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11-16mm F2.8 and T3 Cine Tokina
  • 122 Replies sorted by
  • @psyco Can you post a link to your adapter?

  • Sometimes the zoom lenses either need an adjustment, or a shim for the adapter. You can use a 4/3 to micro 4/3 and put some foil to shim it up a tad between the two adapters. You can also adjust the infinity focus on your lens. I have done this with several of my minolta zooms. But that means going into the lens. O course it could be the lens as well, then you need a the proper camera to test it.

  • Please take a look to these adapters for Nikon G:

    There is a English description.

    It's a renowned Italian firm which manufacture accessories for astronomy, photography and applications in astronomy, photography, scientific and industrial. They build custom optics too.

    A lot of M43 owners here in Italy use their adapter. They build them on their own.

    This is the page with all the M43 adapters:

  • Thanks for all the help so far.

    @itimjim @DrDave Today I went down to a photo shop and tryed the lens on a Nikon D90 (or something similar) and it works - I'm very happy about that:-)

    @vicharris is the adaptor I got.

    @LongJohnSilver Thanks for the link, but those adaptors are to expensive. (And thats the worst english I have ever read. If they want to do online business, they should invest a few bucks in someone doing a proper translations.)

    So, I will contact the seller and ask for a replacement...

  • @Psyco The hardest part of all with these damn chinese adapters is that there's no QC. So you just hope you get a good one in since you can't return it. That one you bought looks particularly cheap though. I know this one works but it doesn't have an iris adjuster.

    So I ordered this one with an iris adjuster and praying it will work. Should be in soon and I'll let you know.

  • I asked Metabones when they will put out a Nikon aperture control adapter and got a reply towards the end of the year.

  • @SightfulProd I suppose that was only a manual aperture control adaptor?

    I emailed metabones some time ago and asked if they would make a Nikon version of their electronic Canon to NEX adaptor (not m/43). They said they couldn't make it because of licencing issues.

    For run and gun / doc shoting I'm a little tired of using those manual aperture adaptors, mostly because it's hard to be accurate what aperture you're on, and not seeing settings from LCD. So I'm now concidering to go for a Sony NEX / Canon glass route for these shoots.

  • @vicharris I bought that one and it's crap. Well, my copy was anyway. It was that sloppy the camera would just rattle around at the back. Plus the tripod mount always worked itself loose.

    I complained and they sent me too very thin self adhesive shims. I stuck on one, and it was still very loose. I stuck on the second and it became tighter, or at least it didn't rattle about everywhere. But, the damned thing then wouldn't focus to infinity, so I scraped them off and I'm back to sloppy, but at least I get infinity.

    I'm going to be buying the Novoflex soon I feel.

  • @itimjim Damn, I hope it's not a POS! I have a sloppy one here already and a good one. The sloppy one doesn't have a tripod mount, doesn't focus to infinity but does have the iris wheel. Another one, focuses to infinity, has a tripod mount but not a damn iris wheel! I'm going crazy over here. I've used the Novaflex and I know it works but there's no mount. I don't know about you but I can't get my GH2 locked down tight enough so it won't move with a FF. That's why I wanted some sort of tripod mount deal.

  • what about new Tokina 11-16 mk2 announced in january 2012?

  • @Macalincag thanks. Ive seen it but cant find any users review. I hope to get one of them soon and was wonder why there is nothing about new one.

  • In the end I got a used Novoflex adapter in the bay, which works perfectly. I will send the chinese one back.

  • @Psyco The Novalfex is the way to go for sure but if I don't have a tripod mount, my whole camera moves when I rack focus with the FF. Happens on any lens. Can't get the GH2 locked down tight enough when using larger lenses. Can you get yours locked tight to use that lens and adapter? Also I like the fact it takes all the force off the small GH2 mount.

  • @konjow I was looking at that one too. I have purchased an assload of these adapters trying to find one with a tripod of mount and iris control. Also have a few with and without both of these features. It seems the QC is just all over the place. You'll see people on different boards say it works for them, then you'll order one and it's loose as hell and when shimmed, won't focus to infinity. I really believe it's the luck of the draw. Are you looking for one with or without support?

  • @konjow I was thinking about getting this adaptor, the iris marks are nice, but in the end I didn't want to spend more time on trying various adaptors and just got a Novoflex.

    @vicharris My Novoflex has some play as well, but the focus ring on my Tokina 11-16mm is very very easy to turn (I think, too easy for normal operation by hand), so in my case there shouldn't be a problem with a FF.

    But anyway, have a look at my rig (second pic and also one further down). I made a lens collar for the front end, so the lens is locked down on two points. In the picture its the Olympus 14-35mm and I haven't tryed to fit the Tokina, but (in theorie) it should work the same way.

    On the inside of the collar and on the base plate for the camera is a layer of foam rubber to absorb micro vibrations. The down side is some minor play when turning the focus ring. I haven't checked how much it will be visible, as I still need to install the focus motor.

  • @vicharris @Psyco thanks for answer. I know novoflex would be good solution but it is too expensive for now(im upgrading too many toys at this moment) I have three no QC adapters two of them are ok (that is ok for 20 euro-66% success:) but I never need one with aperture control. I ll need one now for tokina so Im doing research. I dont think I need support - easier change lenses, (Im using long plates)-samyang 35mm works without support-similar size,weight.

  • I bought a used one today. For about the same price in the US when new. But that's Sweden for you. Buying it new here would cost almost $1000. It used to be even more expensive than that.

    But I love it. Feel's great to have such a wide focal length again since selling my 550D for a GH2.

  • HELP! So when I set the Tokina 11-16 on a nikon body to f/2.8 I power down... take off the lens, but it's right back to f/22... how can get it to stay at 2.8? This is urgent... thanks!!!

  • You need an adapter that adjusts the iris tab on the lens. There should be plenty of discussions in this thread about ones that work. Are you familiar with how these nikon lenses work? It doesn't sound like it. They are not like canons.

  • @vicharris I am extremely familiar... I may not have worded my post correctly... I'm trying to get the lens to be wide open at 2.8 so I can use my adapter to adjust the iris when it's on my GH2.
    When I have the Tokina on a Nikon body and set it to 2.8 it goes back to f/22 when I take it off. It's really weird. I have no problem doing the same thing with other Nikon and even Canon lenses. So it's basically unusable since the iris is closed when it's on my GH2 because I've tried 4 Nikon bodies and it just won't stay at 2.8

  • It goes back to f/22 because the iris tab on the lens is spring loaded. When you disengage it from the body the spring snaps it closed. Do you have the adapter ring for the iris turned the right way when you attach the Tokina to it? Does the adapter work with any other Nikon mount lenses? I might be confused as well here. This should be a very simple procedure. Can you post a pick or link to the adapter you're using?

  • @jirab you cannot set the aperture in a nikon camera and then put it in a gh2 body. The nikon G mount lenses have a tiny lug which closes to f22 by default. You need an adapter for "Nikon G mount lenses" they have aperture ring Like vicharris said.

  • Yep but I would get one with the tripod mount. My camera rocks all over the place when I pull focus with one of these. Especially with a lens like the Rokinon 35mm.