Tagged with wifi - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/wifi/feed.rss Tue, 03 Dec 24 18:10:28 +0000 Tagged with wifi - Personal View Talks en-CA Control your GH3 from a Web Browser - Now with video ! https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6703/control-your-gh3-from-a-web-browser-now-with-video- Mon, 15 Apr 2013 20:56:17 +0000 lenuisible 6703@/talks/discussions end users post, for technical info see post 3 below

v0.4 is out. a Java player has been added for live view ! most commands are there

To test this :

  • download the attached zip file (last version is v0.4) , and decompress it wherever you want
  • for the live view to work, you need :
  • start the Wifi on your GH3, "new connection/remote shooting" (it works also if you connect through a Wifi AP, you just need to find the IP address of the GH3)
    • if you're using a direct connection you can launch the "Control.html" file after you connected your PC/MAC to the GH3 network
    • if you're using a Wifi access point, you have to find/replace all the "" in the "requests.html" file with the IP address of the GH3 before launching the "Control.html" file
  • if you want to use the live view on a Windows PC launch control.bat instead of control.html (see above for Java installation). If you're using a MAC, you have to find a way to launch UDPServer with Java, I don't know if it works
  • play with the different settings and commands

  • To take a picture, use the shooting button (you can do continuous shooting with press&hold if the dial is in that mode)

  • To start a recording press "record"

  • manual focusing uses press&hold buttons with 2 speeds, you can play with the interval between 2 successive focusing actions with the input fields on top of the 4 focus buttons.

  • The zoom uses press&hold buttons, with 2 speeds (for PZ lenses of course)

Some commands will not work depending on the selected mode on the dial (ie focal in S mode)

The screen goes black quite often, just take a picture or half press the shutter button to turn it on again. But now that live view works (on Windows at least), you shouldn't have to look at the GH3 LCD anymore.

If the GH3 freeze, you may have to take the battery out (may happend if you use a feature non supported by the selected mode on the dials)

To properly interrupt the connection, just "terminate" it on the GH3 menu

You can stop the video recording using "playmode" (which is the command to display the photo on Lumix Link).I didn't look at the files generated when you do that, if someone could look at the integrity of the video file after this abrupt stop, it would be useful. You have to press "recmode" to control the gh3 again.

Clarification :

This is a PoC. I'm not a developer, and won't spend much time on future version. someone with some basic web dev skills will be able to do a much better job in no time; He just has to look at the code, and eventually ask me.


In-camera livestream via Wifi? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/23453/in-camera-livestream-via-wifi Tue, 28 Jan 2020 16:02:33 +0000 Videoist 23453@/talks/discussions Hi,

I'm currently using a GH3 and the way to do a live stream seems to be via HDMI and a dedicated capture device (I have a Luki #1). I'm wondering: These days cameras have Wifi, are there any Panasonic cameras that can use their Wifi to livestream without any extra hardware required? Either directly to YouTube and other services or via a PC.

GH5 image app connectivity question https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/23318/gh5-image-app-connectivity-question Thu, 02 Jan 2020 09:53:48 +0000 AKED 23318@/talks/discussions I have a slight problem with the connection of the GH5 to the Image app. Up to a year ago, I could start the whole procedure from the iphone,(for example we were driving home after a shooting, the camera in the bag in the trunk) i.e. waking the GH5 up, connecting with Wifi and then transfer pictures from the GH5 to the Iphone. Since about a year this is not possible any more. I have to switch the GH5 on go to replay mode and press the Wifi button on top. Only then I can go to the Iphone, connect the Wifi and then it all works.

Any suggestions what to do to to be able to do it all from the Iphone again without touching the GH5?

GH4 Wifi problems, I need help https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12927/gh4-wifi-problems-i-need-help- Mon, 04 May 2015 10:02:40 +0000 AKED 12927@/talks/discussions Hi,

I have the GH4 since well over a year. I tested the Wifi function when I got it and it worked quite well compared to the GH3. Now I had to film some squences on a crane and it would have been nice to use it, but it did not work any more. There were no previous connetions that I had before in the camera any more and when I tried to reconnect, the Panasonic Image App (Iphone 6) did not recognize the QR code and the GH4 did not provide any information (SSID and Password) for manual connection. It does not even provide a device name.

Any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated.

