Tagged with gh4 - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/gh4/p6/feed.rss Mon, 27 Jan 25 04:31:53 +0000 Tagged with gh4 - Personal View Talks en-CA GH4 Firmware News https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12234/gh4-firmware-news Fri, 23 Jan 2015 14:19:48 +0000 tedbrah 12234@/talks/discussions Post any news about upcomimg rumors or releases of gh4 firmware. Im personally really excited about the V-Log color profile that may come soon or the confirmed 4k hdmi output that's confirmed.

Why M4/3 is special size sensor https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12860/why-m43-is-special-size-sensor Thu, 23 Apr 2015 01:29:50 +0000 endotoxic 12860@/talks/discussions MFT format sensor.

first size and cost and weight. No one can beat size performance. shape 4:3 perfect for multiaspect.

the shutter 40 for 24p. it was all about cadence and motion blur. To properly emulate certain texture and movement. those topics are already understood and well documented.

But the theory i have is more from the optical/sensor perspective. I said in a previous thread that m4/3 sensors are special for the human eye. You see, the usable human retina is about 21mm diagonal in diameter in a standard adult, The size of the retina is very similar to the m4/3 format sensor which is 22mm diagonal.

For me this is very important, since the lens you use will behave very similar to your eye, if there was a lenses in front of it. there is something about from f2.8 to f3.5 that you can position your self when you use the EVF and connect only one eye to camera and immerse in video mode on your head. The characteristics of this size sensor and the way it behaves on camera is quiet similar on how you see on day to day.

Yes Yes, each focal length at different apertures on different sensors can achieve similar effect. But no the one m4/3 does.

is like the old battle from full frame to smaller sensor, there is some big bokeh to achieve on 5DMKIII or D800 that m4/3 would have to make a trick to achieve but the other way is also doable, but on each part the result always are not only different (they can look similar) but the characteristics are different. The behaviour is the key.

So for me is a special sensor size, maybe i cant explain it very well, but for narrative purpose this format works for me better than super 35mm sensor.

maybe im crazy, but super 16, super 35 look grate full frame excellent, but m4/3 its more real. human retina sensor size and optic characteristics brings an special look and feel not possible withe smaller or bigger sensors.

for me sweet spot.

GH4 Music Video: T-Slam - Stop aiming at me https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12831/gh4-music-video-t-slam-stop-aiming-at-me Sun, 19 Apr 2015 12:34:46 +0000 izash 12831@/talks/discussions A music video that I directed for my band T-Slam.
We're about to play a big concert with the Israeli Symphony Orchestra, so we decided to have fun with the classical theme.
Shot with the GH4, Natural profile, Helios 44-2 with a poor man's Speedbooster and a Lumix 12-35mm/f2.8 lens.
Edited with FCPX 10.2

Gh4 Wedding Video https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12834/gh4-wedding-video Sun, 19 Apr 2015 20:56:18 +0000 Ashbury 12834@/talks/discussions

Graded with Osiris LUTS and all GH4 and some GH3 footage.

Budget Music Video shot with GH4 and kit lens https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12797/budget-music-video-shot-with-gh4-and-kit-lens Mon, 13 Apr 2015 13:38:12 +0000 Gardner 12797@/talks/discussions

Need GH4 Hack Japanese -> English https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12779/need-gh4-hack-japanese-english- Sun, 12 Apr 2015 10:56:32 +0000 xtyle86 12779@/talks/discussions I bought my GH4 in Japan and I don't understand Japanese menu.

Is there a hack tool available or being developed? Thanks,

GH4 White balance Cine D https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12772/gh4-white-balance-cine-d Fri, 10 Apr 2015 07:43:24 +0000 nobbystylus 12772@/talks/discussions I was doing some filming of my kids in the garden this morning and was playing around with the kelvins. I noticed something when looking back at the footage. Generally if I'm outside and its a bright day I dial in 5600k. Skin tones always looks a little bit too orangey - its been mentioned before in numerous posts. Today I tried swapping between 4400 and 5600k and noticed that 4400 looks absolutely perfect colour wise, skin tones wise, everything, which 5600 looks very orange.

