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China: Zugzwang
  • As it is now clear - decision to make total lockdown and quarantine 500 million of citizens had been wrong.

    Issue is that big and nice looking bureaucratic machine wanted to repeat that worked with SARS and previous cases.

    But they faced "small" issues - they started to do it too late (had been very afraid of huge protest movement if they won't let people go home on Chinese New Year) and infection is very different as it has asymptomatic stage where owner already spreads the virus. So all this temperature checks do mostly nothing.

    You can observe how very strict lockdown and quarantine works on cruise ship docked in Japanese. Small tip - it works horribly. Everything that can go wrong goes wrong (but with previous cases of viruses same things worked).

    Now it is time to make next move, and in modern China it means to start full fledged work almost eliminating any protections. And this can lead to coup, right (becoming total US protectorate) or left (throwing out opportunists and rely on people, making second Cultural Revolution).

    Btw, China also has no masks for everyone for each day to even start working. And it is big idiotic secret of government.

  • 70 Replies sorted by
  • the government has been reigning in the Chinese John Boltons, General MacArthurs and General Curtis Lemays for many years, any instability now and they might not be able to control the hawks who will bring Christmas gifts to Donald Trump's America. Let's hope it's not Christmas in July :)

    In April 1951, MacArthur defied Truman and launched a B29 nuclear bomber against North Korea and China to begin “...the permanent disposal of the Chinese Communist question” but the plane was shot down by PLA pilot Wang Zhejian flying a MIG15.

    Just when Truman received the news of MacArthur’s attempt to start a nuclear war is not certain. It was either late that evening, Guam time, or more likely early on the morning of 11th April. He apparently reacted with one sentence: “I’m not going to crucify a hero; thank God I have his insubordination to go on.” The rest is history. That day, 11th April (which was 12th April in Tokyo), Truman issued the order to dismiss MacArthur

    the doctor Dr. Li Wenliang who Western Media claim was a whistleblower, the first to alert people of COVID 19 was an ophthalmologist, not a virologist. Dr. Zhang Jixian already warned the govt before him...

    ( Dr. Li Wenliang ) and 8 others posted their unverified findings online which resulted in a panic in the city and 5 million people leaving. That created this whole mess. This doctor not only endangered himself, his medical staff and the police, he ended up dead.

  • All states have system inertia. The quarantine failed only because that same system inertia created it too late. In the natural world, it's success would always be measured by how fast it was placed. And of course that incubation wasn't understood. The ship was a test tube. Probably told us the real infection rate within closed systems. They were breathing recycled air. It didn't tell us anything about the virus in any other case. The moral and political issues waste good energy better spent elsewhere. It's not China's's the west's turn. It. China, might venture to ask. China must be offered the financial aid large enough w/o strings attached that allow them to maintain the quarantine. And it should be done now. Simple. The Marshall Plan China. Of course that won't happen, not from this version of the west anyway. It really wouldn't be that much money. We just print the shit anyway. But, if not, I could easily see a political hurricane coming. And history always repeats itself, and people and societies usually use solutions common to their vocabulary. No way it would become a real capitalist surrogate. @Vitaliy ....perhaps the term protectorate has too many connotations ,some of them legal, because there are already US Protectorates, like Puerto Rico. Hawaii and Alaska were Us Protectorates within my lifetime. Anyway surrogate is closer, and I still think people chose what they know....and death make people think alot about fonder times, even reading the little red book.

  • @jleo...counterpunch doesn't makes anything gospel. Research the author, is the first move. Nearly nothing. One thing alludes to anything personal. Says he's a member of veterans for peace? ...on facebook ? Nothing else before... he just arrived writing articles for the left leaning press. Pro disinfo-ist ? Anyone would be the fool to believe china is not using totalitarian mechanisms in it's struggle with the virus, against new, or old outspoken citizens. ps....the dude says the bsl-4 leak scenario a meme. That tells you something about the author....if you happen to think it's a good possibility it's true.

