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Samsung NX300, NX500, NX1 Cameras Hack
  • 85 Replies sorted by
  • @chopnshoot

    For now it is just scripts that toggle specific RAM address, not real firmware hacks.

  • Couldn't really find this...what is the highest bitrate that has been achieved so far ? Anyone crested 200mbps?

  • Couldn't really find this...what is the highest bitrate that has been achieved so far ? Anyone crested 200mbps?

    I think it is 160Mbit, but it is HEVC, so similar to 250-270Mbit H.264 of GH2 kind.

  • Some interesting reading if you are curious about what they are planing and how they are organizing all the mods.

  • Let's hope for good progress here.

  • NX500 160Mbit

  • 160 mbps vs 80 mbps

    Most people seem not to understand how to compare.

  • In your opinion, it will be possible to have RAW video on NX1 (as Magic Lantern)?

  • Does this improve slow-mo bitrates and quality as well? Most of the NX1's normal modes are decent quality except for the slow-mo, it has a noticeable drop in quality.

  • @B3Guy

    As I remember - yes.

  • Now they are trying to disable the auto noise reduction and the auto sharpness of the camera. But it's hard to understand how it works... So far.. They didn't find out where this codes could be located.

    And another guy is trying to figure out how to make deep changes on the system. Maybe replacing the codec (h265 sucks...) and other stuff.

    I wish some guys at Magic Lantern team could forget about Canon cameras for a while and help this guys with the nx1. The camera is awesome.

  • @samuelcabral

    I got NX500, will get it quite soon, will try to make some sane guide and look at this.

  • That's some great news, Vitaliy! I really appreciate the benefits of these hacks for low budget filmmakers all over the world. You can't imagine how expensive is a decent camera here in Brazil.

  • The quality looks pristine, wow that's clean. A shame that Samsung seems to have abandoned this market. They got things 95 percent right with the NX1.

    Is there any method for disabling the crop on the NX500 in 4K? If that's doable, then I'm gonna have to pick one up.

  • No.... not doable Isaac. As far as i know, you can get 2.5k with no crop. I'm more concerned about the possibilities with a Magic Lantern like on this cameras. With a new codec, or raw via hdmi, we could get way better images with these samsung cameras. At the moment the macro blocking and h265 are kind a bummer.

  • Is there any method for disabling the crop on the NX500 in 4K? If that's doable, then I'm gonna have to pick one up.

    I think they have no idea.

    No.... not doable Isaac. As far as i know, you can get 2.5k with no crop.

    All that they done for now is just switch mode numbers. And bitrate.

    Making no crop 4K require understanding all mode settings difference and initializing.

    So, may be it can be done.

  • I really don't have a clue on how this works. But your understanding must be very welcome to find out how to get the best of these cameras.

  • I hope some one will post a dummies guide step by step video on how to adjust the nx1 bitrate.

  • @fancydancer

    It is not much for dummies now. But not too hard.

  • Any update on NX300 hacks, I would like to adjust the bitrate of the 24p mode to match the bitrate of the 60p mode...

  • Any update on NX300 hacks, I would like to adjust the bitrate of the 24p mode to match the bitrate of the 60p mode...

    It needs work, I think. I do not see any good public firmware packer/unpacker for now.

    Btw, I have NX300 also.

  • Nice to see a few nx300 users here. I recently (after having this camera for 2 years now) discovered some major bugs in my videos after watching them back. I noticed what was flashing in objects or this weird macroblocking going on!!! I looked the problem up and found out that samsung messed the settings up for the codec and its on a low setting instead of high. I cant remember the specifics now, not pleased though and because these are discontinued I doubt we will get any firmware fixes.

    Man I would love to see someone hack this thing and fix the firmware on it, I doubt this could be fixed with a script? I downloaded the open source and peeked around but its hard to understand that stuff if you dont know what your doing.

  • @fancydancer No dummies video necessary. A dpreview forum member named 'Kino Seed' created an easy SD installer that is simple, relatively fast, uninstallable, and provides in-camera menus for customising bit rates, amongst other mods/hacks thanks to the work of 'vasile' and 'otto k':

    As a longtime follower of the GH2 hacks -- shoutout to legends @vitaliy_kiselev and @driftwood -- which weren't that hard to install, it doesn't get much easier than this unless Samsung did the 'hacktory install' themselves. You'll see what I mean.