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Official Low GOP topic, series 3
  • 1008 Replies sorted by
  • Has anybody made a similar patch to last July's KAI GOP 3 settings. I still like his patch and am attempting to update it with many of the new features in PTools 363D. Problem is I don't really know what I'm doing so before I try to many more configurations under PTools, I thought I'd check to see if there is a similar 65mbs GOP3 patch.
  • @jfro The latest Quantum patch has a totally usable 24L 64mbps spanning setting.

    @driftwood 24H and 24L files uploaded... nice work man!
  • @shrigg Yes, I'm trying out the Quantum patch. About 1 hr before sundown, I took a drive with 2 gh2's framed similar and all settings the same. Just 2 different lens. I'm going to redo the tests with both 66 and 166mb/s, but the first test today, was 66mbs on one cam and KAI's old 65mbs gop3 on the other. The 2 cameras were framed pretty close and there wasn't any real difference between the two video files and and pixel peeping in photoshop showed them to be very similar. I'll try test tomorrow, switching the lens on the cameras. There are times when I want to film longer form and that is why I'm revisiting KAI's old setting with current ptools. Quantum's 66mbs GOP1 gets me around 30 minutes on a 16gb card. One one segment, I got 2.7 GBS on the Quantum 66 setting @ 24p and on the old KAI setting, I was only 1.5 GB. For some types of shooting, I'd rather have the extra time on a card but I like the low GOP settings so 3 may be my compromise....
  • Well Guys... I don't know what to believe anymore. I was sitting on my couch watching TV and decided to test the file spanning one more time. I use SeaQuake patch with 24H at 166mbs and 24L at 100mbs. First I tried my Sandisk Extreme HD 30mbs and it stopped at usual 4GB and did not span. Then I tried to humor myself by putting my Transcend 64GB SDXC class 10 with 20+ mbs. Wouldn't you know the files spanned four times and going until I stopped at 19 minutes using both 24H 166mbs and 24L 100mbs with no problems. I know it had failed before but not this time. I checked the bitrates using Slash Lite and they were at the correct bitrate and sustaining. I will try it again outside on Saturday just to verify that this was not a fluke.
  • Oh... You may ask what was I recording. I pointed the camera to the TV show that was going on and recorded off the TV screen. There was a lot of movement too.
  • Any Clipwrap users/or people with PsF problems? rewrapping 1080i60/50 interlaced footage seems better than ever...its just been updated.

    Some rewrapped clips are playing back with stuttering or smearing video when users have Perian or avc1Decoder.component installed on their system. They suggest to uninstall all third party AVC or h264 playback components.

    But they seem to work great in Quicktime now.
  • *** NEW BETA *** Driftwood 'Quantum' ver 2 BETA ***
    Here's the very latest Quantum beta patch for you to test now incorporating 2K on mjpeg.

    Further mjpeg improvements to come. Anamorphic lens users get your requests in for most popular sizes - I need to know if you want the anamorphic container 1998x1080 (ratio 1.85) or 2048x856 (ratio 2.39). Ive left it as container for now.

    What's New: Minor tweaks to 1080p24 for AQ4.
    MJPEG test: Reference 2K (2048 x 1152) + 2K container (2048 x 1080)
    Still in: 1080p24 H for high quality pics
    1080p24 L for good quality INTRA with spanning/long recordings
    720p50 INTRA 720p60 GOP3
    1080i50/60 25P/30P INTRA in a wrap

    Test away!
    Driftwood 'Quantum' BETA 2 INTRA 1080p24 AQ4 - Spanning on L setting - plus MJPEG - 2K ref + 2K anamorphic settings -
  • @driftwood. Thanks for the update on Quantum v2 beta. Will try it out soon.

    I'm assuming the 1080 24p H and L are connected so it would be impossible to use a lower rate GOP3 on the L setting. Am I correct on this?

    Also, I have been trying out your spammyBitchup and I was wondering if I just changed the L setting on the 1080 25p down from 66000000 to 56000000 or so, would that work or are there other settings needed to reduce the average bit rate?

    For some extended recording time per GB, might I modify spammyBitchup with a gop 3 change only?

    Thanks for your sharing and tireless work on the hack and GH2 !!!!!

  • @driftwood, what do you mean by "1080i50/60 25P/30P INTRA in a wrap". Is a 30p stream somehow encapsulated in the 60i encoding? How do you free it? =)
  • I just tried changing @driftwood's spammyBitchup from GOP1 to GOP3 and added the 2fps mjpeg settings. In comparing the charts to the KAE July 2011 GOP 3 settings, the main difference (although the i frames are pretty similar) is in KAI's gop 3, there are 3 B frames around 96000 Bytes. On the SpammyBitch GOP 3 change, I frames are similar to KAI's gop 3, but there are no B frames, but instead their are P frames @ around 150,000 Bytes.

    Is there a quick read on the effects of I and B frames regarding motion/ no motion shooting? Via wikipedia, it seems that the B frames are smaller than the P frames and that shows in my charts although the footage was not very similar.

    Overall files are a little bigger than KAI's july settings (with spammyBitch goverted to GOP3), but still get about 3-4 mintues per gig and footage at first look looks pretty good. Gonna do some more shooting, but would like to figure out if the B or P frames are more desireable and how to get them in or out via the hack.
  • @wigginjs If you are on a mac try ClipWrap - the new version.
  • My first test with New QUANTUM ver 2:
    24 P H: great quality- Less noise than ver 1.
    24 L: No tested yet
    1080i: I can't understand thw right workflow (I think it's a malignant PsF- Premiere 5.5 read the file like interlaced.)
    720 MJPEG upscaled to 2k: Visible noise in chrominance channel. Very problematic to play in my windows players: VLC, Cyberlink and windows media. Only run in quicktime
  • @paglez Thanks for testing. MJPEG is in its infancy with Quantum tests - hence the beta candidate still :-). I am looking to vastly improve MJPEG - especially chrominance. Not happy with other users eisting settings as of yet. I also need anamorphic users to report favoured sizes.

