Going by bokeh and negation the rest would be: 1: 5d, 2: 5n, 3: gh2 or af100, 5: Nikon, 9: gh2 or af100.
But of course, there are no certainties in terms of the same aperture and distance being used. The two shots with smaller bokeh could also be the 5n and the Nikon if the distance was moved before they were shot (to accomodate different sensor sizes)..
9 is the smallest sensor and 1 is the largest. Just look at the Bokeh and you can tell the difference in crop factor.The larger the sensor the more compression. You have to widen from a Full-frame crop to a 2x crop to get the same frame. Wider lens = smaller bokeh.
If 3 is the AF100 that's pretty nuts. Look at the pixelization happening to the right of her head where the light falls off, and the stairstepping in the bokeh on the left side.
@disneytoy both nikon and 5n has aps-c sized sensors. We know the second image is not Nikon. But if you look closely the bokeh is slightly bigger than on 3 and 9.