"We cannot recommend this product for professional work. We reached this decision after repeated failures in the field, experienced both first-hand by LR-folks and second-hand via rental clients. Though it might work much of the time, it is our opinion that this product’s performance is too unpredictable to be trusted on high-value projects. Use for casual testing or try-before-you-buy purposes only. If you have any questions, please contact us. support@lensrentals.com | 901-754-9100"
https://www.lensrentals.com/rent/video/cameras/blackmagic/blackmagic-design-ursa-mini-4.6k-ef https://www.lensrentals.com/rent/video/cameras/blackmagic/blackmagic-design-ursa-mini-4.6k-pl
"Thanks for reaching out to us! Here is a list of regular customer complaints for the URSA camera series:
We have only offered the URSA 4.6K for a couple of weeks, so it was given the benefit of the doubt for the first few rentals; although, some of these issues having started popping up already, so now it is getting the same treatment as all other URSAs we rent. Refunds are no longer given for issues with these cameras. Please let us know if you have any more questions/concerns, and have a nice day!
Kris Steward LensRentals.com"
Phillip Bloom's 45 minute review of the Ursa Mini 4.6K...
This is quick test of the URSA Mini 4.6K shot in Kingston. Used Canon EF-S 17-55mm f2.8 zoom lens. Edited and graded in DaVinci Resolve 12.5; 3D LUT: Kodak 2383 (built into Resolve), some contrast and exposure adjustments, no other post work.
I've been waiting 16 weeks for a 4.6K EF Mini, it's a complete tease seeing all this footage without being able to test for myself.
Have been googling around to find any more information - anyone have any tips on where to find out about deliveries to the UK?
FYI Camera 4.0 Update is in public beta now
v4.0 new features
Blackmagic Ursa mini 4.6K PL version mouth with 2 anamorphic lens; Master and Cooke 2x Anamorphic. Shot in 4.6K RAW and graded in DaVinci Resolve 12.5
Guys anyone know if this adapter should work for Minolta md lenses on 4.6k ? I have a couple md lenses I like to use on it https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00AT96CZE/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1474764982&sr=8-6&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=minolta+md+to+canon+ef&dpPl=1&dpID=41Gt8ZN3roL&ref=plSrch
Also anyone know the widest possible lens to use on the anmorphic 4:3 mode with out seeing much vignetting on 2x anmorphic ,I'm thinking 40-45mm is max ?
Importance of IR cut in ND filters
In case it helps anyone, if your USRA Mini shipped with 3.3 Firmware, it would appear that you cannot upgrade to 4.0 (the released version).
In my case the procedure was to downgrade to 3.0 and then make the jump to 4.0.
I completed the 4.0 upgrade today and have run a card through the camera. From what I've seen 4.0 really is a jump forward on this camera.
Blackmagic URSA Mini 4.6K PL with Kowa Anamorphic
I would buy this camera, IF I could mount sony glass into it. After small research, that doesn´t seem to be possible. Or is it?
Here are some real world shooting experiences wrapped up in a mini-review.
These were done with the 4.0 firmware, which really transforms the camera in terms of the usability and RAW files generated.
I've included the work flow used and an example using Fusion:
URSA Mini 4.6K vs. 4K
Sound test
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