    READ this article about AVCHD interlacing:
  • @driftwood, I'm a PC, but I looked at that software. It seems like it would only convert the container for AVCHD to Quicktime. How would this affect the clip frame rate (60i -> 30p)?
  • 60i on Quantum is reported by elecard buffer analysis as iPiPiP...etc... all other software inc. streamparser, elecard streameye etc... report it as 60i in a 24N wrap ( it looks on some software as all INTRA - this is not true). So you need a method of extrapolating the i frames. AVIsynth have very good soultions. Maybe @Ralph_B could answer this better for PC users?
  • @FGCU
    1/ No - the 'L' Cinema 1080p24 setting is lowered bitrate GOP1 to around the quality of the AQuamotion/SpanMyGopUp - to enable spanning and long recording. This was confirmed as a working possibility by @balazer and so far it looks good without underruns / overflows. So thanks to him.
    2/ The H setting is still the hi quality of seaquake adjusted (with new encoder settings) to run AQ4 (seaquake was AQ3). We need to see which one is best so report back your findings.
    3/ To access MJPEG mode, goto 'Creative Mode' and 'OK' then go to REC MODE and 'OK' the bottom setting 'Motion JPEG'. Then goto 'REC QUALITY' where you'll find 4 modes. HD mode = Reference 2K (2048 x 1152) and VGA Mode = 2K container (2048 x 1080). The other two settings in 'REC MODE' can't be touched by ptools so are irrelevant.

    Hope this helps. :-)
  • @Driftwood, I've had great success using AQuamotion 2 spanning across my Panny Gold 16Gb cards.
    I am stoked that you're working on Quantum 24H & 24L patch that lets us have the best of high quality, and spanning together. For run-n-gun events where you're grabbing b-roll and interviews - this combo is fantastic with Panny Gold 16gb as I can get 10 seconds of footage for b-roll on 24H. If I need longer record times in 24H I just pop in my San Disk Ex.Pro 45 16gb. No reflash! Awesome. Many thanks.
    I have no idea how to make patches but my Christmas wish from you would be :
    24H seAQuake & 24L AQuamotion 2 and the best 720p50/60 patches. "seAQuabake"? cheers.
  • @jfro I'll try and answer both your thread comments:
    1/ 1080p24 H and L are both INTRA GOP1 - sorry (better than GOP3).
    2/ 56000000 should work without underflows / overflows on the L setting only. Keep the H setting high if you try a very low bitrate on the H it will fail / produce poor i frames.
    3/ extended times: Yes, go ahead and try changing GOP1 to GOP3 but you'll get very high P frames - the saving will be neglible on H setting, but better on L setting. ;-)
    4/ P frames predict to the next i frame, B frames can predict backwards and forwards and are lower than in size than P frames. To achieve B frames, turn encoder setting 1 = default (not 2). Driftwood Hi quality GOP3 patches have already been made in the past using P and B frames and can be found on one of the low gop threads (some time ago!) you could always adjust those!
    5/ Test all settings and check graphs with Streamparser (look for cadence issues where the graph goes strange) and test on the various death charts like Pappas/sStray's colour chart discussed throughout these threads (use search)

    Hope that helps you. :-)

  • @driftwood, for 2x anamorphics I think we need either 3840x1080 or 1920x540 in MJPEG. Unless the milder containers you listed are cropping in-cam (I haven't played with MJPEG much), then 2.39 would be great.
  • @pchristoph Hi mate, try 'Quantum' BETA 2 and test the L setting - should be very close to spanmygopup/AQuamotion2. I'm still fine tuning the setting and will probably tune it till it reaches slightly better quality than AQuamotion v2 and at AQ4!
    The H setting should in theory be better than seAQuake but needs testing. Looks better to me on streameye macroblocks, but all situations need testing.
    Hope youre well & good, Nick :-)
  • @Oedipax Ive been testing a variety of anamorphic settings, the 3840x1080 could be difficult as its fairy high on the res, and Vitaliy has already told me that these may not work as the encoder cant handle it. But we can try...
    1920x540 should be a breeze.
    This reminds me - I need to get some anamorphic lenses & adapters next week...!

    I have found that there is a definite effect on chrominance on E1/F1 settings in ptools and I'm guessing Luminance is affected more on E4/F4. Needs testing more :-)
  • @Driftwood
    Do you think that you'll be able to get similar clean images in Mjpeg than Avchd? I guess that MJPEG codec efficiency never will get avchd quality .
  • @FGCU seAQuake wont work with AQ4 - it will fail after a number of seconds. The new encoder adjustments and AQ4 are in Quantum v2 beta. Test it against seAQuake and give me YOUR thoughts.
    Still testing how good/clean we can get the quality for MJPEG, still some way to go...
  • For now, in my opinion, GH2 Mjpeg codec -in HD size- is in a very preliminary phase ("MJPEG is in its infancy " Sir Driftwood said)
  • @Driftwood Nick if we can get 1920 x 540 in the MJPEG for anamorphic lenses, that would be amazing! The 2 x anamorphic lenses are definitely the most commonly available. I have a 2 x Kowa, I'd love to test this out with. Are we still stuck with 30p for MJPEG though? As with avchd I presume 25p is impossible? Cheers mate
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