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War: Chronicles of 22.02.22 war
  • 266 Replies sorted by
  • The crisis is a “serious threat to the rules-based international order, with ramifications well beyond Europe”, the G7 leaders said, adding that Putin has “put himself on the wrong side of history”.

    Non of this guy are materialists. And this is that idealism leads to, idiots start to believe in rules.

  • The US started the new cold war on China 6 years ago, with increasing levels and scales of sanctions & initiatives against a country whose main crime is its fast-rising GDP. The US, UK and some other West countries have successfully forced China into a corner and in the brace of Putin. The war in Ukraine seems to be one of the sweet fruits (or poison pills, depending on your view) of US policies, initiatives (e.g. "China initiative) and actions.

  • image

    Stock market crash.

    608 x 568 - 41K
  • @paulhouston

    It is just pure materialism. You can't be leader is your manufacturing sucks and your main power is huge propaganda machine and military personnel.

    Russia has resources, China has manufacturing. US has... well, Facebook and Apple, and later one is just advanced reseller of Chinese products.

  • Chinese position:


    633 x 198 - 21K
  • UK

  • Four people familiar with deliberations told the news channel that US intelligence and military cyber warriors are proposing the use of American cyber weapons “on a scale never before contemplated”.

    Among the options are disrupting internet connectivity across Russia, shutting off electric power, and tampering with railroad switches to hamper Russia’s ability to re-supply its forces, three of the sources said.

    You could do everything from slow the trains down to have them fall off the tracks.

    Are they from the mad house?

  • As usual this guys will seize money of people.

  • Note how Biden wants to continue misery of Ukraine people. As US ruling class is much more hungry.

  • Britain, as part of a package of sanctions due to Russia's military operation in Ukraine, will impose a £50,000 ($66,800) limit on the amount of money that Russians can keep in their bank accounts, the UK Foreign Office said.

    "The new restrictions will cut off wealthy Russians' access to British banks, including by setting a limit of £50,000 on bank accounts," the statement said.


  • The US will work with allied countries to use strategic oil reserves to lower prices and secure supplies, US President Joe Biden said on Thursday.

    Issue is always with one small thing. They have little reserves and it is capitalists, so they do only things that are profitable.

  • I don't get this invasion. Has Putin become unhinged? I was under the impression that he did not have much desire for the Donbass region and this seems like an extreme reaction to whatever cross-border conflagrations that have occurred there over the past 8 years. Europe is squirming and has already balked at full sanctions but I doubt they want this headache, and Russian relations with the rest of the world will take years to mend

  • @robertGL

    You just have not best understanding of Russia history and economy. Especially history of 1917-1930 years and 1990-2000.

    Issue of the West is that it measures all with money, and now even with money they print without doing useful products and services.

    Of course it won't be nice. But Russia has astonishing potential of high educated people and huge resources that it sent to Western allies for cheap.

    We don't know now where it is all going, but China and Pakistan backed things up. India also not joined US. EU in return can be in extreme pain - this will be main consequence, making life in EU miserable for average citizen.

    And especially issue with fertilizers is serious for EU.

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    And now we know who are real organizers and owners of this shitty scum.

    782 x 286 - 31K
  • Russia has everything to be a paradise on earth, very well-educated people, resources, land. My question is, why is Russia not a paradise on earth? Why do people have to die when Russia wants to be "great"? Why can't Russia be Germany and Japan today only trying to be Germany and Japan in 1939? Vitaly?

  • @Mihuel

    Russia has everything to be a paradise on earth, very well-educated people, resources, land. My question is, why is Russia not a paradise on earth?

    Specially for you I pinned the answer:

    It explains why certain capitalist states are as they are and can't be different. Of course, if they don't want to be totally worthless colony who can't decide anything by itself like your country now.

    And as you very much liked capitalism, you need to eat that it comes with - wars.

    Interesting fact, Germany to be Germany you know robbered Ukraine citizens of gas energy and got it for themselfs after 2014. You can open statistics and check.

    To add some more - our elites almost always had been West oriented, I mean here that they robbed workers and loved to Live in Paris, London :-) Usually Russia retaliates as West do some stupid thing to punish elites who love them and who provided them with lot of almost free stuff. But it is never enough for some guys :-)

  • Statement by the Chinese Foreign Ministry on the Ukrainian crisis:

    China is opposed to any illegal and unilateral sanctions and expressed the hope that the parties concerned can resolve issues related to China so as not to affect its interests.

  • Vitaly, wake up.

  • @AndrewReid_EOSHD

    Andrew, start fucking reading and thinking. Finally!

  • Putin's favourite sport is calling the west at their own game. It's not really a fun game or a fair game. That's why western politicians have so little to say and are generally reduced to bad sport commentators in such a situation.

    Another way to look at nation-state politics is a bunch of mafia bosses who have a 'truce' from time to time but make secret deals on the side until some business goes bad and then it gets ugly when they have to figure out how to knock someone off to expand into their territory. Of course to look 'clean' they do lots of PR with charities, loans, parties etc to keep up a good image. In our case, autocratic "democracies" are a kind of mafia that deal mostly in fossil fuels, the opium of the 20th century and now 'data', the synthetic fashion drug of the 21st.

    It does help to look at various facts like Ukraine's debt, a big part of which is loans to buy military hardware (funny enough from the same people who lend them money). Imagine if Ukraine used any of that money to buy Russian hardware. What do you think would happen? If you're a grifter bank, how much sympathy do you give to your clients, really...

    The woes of materialists is all quite sad and pointless in the end (at least for me), but you'll never hear the well paid propagandists, bankers and analysts complain about it (except to their bar tenders, prostitutes and therapists).

  • Dual morality is always the best:

    Sanctions does not cover the russian gas/oil flowing into Germany/EU neither the payment system SWIFT used by Germany/EU to pay for said gas/oil.

    Electric power prices is already at a dramatic level here in Norway due to the large amount of electricity sales on the cables running to Germany and UK etc, next week the electricity price might get a 25 per cent price hike due to the invasion.

    If Germany/EU loses the russian gas/oil there will be total energy disaster in EU.

  • Intel, Dell and Lenovo stopped any deliveries to Russia, all their products will be banned from selling to Russia.

  • Poland proposes to perform act of suicide inducing huge blow on economy and their citizens:

    • disconnection of Russia from SWIFT and complete blocking of Russian banks
    • the closure of the European space for Russian aircraft
    • freezing and confiscation of the property of Russian oligarchs in favor of the destroyed infrastructure in Ukraine
    • disconnection of Russian firms from MSCI
    • final abandonment of Nord Stream 2
    • refusal to buy oil, gas and coal from Russia

    Issue is that without Russian and Ukranian fertilizers, coal, gas and oil Poland citizens will starve and die in less than few months.

  • Political correctness has reached British intelligence. In light of rising tensions in Europe, employees are advised to avoid words such as “manpower” (personnel), “grip” (power, reception), “strong” (strong) and generally monitor their “white privileges”