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FilmConvert software
  • 98 Replies sorted by
  • NOW available for Sony Vegas YEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAA

  • @dennnnnnnis Video looks cool - music good too. Reminded me of some ~1977 Chinese Kung Fu movies. When you said you liked color of film convert, did you mean that in addition to grain, film convert changes the colors of the video too?

  • @matt_gh2 download the trial and you'll see. for each film stock, it emulates that color to the best of their ability, but you can tone it down, same with the grain. I usually run the grain at 50-60% every kind of grain from 8-35mm. The newest version now has GH2 picture styles added. There are TONS of different variations that you can use this plugin. Basically you create your own film stock however you like. lol

  • @GravitateMediaGroup That's good advice. Will do this week. Thanks

  • Filmconvert is really nice, but after I tried the YouTube Cinemascope preset, I'm blown out. Does anyone know what it consists of?

  • youtube cinemascope preset?

  • FilmConvert is a very nice effect, but certainly not for everyday use. I can’t quite decide how or when I might use it. It’s probably more suited for the RED camera than for the GH1/2.

    EDIT: Just noticed that the standalone version of FilmConvert renders clips at 24.00fps, even though the original clips are at 23.98fps. Hmm.

  • @mr_moore I don't use the standalone because I don't see any reason to divide the workflow

    and the newest version of FC has profiles for gh2, and they look fantastic.

    an no, it's not for EVERYTHING. only something you want to appear " filmic" and I've NEVER used 100% grain, and often I will tone back the "film color"

  • Yes, I have the version with GH2 profiles. They work well for some footage and not so well for other. I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say they look fantastic, but they certainly do create very filmic shadows, mids, and transitions. The grain does introduce enough of dithering to hide the digital look of some solid and smooth surfaces (skin tones, for example).

    However, I find it more difficult to grade footage after it’s passed thought FilmConvert. Perhaps this is because of my lack of experience in working with actual film stock.

  • @Mr_Moore well Film Convert doesn't turn bad footage into good footage. That's magick and sorcery you're thinking of there.

  • @mr_moore you should grade your footage before FC, not after. and from that point adjust FC to work with your grade

  • @GravitateMediaGroup: Go to Video Editor (Enhancements) of YouTube.

    1024 x 768 - 227K
  • Please, don't use those...that's garbage.

  • @GravitateMediaGroup I suppose if FilmConvert were a run-of-the-mill effect or “look,” it would make sense to apply it after grading, or indeed, anywhere in the effects chain. Seeing as it employs some sophisticated LUTs and takes a sensor/camera profile as its input, logically it makes very little sense to use it after grading. (Of course, one is not required to follow a specific workflow, and each case would be different.)

    Now if FilmConvert emulated some print film stock (or even internegative/interpositive stock), rather than (or in addition to) camera film stock, it would make all the sense in the world to use it after grading. (Hey, that’s an idea!)

  • Dude, you are the one asking the question. How about you shoot the creators an email. They WILL respond within 24 hours.

  • Yeah, never use any YouTube enhancement. That's like ordering a steak from McDonalds

  • I wish they made a windows standalone version too, this is a great tool.

  • Progression still from latest spec commercial project.
    1) Raw GH2 (Smooth -2,-2,0,-2) + 50mm f/1.8 OM F Zuiko + Flowmotion
    2) Film Convert: Fuji Pro 160s (100% color; 0% grain)
    3) ColorGHear grade
    4) my finishing mix (LCE sharpening to luma, chroma portion of grade applied only to chroma, grain)

    1280 x 2880 - 7M
  • I downloaded the filmconvert and the gh3 profiles. Loved the results ! Can be the answer I am looking for. Better than mlooks from motionvfx . But its U$ 199 for FPCX !!!

  • They just released OpenCL acceleration for the Premiere/AE version of FilmConvert. Tested it out in Premiere, got realtime playback at 1/2 quality, decent framerates at full. Rendering is soooo much faster. What an awesome update.

  • Are you guys using FC in isolation or with other tools like ColorGhear or MBL?

  • The filmconvert BMCC plugin works very well with BMPCC footage, as a LUT inside Premiere or FCP -- an instant, consistent and (most of the time) a very attractive grade.

  • You forgot to mention the new color corrector.

  • @SuperSet

    Are you guys using FC in isolation or with other tools like ColorGhear or MBL?

    I've been using ColorGHear combined with Film Convert since I got FC, usually. I don't always use FC but I pretty much don't do anything without using at least something from the ColorGhear toolset.

    You could very well use FC as both your tech and artistic pass and go for a pure film, pre-DI look. Plenty of great looking films, some of the best looking films ever made, have very basic color timing compared to what's standard operating procedure today.

    There were/are photochemical processes that enhanced contrast and saturation or otherwise enhance or distort colors but for the most part film timing before the DI suite could likely be emulated with Levels and that's it and you crafted your look by picking your stock, lenses, production design choices, how you processed the film and knowing how your lighting was going to combine with all of that to achieve a stylistic outcome.