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What do we know about the novel coronavirus?
  • 3274 Replies sorted by
  • Now this is a real statement true to life but see materialism won't ever bring anyone there.

    Materialists can bring everyone to the goal, not matertialism by itself :-)

    Socialism thru the incarnation of communism i saw it first hand and the capitalism that i saw most of my life it's al least 100 times worse.

    I see, so you lived in some slums without food under some fancy socialism :-) Or you somehow suddenly made error in naming social system? :-)

    My personal view in about 3 to 5 years we will talk about '19 like paradise on earth and about '20 like a good year...

    My view that in 3-5 years we'll smile and read about one big process on the international criminals, aka biggest capitalists.

  • "Materialists can bring everyone to the goal" yes some of them can be the academy that under materialism on it's crudest i mean big money failed to help humanity.

    "I see, so you lived in some slums without food under some socialism" yes i remember very well ( no joke my friend) around 1987 buying half bread for two with a ugly paper card.

    "My view that in 3-5 years we'll smile and read about one big process on the international criminals, aka biggest capitalists." Capitalism will vanish but we might vanish with them to.

  • "I see, so you lived in some slums without food under some socialism" yes i remember very well ( no joke my friend) around 1987 buying half bread for two with a ugly paper card.

    Let's go into details here, exact details.

    Capitalism will vanish but we might vanish with them to.

    Do not worry, this can happen only if you wil keep same pessimist view and doomsday scenarious that presstitutes of fascism write now.

  • Uk death toll is not impressive, need to add a little - Financial times


    705 x 442 - 31K
  • open source project to prove corona escaped from wuhan lab....

  • Let's go into details here, exact details

    Well in '82 the ceausescu regime in Romania made the " scientific food program for population" so we could buy half a bread a day and one kg of sugar and oil a month. Crazy enough the country was one of the bigest producers of grain. There are many details to talk about but the idea is that i now first hand the comunism with the bad and the good. Of course socialism is not comunism but are inseparable.

    Im actually not that pessimist but if we put the things on a table and try to figure out the picture it doesn't look good and that's it.

  • All govts natural tendency is toward totalitarian. It's the perfect govt, from govt's organizational pov. And in real world , totalitarianism's path to ascendancy appears quickest in communist counties. Point of fact. However that doesn't preclude democracies and socialist countries from also morphing into totalitarian societies. And as well, it doesn't preclude communism from one day developing it's humanist vision. But texts and quotes a real world doesn't make.

  • biodefense ( i.e. bioweapons) scientist want to convince us that corona wasn't manmade...but do a pathetic job of it, imho...but I'm glad someone's making a list, and counting it see who's been naughty, and see who's been nice......

  • wow...jpost is coming out with some unverifiable but interesting mat'l....the temp and eye things.... and their vac....

  • @garroulus

    Well in '82 the ceausescu regime in Romania made the " scientific food program for population" so we could buy half a bread a day and one kg of sugar and oil a month. Crazy enough the country was one of the bigest producers of grain. There are many details to talk about but the idea is that i now first hand the comunism with the bad and the good. Of course socialism is not comunism but are inseparable.

    Where exactly you lived? What is your birth year?

    so we could buy half a bread a day and one kg of sugar and oil a month.

    Can you give me references to this, please.

    On genocide in Romania:


    It is good to remember that till 1990 you see genocide and sharply dropping population, see how chart clearly shows this? No food and no means to give a birth as your child won't survive. But since 1990 all things changed, freedom came. And things changed for good. Unfortunately lot of people didn't fit in this nice world, so they had to die (to free space for better ones!) and children also somehow did not fit also. This time for real.



    800 x 582 - 67K
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    800 x 508 - 45K
    800 x 564 - 49K
  • @garroulus...hard to surpass real direct experience. No way to graph the curve.

  • @kurth

    For now we are researching this direct expirience. Details and more details to get to the core.

    Curve just shows that people had been clearly delusional, as you don't see anything horrible on the curve before 1990, but everyone can clearly see it after this dates.

  • Where to look?

    • Filter out all direct coronavirus horros reports
    • Precilly track changes in medicine
    • Precisely track any laws or documents giving police and army more power
    • Precisely track changes in education, new laws anbd documents
    • Carefully look for any individual tracking and transport tracking proposals and solutions

    In other words - watch for ruling class hands, not his mouth.

