Tagged with gh2 - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/gh2/p34/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 21:55:08 +0000 Tagged with gh2 - Personal View Talks en-CA Bayonet Mount to Micro 4/3 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2859/bayonet-mount-to-micro-43- Fri, 13 Apr 2012 21:13:32 +0000 djhessler 2859@/talks/discussions Does anyone know if there is a mount from Bayonet Mount to Micro 4/3, if there is one, where can I find one?

First Time Hacking https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2850/first-time-hacking Fri, 13 Apr 2012 04:45:47 +0000 MisterBink 2850@/talks/discussions I'm about to hack my new GH2 for the first time, I was just wondering if there are any particular patches I should be aware of out there. I'm going to be using it for short films, shooting on anamorphic lenses. I know the @Driftwood hacks are great, but which one? Sorry for the nubeness of my question. thanks in advance! And big thanks to @Vitaliy_Kiselev - You are a true legend!

Gh2 Broken LCD!!! Options? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2803/gh2-broken-lcd-options Sat, 07 Apr 2012 12:55:34 +0000 kupchenpo 2803@/talks/discussions While traveling in Asia last month my tripod was toppled over (stupid setup, my fault) with the lcd out and it shattered some of the plastic and crippled the touch screen capability. I basically used some gaffers tape to hold things together for the rest of my trip (displays fine). Now that I'm home, I decided to take things apart and see what was causing the touch features to not work. As you'll see in the picture, the fall pulled a cable receptor off of the board, I'm guessing that is what enables the touch function? I tried making the contact by pressing it in place, but it had no effect. When I took the lcd off the body of the camera, what remaining functioning plastic that holds things together (screw holes) crumbled making it not possible for me to reattach properly.



  1. Can this be fixed? How? Where to get the necessary parts/materials? Can anyone do it for me at a reasonable price?

  2. If it's a lost cause. Where can I find a replacement LCD? I've scoured the web and thus far come up completely empty. Even if I get a new LCD, I'd need the plastic housing too.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated. For now I'm just using the EVF and an ext. monitor, but I miss the functionality of that LCD big time.

Thank you.

windows platform: how to convert a MTS file without losseing any quality for editing. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2815/windows-platform-how-to-convert-a-mts-file-without-losseing-any-quality-for-editing. Mon, 09 Apr 2012 03:22:37 +0000 shihab 2815@/talks/discussions i have my gh2 recorded some video clips. but i can not edit in premier pro cs3, as i cannot use pp cs5 so how could i convert the mts files without losing any quality of the file.

Best stable Hack for GH2 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2817/best-stable-hack-for-gh2 Mon, 09 Apr 2012 06:09:37 +0000 arievandam 2817@/talks/discussions Hi guys, I'm new here. :) So forgive me , my ignorence.. ;) I ordered a GH2. Because I'm slightle disappointed in what I saw from the new 5D MKIII and D800. They are good for stills, but disappoint still with video. Tested the Canon C300, which does great with my Leica R lenses. But for the moment it's to expensive for me. And to many new models are and will come out this year. So for the moment a GH2 and for the rest, I will invest in more lenses, Follow Focus MatteBox etc... For many projects we rent equipment anyway. It seems the GH2 is better than all the other stills cameras around. My question... it seems, that the allready great GH2 for the price, can get better with a hack and a Patch.. But it seems, that there are allready about a millon different patches around. It drives me nuts.. ;)
But I'm shure somebody can tell me, which one is the best at this moment. My wishes..

Stable !!! Suppose, I will do a payed gig with it. I need to have some reliable camera. Playback in camera. Would be nice if it works with 25P, 50P and 24P.

Allso it would be nice if I can use the ETC.

Maybe some of my questios are silly.. I'm sorry for that. Cheers, Arie.

GH2 files to PHOTO JPEG https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2764/gh2-files-to-photo-jpeg Tue, 03 Apr 2012 05:22:41 +0000 miza 2764@/talks/discussions Hello, I have a big problem converting files after editing to PHOTO JPEG. Even if I choose the best settings the quality is really bad. There is a lot of aliasing which is not so visible on the original file?

