My problem with the Movi is it has too much up down "y axis" movement. My Glidecam even has way less than that. However that video of the combination between the Movi and Steadicam is probably amazing but extremely complex i would imagine. They need to find someway to get these motorized stabilizers to fix the Y Axis movement maybe another motor or gimbal or something?
Since the introduction of the MōVI, we have focused on satisfying the overwhelming demand for the MoVI,” says Tabb Firchau, President of Freefly Systems. “With the recent growth of our business and the manufacturing economies of scale that come with higher volume, we are now able to offer the technological innovations of the MōVI stabilizers at exciting new price levels. We hope this allows filmmakers of every scale to perform the creative camera moves that can only be accomplished with a MōVI.”
- MōVI M5 is now priced at $3.995
- MōVI M10 price will be $7,995
- MōVI M15 - $11,995.
Movi M5
Behind the scenes
MōVI on a Jib
MōVI FW 5.0
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