Kipon EOS Canon Adapter - the one with aperture control 90$ Kipon Minolta MD adapter 50$ Nikon - takes just about any Nikon lens + it has Aperture Control 25$
The kipon mounts get pretty expensive look them up at adorama or ebay i think i got the canon one on ebay for over 100 plus shipping but i'm flexible if my guess is too high. It would be perfect to sell all 3 to the same person for an easy ship. I know you can find cheaper stuff but these are quality! As a result try to be fair with your offers ? i'm open to best offer on them =)
@Vitaliy_Kiselev ok, these are off the top of my head based on what i paid to make back like 70% or something if im lucky. I'm not sure if they are still worth that much these days.