I'm using Windows and Premiere pro CS5. The same thing was on Apple and Final Cut.

Is there any solution to that? I must have PHOTO JPEG as an output.

Here is a sample picture: http://shrani.si/f/g/a5/vhSletJ/test-gh2.jpg

Thanks for the help

About time I posted a video! https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2799/about-time-i-posted-a-video Sat, 07 Apr 2012 01:40:33 +0000 davhar 2799@/talks/discussions I haven't posted anything yet so here's one. You guys have taught me a lot about the whole digital universe and I appreciate it. Cheers

GH2 issues https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2801/gh2-issues Sat, 07 Apr 2012 08:17:33 +0000 achielvda 2801@/talks/discussions Hi all, last week when I was shooting with my GH2 and I stumbled on some annoying problems. First of all, my fn buttons are messed up, they switch functions all the time and sometimes don't work at all. Also the iso starts changing randomly, jumping from one to another. I have the same problem with my menu, resulting that I can't reach anything. I even run the original firmware V1.1, so I don't think that's the problem. Does anyone have an idea? it's starting to freak me out. Thanks

GH2 with Livestream for live webcasting? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1477/gh2-with-livestream-for-live-webcasting Thu, 17 Nov 2011 07:34:16 +0000 Blackout 1477@/talks/discussions
Procaster is free software on windows or mac and I use it for webcasting live events. I am thinking it could take the 1080 50i and deinterlace it and you could livestream at 25 progressive.

I am going to buy the blackmagic intensity and test it out..... http://www.blackmagic-design.com/products/intensity/

So do I need to hack the camera first or does it not matter?

Do I need to hit the record button or does it not matter?

Any help on this ASAP would be appreciated as I have the event Sunday. I have backups should the gh2 / blackmagic to laptop into procaster livetsream software not work.... but I would love for it to work.

I want to set up the gh2 with the 1.7 pancake lens for a wide live stream and the jump around with my gh13 for actual coverage. I'm still very new to the GH2 and make some boo boos where as I know every crevice of the gh13 like my ex girlfriend.

ps to give you an example of what is capable with livestream: this is a live broadcast in hd with webcams and the gh13 prerecorded footage cued and played live from a laptop:

pretty f-ing impressive.. make sure you full screen it.


- Blackout

False Colors on the GH2 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2778/false-colors-on-the-gh2 Wed, 04 Apr 2012 02:29:53 +0000 woodybrando 2778@/talks/discussions any chance false colors are coming to the gh2 like they are in Magic Lantern? If not, what options are out there for getting false colors from the gh2 externally? cheers, Jayson www.youtube.com/AWDEfilms

Best "All Around" settings for the GH2 as of March 21st. Please help https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2641/best-all-around-settings-for-the-gh2-as-of-march-21st.-please-help Wed, 21 Mar 2012 01:02:48 +0000 dmedia 2641@/talks/discussions Hey everyone. Noob here. I worked with the hacked GH1 sometime ago. However, I've got a shoot this weekend and thanks to budget constraints and some of YOUR AWESOME footage with the GH2, the shoot is moving forward with said camera.

My issue: With all the various patches, it's quite overwhelming. Unfortunately, I have VERY limited time to play around and test prior to the shoot dates.

What is the best "all around", go-to patch as of current? I've seen tons of great samples displaying Driftwood's patches. There's just so many...

I'm working with some Zeiss ZF lenses and Transcend Extreme 16gb cards. Looking to possibly include some 60fps shots for slow motion and time ramping here and there as well....

Any help is extremely appreciated. Thanks everyone.

Which settings for GH2 concert recording (classical)? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2637/which-settings-for-gh2-concert-recording-classical Tue, 20 Mar 2012 19:12:35 +0000 THX1965 2637@/talks/discussions I've done quite a bit of testing with all the wonderful new driftwood patches, as well as with the updated Flowmotion.

I'd love to hear from someone who's done this before - successfully:

in 2 weeks, I will shoot a classical concert (orchestra), on a great looking concert stage, with two GH2s. One's going to be a static wide shot and the second one will shoot close up and different angles. The concert will run about 90 minutes total. The location will be bright enough, but I'd say I most likely will have to use an ISO of 640 or 800 in order to be able to shoot with an f 5.6.

