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Additional Aperture for Better Bokeh?
  • I found this item on Ebay.

    It should give a really nice circular bokeh with the number of aperture blades on it. Might be a great cinematic upgrade for lenses with less than desired bokeh. Has 58mm thread, with a max aperture diameter of 37mm. Clickless lever for smooth change.

    Question is, would it work if screwed into the front of your lens and how well? Has anybody tried something like this?

  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • Question is, would it work if screwed into the front of your lens and how well?

    It would do something, but not the same thing as real iris does, since it's position is critical to it's function.

  • You can use adapters like

    They work better, But it won't make something cinematic :-) And placed in front all you'll get is vignetting.