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What do we know about the novel coronavirus?
  • 3274 Replies sorted by
  • @kurth

    I watched it on fast speed. And I judge on contents, not on fact that we have some stupid ER doctors. IF this guys are ok to stand behind their spoken points - they must be prosecuted in any normal country. As they are traitors, as I said. During war if you have some old good soldier spreading panic and asking everyone to just give up and run, you are not starting looking on that he done before, you shoot him. This is the laws of war.

    And "It is fully true, as we have history of posts, easy to check. " prove where I said covid is no biggie. Easy to it. Never said it. It's a fib.

    You again talk with yourself. My post in this part talked about masks and sealing issues.

    And please link to 'flu research' that says flu is easily infectious in the open air

    It needs good time to find that I browsed during spring time. But it is such.

    Yet govts have people wearing masks when they aren't within a 100 yards of another person.

    Because you can't simply get off usual mask and get it on again each time, hence the public recommendations.

    Oh and NZ, and it's pretty totalitarian. And 'efficient proper goal management'....turns out to be totalitarianism every time.

    China, Vietnam, Cuba, NZ, Thailand, Australia (with very strict measures despite some outbreaks), South Korea is quite good.

  • I don't talk with myself....I said prove where I said covid is no biggie. You can't everything else you say is bs as well. And this isn't war....that's where you're confused....and then it's turtles all the way down. There's always someone who wants to line up people against the wall, for disagreeing with them. Most people see it for what it is.

  • I don't talk with myself....I said prove where I said covid is no biggie. You can't everything else you say is bs as well.

    I removed part in my post about "no biggie", as I'll have time I'll return to this. but now it is not appropriate.

    My words had been about sealing, not this and it is just distraction.

    And this isn't war....that's where you're confused....and then it's turtles all the way down. There's always someone who wants to line up people against the wall, for disagreeing with them. Most people see it for what it is.

    It is a war like situation. Where such words lead to mass casualties. Yes, and until it is people who not only want, but will actually hang this bastards - good people will suffer.

    So, yes, as I told you many months before, before using such words as "freedom" you need to understand definitions, and you still don't. You just go with the flow.

    People who in mass spread video say like "look, I have free to express opinion that you should not wear masks, and they are totally inefficient and we are so nice professional doctors who know better and we need our business to run and prosper without stupid restriction that save people", are not freedom fighters and can't even be associated with this word, quite reverse. They must be shot in the head.

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  • The biggest harm that the Swedish model has done is that we still have lot of people who are citing the Swedish experience as positive. The so-called statement of the Belgian doctors about the dangers of all quarantine restrictions and the requirement to cancel all this is circulating on the network.

    Recently, a declaration by scientists from Harvard and Oxford Universities appeared, there is about the same, but more moderate calls. Emphasis is placed on the mental health of citizens and on the fact that the elderly will be greatly affected by quarantine. Stating that many older people are willing to put themselves at severe risk of getting sick, even with the threat of death, and we must let them die peacefully.

    All these letters are written competently, in good style. The letter of the Belgian doctors has been translated into many languages ​​and posted on a specially created website. All is done with the support of some kind of external money. This does not sound like a spontaneous impulse of specific doctors.

    There are many doctors in the world. You can always find those who will sign any, even completely false, document. But this does not mean that this is the ultimate truth. Instead it is terrible harm. People begin to perceive these letters as legitimization of their behavior: "You see, even a professor at the Oxford School of Medicine believes that you don't need to wear masks, and I won't."

    Quite good view on all this traitors. System must heal itself and put morons and corrupt "doctors" where they belong - on big nice tree with company of the rope.

  • @Vitaliy...actually it reads like you wrote it. Did you ? The people that eventually get put on the rope are those that want to put others on one. Ask Mussolini. ....and poverty has doubled. Lockdowns are the cause.

  • @kurth

    ...actually it reads like you wrote it. Did you ?


    Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University (USA), Chief Researcher of the Medical Genetic Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ancha Baranova.

    The people that eventually get put on the rope are those that want to put others on one. Ask Mussolini. ....and poverty has doubled. Lockdowns are the cause.

    No, capitalism is the cause. Same shit that stops science, production and most other things, so small bunch of managers, investors and old elite families will keep live as they do.

    You make error, because you think that time of sweet nice talks is still going. No, the time is up. You can literally see it in laws, military preparations, police enforcement and tons of other actions.

    With Mussolini you totally fucked up, as he was hanged by our side, the hard working people. Because he actually was servant of capitalists, author of nice idea that allowed them survive and fully destroy millions of innocent lives. For a little while.

    I could not help being charmed, like so many other people have been, by Signor Mussolini’s gentle and simple bearing and by his calm detached poise in spite of so many burdens and dangers. Secondly, anyone could see that he thought of nothing but the lasting good, as he understands it, of the Italian people, and that no lesser interest was of the slightest consequence to him.

