Special forces troops from Britain, France, Jordan and Qatar on the ground in Libya have stepped up operations in Tripoli and other cities in recent days to help rebel forces as they conducted their final advance on the Gadhafi regime, a NATO official confirmed to CNN Wednesday.
So now we know who has an interest in ... Do not they all at once? If you fuck, do it well and do not pretend that it does not make you a pleasure ... Hypocrites. Thanks for the info
Put that on their legendary humility. You have to wait 'till some of them get burn by the populatio... er, hum, terrorist! like in Falloujah before all the information (freedom) folks notice them... Through, that wasn't in the UN resolution. I guess sanctions against France, UK and their puppies are already printed... oh wait.
@Mimirsan : Did you come up with that by yourself or... you're english isn't it ? That would explain.*
*Well everyone can experiment some goofy sociology sometimes. Why bother with statistic, observation, solid analysis...? Just fart your racist bullshit and the world become crystal clear. Quite refreshing to say the truth!...
Шаг первый. Находим борцов за свободу, недовольных режимов.
Шаг второй. Вооружаем их приличными автоматами, пулеметами и лозунгом «Грабь, бухай, отдыхай».
Шаг третий. Показываем по демократическим каналам зверства режима. За зверства режима разрешается выдавать итоги массовых люстраций, сделанных мирными демонстрантами. Повстанцам рекомендуются всегда показывать знак «V» руками при виде любого демократического журналиста. Чтобы западный зритель знал, что они на стороне сил добра.
Шаг четвертый. Объявляется бесполетная зона. Начинаются гуманитарные ковровые бомбардировки. Замораживаются активы тоталитарного режима в пользу демократических банкиров. Режим объявляется нелегитимным.
Шаг пятый. Если режим не рухнул, верхушка режима уничтожается силами специальных подразделений цивилизованных стран и правозащитных организаций.
Шаг шестой. Распределение нефти среди цивилизованных стран. Выплата новым демократическим правительством компенсации цивилизованным странам за затраты по экспорту демократии и свободу. Оплата морального ущерба правозащитников. Проведение массовых люстраций сторонников режима, постройка многочисленных Лагерей Свободы.
Yeah thats right Im a brit...do I think our soldiers are "heroes" or happy about what our government does? Nope A lot of britains,french, americans whoever are not happy about suffering and killing? Nope I dont even beleive these (Iraq,Libya,Afghanistan) as real wars/inteventions with true valid causes....its just about money.
I was being "sarcastic" as to good empires "shock" propoganda (so yeah ONLY the rebels act this way?) I was pointing to say this kind of shit goes on all over the world....Before, during and after intevention. I have unfortunatley a cunt of brother in law whos in the RAF and ive seen photos/video from afghanistan that just about did it for me.
War is war. Dog eats Dog. Democracy and civilisation turns to shit.
As a joke.... many you tube british made head lopping mobile videos have you seen? Just shop burning & looting by 12 year olds! See! controversy! Its so simple! ;-)
Btw I have very good neighbours who are muslims and theyre a really nice down to earth couple..funny that?
Ive travelled a bit to know that people are pretty much the same...living their lives,working,being decent.
Really all these posts just comes across as "western" hating nutjobs posting threads on a hate mission. Cant paint it otherwise. And that sir is just racism.
@Mimirsan Are you nuts? Dozens of my friends went to prewar Libya and I know how live looked there then. Check the pics below http://mr-svant.livejournal.com/12961.html BTW we see numerous reports today that the US trained AlQaeda fighters released thousands of wahhabis from the Gaddafi's state prison. Why the heck are they doing it? The answer is simple. Someone is building up conditions for a major Shia-Sunni military conflict (Saudi Arabia vs Iran). This is why we don't hear much about the brutal suppression of the protests in Bahrain with the assistance of the Saudi tanks. What is especially interesting is that "rebels" in Libya are executing ethnic cleansing killing many of the black people just because they suspect that all blacks support Gaddafi. I suggest that Obama should pay an incognito visit to Tripoli and try walking along the liberated streets.
I'm not saying that brit are this or that, it was just an ironic reaction on the "beheading lovers" thing... all statement about entire nations or race, or religion are somewhat stupid. That's the only general true. Muslim aren't good or bad.
I won't talk much though, 'cause i'm stupid in english and can't say everything clearly. Just, I don't care about Gaddafi nor his family. I just see that before the intervention, Lybia was a rich country even after decades of embargo. Folks i know in Algeria were going there to study (exactly the same thing in Saddam's Iraq). Now they bring chaos, murders in every street with "démocracy" in their mouth, like in Iraq (we see the result their). To quote Robespierre (a legendary beheading lover fot thoses who never studied french Revoluton) :
"The most extravagant idea that can take root in the head of a politician is to believe that it is enough for one people to invade a foreign people to make it adopt its laws and constitution. No one likes armed missionaries; and the first advice given by nature and prudence is to repel them as enemies."
Sarkozy and his friends aren't that stupid. He was for the war against iraq ; now he have his own. They don't care about the consequences, they just see the Lybian billion locked in their bank and the gigantic oil reserv that are ready to flow in buddys pockets with good commission. Same logic that the subprimes folks who knew that the collapse was close : no matter what happen, dance until the music end...
Hah I think its my irony thats lost when I made that comment...if you see the video of someone being beheaded that was linked above...there was a lot of people there to watch...like its a party....they seemed pretty happy...thats what I was referring to.
Theres good and bad in EVERY nation...spot on...generally the bad is spurred on by propoganda and greed.
After the results of all the recent "freedom wars" we saw these last years, I really start to think that one country shouldn't intervene in another country, no matter how horrible the situation seems to be seen from the outside. The history of nations has to be looked in the long term, and if a nation kills many of its citizens, the population will finish to take care of it by itself. It may be long, horrible, but it's really too complex to say that a foreign intervention can speedup the process
@Vitaliy Of course we do :-). I go to all the critical imperial tendencies. I do not believe simply that Big Brother wants to me well, I believe that Big Brother wants good for HIMSELF .
@Mimisan well I'm sorry for the confusion, then. Told you about my poor english : i'm an arabic frog ; that doesn't help to appreciate the 'ol Brit' humor ;-)