I do own two fast 64 GB 95mb/s SandDisc cards. - I'll be shooting this in 24p.

I certainly want it to look as good as possible (with as fine a noise grain as possible - considering my ISO), but I also need about 40-50 minutes of continuous recording time per segment - and the full 90 minutes should fit on each of the 64 GB cards.

I'd really appreciate any real world feedback for this kind of task. VBR or CBR? What kind of bit rate should I be going for? Would any of the new Driftwood patches be suited for this?

Thank you so much in advance.

--- Markus ---

GH2 Newbie - 30 min removal? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2733/gh2-newbie-30-min-removal Fri, 30 Mar 2012 17:52:08 +0000 sam_uk 2733@/talks/discussions Hi total newbie here.

I just got a GH2 and would like to remove the 30 min limit. Is there a firmware and clear set of instructions anywhere?

Any other improvements would be interesting, but not at the expense of stability and all round function

For anyone else who finds this thread this really helped me: http://www.beeldlab.nl/installing-gh2-hack-with-a-mac/

GH2 Skateboarding Impressions https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2567/gh2-skateboarding-impressions Tue, 13 Mar 2012 06:51:12 +0000 Stiffla 2567@/talks/discussions As I often read, that some potential GH2 buyers are wondering whether the camera is a good choice to shoot skateboarding or other extreme sports or not, here is my first try to get some good shots with my GH2. I have to say, the handling was quite easy and I am really looking forward to shoot some more. Only shot in in MF mode.

I used one of driftwoods patches out of the Timebuster 1.3 for timelapse. Videoframerates are at ~30Mbit/s 720p, and to me it looks really nice in the original file. Maybe you like it and you can give me some critics. Cheers

gh2: make the camera write in avi https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2609/gh2-make-the-camera-write-in-avi Sun, 18 Mar 2012 03:04:40 +0000 shihab 2609@/talks/discussions is it possible to make the gh2 to write in avi ? any hack?

Alive - GH2 Driftwood Dark Matter V3 outdoors test https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2676/alive-gh2-driftwood-dark-matter-v3-outdoors-test Sat, 24 Mar 2012 14:12:12 +0000 JPB1138 2676@/talks/discussions

This is a short piece with two different color grades using the GH2 and the Driftwood Dark Matter Hack. Loving the detail and the gradability of the driftwood settings. Planning on shooting a short narrative in the same location.

THE LAST SHOT IS JUST A SHOT OF THE MOON with 300mm 2.8 and Tele extended. Detail is amazing... Lenses used:

Lumix/Leica 25mm 1.4 Tokina 11-16mm Canon 300mm L 2.8


PS: download the 1080p version, still not as good as the raw footage but better than vimeo compression.

We Love Burlesque! (GH2 - B&W) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2655/we-love-burlesque-gh2-bw Thu, 22 Mar 2012 09:08:36 +0000 Elikas 2655@/talks/discussions Hacked GH2 (35mbps patch). Panasonic 20mm 1.7 pancake & Nikkor 55mm 2.8 macro. B&W dynamic setting. Enjoy!

Relation between version increment and name of bin-file https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2631/relation-between-version-increment-and-name-of-bin-file Tue, 20 Mar 2012 07:45:05 +0000 Speldosa 2631@/talks/discussions My last topic (http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2614/exactly-what-is-the-deal-with-version-numbers-when-hacking-the-gh2) was closed with a reference to the FAQ (which didn't answer my problem) without me being able to comment, so I have to start a new thread (I'm really sorry about this, I don't want to spam the board and would have continued the discussion in the original thred if it was possible).

I'm going to try to be as clear as possible: What's the relation between the version incrament option and the naming of the bin-file itself?

The bin-file naming I think I've got. It seems to me like you always have to increase the number of it compared to the previous (although whatever happens when you get to 99 (that is, if you can start using a three digitit version number) never is mentioned). So I guess I will have to write down the latest bin-file naming in order to patch my camera again.