GH4 - Peaking focus when using ipad and image app software https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12240/gh4-peaking-focus-when-using-ipad-and-image-app-software Sun, 25 Jan 2015 15:31:07 +0000 jimrobin 12240@/talks/discussions Hello, was wondering if anyone else has had an issue where when using the wifi app on an ipad - focus peaking works, but as sonn as the camera is set into record ( video ) the focus peaking disappears on the ipad. I am able to change the manual focus while record but can't see any peaking. The camera lcd does show it. Is this a software glitch or is it something I have set wrong? I just purchased the GH4 and tested it at a family wedding I attended yesterday. My plan was to set-up the shot and connect the ipad and just sit in the audience with my wife. The shot was including the bride and groom and the minister in 4k. As each spoke I wanted to change the focus slightly to bring each into focus as the minister was a few feet further from the camera. In post I could drop the footage into a 1080 project and pan or enter closer shots through cropping etc. Once the ceremony started I quickly reallized that manually focusing from the ipad without peaking was close to impossible. lesson Learned.

Field monitor using tablet and HDMI to wifi transmitter https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4079/field-monitor-using-tablet-and-hdmi-to-wifi-transmitter Sun, 29 Jul 2012 16:21:11 +0000 Chenel 4079@/talks/discussions I am looking around the possibility to use a tablet and a HDMI to wifi transmitter as a field monitor. The idea is the "HDMI to wifi transmitter" send wireless the video signal (working as a video server) and use the wifi funtionality of the tablet to receive the video. This could be used as a field monitor, probably not for video but good for photography, as you will have a good quality and large resolution display.

I appreciatte any help in this search.

G6 wifi, has anyone tried it already? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7349/g6-wifi-has-anyone-tried-it-already- Tue, 25 Jun 2013 12:28:00 +0000 vovka_berd 7349@/talks/discussions Hello. I' am interesting in buying g6. I need live video out and remote video start/stop for distance about 3-5m(10-15ft). Has anyone tried it? Is peaking available on wifi remote device? Thanks in advance.

And one more: does g6 have live hdmi out?

GF6 Issues Topic https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7073/gf6-issues-topic Sun, 26 May 2013 11:05:58 +0000 Nakame78 7073@/talks/discussions I bought the GF6 for my wife a few days ago here in Japan, it's a very nice camera, light and compact. However the WiFi is giving me issues similarly to what I experienced with the GH3 at the beginning. The only difference is that now with the GF6 the WiFi is basically unusable, whereas with the GH3 after some struggle I managed to get it work. The first time I set up the WiFi with the "Image App" application on the iPhone it worked easily, I played a bit with it and it was perfect. However after switching off the WiFi.. there is no way I can connect my iPhone to the GF6 anymore. WiFi connection is established and the camera is asking to open Image App on the iPhone, but when I do so the connection is never established. No need to say I've tried everything, restart from scratch, delete the WiFi settings, no luck. I've then tried with another iPhone and.. same! It worked perfectly the first time, but after that.. gone. No more. I will try to contact the vendor and see if they can give assistance...

Panasonic GH3 - How to transfer photos via WIFI to PC? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6177/panasonic-gh3-how-to-transfer-photos-via-wifi-to-pc Mon, 18 Feb 2013 22:54:53 +0000 NMS 6177@/talks/discussions I am trying to get the Panasonic GH3 set up to send photos over WIFI to my PC using the Photofuntudio 8.5PE software. The issue is that the camera asks for a user name and password. I can never get it to connect. I can not figure out where to set the user name and password on the PC.

Anyone get the GH3 to connect to your PC for WIFI photo transfer? Anyone get a Mac to work?

Nikon 800c with Wifi and Android https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4314/nikon-800c-with-wifi-and-android Tue, 21 Aug 2012 00:30:20 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 4314@/talks/discussions image

  • 25-250 mm, 10x lens
  • 3.5" OLED screen (800x480, it looks like), capatitive touch
  • Run Android 2.3, that is just weird
  • Virtual keyboard to add some data
  • Direct upload of pictures and videos on social services
  • Has GPS and wifi
  • On sale in late September

Price - $349.95 in US

Available at:


Buy an Eyefi card or wait to see if GH-3 has wifi? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4263/buy-an-eyefi-card-or-wait-to-see-if-gh-3-has-wifi Thu, 16 Aug 2012 00:30:21 +0000 disneytoy 4263@/talks/discussions Anyone use the Eyefi card mainly for stills? How well does it work? I've noticed I've been shooting a few pics and then needing to quickly get them into Lightroom to process. My computers card reader doesn't like the large Sandisk SD cards, so I hook the GH-2 directly to USB to offload. I was thinking about getting a Eyefi card just for this purpose. I don't really know how well it works on transferring the the PC?

I'm also guessing wifi will be part of the GH-3. That may be a better implementation. So, does anyone have first hand experience with a GH-2 and eyefi?



Eye-Fi Pro 2X https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1839/eye-fi-pro-2x Tue, 27 Dec 2011 09:12:06 +0000 Brian202020 1839@/talks/discussions