Tagged with nd - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/nd/p1/feed.rss Sun, 22 Dec 24 15:29:43 +0000 Tagged with nd - Personal View Talks en-CA ND filters https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/353/nd-filters Fri, 08 Jul 2011 09:24:44 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 353@/talks/discussions
* Cheap screw-in ND filters
* Top screw-in ND filters
* Cokin ND filters (mostly resin)
* 4x4 ND filters
* Variable NDs (or using two polarizers)

Interesting read:

4x4 ND fader recommendation https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17866/4x4-nd-fader-recommendation Sat, 30 Sep 2017 15:39:38 +0000 Alexauwa 17866@/talks/discussions Hi guys, I am shooting on the gh5 and wonder what brand will give me best sharpness and color accuracy? Tiffin or skier, Schneider? Whats your experience?

FotoDiox Vizelex adapter with ND https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9864/fotodiox-vizelex-adapter-with-nd- Wed, 12 Mar 2014 14:56:10 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 9864@/talks/discussions image

Cost: $99


2017 Variable ND discussion https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16685/2017-variable-nd-discussion Mon, 03 Apr 2017 22:02:38 +0000 webarchitect 16685@/talks/discussions Read through results for search "Variable ND" on this forum, and plenty of other Googling. New products and specific concerns prompt this thread.

Sensors seem to be a factor when considering variable ND, IRND, or stacking. For the purpose here I'm using a GH4 (GH5 will come soon) for video. Maybe that doesn't matter, maybe it does?

There's a fair amount of acknowledgment that variable NDs cause a loss of sharpness in telephoto lenses. I often use the 35-100 2.8 Panny at the long end and have observed as much using the Fotga variable ND. I'm looking for something better.

There appears to be a recent set of arrivals from China touting Schott glass that some find to be solid performers while others dismiss. This would be appealing if they are any good.

Pricing. I don't have an unlimited budget but am willing to spend money to solve problems (like sharpness and color cast). Spending 2x the money for 10% improvement is beyond what I'm willing to do, however.

Thanks to all who contribute here. I read a ton, comment little. I look forward to your thoughts and experiences on this topic.

SLR Magic Variable ND mkII https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13849/slr-magic-variable-nd-mkii Mon, 28 Sep 2015 10:53:40 +0000 Xenocide38 13849@/talks/discussions Having used a variety of bad variable NDs, I was quite surprised with the quality of this SLR Magic Variable ND. At $180 (for the 77mm version) it's not the cheapest ND available but it fixes a lot of the issues I've encountered using other variable NDs: sharpness, polarization, ghosting, etc. Definitely worth it if you want to invest in something that's going to give you good results.

Skier HotMirror 4x4 , 4x5.65 filters discussion https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8942/skier-hotmirror-4x4-4x5.65-filters-discussion Mon, 02 Dec 2013 02:40:32 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 8942@/talks/discussions Skier HotMirror IRND 4x4 and 4x5.65 glass filters



It is top quality filters.
Good optical glass that does not badly affect sharpness as cheap filters do.
Very consistent color among all filters.
No IR contamination that can result in horrible color shifts, especially for stronger ND filters.
Comes in very good padded packets.
3mm thick, so works perfectly with cheap matte boxes.
Available at: ND 0.3, ND 0.6, ND 0.9, ND 1.2

Available as individual filters and 3 filters set.

Check additional details and price.

FS: 3x3 Matte Box Package and Filters (Neutral Density, Circular Polarizer, ND Grad) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12798/fs-3x3-matte-box-package-and-filters-neutral-density-circular-polarizer-nd-grad Mon, 13 Apr 2015 17:10:46 +0000 QuickHitRecord 12798@/talks/discussions Several new cameras were announced today, and most of which will need a filter system.

As luck would have it, I am selling mine:

image image image image

I've had great results with this set on Full Frame, S35, and Micro Four Thirds cameras.

Package includes:

1 x Cavision 3x3 Matte Box Package - Includes side and top flags, and "nuns knickers".

4 x Cavision 58mm Conical Step-up Ring with 85mm Outside Diameter - Allows lenses with a 58mm filter thread to engage directly with the matte box. The cone design helps to prevent vignetting. If you have lenses with a smaller filter thread, you can use step up rings to attach these.

