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How do I know how many shots my GH2 took?
  • Last file name is "P1150900.jpg", so how many shots is it 50,900 or 150, couldn't be 1,150,900 right?

  • 4 Replies sorted by
  • Enter service menu and there is total shutter count, I never checked on gh2 but on I remember on gf1 you hold something while powerup, and menu appears, google it :)

  • On this topic there is an explanation how to see shutter count on GH2:

  • Oh, thanks for the link...according to the menu, this is the state of my GH2

    I got the camera on April 17th, 2012.

    So, in 418 days ... that's 37 pics a day, one film roll a day, for a year. What a joke. What a waste of shutter. There's 500 shots at most I find worthy sharing with others (on my Flickr) and maybe 20 shots I would show to people who ask me about my photography, so photos I'm really proud of, not ashamed of.

    I need some pocket camera, TZ30 or something. Also, I thought about buying a 512MB SD card to try discipline myself from quantitive shooting to qualitative shooting. Because the way I see things happening in few years, we'll have 10 TB SD cards and people will be walking around just burst-shooting as they go along...

    /rant :D

  • I got it in June 2012, 7300 shots. But in last few months I shot probably around 2000 exposures for timelapses. And I have about 30 photos that I can show. :)