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Two-Pass Sharpening
  • 38 Replies sorted by
  • @sam_stickland +1. A shoulder rig is a must. The warp stabilizer for "low-frequency" shakes as OIS does.
  • @Mihuel I will ask you. Thanks!
  • A little sharpening after a light pass thru Mercalli Pro V2 is in my workflow, fast and a lifesaver. GH1/2 image is so sharp one can afford a little crop and zoom.
  • How to keep the order of effects?

    There's Effects Panel in PP CS5. It lists effects from top to bottom. Is that the order of effects being applied on clip?

    If I drag one effect and move it between other effects, does it change the order of effects?
  • @stonebat. Yup, the order of the effects in the clip (top to bottom) is the order they are applied in.
  • Thanks @sam_stickland.

    Adjusting contrast/exposure/curve do affect how much noise I wanna get rid of. e.g. crushing black by adjusting curve, changing mid-tone gray.

    Hmmm... how would this work out? Bad idea?

    - apply contrast/exposure/curve first
    - apply denoising second
    - move denoising effect to top of the effects panel.
  • @stonebat That's the order I usually do things in. If my grading makes it look like I want some noise reduction then I add a denoise to the top of the effect panel.
  • That sounds logical. Thanks.
  • @stonebat Also if you are grading in PremierePro make sure you go into your sequence settings and turn on "Maximum Bit Depth" to use 32 bits per channel. If you want to recover ultra-whites (i.e. >100IRE), then I'd recommend you do that before noise reduction as the denoising plugin might clip to 100IRE.

    (I don't think the GH2 will record >100IRE, but the older DV25 cams used to record up to 110IRE and you could recover another 10% of highlights in post by pulling the highlights down - check your scopes!).
  • Recovering overblown highlight details from GH2... I doubt it. Is that possible?

    I can recover the overblown highlight details on RAW photos from GH2. But not sure about mts files.
  • "power" photoshop users usually convert their images to lab color space and then only do sharpening to the L or luma channel. This is so the sharpening doesn't affect the color channel which causes image artifacts like haloing and color fringing. Here's a way to do the same for video using after effects
    I don't know why someone hasn't released a simple plugin that applies sharpening to the luma channel without going through all the steps yet.
  • @bimdas. "I don't know why someone hasn't released a simple plugin that applies sharpening to the luma channel without going through all the steps yet"

    Sony Vegas Pro has Chroma Blur and sharpen tools as standard plugins.
  • Chroma blur is quite a standard effect, useful for smoothing out green/blue screen video for keying. Not really useful for sharpening. Does Vegas have a luma sharpening effect?