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What do we know about the novel coronavirus?
  • 3274 Replies sorted by
  • In a statement released by the Indian government's press service, it is said that the research results were provided by the INSACOG Science Center, which is studying COVID-19. According to scientists from several dozen Indian laboratories, "delta plus" is indeed a matter of serious concern, since it differs from the previous strain by a higher spreading rate and the ability to more strongly affect lung cells. Also, scientists admitted that the new strain will be able to overcome the protection created by antibodies.

  • As we expected. Several strains released over time from several labs around the world, so they can increase dead’s little by little.

    The story of the frog in the pan. It won’t know its being cooked until is all ready dead.

    This will go on until 2025 easy.

  • We also call for a timely, transparent, expert-led, and science-based WHO-convened Phase 2 COVID-19 Origins study including, as recommended by the experts’ report, in China.

  • "Plandemic?" Sure looks like it to me.

  • And the first video in the "plandemic" series:

  • Get ready for future strains and also a much worse virus by 2030.

    Covid will stay til 2025 as a must.

    Lock downs, population control and forced vaccines will be the new normal, I’ve been saying this all This thread, from the beginning of it.

    More covid variants will be deployed and a final virus like aids but hemorrhagic like Ebola will be the final blow to depopulate this world.

    I’m not against depopulation.

    We are all pest for the planet. I’m against the ways it’s done.

  • I think we're not pests... Whether you're religious or agnostic, humans are a part of nature and deserve a place at the table of our planet. Can we be better stewards? Of course, but it's a process. Fauci, The W.H.O., CDC et. al. have culpability in patenting and profiting from this plandemic and the deaths they are causing without remorse by both the lab-created virus and the vaccines.

  • Israel has serious issues with COVID delta virus variant

    The Ministry of Health is preparing a decree on compulsory isolation in contact with a sick person, not only of the unvaccinated, but also of the vaccinated, since it is already clear that the vaccine does not completely protect against the Delta strain. If it is suspected that he has come into contact with a person infected with the Indian variant of the coronavirus, the vaccinated person will be quarantined under normal conditions.

    Restrictions will also return very soon.

  • “We will go from Delta to Lambda and then on to the other Greek letters, that’s inevitable, and some of these variants will be troublesome,”.

    “I’m basically saying variants are going to go on coming. That’s part of life, we need to pick them up fast, we need to move quickly if we see them in a certain location, we need to build the management of variants into what we call our Covid-ready strategy, which is going to be the pattern for the foreseeable future,”

    Mask mandates and social distancing need to remain in place for the foreseeable future “as part of our defence” against COVID.

    Special Envoy on Covid for the World Health Organisation (WHO). Dr David Nabarro.

  • Lol.

    just what ive said

    remember 2025 will end this. For 2030, new pandemic with REAL breathtaking movie like symptoms.

    there will be no doubt to get a vaccine immediately from any one any time anywhere.

    By then, nano shit will be all around and thriving and you will be not be a human anymore, by definition.

    :D be happy future!!!! welcome Lamb...ehemm sorry weolcome human to the new future DNA of firmware upda..ehemm.. vaccines anual safety precautions for your safety!!!

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized for the first time that children can be vaccinated against coronavirus, follows from its updated recommendations.

    They say that children and adolescents tend to tolerate COVID-19 more mildly than adults.

    “Therefore, if they are not in a group with a higher risk of severe COVID-19, they need to be vaccinated less urgently than the elderly, people with chronic diseases and health care workers,” - said in the updated WHO guidelines.

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  • @endotoxic

    You keep repeating sounds more and more like reality around us...

  • @endotoxic

    By then, nano shit will be all around and thriving and you will be not be a human anymore, by definition.

    :D be happy future!!!! welcome Lamb...ehemm sorry weolcome human to the new future DNA of firmware upda..ehemm.. vaccines anual safety precautions for your safety!!!

    State of present genetic science is so bad that this guys have issue making any good vegetable even, I am not talk about some human that abide exploiters.

    Right now capitalist put everything at stake, as if China come out with total scientific and social solution to coronavirus we can see fast collapse of US and EU, just due to social uprising.

  • i posted the other day various videos about those DNA printers and the future of humanism.

    Also another one with a TED talk predicting on what could be done with this knowledge several months before this new printers where released and one year later covid is exposed on exactly what the TED talk was talking about.

