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GH4 4K Panasonic video camera, official topic
  • 3230 Replies sorted by
  • Giulio Sciorio

    Innes again

  • Great news Voldemort:

    4K 8bit 4:2:0 on the Panasonic GH4 converts to 1080p 10bit 4:4:4

  • by theory we are blessed.

    why a hack now?... i wonder if vitaliy even want to make it? Panasonic has done everything even curves on color modes. 10bit 4:2:2, all , even 200mbp patch. i think vitaliy make his point now that panasonic has released this camera.

  • Anyone know how spanning will work with 4K? And when will we get the storage rates at 4K at various bit rates? I probably missed a post on this...

    Same way it works on GH3 :-)

  • 4K 8bit 4:2:0 on the Panasonic GH4 converts to 1080p 10bit 4:4:4

    Yep, big news :-) Now we know that he can read and retype properly (without big fantasies) that he read (but, you know, he at least asked someone if it is true, this is progress).

  • @DailyFilmFix, most of my work in the last 12 months involves editing 3 cam shoots sourced from producer's Canon cameras, namely 5Dmk2, 5Dmk3 and an 1DX, if I recall. Not sure why, the recordings drop out at times much less than 30 minutes. Perhaps this a SD card related (quality), sensor heat, or other. It makes post complicated and time consuming, manually trying to stick the project all together, and often being an event based recording, no clapper boards, and the cams have no timecode sync. The point is, I am in a situation where recordings are much less than 30 minute clips, often only a few minutes, and a lot of time is then spent in post reviewing 3 cams with 3 to 4 hours of shots from each camera from multiple SD cards dumped to a drive. It is somewhat of a jigs saw puzzle at times. I know what you're talking about, as outlined above.

    The GH4 interests me to acquire 4K with 2x anamorphic lenses to pull a 2K or 1080p master/finish, after the 2x de-squeeze in post. I am happy to watch this GH4 space evolve.

  • I'm not knowledgeable enough on the matrix math behind a 4K -> 1080 conversion, but at least I'll admit ignorance: is the end result (of 4:4:4) actually a mathematically identical result of originally shooting 1080 4:4:4 (if one could, on a GH4), or is it a "close enough that it doesn't really matter" result?

  • I’ve been hearing rumours of this for a few weeks but I wanted to get confirmation from somebody who would know.


  • but at least I'll admit ignorance: is the end result (of 4:4:4) actually a mathematically identical result of originally shooting 1080 4:4:4 (if one could, on a GH4), or is it a "close enough that it doesn't really matter" result?

    Huh, yep it is 444, so from color information POV it is same. But.

    On GH4 converted 4K->1080p must look and behave better than 1080p out of camera.
    Here are the reasons : you can use much more advanced algorithms for scaling, reducing moire, reducing noise, plus scaling is 50% (that is good). If you go back to GH3 topic you can see that difference between rescaled JPEG and 1080p video is obvious. And you can think about 4K on GH4 as of really just stills sequence, it is just 4K center crop.

    Of course, ideal GH4 could have 4K 50/60p, 1080p100/120, HDMI 2.0, USB 3.0. But ideals do not exist yet.

  • @WhiteRabbit: Using my favorite editing software (kdenlive) it's easy as a pie to arrange multiple clips taken with different cameras from a live event: Just define one clip (which can of course also be an audio-only clip from a separate external audio recorder) as the "reference", then ask the software to align the other clips on the timeline according to that reference clip.

    That works so good for me I never missed timecodes in GH2 recordings.

  • Some people scoff at Panasonic, saying the marketing department is responsible for some of the design missteps or intentional crippling of their cameras, but they do certainly get their preproduction models in the hands of working professionals and reviewers in a timely fashion. Sure they're not as informative as we'd like, but they know how to generate interest in their products. Stepping back for just a moment and seeing how they release some videos, then glancing at reactions in the forum can sometimes be interesting in itself. Anyhow, the two just posted marketing videos are pure genius, in that they tell us virtually nothing about the GH4 that we don't already know!

  • @whiterabbit On my last feature, I shot three camera (two GH1s and a Panasonic HMC150). Sound for the most part was collected with the HMC150 (shotgun and a lav). At the end, I sold the HMC150 and went with the two GH1s and a Tascam 60D, which is terrific.

    Now, I'm running two cameras (GH3 and the G6) and the Tascam. It is rarely a problem, but syncing is done with the multicam function in FCPX. It does work better if you make a loud clap at the beginning of the shoot, but I've had success with no clap.

    I wonder how the 4K (GH4) and the 1080p will work in post with syncing and on the same project (timeline or sequence)? I have mixed SD footage and HD footage but I can't remember syncing the two (maybe years ago with Plural Eyes).