My cine D settings are 0, -5, -5, -5, 0. Everything else is default.

From now onwards - I'm using 4400k for daylight shooting

Varavon GH4 Battery - impossible to charge it https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12484/varavon-gh4-battery-impossible-to-charge-it- Fri, 27 Feb 2015 06:14:18 +0000 gabilourson 12484@/talks/discussions Hi guys, I bought by personal-deals the Varavon GH4 battery, but it's impossible to charge it :) I tried for long durations... And paper instructions is really mystery... I searched more explanations on varavon web site, on youtube etc, but I got nothing... If someone has more info ....

Super Sharp ISCO Anamorphic + GH4 + 4kUHD https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12710/super-sharp-isco-anamorphic-gh4-4kuhd Tue, 31 Mar 2015 15:47:42 +0000 stucameraman1 12710@/talks/discussions I found a bit of free time to try out this camera & lens combo. The super sharp ISCO Anamorphic Ultra Star (2x squeeze) and my GH4 shooting at 4kUHD. The video file has been re compressed 3 times including youtubes compression. Try to watch in HD.
My base lens that the ISCO was screwed onto was my good old manual Olympus 50mm f1.8 (OM) EXTRA INFO - because my Olympus 50mm was adapted for a canon mount i also had a Canon to M43 adapter fitted to the GH4. Picture profile was CineLike-D. 4k Footage was imported and edited in Davinci Resolve 11 Lite. When exporting from the 4k timeline to a Mp4 master file the blacks were pulled down slightly, even when i had the correct export setting like 'DATA' value instead of 'VIDEO' value, so the footage should have been Flatter looking. Thanks for watching.

3 new promo videos for LEGO Ninjago using GH4 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12697/3-new-promo-videos-for-lego-ninjago-using-gh4 Mon, 30 Mar 2015 06:54:13 +0000 aaronchicago 12697@/talks/discussions LEGO was apprehensive at first, but ended up loving the look of the GH4.

4K C-mount anamorphic style baby Hypergonar on Pentax Cosmicar https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12642/4k-c-mount-anamorphic-style-baby-hypergonar-on-pentax-cosmicar Thu, 19 Mar 2015 06:41:43 +0000 sebfarges 12642@/talks/discussions Hi my anamorphic friend, here is a a new match I've found for my baby Hypergonar, the Pentax Cosmicar 25mm f1.4 C-mount lens, and I like the result, despite the distortion and the slight vignetting. What do you think ? (more information below)

Oleron Island (Baby Hypergonar on Pentax Cosmicar C-mount) GH4 UHD photo mode 3:2 25p Cinelike V +0 -5 -5 -2 +2 Highlight +1 Shadow +5 Master Pedestal +11 Pentax Cosmicar 25mm f1.4 C-mount lens Baby Hypergonar 1.75x anamorphic lens Redstan clamp SLR Magic +0.33, +1.3, +1.8 diopters, Narumi +3 diopter SLR Magic ND variable filter Lumetri CC and levels adjustments in Premiere Everything was shot between @f2 / f2.8 (because upper gives more vignetting) or more when exposition needs, except close shost with diopters @f1.4

GH4 Noise https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12254/gh4-noise Tue, 27 Jan 2015 18:32:18 +0000 acvschwartz 12254@/talks/discussions Hello, first time posting here, and overall camera noob... I picked up the GH4 to do some promo vids for a clothing line I am releasing soon.. and tested it out all day today... I found the videos to be a little grainy and a little noisy.. I have uploaded 2 videos to youtube linked below. The one titled "madden" was shot in cinema 4k, 24p and was uploaded to youtube from final cut pro x using 1080p. the other video titled "gh4 noise test" was shot using FHD, 24p and was also uploaded through FCPX using 1080p.