    I know we are not at the state of understanding the inner mechanics of many things, but that doesn't mean we cant construct on those blocs, things with purpose.


    With this DNA printers you only have to copy and modify existing blocks to increase or decrease functions to the core of ANY organism. Dot be naive @Vitaliy_kiselev, you know more than me how things work but sometimes you lack in creativity my friend, the mayor force behind all inventions. For me all the discovery that are being made concerning COVID is mainly used for increasing in Lab its functions, as you can see in all those "variants"now, printing go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    im not even talking about those magnetism ON VACCIES related shit that is going on lately, which is REAL crazy. I have not research enough so i cant really make a point yet.

    We all already in a movie like scene world wide. @garroulus Its only a matter of time ( no more than 10 years ) before "mass shootings" will change to "biological attacks" with several real bad consequences. I know im also very pessimistic, but look around how things are really going, all is "deforming" really fast.
    ´ @firstbase The point on which its not sustainable going on like this overpopulating over polluting ( i consider CO2 scam and global warming since mother earth has its "PERIOD" approximately every 26 thousand years if not less ) I think we as humans are a pest, we destroy every place we go, and in reality we are a heavily dependent species on EVERYTHING! At this point i really believed there was no evolution, we are fucking designed and dropped to live spme time ago, and to fuck things up, some latest study shows how DMT is in reality a endogenous neurotransmitter that regulates the perception of "your reality" so the more you have endogenously the more you see the real " reality " WTF DUDE!!!! so this is really a simulation????, add to that so many desease on chromosome level we have so many!!!, ask a panther, a hiena, or giraffe if they have diabetes, blood pressure, strokes, but no!!! ask a pure breed dog!! fucked as we are, cooss??? intervention of some one over several years, i will not mention who LOL . We are also very toxic in ALL levels, from waste to blood. There is no way we are evolution from earth naturally. Returning to the point, depopulation for me is like parental control. I have no problem being depopulated, they can kill me if the CAN, fuck they can put some nasty shit in water.

    Thing is, to advance to the next level, is necessary to drop out past values, we killed god by using science, now we have to accept the consequences of loosing 2000 years of divine "answers" for "scientifically proven" facts, and that is a really hard job to do. Now that we are realising how shits work and really how it is, we NEED to drop old values, like family, and many other things, its NOT COMPATIBLE WITH FUTURE, organic shit will die, synthetic is the future, and old organic "feelings" are also being change, look at social networks on all of its classes. Even study will become elite to go, only for the ones with money, the rest? turn on your cell phone and pay internet and learn.

    We are entering a new phase on humanity, and many many people think that this will be slow, dude, this will change really rapidly after depopulation is finished, values on Netflix, the reflection on movie themes, the mood around its all very deformed. You´ll say well, we also have very good things around us, of course we do!!! we are really cool species, look at art, engineering, architecture, sports, mechanics, nanotechnology!!! dude all for advancing, entertaining, and creating culture, the driving force behind all things, culture!

    Guess what! we can be cloned too!!!!!!, and made and design on lab, that´s not a dream science fiction movie, IS A FACT we no longer need families you can indoctrinate and make new generation of humans for specific purpose, mix with military and look at china my friend, its all there, even ORGAN HARVESTING, at will over there.

    There is no difference in cattle and us now.

    I´ve realized long ago we are a product, with purpose, its not depressing, but as products of very limited freedom, we can really make a good life if we really obey a lot.

    You think you are free, and think you live a free life, keep on thinking.



    wait for 2030!!!!!! new suprises!


    Also expect "humanity" transformation into something really spectacular before 2060, virtuous in every aspect beautiful beings, amazing intellect, art never seen before, so advanced, juts, no human any more. :D

  • @endotoxic

    I wrote about DNA printers a lot here.

    Thing is - printer is not all.

    Also don't start painting nightmare where viruses rule.

    Even COVID (work of last 20-25 years) required total information control to suppress anything that can prevent necessary outcome. But in China, main target, it failed anyway.

    Yes, capitalism can try to make extreme genocide during its last years of existence. But it uses viruses not because it is so powerful, it uses them because it is old sick weakling.

    Present solution to viruses is extreme amount of testing, simple even for ordinary people to do at home. Fast isolation, change on how hospitals are build and how they function.

