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Driftwood ClusterX series 2:│moon│ЅріzZ│nebula│drewnet│Slipstream │Redshift
  • 1053 Replies sorted by
  • I was testing Moon 5 and this weird stripe pattern appeared on the wall. I took a snap shot of it from PP6. I havent seen this on any other footage. Any ideas?

    edit: I preformed pixel and sensor cleaning, and tried it on IV2 and FM2. The stripes are there on all 3 shots. Is this some kind of weird low light issue?

    1920 x 1080 - 598K
  • @jramos what the crispy is going on there?

  • It's banding. One of the joys of owning a GH2. Yep, underexposed.

  • good thats all it is...bad as the scene wasn't really that dark. Funny thing is the exposure meter showed proper exposure. The lies!!

    I just went in my kitchen and turned on every light I have and I still have banding :-(. This was ISO160, 1/50, moon 5, 24p

    1920 x 1080 - 756K
  • Did you have it on spot? If so it was measuring the area right on the middle, the paper towel area that probably is exposed well. Plus in general, the GH2 EV meter under exposes by 2/3rds as per Shian. Actually if you had any sort of fluorescent source light to the right, that could producing that too. Is that banding rolling?

  • Where do you live :), and what is your Shutter speed?

  • If anyone is in Minnesota, I have a video artwork up in the Johnson Gallery at Bethel University for my Senior Thesis show. I shot with Moon 5, Kowa anamorphic and graded it in Resolve. Many thanks to @Driftwood and of course, @Vitaliy_Kiselev. What the GH2 can do still surprises me every time I use it.

  • @vicharris

    if you say "GH2 EV meter under exposes by 2/3rds as per Shian", then what should be at EV meter reading? +2/3rds to correspond to real conditions? or i got it wrong, sry my English isn't native :\

  • @vicharris @dado023 I have it on multimeter. It is a fluorescent light source but I switched to 60 shutter and that did nothing. Yes, the band does roll during playback.

    @B3Guy I live in Minnesota but about 3 hours north of BU. Congrats on getting on showcase! How long will it be there?

  • @all Ok I bought the 64gb 95MB/s card and benchmarked it with the same AJA System Test that I used for my 64gb 45MB/s cards. I am not sure if there is a problem with the card but it is only writing at about 62MB/s per second. This is not very impressive to say the least, could somebody chime in on their experience benchmarking these 95MB/s cards. The 45MB/s cards benchmarked consistently at around 40MB/s so I was thinking that I should see at least 75-80MB/s.

    Update I formatted the card with SD Card Formatter and it is benchmarking right around 70MB/s I guess this is expectable performance but I still thought that I would get around 80MB/s. I hope that I can use Moon Trial #5 and have reliable spanning now.

    952 x 746 - 123K
  • Shitty fluorescent is your problem. Turn that off, use a led or tungsten source and you're good.

  • @dado023 Yep. Especially for skin tones.

  • @omnidecay

    I believe that that has something to do with fluorescent light pulsating that might not be 60Hz or 50Hz, but rather 72 or 139,2387 or anything for that matter. What I see in those bands is slight WB shift.

    Usually what is referred to as banding is color banding that appears because of non sufficient color sampling (8 bits) that produces sharp edges between color nuances in fine gradients.

  • @omnidecay Your fluorescent lights have magnetic ballasts. Switch to electronic ballasts (all flicker-free) and those greenish bands are history. Note: shutter/iso/aperture changes will NOT eliminate or minimize the problem.

  • @omnidecay: could be electric lighting aswell. When i shoot 1/40 or 60 shutterspeed on a light source in europe i get the same thing. I think in the states electric light has another frequency.

  • Last weekend, I tried again Moon Trial 5 in HBR mode. The original files are looking really good (between 50 and 60 Mbit/s) and motion is really nice too

    I only had two broken files on my 64 GB 95MB/s card ( I guess it was due to zooming in, not sure).

    What export settings do you suggest for Vimeo Plus in 1080p (vimeo recommendation is between 10-20 Mbit/s) ? I tried 45 Mbit/s CBR, but I am not really satisfied with the result. Thx again for the effort of realizing those patches.

  • @omnidecay

    Through this week, for sure. Honestly, I was so focused on getting it finished and installed on time, I haven't paid much heed to when it gets taken down.

  • Tested on GF3 (MOON) but no bitrate improvement (from 17 to 24 Mbit/s), MOON on my GH2 works fine, as 50 (60p) or 72 Mbit/s, maybe i'm doing something wrong...

  • @tinyrobot The dark shots were at F2. Wouldn't recommend going below that. There's bokeh and then there's just plain ridiculous.

  • @Azo Cards and other memory storages are always rated using read values which are always are higher than write values. And 'rated' means that factory wants very much their products are so good as they described :-)

  • @jramos I took a look at your problematic DREWnet mts file you sent me and it plays back fine (and beautifully) in Movist on the Mac and WMP on Win7? You must be doing something wrong either in transcode or summit. Whats your workflow? Are you getting breakup on playback in Movist on the MAc or WMP on the PC ?

    Its absolutely fine on my system. Want me to do a conversion for you? Also what computer are you using?


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    Movist - Screen Shot 2013-04-12 at 12.52.15.png
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  • Video shot with moon trial5, Great hack stable, the only think is the playback sometimes you have to turn off th camera for playback but other than that is perfect. I love it.

    Screen shot 2013-04-12 at 2.28.17 AM.png
    1920 x 1080 - 2M
  • other sample with moon trial 5

  • @schlanger77 Wonderful! Great edit. Awesome colours. Congrats on your fantastic videos. Was Rob happy?

  • @inqb8tr I used both k-scale and manual white balance to check if it was that and the bands appeared in both. I do believe it has to do with fluorescent lighting as I really haven't noticed it before last night.

    @vicharris @spacewig I think you guys are right. I tried other light sources in the house and the banding didnt seem to be there.

    @B3Guy Damn, if I was going to be in the TC I would have checked it out.

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