Tagged with gh2 - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/gh2/p26/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 22:06:53 +0000 Tagged with gh2 - Personal View Talks en-CA GH2 Sleeps while I'm shooting a time Lapse. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5223/gh2-sleeps-while-im-shooting-a-time-lapse. Fri, 16 Nov 2012 19:31:10 +0000 jvalal 5223@/talks/discussions My Hacked GH2 sleeps while I'm shooting a time lapse video. Is there a way to disable the "sleep" function so I can get a full time lapse?

Motion time lapse vid with GH2 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5201/motion-time-lapse-vid-with-gh2 Wed, 14 Nov 2012 21:09:17 +0000 ed_lee83 5201@/talks/discussions Hello all! Wanted to share this time lapse video I shot exclusively on the GH2 in my home town of Hong Kong. It's become my spare camera after one year of heavy usage, but it's still alive and kicking! Mainly shot on 14-42mm lens with circular polarizer. Powered with a generic DC coupler + Sony F battery adapter.

GH2 vs GH3 HDMI Monitor Output? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5194/gh2-vs-gh3-hdmi-monitor-output Wed, 14 Nov 2012 10:01:00 +0000 willianaleman 5194@/talks/discussions The only feature that would make me jump and upgrade from GH2 to GH3 is the limitation in the GH2 of output monitoring though the HDMI to an external monitor. When using an external monitor during recording, spanning gets interrupted no matter what spanning patch is being used. The GH2 just stops recording.

Accordingly to the last response I got from V. Kiselev in this forum was that it hasn't been fixed. Then, accurate focus is the biggest issue I have been encountering with the GH2, specially for run and gun type of shooting. I'm hoping that the GH3 doesn't have this issue.

Video Info Software https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4937/video-info-software Fri, 19 Oct 2012 13:09:58 +0000 producer 4937@/talks/discussions Does anybody know a software which gives complete info about a video file?

What I mean is like MediaInfo, but what I need is full information of GH1/2 video file: Shutter, WB, ISO, etc.

GH2. What is best, Black & White in post or in camera ? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5190/gh2.-what-is-best-black-white-in-post-or-in-camera- Tue, 13 Nov 2012 18:22:22 +0000 suzres 5190@/talks/discussions Hello. The title says it all. Is there any theoretical reason for a difference in quality ?

AVCHD 1080p time lapse https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1559/avchd-1080p-time-lapse Sat, 26 Nov 2011 04:10:11 +0000 balazer 1559@/talks/discussions

This particular example was shot on a hacked GH2 in AVCHD 1080p 24-fps mode with the shutter speed set to 1/2 s. That makes the recorded video have 13 frames for each picture taken, for an effective frame rate of 23.976/13, or about 1.84 fps. You can set the GOP length to 13 frames, which will give you one I-frame for each picture taken, and then use just the I-frames in decoding. That increases compression efficiency and gives you longer recording times. The shutter angle here is 332 degrees, or 92%, which isn't bad, but ideally you want to get closer to 360 degrees so that you don't have discontinuities in the motion trails. If I did this again, I would have shot 8-fps in 300% variable mode with a 1/8 s shutter speed. Using a lower frame rate of course means there is less video data that needs to be processed.

Here's the video data flow:
camera MTS -> Haali Media Splitter -> ffdshow tryouts decoder -> Avisynth -> makeAVIS -> Sony Vegas

Here's my Avisynth script for doing 65x speed-up: 16.25x from undercranking and 4x from frame blending:
c1=selectevery(last, 4, 0)
c2=selectevery(last, 4, 1)
c3=selectevery(last, 4, 2)
c4=selectevery(last, 4, 3)
blend1 = Overlay(c1, c2, mode="blend", opacity=0.5)
blend2 = overlay(c3, c4, mode="blend", opacity=0.5)
Overlay(blend1, blend2, mode="blend", opacity=0.5)

Time lapse photography has practical applications. Say you are filming a car driving by at 10 miles per hour, but you want to make it look like it's going 60 miles per hour. If your target format is 24 fps with a 180-degree shutter, you can shoot 24-fps with a 1/25 s shutter, and then blend the first three frames of every six into one output frame. Or you can shoot 8-fps in 300% variable mode with a 1/8 s shutter, and drop every other frame. If the car is going straight down a road with no bumps or curves, the effect will be totally convincing. :)]]>
Brume II - GH2 Landscape Footage - Sanity 5 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5178/brume-ii-gh2-landscape-footage-sanity-5 Mon, 12 Nov 2012 14:52:25 +0000 brettplank 5178@/talks/discussions

Download the original file via Vimeo for better quality.

GH2 (mint with box) and lenses https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5100/gh2-mint-with-box-and-lenses Sat, 03 Nov 2012 18:10:35 +0000 martyfm 5100@/talks/discussions Moving to a d800 and selling my current setup. Package deal only.

  • GH2 in Mint condition with original box, accessories and two batteries - $600
  • Panasonic 14-42 - $50
  • Panasonic 7-14 - $700
  • SLR Magic 12mm f1.6 - $500
  • Novoflex MFT-Nikon adapter - $200

edit: Call it $1,800 and i'll pay the shipping.


The Last Hour - Shot on GH2 Quantum 9b https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5179/the-last-hour-shot-on-gh2-quantum-9b Mon, 12 Nov 2012 16:35:02 +0000 crustovsky 5179@/talks/discussions Hello,

Here is a short i did couple of weeks ago, it's shot on hacked GH2 (Quantum9b hack). Enjoy!

