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Capitalism: Why people so hate Adobe?
  • One guy posted funny post (and specially mentioned that he is not related to Adobe :-) )

    Photoshop is probably the most famous editing software in the world. It’s become part of society and has been adopted into our language. Chances are, that it’s more common to say “is that picture Photoshopped” as opposed to asking if it was edited. It’s pretty much the industry standard now.

    He just described monopoly, and in software world monopoly don't need to own 98%.

    Photoshop is one of the most horribly optimized pieces of software, can't use many cores (>4 for sure), lot of parts is single threaded, huge number of bugs. Lot of parts do not use modern instructions. People told me that for lot of Photoshop parts no one know how they work, as people who made them are long gone and code quality is horrible.

    There aren’t many if any other software’s available which can compete in terms of functionality and features.

    Actually it is quite a lot. But it is hard to find them for people who do not search specially. As Adobe takes more and more of this market, so invest more and more in search promotion, optimization, SEO and ads.

    At this stage, I doubt I’ll ever change over to any other editing software. This is true even if the alternative is noticeably better. The main reason is that Photoshop is now part of my workflow. For most people including myself, once you’ve learned one piece of software, it’s extremely unlikely to change over to another.

    Yes, because you are privately consuming socially made product, hence you can't improve it, can't fix bugs, etc. Aka being ripped off by small number of managers and investors. Need to get rid of them. Their place is in the big dump of outdated things (can also get their S class cars with them).

    In all seriousness though, Lightroom is brilliant. It’s still in my view the best software for bulk operations and quick editing. Add the Loupedeck to it and honestly, it’s difficult to compete against when it comes to how easy and straightforward it is to use.

    Loupedeck is one slow heck of the thing, very ergonomically awkward.

    Lightroom is also mostly abandoned, slow, has lot of issues with modern multicore CPUs. No one polishes it.

    I don’t understand how any reasonable individual could consider this to be a problem. The subscription model is fantastic. I currently have access to all of Adobe’s software for what is, in my view, an incredibly reasonable price. I mean seriously, what’s the argument against it; you don’t own the software? As customers, we probably don’t own any software we currently use, we merely have a license for it.

    Just read Adobe financial reports, they show how bad it is for consumer.

    And yes, people should OWN software, as society. to not have idiotic boss, manager or investor turn it into that Adobe is doing last years.

    This subscription model has also pretty much eradicated the need to pirate the software. The price is so reasonable that people would have stolen the software are willing to pay for it.

    Really? :-) Adobe dreams.

  • 5 Replies sorted by
  • Adobe Photoshop's New Terms of Service Demands the Right to Access Your Work

    Adobe Photoshop's New Terms of Service Demands the Right to Access Your Work.png
    640 x 712 - 316K
  • Vitaliy, I agree with your points. Some people just need a boss & instinctively defer to some sort of authoritative figure.

    Could you suggest any Photoshop & Lightroom alternatives that have comparable core features?

  • Corporations does the exact same thing as the State does in socialist countries: they strive for monopoly.

  • @deanUK I recommend looking at affinity photo, for a PS replacement, its doesnt have it all (and has been acquired by figma a subscription service) the RAW editing is great (I prefer it to PS) you need to adapt to it a bit, and do some tutorials, but they update often, and I find it does 90%+ of what I need from photoshop. They also make a illustrator and a pdf/publishing app that are pretty good top. I'm now learning Davinci/fusion for basic edits too...