  • too fast, too slow doesn't satisfy the vultures. They have researched you and me...nothing. We are all guessing :) If China is doing everything wrong wait and see what happens when the pandemic comes to US MCA countries where people have guns and people hate "totalitarian mechanisms". Won't look pretty :( Facebook and Youtube are already going after outspoken citzizens! To counter personal views of the COVID crisis, on some China based vloggers, youtube places a WHO link encouraging viewers to find out the official COVID story.

    Maitreya Bhakal, writer in India looks at language bias used in Western media about China

    • China doesn't treat patients, it "rounds them up"
    • China doesn't enforce quarantines, "it enforces "lockdowns"
    • China doesn't revise counting methodologies, it "under-reports" cases
    • China doesn't prevent people from shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, it "censors free speech"
    • China doesn't requisition private hospitals during a health emergency by passing laws, it "seizes" them
    • China doesn't fire officials, it "purges" them
    • Chinese leaders don't strengthen laws, they "concentrate power"
    • Corrupt Chinese officials don't get convicted for corruption, they "lose power struggles"
    • Chinese media doesn't report news, it reports "propaganda"
    • Chinese companies don't innovate, they "steal IP"
    • Chinese people are not patriotic, they're "brainwashed"
    • China's government doesn't face governance challenges, they face "threats" to their rule
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  • @jleo

    I want to remind that US has much smaller density of population, even in most populated areas.

    Also in US it is much more people who work remotely and most of people travel using their cars.

    Also it is 10-20x less very big factories and similar areas.

  • @Vitaliy....UScorp's house sometimes up to 75,000 employees in same facility. Hundreds of those. US universities have sometimes above 50k students on campus. Thousands of those. NY and Chicago have public trans that move hundreds of thousands per, inside enclosed containers. US govt also employees far more people closed inside their offices. Banks, high-rise corps, all vulnerable to this virus's modal. Of course, none compare to India in urban density.

  • @kurth

    Lot of this is possible to move to distant work if it'll be real requirement.

    Public transport in US is good and comparable to Chinese only in few cities (and even in them it is sometimes white spots). Long distance transport as high speed trains is horrible in US (except planes).

    Modern Chinese cities are MUCH more dense than India and can't be compared to any US city.

  • Like SARS and MERS, this might just blow away in a few months, and come back next year as WHO stated...

    Yes, US almost seems sparsely populated at 350 million people compared to 1.4 billion in China. Although a city like Chongqing with 35-38 million people, often the streets look completely empty during the day. It can feel like Omega Man walking around. If we look at this week's flu infection report, spread rate is lower in Hawaii, D.C. and Oregon? Maybe more hermits and preppers in Oregon?


    But disaster response in US has been chaotic during Hurricane Katrina and Maria in Puerto Rico. Even small disturbances like the Hollywood Halloween Parade in 1988 when revelers went looting or hockey riots in Canada have been difficult to control. Americans have guns but ...Chinese are not all as compliant as the media thinks, many know kung fu and those that don't like grandmas throw vegetables :)

    The Federal Emergency Management Agency was already supporting 692 federally declared disasters when hurricane season started last year. Then came the most destructive disaster season in U.S. history, causing $265 billion in damage and forcing more than a million Americans from their homes. FEMA was overwhelmed. So the agency has a novel suggestion for Americans as the 2018 disaster season heats up: Don’t rely on us.
  • Like SARS and MERS, this might just blow away in a few months, and come back next year as WHO stated...

    It differs a lot, this is why China government and WHO is acting more like disinformation agents now.

  • But we have to quote official line somewhere in text so we are not banned by Google, Facebook etc :)

  • @Vitaliy ...what ? Mumbai is the most densely populated city on earth. Haven't been ? Also there's almost zero public transportation in the US. City buses are scarce. Everyone owns a car. It's the first thing an immigrant buys , after room and food.

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  • Possible scenery for China, looking at internal politics and economics.

