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GH2 High Quality GOP3 Settings, Series 2: 'AN' Valkyrie, GOLGOP3-13, GOP3ZILLA, Duke, natural :-)
  • 670 Replies sorted by
  • In the newest GOLGOP3-13_BETA8s, I thought spanning as important most and adjusted them.

    Possibly span capability was slightly low although the higher bit rate could be used in HBR25p of BETA7.

    In BETA8s, the span capability in HBR25p is adjusted just like HBR30p.

    Although I think that BETA8a is stable enough, please try BETA8b, when you need stability more in HBR25p.

    Supposing you are thinking span as important, please try these BETA8s with 95MB/s SDXC card. :-)

  • @bkmcwd Thaks for the beta8. I'm going to try first the sanity 3 for long recording. With the golgop3 beta7, when the picture has freezed and when I wanted to get it, in the card there were 3 rush of 4,29 go. Then I thing that the problem came from the spanning. What is strange is that I have just shot pictures of me working at my desk. There was no big movements or low light. After my show, I'm going to try your beta 8.

  • Duke BETA2

    "Duke" is a new setting based on the new concept, but it is in the structure high reliability at the same time.

    If the character of Duke is denoted by a word, it may be said that it is "middle of the GOLGOP3-13 and GOP3ZILLA".

    Or more simply, it will be the setting "which raised resolving of GOLGOP3-13 more."

    For the Suites by, I am not sure yet whether the best in this. However, I think that both of GOLGOP3-13 and GOP3ZILLA users are pleased with this.

    Previously, I prepared the standard type and the Lite type also in Duke . However, even in the "standard" type, in-camera playback is possible almost, this update is only in the "Standard". If you need a "Lite" type, then I will also provide it.

    HBR, especially 30p are improved in this BETA2.

    *Other than1080i and HBR, this is completely the same as BETA1.

    Please tell me your impressions! If this is also still unstable, I will further adjust. :-)

    *The original matrix is adopted in the newest Duke.

    *24H and 24L are high quality 3GOP setting with mega size I-frames in Duke.

    *24p80%(30p) is available in 24H & 24L both.

    *60i, 50i, HBR30p and HBR25p are also high quality and stable 3GOP settings.

    *720/50p and 720/60p are 6GOP. It has tuned up so that the bit rate at the time of motion may go up rather than the scene of statics.

    *I especially recommend you use with SanDisk 95MB/s 64GB SDXC card.

    *In camera playback is available in all rec mode, at least available after reboot the camera.(Not tested full yet, but probably)

    *EX Tele, iA mode work.(Not tested full yet, but probably) (Take care only in 720/60p)

    *Spanning in 24H, 24L with SanDisk 95MB/s 64GB SDXC Card. Also in other rec mode, almost available.(Not tested full yet, but probably)

    *Spanning in other cards needs to be tested.

  • @mjonas67

    Thanks for your comment again! :-)

    Then I thing that the problem came from the spanning. What is strange is that I have just shot pictures of me working at my desk. There was no big movements or low light.

    Hmmmm...Such a result with SanDisk 95MB/s SDXC is very unexpected. With my card, it spans also in high stressed scene, and has not frozen at least. However, I live in NTSC land, the total number of test less is also a reality.

    I am looking forward to your results in BETA8s.

  • @bkmcwd Did you build your steadycam seen at the beginning of your YouTube video? Or did you buy it? Or Buy it and modify it? Any info would be appreciated.


  • @donniewagner

    Thanks for your question. :-)

    Did you build your steadycam seen at the beginning of your YouTube video? Or did you buy it? Or Buy it and modify it?

    I am making all by myself. Although, Of course, I am referring to the commercial items...

  • @bkmcwd

    About Spizz T6, since I am considerably satisfied with T4, I cannot decide the directivity of improvement now.

    PM sent ;-)

  • @towi

    Thanks mate! :-)

  • I am improving Duke until the matrix for Spizz is offered from Nick.

    These are the samples of Duke_BETA3 mainly improved in the NTSC side. (HBR30p)

    1294 x 635 - 596K
    1298 x 631 - 540K
  • Duke BETA3.1

    UPDATE(2013/07/14):I have released Duke_BETA3.1.

    In BETA3.1 version, 1080i/HBR/PAL is only changed. There is no change in NTSC side.

    Duke BETA3

    "Duke" is a new setting based on the new concept, but it is in the structure high reliability at the same time.

    If the character of Duke is denoted by a word, it may be said that it is "middle of the GOLGOP3-13 and GOP3ZILLA".

    Or more simply, it will be the setting "which raised resolving of GOLGOP3-13 more."

    For the Suites by, I am not sure yet whether the best in this. However, I think that both of GOLGOP3-13 and GOP3ZILLA users are pleased with this.

    Previously, I prepared the standard type and the Lite type also in Duke . However, even in the "standard" type, in-camera playback is possible almost, this update is only in the "Standard". If you need a "Lite" type, then I will also provide it.