I dont know if its just me... but I see a lot of noise and not such great quality especially on the C4K madden video which is weird. All shots are straight from the camera.. no color grading.. I know the editing and shots arent so great... but i just wanted to upload these to get your opinion... I purchased my gh4 off ebay through what seems to be a camera shop's account and they were running a promotion on the GH4 for $1,399.99 and I am using a Panasonic Lumix G Vario 14-42mm f/3.5 - 5.6 lens. Please let me know what you think... is it fine and im just overreacting? should I try to return the camera to get a new one?

MADDEN (C4K, 24p):


Which RODE Mic for GH4 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12638/which-rode-mic-for-gh4 Thu, 19 Mar 2015 00:39:16 +0000 tomasawyer 12638@/talks/discussions Hi guys, could anyone please give e their opinion on which of these three mics is the best?


Lumix GH4 Big Noise Problem https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12612/lumix-gh4-big-noise-problem Sun, 15 Mar 2015 19:10:52 +0000 tomasawyer 12612@/talks/discussions Hi guys, I got my GH4 a month ago, and upon doing some video tests I am experiencing huge amount of noise in blacks and shadows. Even in bright daylight when i do some tests and i have something black in the video (dress, camera bag) even on ISO 400 it starts to get really big, ISO 800 almost unusable.

Anyone experiencing the same problem? Might be a faulty sensor from Panasonic? I am primarily shooting on Cine-D profile, no additional adjustments, but the problem is on Standard profile as well.

My iDynamic and iResolution is OFF.

I am really frustrated, I was expecting a better video that this noisy ants from GH4, anyone please help?

Beat Poet K Matthews performs 'Queen: I'm Your Mouse' Live https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12606/beat-poet-k-matthews-performs-queen-im-your-mouse-live Sat, 14 Mar 2015 12:03:29 +0000 driftwood 12606@/talks/discussions

Friend and genius, K Matthews performs his political hit ' Queen: I'm Your Mouse'.

[GH4 + Shogun + Voightlander Nokton 25mm]

GH4 - Peaking focus when using ipad and image app software https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12240/gh4-peaking-focus-when-using-ipad-and-image-app-software Sun, 25 Jan 2015 15:31:07 +0000 jimrobin 12240@/talks/discussions Hello, was wondering if anyone else has had an issue where when using the wifi app on an ipad - focus peaking works, but as sonn as the camera is set into record ( video ) the focus peaking disappears on the ipad. I am able to change the manual focus while record but can't see any peaking. The camera lcd does show it. Is this a software glitch or is it something I have set wrong? I just purchased the GH4 and tested it at a family wedding I attended yesterday. My plan was to set-up the shot and connect the ipad and just sit in the audience with my wife. The shot was including the bride and groom and the minister in 4k. As each spoke I wanted to change the focus slightly to bring each into focus as the minister was a few feet further from the camera. In post I could drop the footage into a 1080 project and pan or enter closer shots through cropping etc. Once the ceremony started I quickly reallized that manually focusing from the ipad without peaking was close to impossible. lesson Learned.

Clownfish Eggs. GH4 underwater with Olympus 12-50mm https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12562/clownfish-eggs.-gh4-underwater-with-olympus-12-50mm Tue, 10 Mar 2015 21:02:26 +0000 NickHope 12562@/talks/discussions I shot these saddleback clownfish tending their eggs with a Panasonic GH4 in a Nauticam NA-GH4 housing. I used an Olympus M.Zuiko ED 12-50mm f3.5-6.3 EZ lens in the special Nauticam port that allows switching to the 43mm macro mode.

I love the panning and cropping capability that 4K gives me when publishing in 1080p. The slow zooms at the start and end were done in post and the most closeup shot at 0:43 was just a straight crop to 1080.