1 x Cavision 85mm to 72mm Threaded Metal Deep Offset Step-Up Adapter Ring - For wide angle lenses with filter threads of 72mm (can be adapted with step rings). This gets the front element of the lens as close as possible to the filter to prevent vignetting. I've used it successfully with an 18mm lens on my 5D3 without vignetting.

6 x Cavision MBH3X3M 3x3 Metal Filter Tray - Much sturdier then the plastic filter trays that come with the matte box.

1 x Cavision MBH3X4M 3x4 Metal Filter Tray - For using ND grad filters.

1 x LockCircle Slider Base with Support Mount (Y) - This allows the matte box to be mounted to rods, while allowing them to slide back and forth for lenses that extend when zooming or focusing.

1 x Schneider 4 x 4" Five Slot Filter Pouch - Fits four filter trays nicely for fast deployment.


1 x Schneider Neutral Density (ND) 0.3 Filter (3 x 3")

1 x Schneider Neutral Density (ND) 0.6 Filter (3 x 3")

1 x Schneider Neutral Density (ND) 0.9 Filter (3 x 3")

1 x Schneider Neutral Density (ND) 1.2 Filter (3 x 3")

1 x Schneider Circular True-Polarizing Filter (3 x 3")

1 x Tiffen Soft Edge Graduated 0.6 ND Filter (3 x 3")

Everything has been lightly used and is in great condition. I'd consider selling the filters separately as a set, but I'm not looking to break up the set any further than that at this point.

Purchased new, this set would be around $1600. I'm offering it up for $1000, with Paypal charges on me and shipped anywhere in the Continental United States.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Kipon E mount to Canon EF adapter with AF and ND filters https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14549/kipon-e-mount-to-canon-ef-adapter-with-af-and-nd-filters Sun, 07 Feb 2016 11:22:15 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 14549@/talks/discussions image

KIPON released auto-focus adapter with interchangeable plug-in graduated ND filters(four steps).

We will start to deliver this new adapter before March 15, the market price would be 428USD.

  • Designed for using All Canon EF lenses on Sony E Mount Cameras
  • Including all full frame and APS-C Cameras
  • Interchangeable plug-in variable ND filters/four steps *High-speed auto-focus function and Exposure data
  • Phase detection AF comaptible
  • Maintains all electronic connection between lens and camera
  • ND range from 1.5X to 7X
  • Securely Mates Lens to Camera
  • Precision Machined Parts
  • Maintains ‘Infinity’ Focus with ND adapter
  • Firmware upgradable
  • $428 price

Available at https://www.amazon.com/Kipon-E-Mount-Integrated-Filters-Adapter/dp/B01F6ICSA0/


Vari ND (fader) and CPL filter together ? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3328/vari-nd-fader-and-cpl-filter-together- Thu, 24 May 2012 17:44:07 +0000 feha 3328@/talks/discussions I wonder what would happen if used in combination a ND (or vari ND) + CPL filter ? As some times is needed ND but to eliminate refflctions also needed CPL how would these affect each-other . Which should come first (on top) ND or CPL ?

General Questions on Filters for DLSM Video https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4333/general-questions-on-filters-for-dlsm-video Wed, 22 Aug 2012 17:34:40 +0000 Aria 4333@/talks/discussions Being a Newbie I've been somewhat confused about selecting and the proper use of Filters in particular for Video on a DSLM like the GH1/2.

  1. If I use a Polarizer does that negate the need for a UV Filter?
  2. If I use a Variable ND does that negate the need for a Polarizer?
  3. Is there a negative effect from using several different types of filters let say a UV, Polarizer and Vari ND all at once or is there a net positive effect from using all 3?
  4. What is the best pattern to organize the filters on the lens if using a variety of filter types. ie. Vari ND 1st, then Polarizer, then UV?
  5. Is it best to buy the best SET of filters from the same brand or the best individual filters from different brands.
  6. Is there some kind of rating system for Filters that can be used to compare their effectiveness? ie effect on sharpness, color etc. How would someone actually choose one filter from another to find the best one if there is no rating system? Is there a really reliable resource on the Web?