    If I had been an Italian I am sure that I should have been wholeheartedly with you from the start to finish in your triumphant struggle against the bestial appetites and passions of Leninism. But in England we have not had to fight this danger in the same deadly form. We have our way of doing things.

    I will say a word on the international aspect of Fascismo. Externally, your movement has rendered a service to the whole world. The great fear which has always beset every democratic leader or working-class leader has been that of being undermined or overbid by someone more extreme than he: It seems that a continued progression to the Left, a sort of inevitable landslide into the abyss was characteristic of all revolutions. Italy has shown that there is a way of fighting the subversive forces which can rally the mass of the people, properly led, to value and wish to defend the honour and stability of civilised society. She has provided the necessary antidote to the Russian poison. The great mass of people love their country and are proud of its flag and history. They do not regard these as incompatible with a progressive advance towards social justice and economic betterment

    Churchill, 1927

  • @Vitaliy...your mistake is you view everything as if it's russian history. The world is not russian history. It's not 1903. Add Robespierre and his committee of public safety to the list. Committee of public safety....humm....that sounds familiar. Churchill obviously changed his mind. And Ancha Baranova is just one researcher....working at a second rate university. I don't think she'll carry much weight. The thing about fascism and communism being polar opposites is only in your imagination. They both end up in the same place in real life, or historically, up until now. However utopianism is such a pretty idea. You're between a rock and hard place. Poverty is rising all over the world, yet you advocate more poverty to get rid of a virus. Reminds me of what you said about it being difficult to remove a mask when no one's around, so everyone should be forced to wear one 24 hours a day, yet you also say fomites are not an issue. If fomites aren't an issue, what's so hard about taking a mask off ?

  • @kurth

    ...your mistake is you view everything as if it's russian history. The world is not russian history. It's not 1903. Add Robespierre and his committee of public safety to the list.

    You mean that it is better to strike out history of lot of countries and future of most countries int he world because it does not fit your narrative?

    Churchill obviously changed his mind.

    Obviously you have extremely little knowledge of the history.

    The thing about fascism and communism being polar opposites is only in your imagination. They both end up in the same place in real life, or historically, up until now. However utopianism is such a pretty idea.

    Of course they can end up in same place in your mind. As you don't want to read or know anything.

    Communists are not guys who want to make any utopia (btw read that it means, it'll help),

    Poverty is rising all over the world, yet you advocate more poverty to get rid of a virus.

    I just wrote that only way is to destroy capitalism as cause of poverty.

    And you presently advocate killing tens of millions of people to save capitalists.

    And no, it is no pretty nice exit, as right wing and libertarian sites proclaim.

    Reminds me of what you said about it being difficult to remove a mask when no one's around, so everyone should be forced to wear one 24 hours a day.

    I never told this. You just patched it all up from your fuzzy thoughts.

  • @kurth ... have alot in common with your enemies

    Your issue is that you are stuck. Like rock.

    At present time doing that Amazon did is right thing to do, as it means protecting lives.

    Does it mean that Amazon are my friends? No. As such way you can put into list of my friends all people who wash hands.

  • On contact path

    Our local authorities cite that it is not much research actually done on contact way of catching COVID, present estimate that at worst it is 10% of all infections, but this include people who did not even wash hands and did not use masks. Almost 90% of such infections happened by touching inner parts of nose or lips.

    But as I said, it is still almost total lack of good research with big number of participants.

  • @Vitaliy...""Because you can't simply get off usual mask and get it on again each time, hence the public recommendations""...even posted on the same page...whose got alzheimers ? ""Of course they can end up in same place in your mind."" jaja...and so why can't anyone post the name of your own country ? You've got to in any good totalitarian regime. Little people all over the world are demanding a stop to lockdowns, and not to save all those big capitalist, but to eat their next meal. In fact your lockdown philosophy has made the big capitalist far richer ! Your issue is your philosophy is a muddle of contradictions. Everything you propose is no different than the western authoritarians. The only way you propose to save the world is to destroy it first. How many billions would die for your pathetic dream to come true ?


    "There is currently no conclusive evidence for fomite or direct contact transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in humans."

  • @kurth

    You recently moved to more heavy drugs. :-)

    ""Of course they can end up in same place in your mind."" jaja...and so why can't anyone post the name of your own country ? You've got to in any good totalitarian regime.

    I already explained reason of this. Instead you keep banging your head with the door. Having posts about Mordor issues is certainly because of totalitarism, yes.

    Little people all over the world are demanding a stop to lockdowns, and not to save all those big capitalist, but to eat their next meal.

    Somehow almost all this "little people" who had been best organized and media covered are right wing groups sponsored by small and big business :-) Or it is interest of business to keep things open?

    Other protests - badly organized workers who had been just thrown out by their capitalist owners (including small businesses). Nothing new or surprising, they made same thing hundreds times in case of big issues.

    The only way you propose to save the world is to destroy it first. How many billions would die for your pathetic dream to come true ?

    Right now tens of millions die each year due to patents, closed scientific research, huge profits of medical companies, destruction of stored food, and tons of other nice capitalist reasons.