My Film "Blind" and the experience! https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12300/my-film-blind-and-the-experience Mon, 02 Feb 2015 08:18:52 +0000 Gardner 12300@/talks/discussions Hi guys, just wanted to showcase the film I've been working on. It first started off as a feature length project, but after decisions were made later, we decided to make it into a feature short film (that's for another discussion). The project in itself took about 5 months to complete due to various reasons, most of them being out of my control, but I ended up handling all of the post production for the film. While I don't encourage people to use this motto in filmmaking, I told myself that if you want it done right then you have to do it yourself. After failing to find an appropriate composer for the film, I decided to score the film myself which meant learning audio. We also originally wanted two editors on the project and found an amazing editor who was local, but of course he got tied up with projects and that plan fell through.

All in all, I was the "Jack of All Trades" for the film, and due to the fact that I'm an avid procrastinator, it was a very tedious process. By far any attention or advice I've gotten has been from the personal-view forums, so of course this film was shot entirely with the GH2, aside from about 2 scenes, and I wanted to update the people who I spoke with consistently on the site about the project. The project is now finished and we released it on IndieReign.com alongside a brand new trailer for the film! Though I'm terrible at taking constructive criticism (all filmmakers are), I wanted to share the trailer with everyone on the personal-view site regardless, I mean after all we all don't just get crew and actors together just to film a personal home movie to lock in a vault!

I'm currently back to writing a new project but I plan on putting together a few youtube tutorial videos focusing mainly on how I scored the film, went about color grading the film itself, and how I went about with the pre-production of the film (casting calls, paperwork, shot lists, scheduling). I hope you guys enjoy the trailer for the film and thank you for the ones who read all of this before actually watching the trailer!

[GH4 EVF Problem]GH4 EVF got red and no image https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12482/gh4-evf-problemgh4-evf-got-red-and-no-image Fri, 27 Feb 2015 01:13:36 +0000 northcamel 12482@/talks/discussions My GH4's EVF got red with some blue vertical lines and there is no image.

Other functions are all OK!

I toke a picture of the EVF and you can see the attached file.

Anyone had ever seen the problem?

I bought this GH4 from Amazon.co.jp and I'm from China, So I can't send to Panasonic China for free.

GH4 firmware update 2.0 talk https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11461/gh4-firmware-update-2.0-talk Wed, 01 Oct 2014 02:21:55 +0000 chef 11461@/talks/discussions GH4 FIRMWARE UPGRADE!!! VER 2.0 http://eww.pass.panasonic.co.jp/pro-av/support/content/download/EN/ep2main/soft/upggh4_e.htm

  1. [4K PHOTO] mode is added which records 4K video exclusively for capturing a frame to save as a photo. •Settings can be adjusted as below when entering this mode. Rec Format : MP4 Rec Quality : 4K/30p/100Mbps (System Frequency 59.94Hz) 4K/25p/100Mbps (System Frequency 50.00Hz) Luminance Level:0-255
    1. In addition to 16:9 aspect, 4:3/3:2/1:1 can be selected.
    2. Exif information is embedded to the captured image from the 4K video.
    3. Marking function is available enables marker setting on the designated point while recording video and users can jump to the markers when playing back the video to capture the frame they want.
    4. Loop Recording function is added, with which the camera keeps on recording video while deleting the old footage automatically.
  2. 4K/23.98p/100Mbps mode is added in MP4 video recording.
  3. The upper limit of the ISO sensitivity can be set in the menu of ISO sensitivity setting and emission amount of flash light can be adjusted in the menu of exposure compensation.
  4. Focusing performance of 1-area AF in video recording is improved.
  5. Tracking performance of tracking AF when used with the interchangeable lens H-FS14140 is improved.
  6. Remote shooting via USB tethering is available by using PC software “USB Tether” supplied by Promote Systems.