However, what about the version incrament? Does this have to relate to the bin-file naming in some way (that is, if I go from GH2__V10 to GH2__V11, do I have to set e version incrament to 1?) ? Do I have to take into consideration what version incrament I used for the last patching? Is it culminative? That is, if I remove PTools, will I have to put in a version incrament number that combines all the previous? (Let's say I'm patching my camera with version incrament 2, reinstall PTools, and then patch the camera with version incrament 10. Do I the next time have to patch it with version incrament 13 (2+10=12)?)

Movement Solution on the GH2 - What's your experience? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2332/movement-solution-on-the-gh2-whats-your-experience Sun, 19 Feb 2012 15:36:57 +0000 Alexauwa 2332@/talks/discussions Hi,

I am about to get into moving camera shots such as with sliders, glidecams and tripods thus looking for a general stabilization to master all kind of situation.

I'de be happy if you'd share your experience with the gear you are using.

Exactly what is the deal with version numbers when hacking the GH2? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2614/exactly-what-is-the-deal-with-version-numbers-when-hacking-the-gh2 Mon, 19 Mar 2012 05:33:53 +0000 Speldosa 2614@/talks/discussions I'm going to hack my Panasonic GH2 and been reading up on the process for quite some while now so I won't screw up my camera. Two tutorials that I've been looking at are this (http://www.google.no/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CDEQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fosgfilms.com%2Fhack-the-panasonic-gh2%2F&ei=ZgJnT__jOKSl4gTbv5HlBw&usg=AFQjCNGbxsoY8P0JQ0sGl-HX8zlI7NPjjw&sig2=zFS_B1prU7cc2B6Hia756A) and this (http://www.sam-mallery.com/2011/11/an-ez-guide-to-hacking-the-panasonic-gh2/).

Now, everything seems pretty straight forward except when I read about naming and version incraments. That is, there seems to be two things mentioned when talking about version number and version incrament: 1) A setting you make inside PTools where you specify the version incrament. 2) The actual name that you decide for your bin-file that you suqsequently place on your SD card.

For example, the first tutorial above mentions the following:

Step 5: Select Save Firmware and save it as GH2__V1x , the x can be any number from 0 – 9 just don’t over write the original firmware!

When they say "over write the original firmware", what exactly do they mean? The firmware I already have on my camera? In that case, does it matter if it's already hacked or not? Or are they talking about my firmware file that I've downloaded? In that case, why can't I overwrite it? Shouldn't I just be able to download it again if I want to?

The other tutorial mentions the following:

8) If the “Version increment” box in ptool isn’t checked, click on it and check it.

This isn't mentioned in the first guide. Why not? What will happen if I don't?

All this really confuses me. Could somebody give me a clear explanation why this (apparently) is such a big deal? If nobody would havve mentioned anything about all this, I would have imagined that the only thing you needed to do was to load a bin-file onto you camera which will overwrite all old settings and software each time you do it, and that's it. However, it doesn't really seems like that's the case.

Real & fake trailers made with hacked & unhacked GH2 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2580/real-fake-trailers-made-with-hacked-unhacked-gh2- Wed, 14 Mar 2012 22:02:52 +0000 artardi 2580@/talks/discussions Show us what can u do with this cam.

Legal Question: BIN Files vs. .INI Files https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2592/legal-question-bin-files-vs.-.ini-files Thu, 15 Mar 2012 21:16:39 +0000 thepalalias 2592@/talks/discussions In the same day I recently had several people ask me whether I could provide pre-compiled .BIN files for them (clients, friends, etc.) and I realized that I hadn't seen them posted online before - only the .INI files.

My question is, is there a legal reason for this? Is it acceptable for me to host a .INI file of the audio settings I've helped cultivate since October but not to post a .BIN file with them applied? Or is it simply that everyone here would rather get hands on with the files themselves (which I can easily understand :)?

I don't want to inadvertently create problems or friction and don't have the expertise to decipher the situation without input.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts on the matter!

