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Interview shots in documentaries
  • For people that frequently shoot this kind of footage, it could be useful to share interesting interview shots from documentaries in this topic, discuss them and get inspiration and ideas for our work. Something like a reference database.

    Interesting in terms of lighting, composition, and general cinematographic approach - how does it relate to the story, characters, atmosphere

    Let me start with some random examples,

    Man on Wire (2008)

    Interview with the main guy in the film is done in very minimalistic way. He emerges from the darkness, just like his story unravels from his memory, presented in very suspenseful manner.

    X-ray Audio

    This is very good documentary about production and distribution of 'prohibited' records cut onto x-ray sheets in USSR times. Really interesting topic and characters. The film features interviews with people who were involved in that seemingly crazy actions back in the days. Interviews show their passion and determination despite the danger they put themselves into. But they are also very funny and original characters:

    This man surrounded with bunch of items that directly correlate to his story:

    Or this guy filmed on location that bring us to the atmosphere of back alleys where 'trades' usually took place. I particularly like the light setup of this one:

    Just few examples for now, but hopefully this can grow.

    *How do I put images in text, i tried with some code from markdown wiki but links appeared broken?

  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • Interview with the main guy in the film is done in very minimalistic way. He emerges from the darkness, just like his story unravels from his memory, presented in very suspenseful manner.

    Don't you think that it is content that count here? Form plays really not too much important role (considering this interview).

    This is very good documentary about production and distribution of 'prohibited' records cut onto x-ray sheets in USSR times.

    LOL. It was mostly business, now this guys like to add some romantic things to it.

  • Don't you think that it is content that count here? Form plays really not too much important role (considering this interview).

    Yes, it is a very simple example of that kind of approach, where nothing stands in the way of the content, but not just that - the atmosphere it produces adds to the tone of the film.

    LOL. It was mostly business, now this guys like to add some romantic things to it.

    I swallowed the bait, what can I say..

    I'm not trying to create a lexicon of all the best of docs, but just to start a simple reference base. :)