    People will die, of course, most of them being capitalists and their puppets and servants.

    Btw, your constant proposal for nice peaceful agreement and talks on how financial capital (or only big tech) are bad, but capitalism is good and people need to unite... is exactly fascism core ideas. As you just openly said - Missulini had been author.

    Time to remember the International

    We will destroy all the world of violence
    Completely, and then
    We will built our world, we will built the new world -
    Who was nothing will become everything.

  • On vaccines in capitalism

    The UK currently has among the highest national coverage of flu vaccine in the world, vaccinating around 75% of the over-65s against flu every year; most countries either do worse or have no vaccination programmes for older people. It is reasonable to expect that this level of coverage could be achieved for a Covid-19 vaccine in that age group in the UK.

    Therefore, if the Covid-19 vaccine is 75% effective – meaning that 75% of those vaccinated become immune – then we would actually only protect 56% of that target population (75% of 75%). This would not be enough to stop the virus circulating. Almost half of our highest risk group would remain susceptible, and we won’t know who they are. Relaxing social distancing rules when facing those risks seems a bit like Russian roulette.

    Let’s look at people younger than 65 in medical risk groups. In a good year, the UK vaccinates 50% of them against flu. That means just over a third of them are going to be protected (50% of 75%). Just to make matters worse, regulators such as the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency have said that they would accept a 50% lower level for efficacy for candidate Covid-19 vaccines. If that efficacy level is fulfilled, we have to multiply coverage by 50% efficacy, not 75%, and suddenly it all gets more concerning.

  • @Vitaliy...." We will destroy all the world of violence Completely, and then We will built our world, we will built the new world - Who was nothing will become everything." .... perfect example of utopianism. Educate yourself.

  • @kurth

    ... perfect example of utopianism. Educate yourself.

    Yes, exactly this is why all capitalist countries turned their police forces into little armies and are making tons of other preparations, including killing or jailing communists.

    They just are afraid of some shitty utopianism. Stupid bastards.

    I think you are also afraid :-)

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  • More on contact path

    Samples of the coronavirus were found only in 170 washes out of more than 135 thousand examined from surfaces in medical organizations, at trade and transport facilities. Positive findings accounted for only 0.13 percent of the total number of samples.

    This is first more or less mass testing that actually prove that it is very low probability to get virus such way .

  • @Vitaliy ....""Yes, exactly this is why all capitalist countries turned their police forces into little armies and are making tons of other preparations, including killing or jailing communists."" .....where are they killing and jailing communists ? If 'all' the capitalist countries are doing it, you should be able to provide a number of good examples. Killing or jailing communist utopianist doesn't have anything to do with why western countries have militarized their police forces. They are no threat to the established order. In fact, in the usa the slp, the swp and the communist party can barely fund their news media. And as I've said multiple times, the people protesting in the usa haven't even read the intro to das capital. The dichotomy is no longer between left and right, it's between libertarian and authoritarian, and we know where you stand, on the authoritarian's side.

  • @kurth

    And as I've said multiple times, the people protesting in the usa haven't even read the intro to das capital. The dichotomy is no longer between left and right, it's between libertarian and authoritarian, and we know where you stand, on the authoritarian's side.

    You mean that it was not all leading right wing sites who tell exactly opposite to your words? What it is not them who cited two BLM leaders that they are Marxist?

    It is not Pompeo who in his speech declared communism as main enemy of US and their allies? And not Trump who almost daily post that Baiden is puppet of the lefties?

    Libertarian parties and candidates get in US elections from 0.5 to 3%, in NY stronghold they got like 1.5% or such. As no one get them seriously. Most of the support comes from typical former fascists support base - small business owners.

    ""Yes, exactly this is why all capitalist countries turned their police forces into little armies and are making tons of other preparations, including killing or jailing communists."" .....where are they killing and jailing communists ?

    I'll make special post about this and specific examples. As it is too big and fully offtopic here.

    In last 10 years Ukraine, Poland, Indonesia and many more countries started jailing, killing and pushing out communists, fully banning ideology on state level.

    why western countries have militarized their police forces. They are no threat to the established order.

    Yes, guys just have nothing to do with all the money and all the huge training is just for nothing.

    Right now US left look like two nice and blind kittens, nothing to fear about. But note that huge tigers also once was such kittens.

    During robbing of so called "middle class" and lowering of all people consumption to the levels US can now afford (read - much smaller) the left will become real threat.

    P.S. IT is last in series of offtopic posts here. Time to stop.

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    IF COVID won't be stopped soon, from 50 to 80% of all EU firms will close in 2021.

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  • The Food and Drug Administration approved remdesivir to treat COVID-19 in hospitalized patients. It’s the first approved COVID-19 treatment in the United States.

  • Infusing hospitalized COVID-19 patients with blood plasma from people who recovered from the disease had no effect on whether patients got sicker or died, according to the first completed randomized trial of the treatments