The Tent Boxer https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2588/the-tent-boxer Thu, 15 Mar 2012 11:39:51 +0000 danyyyel 2588@/talks/discussions

Very nice trailer done on the hacked gh2

Tonalizer Pro from Iridus https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2586/tonalizer-pro-from-iridus Thu, 15 Mar 2012 08:34:51 +0000 rsquires 2586@/talks/discussions http://irudis.com/

Not affiliated in any way but I just had to post regarding this astounding plugin for FCPX and Motion 5. It also works with FCP 7 and Express and Motion 4.

One of the tell tale signs of most DSLR footage and especially the GH2 is the lack of latitude. Shadows tend to go dark and hi-lights are usually blown out. Obviously you can shoot around this but, on a sunny day some times you don't have much choice. What Tonalizer Pro does is allow you to salvage hi-lights and boost shadows to get a more film like look. It really is amazing what it can do. Take a look at some frame grabs from some footage I shot with one of Driftwoods hacks last year. The hi-light recovery is worth the price alone in my opinion. But it really has about everything you need to truly get the most out of footage. Of course pulling detail from shadow will expose grain and noise but there are handy check boxes to allow for noise reduction and aliasing. Still the GH2 hack is getting very good at reducing noise in the shadows so I'm more confident in lifting them now.

Have a look at the images as they tell the story better than I can. I haven't been this impressed with a plugin for a long time. If you try Tonalizer Lite, I got a 35% discount which made it a more reasonable price. It is expensive but 35% off ain't bad.

all the best


Panasonic GH2 and external touchscreen. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2582/panasonic-gh2-and-external-touchscreen. Thu, 15 Mar 2012 04:23:23 +0000 FLASHWeRKS 2582@/talks/discussions Will it be possible to attach an exteral touchscreen (like the acer T231H - 23") to the HDMI and USB ports of the Panasonic GH2?

GH2 NTSC TO PAL INFO https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2516/gh2-ntsc-to-pal-info Wed, 07 Mar 2012 07:41:06 +0000 IKONIC 2516@/talks/discussions Hi All,

I currently have a GH2 PAL version with the updated Panasonic firmware. I am looking at an additional GH2, and was considering to purchase a NTSC model. One question I have been trying to find out, and can never seem to get a firm answer about the hack. I hope someone can really clear the air for me, or guide me to the info.

Will I be able to use a NSTC GH2, hack and set it to unit PAL to perform the 50i/25p/24p...? I would like to have both the original PAL and new NSTC cameras set identically (which needs to be PAL)... so would this be possible? or is it recommended get a PAL model instead...?

Thanks, for your help in advance.

Avc-intra to ProRes for final cut pro 7 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1915/avc-intra-to-prores-for-final-cut-pro-7 Mon, 02 Jan 2012 22:41:14 +0000 Qsik 1915@/talks/discussions Moire Focusing - Gh2, possibly other cameras https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2550/moire-focusing-gh2-possibly-other-cameras Sun, 11 Mar 2012 00:26:30 +0000 DUCK 2550@/talks/discussions So far, I'm just playing with video on my GH2, but I've found something curious while trying to learn to pull focus; the touchscreen seems to show moire whenever sharp details are in focus. On my screen, I see a sort of rainbow pattern where in-focus highlights should be. So far, this actually seems to be a reliable indicator of what's in focus. With catch-lights in eyes, along with numerous still scenes, I've reliably found that whatever was ringed with moire was perfectly in focus when examined after the fact...

Saving and Sharing GH2 Setting for Multicamera shooting? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2556/saving-and-sharing-gh2-setting-for-multicamera-shooting Sun, 11 Mar 2012 22:55:02 +0000 willianaleman 2556@/talks/discussions Is it possible to save and share costume settings between GH2 in a multicamera set up, like white balance and gamma color?
Thanks in advance

Happy Holi - A Festival of Colours - Freshly captured with a GH2 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2547/happy-holi-a-festival-of-colours-freshly-captured-with-a-gh2 Sat, 10 Mar 2012 16:42:21 +0000 Felix 2547@/talks/discussions

A very Happy Holi to all - Shot with a GH2 using HBR and a little 720p All Standard.

Much Love Fx