Sorry if there is some thread that covers this, but I haven't come across any that concisely address this topic.

Genus LCD Variable ND Filter - more complete version now https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13716/genus-lcd-variable-nd-filter-more-complete-version-now Tue, 15 Sep 2015 08:01:29 +0000 CFreak 13716@/talks/discussions

X3 Neutral Density for Video!? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14463/-x3-neutral-density-for-video Thu, 21 Jan 2016 06:26:50 +0000 Alexauwa 14463@/talks/discussions Anyone tried these out for video? For photos they seem to be an terrific performer.

FS: Genus ND Fader Variable Filter 72mm https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14142/fs-genus-nd-fader-variable-filter-72mm Wed, 02 Dec 2015 08:14:08 +0000 gameb 14142@/talks/discussions I am selling this ND fader, whith pratically no use. I bought it together with a wideangel lens, but then sold the lens. So it is like new. Paid 140€ for it, selling for 80€. Only shipping to Europe.

Fotga DP3000 M2 ND fader recommendation https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13865/fotga-dp3000-m2-nd-fader-recommendation- Thu, 01 Oct 2015 13:50:18 +0000 Alexauwa 13865@/talks/discussions Does the M2 have slots for ND fader? Which are recommended? Do nisi nd fader fit? Which size does the M2 accept?

variable ND fader for Leica 42.5 and 15 mm https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12997/variable-nd-fader-for-leica-42.5-and-15-mm Sun, 17 May 2015 10:46:39 +0000 Alexauwa 12997@/talks/discussions Could anyone provide good ND fader for both lenses? I use the Light craft Workshop series for my voigtländer 25 mm, which work fine. Any alternativs?

Formatt Hitech ProStop IRND filer flare - what is acceptable? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12959/formatt-hitech-prostop-irnd-filer-flare-what-is-acceptable Sun, 10 May 2015 12:54:13 +0000 tadas 12959@/talks/discussions I've just received Formatt Hitech ProStop 4 stops IRND for my matte box and noticed heavy orange flares when sun directly hits the filter. Even though flares are normal to some extent, I would like to know your opinion if this example is still acceptable (currently I don't have many different filters to compare the results). Lens without filter has few flares with minimal color shift.

How to adjust exposure while recording? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12382/how-to-adjust-exposure-while-recording Fri, 13 Feb 2015 15:40:33 +0000 Gamer_s 12382@/talks/discussions Pretty simple question;

Is there any good way of adjusting for variable light conditions while keeping aperture, ISO and shutter angle locked?

Vari ND's with gears? Is it ever done in cinema, and if so, how?

I found this: http://www.fujifilm.co.jp/corporate/news/articleffnr_0727.html very cool and usable looking vari nd from fujinon, but it looks like its for smaller sensors than m43

So, any suggestions? Or do I have to just face the facts and start playing around with auto shutter/aperture?

Variable ND and GH4 (and other cameras). https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11492/variable-nd-and-gh4-and-other-cameras.- Sun, 05 Oct 2014 13:09:11 +0000 nobbystylus 11492@/talks/discussions I've been noticing that I'm getting results I'm not happy with from using my Variable ND (Tiffin) with my GH4 while shooting people - particularly faces. Peoples faces looked 'painterly' almost lacking in real tones, and somewhat 'duotone' in appearance. I've recently switched to a set of (Hoya) ND Filters for shooting people and I'm suddenly seeing a radical improvement in how faces and skin tones are rendered. The GH4 is amazingly beautiful an image, and using straight NDs I'm finding it looks ridiculously good - almost too 'real', whereas before with Variable ND it was looking somewhat 'painterly'.

I'm guessing this has something to do with the polarising effects of Variable ND filters and the effect that has on highlights, reflective surfaces etc.

Any thoughts on this? Are there any Variable ND filters out there which minimise the 'polarising' effect as they're certainly more convenient, but right now I just can't trust the look i'm getting from them and straight NDs give me a much more 'realistic' image (which I can apply looks to in post to take the edge off).

Golden hour, variable ND and white balance https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10720/golden-hour-variable-nd-and-white-balance Thu, 03 Jul 2014 11:40:37 +0000 tonalt 10720@/talks/discussions I'm going tomorrow to shoot video at golden hour by the sea with my GH4, voigtlander 17,5mm and Singh-Ray 77mm Vari-N-Duo Polarizing Variable Neutral Density Filter.