One Week with SLR Magic Anamorphot 2x (GH4 UHD 4:3) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12457/one-week-with-slr-magic-anamorphot-2x-gh4-uhd-43 Wed, 25 Feb 2015 02:04:19 +0000 sebfarges 12457@/talks/discussions Hello anamorphic shooters ! Here is my very first shots with the upcoming SLR Magic Anamorphot 2x ! Thanks for watching ! :)

One week with SLR Magic Anamorphot 2x on Voigtlander Ultron 28mm f1.9 on Canon FD 50mm f1.4 + Metabones Speed Booster on Canon FD 35mm f2 As you can see the Canon FD work better than the Voigtlander All the close up were taken without diopter except when it's written GH4 UHD 4:3 Cinelike V 0 -5 -5 -2 +2 Lumetri CC and levels adjustments Everything was shot @f4 / f5.6 except some close shot @1.9 in the first part SLR Magic achromatic diopters +0.33, +1.3, +1.8 and Narumi achromatic +3 diopter

GH4 Manual focus being over riden?? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12446/gh4-manual-focus-being-over-riden Mon, 23 Feb 2015 13:30:09 +0000 AlanEHoward 12446@/talks/discussions Hi all.. the clip below shows several issues I've been facing with the GH4 but mostly focus... Having seen some online tutorials it seems manual focus isn't as simple as you've expect ... The following clip had the camera set up for manual focus but, as you'll see approx 40 secs in it starts to hunt for focus (but only then!)..... am I missing something in the menu? I can't explain this ... I've checked and the button at the back was set to MF, although in the menu AFS/AFF is set to AFS and continuous AF is set to on (surely MF on the back overrides all this??)...... as the video shows the subject hardly moved and I never touched the focus ring ... re audio on the video, I'm waiting for the musician to supply a clean audio track!

Also I'd love some input from others on colours and noise ... This was shot using a cinelike D mode with everything set to 0 and edited in Prem Pro 2014 , If memory serves I was on 800 ASA which is high but I expected better results for the noise ... The "black" bars are not the same black as the black surrounding them on my monitor... I output the clip using the factory preset for Vimeo which presumably is RGB as opposed to 709, so surely the black bars should match the black on my screen?? (the bars are a shade lighter)

Aside from the focus issue I'd be very grateful for comments / advice / guidance on noise especially in the blacks which are always a bit crappy ..



Panasonic Lumix GH4 + HONU Cage + Fotodiox Nikon to M43 Adapter + HDMI Cables https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12407/panasonic-lumix-gh4-honu-cage-fotodiox-nikon-to-m43-adapter-hdmi-cables Tue, 17 Feb 2015 21:24:58 +0000 silvesterdivas 12407@/talks/discussions Selling my Panasonic Lumix GH4 which is in mint condition. Always protected with a Honu GH4 cage. So no scratches, dings or wear anywhere on the camera.

Price is $1400

I'm also adding a Fotodiox Nikon to Micro Four thirds adapter, so you can use any Nikon Lenses. The Cage is a Honu Cage for GH4 and costs around 200$ with HDMI Clamp and Handle.

What you get is

  1. Panasonic GH4 Body
  2. All the OEM Battery, Charger, Cables, Manuals etc which came with the box.
  3. HONU GH4 Cage
  4. Fotodiox Nikon to M43 adapter.
  5. HDMI Cable for connecting any external monitors / Zacuto Z -Finder etc

PM Me. Pay Pal payment and Fast Shipping from San Francisco, CA

GH4 + cine mini-primes: good Matte Box and Follow Focus options? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11997/gh4-cine-mini-primes-good-matte-box-and-follow-focus-options Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:50:14 +0000 lseerveld 11997@/talks/discussions I'm looking forward to receiving the new Veydra set when they ship. Up til now I've been using the Panasonic 12-35 and 35-100 zooms (with a variable ND when needed) on an Indisystem shoulder rig (with TV Logic 5.6" monitor when needed). I would like to have the option to add a Matte Box and single sided Follow Focus. Does anyone have suggestions for quality, light weight MB and FF that would work well with these primes and possibly also the zooms?

