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RJ Lens Turbo m43 adapters
  • 782 Replies sorted by
  • @cantsinI believe cheesycam made the same declaration. Emphatically. Some people don't have the problem, others do. Is it the RJ or the cameras?

  • @Tone13 The blue dot is kind of an elusive problem. I personally have seen it in my Lens Turbo, but it's not as drastic as my SLR 12mm or my old Canon FD lenses.

    @cantsin I have the EF version and it fits fine on both my BMPCC and GH2.

    @brianl Cheesycam had issues with Mitakon's version, not RJ's.

  • @kin869 I have the M42 version, should have said that. Would be curious to hear from others who have the same version, and their success or failure with the BM Pocket.

  • I have the EF version, mine fits like a glove on the pocket, like my m43 lenses.

  • @kin869 with mine the blue dot it's not so elusive, I get it everytime I shoot outdoor and it disappears only when aperture is wide open. I guess maybe it's my adapter which is defective?

  • @red_pill

    no, you probably have 1st generation

  • I've got a lot more testing to do in order to know for sure, but with my Tamron 17-50mm f2.8 and RJ Speed Booster on my GH1 I haven't had any issues yet with Blue Dots. I haven't really done a lot of different shots yet tho. Mostly indoor shoots. Mine is a Nikon to m4/3.

  • @kurth it may be, I bought it in december. Never heard of this difference between 1st and 2nd generation..

  • @Aria Is it available online some footage shooted with Tamron 17-50mm f2.8 + RJ Speed Booster? It would be great :)

  • @red_pill I've seen the blue dot on the RJ Speed Booster before but not as often as some other users it seems. It's actually more or less the same as the older FD glasses I have, which I don't recall people complaining about. The SLR Magic 12mm is another lens where I've encountered the blue dot which IMO is worse than the RJ Speed Booster, but I don't here people complain about that either. With the RJ Speed Booster/Rokinon 16mm f2 combo, I actually see less of the blue dot compared to my SLR Magic 12mm. I've posted images below that compare the two for anyone interested.

    And unfortunately the blue dot doesn't disappear when the aperture is wide open. It's just less pronounced than when the aperture is closed down.

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  • @red_pill

    it says onsite "improved optics" and vitaliy has stated they improved them, and all of the cheap knockoffs on amazon and ebay , I'd assume, are first gen. That's why they sell for less !

  • @kin869 are those photos you posted suppose to show the blue dot because im not seeing it.

  • The low or available light applications for the reducer are still valid so I'm only partially retracting my earlier endorsement of this reducer. But the blue dot makes the other half of the proposition, namely getting a 35mm-wide-angle-equivalent FOV with a Sigma 10-20mm at 10mm in all (outdoor, sunny, etc) lighting conditions a no-go. So for less than half the Metabones you get more than half the functionality. But to be honest I'm hoping, likely in vain, for a refund. Mostly on principle, I guess, what with the false advertising. If I have to I'll keep the RJ and use it in situations I know won't produce the blue dot. Either way it looks like Metabones at this point to be able to use the 10mm on the BMPCC. Which, tangentially, is going back to the store thanks to Micro-HDMI port breaking. Yesterday was not a good day for recent equipment purchases. I might be more pissed off about the blue dot if my camera wasn't going in for repairs! And, if it matters at this point, the RJ Lens Turbo Nikon mount fit perfectly on a BMPCC, GH2, GH1, and GF3.

    Blue Dot.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 101K
  • I received my RJ Lens turbo (Nikon-MFT) today after ordering it a week ago via this site. Very happy with the shipping time. Unfortunately I lent my Nikon primes to a friend for a shoot and wont get them back for a few days so I can't test it. I really hope this blue dot doesnt show up too much because I too bought it with the understanding that it has been fixed with the 'new improved' optics.

    If the RJ is not usable outdoors then it has no value to me. Tests soon..........

  • @Tone13 I got mine through the Deals on this site. All the products I have talked about are the same product, and is the same as the one you received. And you will get the blue dot.

  • @Tone13 It's hard to see, but it's definitely there. If you open f2 and the f22 photo from the Rokinon in different tabs and switch between them, you can see the blue dot in the center of the f22 image.

    For my purposes, it's not that big of an issue. I'm willing to accept the compromise since it's cheaper than the Metabones. Like I said in my previous post, the blue dot issue is worse on the SLR Magic 12mm, just compare the f2 and f22 photo for the SLR Magic and it's way more pronounced.

    Is the blue dot an issue? Yes, definitely, but is it a deal breaker? That depends. You'll have to evaluate the price vs quality yourself. The blue dot is an issue, the image is softer compared to the Metabones, etc, but it's also less than half the cost. With that said, I'll probably get the Metabones speedbooster whenever I save up enough.

  • I received my RJ FD adapter. The blue dot is only noticeable to me when shooting at direct light source. I'm still going to use it either way. I personally don't see it as a big deal.

  • I've bought the FD to M43 and I'm very happy with it. Image is better, more sharp and you win one stop of light. Thanks Vitaliy !

  • guys, any news on Minolta MD version?

  • @brudney

    Must be soon, I mean Minolta MC/MD.

  • Pretty happy with my EOS-M4/3. Snug fit on lenses (Leica+Leitax EOS). Little play (rotation play) camera side. Back focus was off and I appreciated you can fix this.. Here's a test with Tokina 11-16, Olympus 12 (M4/3), Leica 19, 28(28-90), 35, 50, 90, Zeiss 180, Sigma 400. Tack sharp stopped down to 5.6. Soft wide open. Shame, I did not tested yet 1 or 2 stops from max aperture.

  • Glad to hear that Vitaliy.


    Your Leicas are very soft wide open, almost unusable. Are they like that without the speedbooster? From earlier reports and tests it almost felt like the speedbooster sharpened all lenses a bit...

  • I just got mine in PK -> m4/3. Didn't realize that the Pentax mount did not have the iris control - makes it harder for me to use it as I intended (sigma 10-20). For future purchasers, may be worthwhile editing post #1 to identify which adapters have aperture control and which don't.


  • @ajroahkni

    Usually such Pentax adapters are named PKA (usually it is mostly cheap or third party lenses without aperture ring). PKA adapters must be available soon.