    Also, I wonder about the workflow with editing the 4K and the HD footage together. Lots of questions...

  • for a chromakey recorded in 4k and delivered in 4k, what would be better, to use the 4k footage and apply the chromakey effect?; or to downscale, change color space, apply the chroma, render, and then import and upscale?

  • @lolo

    4K is better as it has more information :-) And why the idea to downscale and upscale again?

  • @lolo

    I see where you're going with this (better color source for keying), but you'd loose all the other crispness once you upscaled back to 4K.

    In theory, you could downscale to 1080 and pull your matte, then upscale only the key back into a 4K composite, but I'm fairly sure you'd sort of end up with a subpar matte with blurry edges - probably something similar to what we've been dealing with in 4:2:0 chromakey situations. Edge sharpening might help in some situations, but not with something like hair. It would get pretty ugly at some point i think. So yes - i'd just stay in 4K for the whole thing.

  • @thorn i like the idea of the matte, perhaps if i downscale to 3k to get a 4:2:2, and use the matte only on the edges with a little offset towards the background, apply the background only on the matte edge, and then upscale, one could get a better chroma hair...

    but i´m going off topic so i´l l leave it just there, thks for the reply

  • @lolo

    If you think a little, you'll understand lack of logic with downscaling.

  • @lolo

    If i'm remembering the specs correctly, the GH4 will do 4K 10-bit 4:2:2 if you get the breakout box and record to an external device. That's the solution I'd use for chromakey, instead of down-converting 4K 4:2:0 (recorded internally). Yes, more expensive... but I usually prefer "costs more" to "not possible". (Edit: This is of course assuming you must deliver 4K final. If I wanted 1080 for final delivery, I'd downconvert the 4K to 1080 4:4:4.) Apologies if I've helped go too far off-topic.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev pejorative comment dude, with no useful content... @thorn i guess the real question is, what chroma edge will look worse 4k 4:2:0, or 3k upscaled 4:2:2, delivering in 4k, i still think that an upscaled edge matte with the background applied over the 4k footage will look a little better,

    either way this is for the gh4... greetings.

  • You can not recovery lost information. 4k 8bit 420 will never delivery 2k 10bit 444. 10 bit color has a large "hide" amount of color information, once its recorded into 8 bit, all these "hide" information is lost FOREVER, you will get more accurate color information, but not more color. 4K 8bit 420 will delivery sharper resolution, and something near 8 bit 444 color in 2k resolution, never 10 bit color. Color lost is color lost.. you can simulate "these 10 bit", but it will be always an "interpolated 10 bit", never a native 10 bit. Of course it makes much better than the internal 8bit 420 if the intend is 2k or HD resolution, but not 10bit league dream.

  • @Ze_Cahue

    How about make separate topic in Flame for this? I think it is good idea as level of discussion dropper quite low.

    10 bit color has a large "hide" amount of color information, once its recorded into 8 bit, all these "hide" information is lost FOREVER,.

    Unfortunately it means quite big lack of logic. Please check link I provided above. To oversimplify - 8bit/10bit is not magic, it is electrons count (in linear case of raw, in same logic apply in nonlinear spaces). If you get four buckets that each can contain from 0 to 255 electrons and put their contents in large bucket you'll clearly get from 0 to 1023 electrons. Is it clear?

    Also 420 or 422 also does not mean that it is inferior by default, it just means that encoder is using human vision properties to reduce amount of information (in color sampling).

  • @VK the bucket analogy sounds logical at first blush, but it's hard to believe that it's accurate. To take to an extreme, let's say that want to take an immense 8 bit image and downscale it in order to get a 32 bit image. The immense 8 bit image has the sun in the frame. No matter how big the image is, when you downsample it your never going to get all of the color levels that would exist in a native 32 bit file. Blown highlights -- no matter how large -- are not going to become unblown as a result of resizing.

  • The immense 8 bit image has the sun in the frame. No matter how big the image is, when you downsample it your never going to get all of the color levels that would exist in a native 32 bit file. Blown highlights -- no matter how large -- are not going to become unblown as a result of resizing.

    We really need topic in flame :-). Again, you have no logic. As you mixed proper exposure with all else. With wrong exposure information is lost due to well overflow (clipping). Of course you can't restore information that is not present anymore, but is has nothing to do with things we are talking about. But. If exposure were proper with summation you get more levels as I describe.

    So, all new posts about this go to

  • a number of hard-line photographers are already hating upon the GH4 for looking like a camera but doing “that other thing”.

    That’s not a camera, it’s a toaster oven!”