    Other than 24p, all modes are improved in this BETA3.

    *24p is completely the same as previous BETAs.

    Please tell me your impressions! If this is also still unstable, I will further adjust. :-)

    *The original matrix is adopted in the newest Duke.

    *24H and 24L are high quality 3GOP setting with mega size I-frames in Duke.

    *24p80%(30p) is available in 24H & 24L both.

    *60i, 50i, HBR30p and HBR25p are also high quality and stable 3GOP settings.

    *720/50p and 720/60p are 6GOP. It has tuned up so that the bit rate at the time of motion may go up rather than the scene of statics.

    *I especially recommend you use with SanDisk 95MB/s 64GB SDXC card.

    *In camera playback is available in all rec mode, at least available after reboot the camera.(Not tested full yet, but probably)

    *EX Tele works.(Not tested full yet, but probably)

    *iA mode works in 24p, 1080/50i, HBR25p, 720/50p modes.You need to be careful in 720/60p and 1080/60i. (Not tested full yet, but probably)

    *i-Dynamic Range Control is not often available in 720/60p and 1080/60i.(You must be careful when using it in these modes.)

    *Spanning in 24H, 24L with SanDisk 95MB/s 64GB SDXC Card. Also in other rec mode, almost available.(Not tested full yet, but probably)

    *Spanning in other cards needs to be tested.

  • Hi, :-)

    I almost completed new Valkyrie 444. I will release it soon.

  • Valkyrie 444 TYPE-ZERO4 & Lite

    bkmcwd "Valkyrie 444 TYPE-ZERO4 BETA" (Standard) - seta.ini - Released 05/07/2013

    bkmcwd "Valkyrie 444 TYPE-ZERO4 Lite BETA" - setb.ini - Released 05/07/2013

    There is no change about 24p from TYPE-ZERO3s. Because, there is no need to change.

    Although iA and iDynamic range modes cannot often be available in 60i and 60p of this TYPE-ZERO4, in the other mode, it realizes high IQ with high bitrate rather than TZ3.

    This TYPE-ZERO4 is also the version as which "balance of gradation and resolving" was considered in all the modes. (Scaling Matrices are the same as TZ3 or previous Lite.)

    I think that the freezing issue at the moment of the focusing and zooming was solved nearly perfectly also in Panny lens use in the modes other than 60i and 60p.

    Please try it! And I am very glad if I can get feedbacks from you.

    *If this is also still unstable, I will further adjust.

    Special thanks to All silent users of my settings! :-)

    Of course, many thanks to @cbrandin and KING @driftwood!

    • Superb-looking Pure Original 444 matrix from cbrandin is adopted in 24p mode

    • Modified 444 matrix from my BETA Team in Japan is adopted in HBR/1080i and 720p modes

    • Upto 140M for Top Quality 1080p24 at Q18 / 'Standard'

    • Upto 140M for Top Quality 1080p30 at Q18 in 24L mode with 80% Slow-Motion Mode (No Sound) / 'Standard'

    • Upto 110M for Top Quality 1080p24 at Q18 / 'Lite'

    • Upto 140M(110x1.25=137.5M) for Top Quality 1080p30 at Q18 in 24H mode with 80% Slow-Motion Mode (No Sound) / 'Lite'

    • Upto 75M for Top Quality HBR/FSH modes

    • Upto 75M for Top Quality 720/50p modes

    • Upto 75M for Top Quality 720/60p modes

    • Extremely reliable top performance in AVCHD 24H and 24L

    • 80% Slow-Motion is available in 24L only with 'Standard'

    • 80% Slow-Motion is available in 24H and 24L both with 'Lite'

    • Fully working iA and iDynamic range modes if you require them (Take care only in 1080/60i and 720/60p)

    • Beautiful 3 GOP bringing short GOP style detail & movement-rendition in all the modes

    • Bush of Death / Death chart tested.

    • Wonderful Pasadena Pulse Audio Patch V2 B2, by Per Lichtman

    • Top quality 2K mjpeg Mode in HD by Nick Driftwood

    • In camera playback is sometimes not available in 24p. In other mode, Sometimes available after reboot the camera.

    *Supposing you use "FSH" or "SH" mode safely in 60p, please turn OFF iA and i dynamic range control. In HBR30p, HBR25p, 50p, it is satisfactory at all.

    *I especially recommend you use with SanDisk 95MB/s 64GB SDXC card.

    bkmcwd Valkyrie 444 TYPE-ZERO4
    bkmcwd Valkyrie 444 TYPE-ZERO4 Lite
  • Explanation was added. :-)

  • @bkmcwd Hi, Your latest iteration of Valkyrie, Type_Zero4_Beta, works VERY well, in my opinion, with the GF2. I shoot @ 720p almost exclusively and did not have to modify your setting this time to get extremely pleasing results. Mbps, @ 720p, varies from 17.3-37.3 and these are not very busy scenes. Streamparser shows these numbers as 35-75 Mbps, but they have to be halved. A program by the name of "Bitrate Viewer" shows the correct numbers, though. Thanks very much for your good work!