FS: Panasonic Leica DG Summilux 25mm f/1.4 ASPH https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12398/fs-panasonic-leica-dg-summilux-25mm-f1.4-asph Mon, 16 Feb 2015 15:13:43 +0000 AndreHW 12398@/talks/discussions For sale. Used Panasonic Leica DG Summilux 25mm f/1.4 ASPH. Very good condition (as new). With original box, lens hood, and both caps.

Price 430€ (Paypal). Shipping is not included (item is located in Italy but i can send internationally at buyers cost).

FS: Panasonic GH3 in very good condition + Panny 20mm https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11743/fs-panasonic-gh3-in-very-good-condition-panny-20mm Mon, 10 Nov 2014 22:12:58 +0000 fotosiamo 11743@/talks/discussions Hi all, I'm moving to the Sony a7S system for video since I'm already shooting stills with my a7R. Therefore, I'm selling all my mu4/3 gear. I've sold most of my lenses, but I still have the Panasonic GH3 with battery, as well as the good ol' Panasonic 20mm f/1.7 mkI + hood. Both are in great condition.

Panasonic GH3: $625 Panasonic 20mm f/1.7 mkI: $250

Selling from Los Angeles. CONUS with shipping fee included

Music Video shot with GH2 and BlackMagic 2.5k! https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12373/music-video-shot-with-gh2-and-blackmagic-2.5k Thu, 12 Feb 2015 05:27:28 +0000 Gardner 12373@/talks/discussions

FS: Viewfactor Contineo GH4 cage https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12279/fs-viewfactor-contineo-gh4-cage Fri, 30 Jan 2015 12:58:50 +0000 adamquesada 12279@/talks/discussions Viewfactor Contineo GH4 cage. Purchased for $262 shipped.

Condition: like new

Very impressive how light and sturdy this cage is. Only used a few times.

Asking $200 OBO, shipped in the USA.

Here is the product page: http://www.viewfactor.net/contineo-gh4-cage.html

Here is a nice review by newshooter Clinton Harn: http://www.newsshooter.com/2014/08/19/video-review-viewfactor-contineo-cage-for-panasonic-gh4-by-clinton-harn/

Tip: Secure Your GH4 Eyecup https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11890/tip-secure-your-gh4-eyecup- Tue, 02 Dec 2014 07:06:49 +0000 bheath 11890@/talks/discussions Hi,

I would suggest that users of the GH4 secure the rubber eyecup to the body using a few narrow strips of two-sided tape - (the gummy kind) or something like a bit of silicone adhesive.

It takes very little force to remove this thing. For instance taking the camera in and out of a back, pocket or pack.

The replacement part is costly (over $30.00 USD and will take time out of your shooting.

I used a few strips of 4mm wide, two-sided tape, because I also wanted to lock the diopter dial in place.

I'm not attaching a picture, because the camera can't take a picture of itself:)

I hope this helps any of you.

Over and out.

Foe Sale: SLRMagic Anamorphot 50 x1.33 with diopter set https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12187/foe-sale-slrmagic-anamorphot-50-x1.33-with-diopter-set Fri, 16 Jan 2015 04:18:56 +0000 Tobsen 12187@/talks/discussions Hardly used and in great condition. No scratches.

Comes with lens adapter rings (52, 58,62mm), 0.33 and 1.33 Diopter lenses and original packaging.

Note: This is the normal version there are few tiny dust particles inside the lens. SLR MAgic offers a version that is 100% garanteed dust-free but for a higher price. I owned their really expensive 50mm T0.95 once and it came with a big speck of dust right in the middle of the back lens element! Yet, not visible on camera.

Since it really does not affect image quality visibly, I chose this version. Price 775,- incl. VAT. If you have a company I can write a invoice with separate VAT.

Location: Bremen, Germany.

Shipping &insurance not included.