    Remember that we had quite fun incident during last year fall, where after all west media started to attack Russian vaccine our media published short message that we can release spray like genetically engineered cure, not vaccine. Right from the next week all western media started to like SPUTNIK very much.

  • Lol its true about the sputnik news! that was fun

    im not paiting nightmare about viruses rules, im seeing it as a PHASE in human history and we are aproaching thar "state soon" it will not be forever it will not kill us all, but it will be nasty.

    About capitalism and its lasts years, i dont doubt its very ineficient now but the virus they use is a weapon modifier of conduct in human behaviour, more than killing them if you ask me. Future version will kill.

    Isolation is one of the modifiers they want to implement, anxiety rises the buying, Alibaba, and Amazon friends are having massive orgies with their "small" earnings.

    About covid and printers in general. What you are not figuring out is something @Vitaliy_kiselev, 20 years ago a LAB cost minimun 20 million dollars to implement. Now that same can be done with 3 million 20 years will be $150k This printers are not cheap now, and the "inks" are not cheap either, you used to hack printers lol, maybe youll hack this new types later imagine!!

    Remember i´ve said it many times before, covid-19 is a modifier of conduct, not a virus, is a sinonimus of CHANGE, not death, yet.

  • NPR reports that researchers have published results showing that you can inject CRISPR-Cas9 into the bloodstream to make edits, opening the door to the use of gene editing for treating many common diseases.

    The experimental treatment tackled a rare genetic disease, transthyretin amyloidosis. Scientists injected volunteers with CRISPR-loaded nanoparticles that were absorbed by the patients' livers, editing a gene in the organ to disable production of a harmful protein.

    I think that COVID is very tightly related to this, we are just 3-4 generations of vaccines away from such thing.

  • Gene editing. Good or bad?


  • The spread of the newest strain of the delta plus coronavirus requires an urgent response, otherwise a new lockdown will have to be introduced. This was announced by the official representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Russia Melita Vuinovich.

    New lockdowns coming.

  • In South Africa, quarantine measures have been tightened due to the spread of a new strain of the delta coronavirus and the country is moving to the fourth level of danger, said President Cyril Ramaphosa. His words are quoted on the website of the South African Ministry of Health.

    All meetings - indoors and outdoors - are prohibited. This includes religious, political, cultural and social gatherings.

    It seems like it will go indefinite.

  • It will go indefinite in all the world little by little.

  • New totally different strains are coming

    The usual mechanism for the invasion of SARS-CoV-2 into the body works as follows: with the help of a spike protein, the virus clings to the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) on the surface of the cell and enters it. As the experts found out, due to the mutation, the coronavirus may not use the ACE2 receptors. This discovery shows that the virus can change unexpectedly and find new ways of infecting the body.

    Scientists have done most of the research on coronavirus with primate kidney cells, as SARS-CoV-2 spreads rapidly in them. However, a new experiment showed that human lung cancer cells lacking angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 are susceptible to a mutated virus grown in the laboratory (variant E484D S).

    They clarified that it is not yet clear whether such a mutation is possible in real conditions outside the laboratory. They must find an alternative receptor for the virus to enter cells, the researchers said.


    So this guys already made things in laboratory.

  • The scientists from Flinders University and La Trobe used powerful computers to model the protein receptors in a number of animal species to see how the coronavirus’s spike protein attached itself to them.

    The theory was that if the coronavirus attached itself readily to an animal like a bat or a pangolin, it would have likely been the species that the bug used to make its leap into the human population.

    However, the modelling found that the coronavirus’s spike protein was best suited to attacking protein receptors in humans.

    "The computer modelling found the virus’s ability to bind to the bat ACE2 protein was poor relative to its ability to bind human cells," said Flinders University epidemiologist and vaccine researcher Professor Nikolai Petrovsky.

  • FDA Reveals List of Covid-19 Vaccine, INCLUDING DEATH:

    Behind closed doors, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has discussed a long list of serious health problems that will be caused by new covid-19 injections. These “adverse events” are not publicized because vaccine companies and their media cohorts need everyone to believe that the vaccines are “safe and effective.”

    Side Effects Include: • Strokes • Seizures • Autoimmune Diseases • Tranverse Myelitis • Paralysis • Negative Pregnancy Outcomes • Negative Birth Outcomes • Infertility • Damages to the Nervous and Immune Systems • Inflammatory Syndrome • SIDS • Death ...and more...