    Always remember famous "war with terrorism" (with all terrorist being fed and provided weapon bys ame guys) and similar stances.

    This is what brings the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) so closely together – the WHO is there to protect the health of people and well-placed to advise on health priorities; the IMF exists to protect the health of the world economy – it advises on economic priorities, and also helps provide financing.

  • diamox for high altitude sickness ...and..... ..... ..... and.... ""“Quinidine(Major) Acetazolamide can decrease excretion of quinidine because carbonic anhydrase inhibitors increase the alkalinity of the urine, thereby increasing the amount of nonionized drug available for renal tubular reabsorption. The effects of quinidine can be prolonged or enhanced. “" From Prescriber’s Digital Reference ....and....

  • Mordor news

    Despite quite lacking statistics (actually it is now outbreaks in hospitals that bring lot of new cases) electronic passes system being implemented by force.

    QR codes, passports will become norm across all country, starting from 21 regions and moving to all else.

    Such system became necessary for ruling class as people started to ignore all hysteria. So now it all moving into huge fines and passes.

  • A ramp-up in short lead-time orders placed by AMD and Nvidia will allow TSMC to post relatively strong results compared to other foundries in the first half of 2020, according to industry sources.

    Note that most of this orders are for advanced GPUs that will be used in new tracking systems for image and audio recognition and will be installed in existing and new datacenters.

  • Prof Chris Whitty said it was "wholly unrealistic" to expect life would suddenly return to normal soon. He said "in the long run" the ideal way out would be via a "highly effective vaccine" or drugs to treat the disease. But he warned that the chance of having those within the next calendar year was "incredibly small". "This disease is not going to be eradicated, it is not going to disappear," he said, at the government's daily coronavirus briefing. "So we have to accept that we are working with a disease that we are going to be with globally... for the foreseeable future."

    Prof Whitty said the public should not expect the number of coronavirus-related deaths to "fall away" suddenly after the peak.

    In other words, he said to sit for at leasy till January, but as it'll be next best seasonf or flu like viruses it will be till next... Jesus coming.

  • I told the governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, that I disagree strongly with his decision to open certain facilities which are in violation of the phase one guidelines for the incredible people of Georgia," the president said during his nightly press conference on Wednesday.

    So, all liberation and reopening talks had been just.. talks.

  • All of Germany's states have announced plans to make face masks compulsory to combat the spread of coronavirus.

    Still no masks provided, just demand. And still 98% of people will be wearing same old cheap mask and do it improper.

    And why we have such plans 3 month after proper date to make them work?

    Actually it is explained below:

    Even the type of mask is not consistently specified. Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann of Baden-Württemberg has said medical masks should be reserved for health workers, while scarves or cloth covers would be sufficient for people on the street.

    Criminals, who DO NOT cate for your health at all.

  • Talked to one interesting man.

    His version is that lack of good masks and respirators recommendation comes from fact that automatic face recognition rate drops ten fold if people use them. For surgical cheap masks drop is only 2-3x (as China and Japan invested tens of billions in this in prior years).

    And face recognition will be major tool for new order.

  • Was living close to then border of Russia and im in the forty's enough te remember those times. The graph's never show the whole story. The '70 was very good but the '80 where real horror for most of the population rationalized food electricity, even water, heat in the winter, gas and so on ...but everything on a good purpose as in '89 right before the execution of Ceusescu the country had zero debt. There was severe law for abortion which is one aspect for the high natality.

    This movie depicts quite well the reality of that time. It was shot in the city where im still living. Another aspect is that everyone started to be a small capitalist making small business some making huge money but they couldn't spend it as the most expensive thing to buy was a car. Everyone had a job and had money bu not much to buy. Ironically in the '90 we could buy everything we wanted but due to huge inflation people didn't had money so big exodus to the west started and that's one aspect for the lower natality after '90.

    Today the the country it's still divided some say that it was better some that it was horror. Some reference in romanian.

  • @garroulus : well if you rely just on personal opinions rather than data, then I think it is fair to quote this poll:

    "The most incredible result was registered in a July 2010 IRES (Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy) poll, according to which 41% of the respondents would have voted for Ceausescu, had he run for the position of president. And 63% of the survey participants said their life was better during communism, while only 23% attested that their life was worse then. Some 68% declared that communism was a good idea, just one that had been poorly applied "