    Government will be forced to push people into work.

    In March it will start to become administrative measures and possible some food rationing for workers only.

    As it'll be increasingly more ill and dead, ruling government will try to openly take capitalists side pushing all propaganda machine into this.

    At this stage we can see both coup attempts from the left (based on proletariat interests) and the right (openly going in the interests of western and domestic capitalists turn into fascist state).

  • It is interesting dissonance.

    In Chinese official statements you can see extreme optimism, words about "at most one more month to fully deal with virus".

    Yet small and medium business are in full panic mode, as money are going out, local government pressure like hell to make payment to workers (our of nothing). 1-2 more weeks and we'll see tens of thousands of businesses in China going belly up like dead fish.


    Big business for now are getting huge stream of free money (it is expected that China will feed $1-3 trillion dollars on preventing total markets and big manufacturers crash).

    800 x 437 - 73K
  • May be we have socialism in China?

    Well, not much, as 90% of all business owners behave fully according to their class membership - as capitalists.

    They plan to put all pressure on their workers, it won't be any payment on most of the firms, or reduced 20-25% on best of them. And they actually do not care how workers will live in such situation. None of my business is their usual answer.

    And among ordinary workers popularity of Cultural Revolution and solutions offered by it is rising with each day. Big danger lies within this thing.

    "There are two classes, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie... And whoever isn't on one side is on the other".

    J. Reed

    It seems like Chinese elites forgot

    In a capitalist country it is possible to stand for capital and it is possible to stand for labour, but it is impossible to stand for long in between.


    And it can end in big tragedy for them.

  • Senior Chinese central bank officials sought to ease global investors’ worries about the potential damage to the world’s second-largest economy from the outbreak, saying interest rates would be guided lower and that the country’s financial system and currency were resilient.

    They all say such, capitalists I mean.

    Mr Chen Yulu, a deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China, said policymakers had plenty of tools to support the economy, and that they were fully confident of winning the war against the epidemic.

    They have no other choice, actually. As if they won't win this war, it could be none of them at the top or even alive.

  • As I said, lot of small to medium businesses won't make it past virus outbreak


    Smaller employers account for 99.8% of registered companies in China and employ 79.4% of workers, according to the latest official statistics. They contribute more than 60% of gross domestic product and, for the government, more than 50% of tax revenue

    Yet, only about 25% of people had returned to work in China's tier-one cities.

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  • China is a main exporting country for automobile components, accounting for 37.1% of Japan's total import value in 2019 and 31.1% of that of South Korea.

    They are also main producer of non original replacement components, so hit on third party services will be tremendous.

    Also note that modern logistics channels work almost without warehouses (to boost profits and "efficiency"). So, will be triple fun.

  • The Shandong CDC daily new infection numbers ranged from being 1.36 times to 52 times greater than the officially published data by the Shandong health commission and China’s National Health Commission.

    As of Feb. 25, the Shandong government stated that there were a total of 755 infections in the province. But the internal document showed that 1,992 people had tested positive for the virus via nucleic acid testing as of Feb. 23.

    Chinese media now in total crackdown state, reporting only mostly positing things, asking people to go to work.

    90% of people I talked with (and know for long) do not believe official media now.

  • New times


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  • On the supplier side, we have suppliers — you know, iPhone is built everywhere in the world. We have key components coming from the United States, we have key parts that are in China, and so on and so forth.

    When you look at the parts that are done in China, we have reopened factories, so the factories were able to work through the conditions to reopen. They’re reopening.

    Big guys wrote the numbers they want.

  • In a Feb. 7 document, the Hubei provincial government gave orders to the provincial “disease control” agency: “Organizing a 24-hour internet monitoring team to surveil online posts from all websites… Remove all negative and harmful information.”

    The document also noted that authorities removed “4,431 posts which severely damaged public opinion” and censored 3,066 types of negative comments from Feb. 1 to Feb. 8.

    All it will end with second Cultural Revolution, it seems.