci said today it's 10x more lethal than the flu. IMHo he's being conservative. But if the USa govt admits it's 10x...then people better be concerned, because it's 20x at least, which has been a number that's popped up from a number of sources. But the world is full of like it's 1999. And that's what hedgefunds do. I'd say it's a safe bet. The global economy will tank. If only europe and the usa responded like china, but they won't until it's too late. Say hello to paris in the spring...of 2021...maybe 2022..if we're lucky.

  • the bioweapon theory logic an opinion_Today in the USa you read many articles belittling the concept that the coronavirus is a bioweapon. Every msm outlet treats the idea and the author like they're crazies. Most , like this article, are an attempt at deflection of overwhelming commonsense. What other reason would they have to deflect the bioweapon narrative other than if it was acknowledged that the virus escaped from the wuhan bsl-4 lab, coupled with the obvious fact that the USa has far more bioweapon labs and ongoing research and China was just responding to that threat, the USa could be held equally at fault for what's surely to become one of the biggest mass murders in history. The predominant reason these propagandist use is that the virus has many flaws that a real bioweapon would never have. It's kills only old people, for example, is one of their main arguments. However, after reading many comment sections that demonstrate most americans have low double digit IQ's, one obvious flaw in their argument is no one has ever stated it was a perfected bioweapon. Obviously when these labs are working on these frankensteinian creations, they create many iterations along their trail. This was just one that happened to escape at some point in the process. Thank god, it wasn't a perfected weapon, or we would be back in the stone age within months. But until enough people come to the conclusion that the nature of the virus, or it's unique genetic fingerprint distinguishing it from other coronaviruses, coupled with it's origin location, makes it far more likely to be man made than nature made, it will happen again. And the more times it happens, the more likely the next time it will be a perfected weapon. And then we can all kiss our arses goodbye.

  • I think Trumpster has the virus. He was breathing heavily in his last speech. And the fuckers are still shaking hands with everyone.

  • @kurth

    It looks like almost perfect bioweapon, but not in the war between countries. It is superb weapon in the class war, as it hits old and poorer workers. Part of the enemy class for capitalists that they don't want to exist at all.


    We are fucked. Chinese official blamed US army for the virus. Now I guess China will leak its own bioweapon.

    609 x 501 - 48K
    626 x 478 - 59K
  • @hardimpact....lmao...yeah...that's hard science. How many times did the article make a leap of supposition ? ..."it seems"..."likely" ..."this suggests" question. How'd bats get HIV ? Don't be so easily propagandized. Isn't that just what the fux I was talking about ? People read shit, and they stick to an idea because it resembles a concept in their brains, concepts drilled by years of lies, and then they never can entertain a conflicting idea. It makes them feel comfortable....until. I loved how the defenseone article putdown francis he doesn't know shit about what he's talking about. Read the Sam Parker banned twitter thread. He studied molecular biology. @Zcream...we can pray on that one ! And all of congress ! Go back and read the globalresearch article I linked to on the viruses possible western origins. @Vitaliy....certainly seems a logical supposition...lots more logical than all this "it seems" in that bogus article. Last night I watched the first draft of the operation manual for coronavirus....Contagion. Usually I wouldn't waste my time on Hollywood disaster porn, but I was able to see the film in a completely new light. Lots of the same ideas we're now hearing in the news. Social Distancing , for example.

  • Also, the fuckers in Washington are meeting for a jobs and stock market bailout package. Dont even care about expanding hospital care and testing. As a comparison, even here in India, they made 100K testing kits available. Australia has made walk-in tests available from last week (my long-term base is Sydney).

    Trumpster will destroy the US with his bullshit.

  • For those that claim it's a bioweapon, how do you explain the scientific consensus that it's from nature?

    Just that the engineers made it look like it was from nature?

    I definitely think the fact the epicenter is near the virology lab in Wuhan is suspicious. But why would scientists from around the world be complicit in a cover up?

  • @kristoferman Its not a scientific consensus - its the official govt consensus. Two separate things. Also, you cannot track a virus to figure out its origins. So everyone is guessing at this point anyway. Some of us believe there is a greater probability of a bioweapon.