  • @coors Are you sure about that? It's possible that the GF2 uses a different time stamp scheme than the GH2, but I want to be sure that StreamParser is indeed incorrect before I change it. You can do a quick and dirty test to confirm - divide the clip file size by the length of the clip (in seconds) and then multiply by 8. That should be fairly close to the video bitrate (slightly larger). The screenshots he shows for 1080i are correct, and they show a bitrate of 65+Mbps. In an earlier post ( he shows a screenshot for a 720p clip and that's also correct showing 50+Mbps.

  • @bkmcwd

    Hi mate! How are you?

    Unfortunately Valkyrie TZ4 doesn't survive my codec torture test in HBR/25p mode (and mine is most likely not as demanding as yours since I never use auto-dynamic range or auto focus... or auto-anything). TZ3 on the other hand runs really great (and stable in all modes) on my cam ...

  • @coors Thanks for your comment, mate! :-)

    It is very interesting that you were able to obtain the good result also in GF2. I try, when I also have time.

  • @cbrandin

    Hi mate, :-)

    It seems that GF2 differs in a situation from GH2 although I am not detailed.

    Although these are not the results under the perfectly same conditions, when I compare GF2 with GH2, it is such always a result. This will be because it is 60p of a fake in GF2.

    1295 x 633 - 549K
    1296 x 633 - 394K
  • @towi

    I'm fine, mate! Also you?

    Unfortunately Valkyrie TZ4 doesn't survive my codec torture test in HBR/25p mode

    Many thanks for feedback from you. Although it is usual, my test in the PAL side may be insufficient.

    In TZ3, FB&FL had to be low set up according to the condition by the side of NTSC. In this TZ4, stability in 60fps mode was slightly made into the sacrifice, and it was made in order to raise the image quality of HBR30p. I think that might have affected even in the PAL side, but it will be solved by adjusting the GOP tables. I will do! :-)

  • @towi

    In the NTSC side, the camera froze in the close-up shot. :-(

    I am adjusting the encoder setting now.

    For example,

    Encoder setting 4 1080i=18

    How is the result at the time of changing this value with 18 to 19, 20, or 21?

  • @towi

    How is the result at the time of changing this value with 18 to 19, 20, or 21?

    It froze also in these. Now, I am further adjusting.

  • @towi

    I have tried these now. I think that this is stable. :-)

    Encoder setting 4 1080i=19

    1080i60 GOP Table=8, 0, 0, 8, 17, 17

    1080i50 GOP Table=6, 0, 0, 6, 15, 15

  • @bkmcwd Thanks for the screen shots. It looks like the GF2 is operating in "trick" mode - which would throw most programs that report bitrate off because they rely on TS timers to do the calculation. StreamParser calculates bitrate in a different way. That's why I wanted to see a calculation based on (clip_size_in_bytes/clip_length_in_seconds)*8. That would confirm whether StreamParser is correct in its bitrate calculation or not. Note that you have to use the actual length of the clip in seconds when it plays - not what any program might report. Based on this similarity of I frame sizes in your screenshots, it looks like StreamParser is correct - but I want to be sure. Is the GF2 operating at 720p/30 instead of 720p/60 by any chance? That could throw StreamParser off - that's why I wanted to see this quick and dirty test.

  • @cbrandin Yes, the GF2 seems to operate 720p @ 25fps and 30fps, respectively. My files are on another machine, so I'll check those with your formula and report back, ASAP.

  • @cbrandin Yes, according to the formula that you gave Streamparser is reading correctly. that means that I've been wrong for a long time now, as I've always thought that Streamparser numbers for GF2's 720p mode had to be halved. My apologies for spreading this disinformation. And this is very good news to me as it means that I'm getting an actual. 105Mbps, in 720p_50 mode (it doesn't support NTSC) when using a modified version of Obscura's Kayser Gra-Detail CBR (constant bitrate) setting. I only use that setting for stills, as it's set up for capturing detail and is not very good at capturing motion. And I'm getting up to, at least, 75Mbps with bkmcwd's Valkyrie Type_Zero4-Beta, and 100Mbps with bkmcwd's older GOLGOP3-13_Sedna-v2.1_Beta4 setting, all in 720p_50. Thank you, for taking the time to set me straight, here.

    Update: Sorry, I'm sleepy and I made a mistake here. I grabbed a file, did the calculation and I thought that your formula supported Streamparser's accuracy with GF2's 720p mode, but it's actually just the opposite. The formula that you gave supports that indeed you have to halve Streamparser's numbers for GF2's 720p mode. I was pretty excited, but that was short lived when I just double checked.

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