I'm not sure if I'm going to use the ND filter. But if I do, how do I set the white balance?

Variable ND filter tends to change the colors and I've read that automatic WB is not recommended as it loses that golden glow from golden hour.

This filter has also polarizer. Any sense to use that feature?

Domaine de la Brette (short GH2) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10621/domaine-de-la-brette-short-gh2 Tue, 17 Jun 2014 01:06:17 +0000 etreetsoi 10621@/talks/discussions With my GH2, I filmed this beautiful cottages in France...

Panasonic GH2 // Voigtländer 25mn f0.95 // Panasonic 14-140 HD // Filltre ND Dörr ND4-400 VLT // Mini dolly Igus http://www.igus.fr/wpck/6189/filmtechnology // Music Silent partner - The messanger - Youtube Audio Library

Budget ND/IR filter solution for BMPCC with lumix 14mm 2.5? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10467/budget-ndir-filter-solution-for-bmpcc-with-lumix-14mm-2.5 Tue, 27 May 2014 13:12:01 +0000 jarretttowe 10467@/talks/discussions Hi. I just bought a BMPCC, but now I need to buy a nd/ir solution for a lens I was given, a lumix 14mm 2.5. I will use this lens until I am able to buy a sigma 18-35/speedbooster combination. Regards, Jarrett

Saving on ND filters https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5689/saving-on-nd-filters Mon, 07 Jan 2013 05:58:50 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 5689@/talks/discussions Let's take Tiffen IR ND

82mm filter cost will be $171

Smaller 72-77mm filters are even cheaper (about $80-100)

Same filter in 4"x4" form factor will be $260 ($90 more than 82mm round filter)

If you get 82mm round filter to 4x4" converter


It'll just add $26 and for almost all lenses, even wide, 82mm is more than enough.

Here is small video on importance of IR ND (just remember that it uses extreme 128 ND filter).

Olympus 12mm, 45mm and Panasonic 25mm https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9577/olympus-12mm-45mm-and-panasonic-25mm Sun, 09 Feb 2014 20:31:55 +0000 monowav 9577@/talks/discussions 12mm and caps - $650 25mm, ND filter, bag, box, and caps - $450 45mm, ND filter, box and caps - $300

  • 3% paypal and $10 shipping for shipping.

I have a mint Olympus 12mm f2, Panasonic 25mm f1.4, and Olympus 45mm f1.8. All lenses include caps. The 12mm has a ND filter, that can fit the 25mm too. The 45mm has a ND filter and a lens hood.

I am willing to meet locally in LA, too.

Shipping method USPS

Shipping charge No more than $10 per item.

Handling time 1-2 Day Turnaround

References ebay: jaksnak91

Please message me for more info.


Panasonic gh3 + 12-35mm f2.8 + extras Europe https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9470/panasonic-gh3-12-35mm-f2.8-extras-europe Mon, 27 Jan 2014 14:38:19 +0000 sarabico 9470@/talks/discussions For sale a complete kit

Panasonic gh3, mint condition, no signs of use, original box

Panasonic 12-35mm f2.8, mint condition, no signs of use, original box

Genuine battery grip, mint condition, original box

fotodiox adapter m42 to m4/3

1 extra genuine panasonic battery

1 variable nd filter light craft workshop 58mm

1 step up ring 49mm to 58mm

16GB sdhc class 10 transcend memory card

exakta 70-210mm f4 pk mount

All intems in great condition, located in portugal.

Only selling the full package.


HolyManta VND Adapters with internal variable NDs https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8692/holymanta-vnd-adapters-with-internal-variable-nds Thu, 07 Nov 2013 02:33:30 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 8692@/talks/discussions


Adapter test at http://storytools.se/2013/10/31/dennis-ersoz-recenserar-holymanta-vnd/

HolyManta https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6725/holymanta Wed, 17 Apr 2013 11:15:15 +0000 Brian202020 6725@/talks/discussions I just saw this.


FS: Selling 2 Tiffen Indie ND Kits https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8677/fs-selling-2-tiffen-indie-nd-kits- Tue, 05 Nov 2013 13:58:14 +0000 matt_gh2 8677@/talks/discussions EDIT: Price drop to $195. Free shipping.

EDIT: The .3 to 1.2 kit has sold. But the 1.5 to 2.1 + Circular Polarizer kit is still available for $220. Shipping is free.

I'm selling 2 Tiffen Indie ND Kits. One is the kit that has 4 NDs in it (.3, .6, .9, and 1.2). The other is the kit that has the (1.5, 1.8, & 2.1 NDs, and the Ultra Circular Polarizer). I bought these brand new from filmtools.com about 6 months ago for a film shoot. The script went through some revisions and ended up being shot all at nighttime, so we had no day shots, and didn't need to ever use these ND filters. These are all 77mm.

They come in black padded pouches that have a belt loop so you can attach to your belt for easy access on a shoot. They are still in the Tiffen boxes, new and unused. If you want both of these, I'll offer them at $350 for the pair. If you want just one, the .3 to 1.2 kit is $165, and the 1.5 to 2.1 plus Circular Polarizer kit is $220. Shipping is free.

Genus Eclipse Variable ND Filter , pictures, resolution and colorshift https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6123/genus-eclipse-variable-nd-filter-pictures-resolution-and-colorshift Thu, 14 Feb 2013 10:04:16 +0000 feha 6123@/talks/discussions Here are some test pictures with Genus Eclipse ... Voigtländer nokton 25mm at f2.0 and old Tokina 200mm/ f3.5 it does not seem to have any problems and no color shift ... Included pictures in full resolution ... Later on coming a video test and if I get some zoom lenses to test more ...

Hoya Pro ND, alternative to Tiffen IR ND https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8463/hoya-pro-nd-alternative-to-tiffen-ir-nd Thu, 17 Oct 2013 07:56:31 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 8463@/talks/discussions

OCTOBER 16, 2013 - Kenko Tokina USA, Inc. is pleased to announce the new Hoya PROND line of neutral density filters with ACCU-ND technology.

The ACCU-ND technology in the Hoya PROND filters yields a truly neutral color balance that will not add any noticeable color-cast to your images. The Hoya PROND series is aimed at the still photography and HDSLR video markets. The series provides 9 filters from two stop to 10 stop light reduction.


The Metallic ACCU-ND coating on the PROND filters do not color shift as you move from one density to the next, a common problem with other series of neutral density filters. Now you can set your white balance once and have the same color balance even if you need to change filters due to changes in lighting, or for creative effect.

The PROND filters use Hoya’s exclusive clear optical glass that has a metallic ACCU-ND coating front and back to create the neutral density affect.

Neutral density filters are designed to reduce the amount of light entering your camera lens and should not have any other effect on the image. Reducing the amount of light allows for the use of wider apertures or slower shutter speeds for creative and dramatic effect in bright lighting conditions.

All Hoya PROND filters have a low-profile one piece aluminum frame. The thin frame keeps the glass secure and parallel to the sensor while allowing it to be used with super-wide angle lenses


GH2 IR Filtering and How to Achieve Clean Shadows https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7785/gh2-ir-filtering-and-how-to-achieve-clean-shadows Wed, 14 Aug 2013 20:46:08 +0000 smsjr 7785@/talks/discussions For the most part I am very happy with the latest crop of hacks. I think they are squeezing about as much juice from the GH2 fruit as possible, but two areas I still am curious about.

Today I was testing with Tiffen Standard Hot Mirror. I will try to post some results in the coming days but two things jumped out at me. Black fabrics were contaminated with or without the hot mirror and as usual were also a bit noisy which is something this camera suffers from. The noise I can deal with in post, especially when I capture a nice accurate profile of it on set. Makes the job in post that much easier.

But I'm curious what people have experienced with IR solutions. In my arsenal, I currently have a Tiffen hot mirror, Tiffen IRND 1.5, 1.8, 2.1 as well as Pancro IRND 1.2 and 1.5. I have only tested with the Tiffen filters. Haven't tried my Pancros yet.

I also need to test more materials under various lighting.

I'd love to hear from people who have done this testing already so I can compare notes.