Vimeo link

Youtube link

GH2 Made in...China, Japan, etc... https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4824/gh2-made-in...china-japan-etc... Fri, 05 Oct 2012 14:10:33 +0000 fosterchen 4824@/talks/discussions Just curious as to all the different places of manufacture for the GH2. My GH2 says made in China, and I bought it from B&H when it was $599 back in March/April 2012 for only a day. (Wonder if that's the reason it was much cheaper) It's been working fine and hacks work fine too.

I've heard of earlier GH2's made in Japan, but wanted to confirm and see where everyone's GH2's were made and when they bought it.


A Prewedding Film | A Pretty Cool Way To Keep A Memory https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5155/a-prewedding-film-a-pretty-cool-way-to-keep-a-memory Fri, 09 Nov 2012 23:26:19 +0000 pchristoph 5155@/talks/discussions
We make the occasional pre-wedding film for engaged couples who want to share a bit more of their story and personalities with their wedding guests. Usually a film like this will get played at the wedding of a reception on a big screen before the happy couple is announced and they walk into the room. When we screened the film with them they got really excited and wanted to post in online right away. So here it is. It was shot primarily with Pentax takumar glass and the 12mm from slr magic. While I like the 12mm wide angle it is a harder lens to cut in because it is higher contrast...I still like the less sharp/cinematic feel better than the Oly 12mm though. Glidecam shots on a 50mm macro tak. Some good fun and shot in about 4 hours over four locations on a cold clear October day. The gh2 cameras are brilliant for activating ones creativity in real time. I could never have been able to setup so quickly for shots, nor risk the variety of camera angles on the shotlist from rolling from a larger camera system over such a short period of time. I just gotta learn to color grade better. Anyways, cheers and good hunting all you creatives.

gh2+14-140mm : focusing points in advance... https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5111/gh2-14-140mm-focusing-points-in-advance... Mon, 05 Nov 2012 13:04:20 +0000 magnifico 5111@/talks/discussions I just want to keep in memory (marking with some tape my 14-140mm) to points where to focus. The problem is that gh2 and 14-140 just loose "memory" : that means even in manual focus mode, when I move the focus ring and I am back to the mark I did, the image is not focused any more ! 14-140 mm is given as a video lens : how can I prepare in advance some points to focus and go from one to another while recording (in manual focus mode) ?

Fixing a Damaged Disk Image from SD Card https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5154/fixing-a-damaged-disk-image-from-sd-card Fri, 09 Nov 2012 14:20:23 +0000 willianaleman 5154@/talks/discussions In the Mac OS operating system, I have a disk image created from a SandDisk SD card, with a 9 GB GH2 footage content. The disk image can not be opened. The operating system displays the following warning when attempting to open it: "The disk image you are opening may be damaged and could damage your system. No mountable file systems. Are you sure you want to open this disk image?" The options are, Open, Don't open. Of course I haven't opened it.

This is the first time this happened to me. I have tried Disk Utility to fix it without success. Has someone had a similar experience or have a recommended application to fix the disk image?

Thanks in advance!

I believe know why Coppola chose the GH2 at Zacuto Revenge Shootout 2012 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5136/i-believe-know-why-coppola-chose-the-gh2-at-zacuto-revenge-shootout-2012 Wed, 07 Nov 2012 22:33:23 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 5136@/talks/discussions I watch some movies I subtracted master Coppola, including an excellent thriller 'The Conversation' of his early years. My first reaction just came out the first pictures is that it looks like when you combine the GH2 or GH1 with old lenses for its look and color, but the texture of the film different though but not as radical.

I think what Coppola to see shots of the GH2 was somewhat familiar with this movie great unknown but which he felt so proud. I'd love to ask him about it, but that is almost impossible.

Excuse me if this thread its trivial and offtopic, but wanted to share this impression.

And I recommend to all screenwriters and directors see this movie frugal, sometimes with limited resources and without a very complex story, but well told and surprising elements can do a good job in this case is a masterpiece.

Attached some pictures of it.

PS: Sorry for my poor English.

GH2 + 35-100mm + GoPro 3 Black does BMX Freestyle https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5125/gh2-35-100mm-gopro-3-black-does-bmx-freestyle Tue, 06 Nov 2012 11:11:23 +0000 mpgxsvcd 5125@/talks/discussions Here is a set of highlights from a local BMX competition that I filmed with my GH2 + 35-100mm F2.8 @ F2.8 and my new GoPro 3 Black mounted to the hot shoe. The clicking noise in some of the clips is the GH2 taking stills while the GoPro Recorded video.

I know the editing is poor in this video. I shot WAY TOO MANY things this weekend and just didn't have time to do the editing justice. Take it for what it is. Just a bunch of samples from both cameras.

I tried editing the colors on the first few clips but after that I just didn't have time. I shot in 720p 60 FPS and F2.8 for the GH2 shots(Can you tell which one those are?). And I shot at 720p @ 120 FPS Narrow angle non-Protune, 720p @ 120 FPS Wide angle Pro-tune, 1080p @ 60 FPS Medium Angle Pro-tune, and 2.7K @ 30 FPS Pro-tune for the Go-Pro 3.

Can you tell which clips are what resolution and frame rates for the GoPro? Hint, several of the clips having very bad aliasing in the fence in the background. That is eliminated by using a narrower field of view.

There is also a sample image below of what the GP3 looks like on the GH2 + 35-100mm.

It's Always Sunny With.... Flowmotion Skatepark Edit https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5123/its-always-sunny-with....-flowmotion-skatepark-edit Tue, 06 Nov 2012 09:27:39 +0000 Stiffla 5123@/talks/discussions Hi,

we had been been filming for 2 month in Vienna and this is what came out. I used Flowmotion 2.02 in HBR mode. So far I do not regret it, nevertheless 50p would have been better for slowmotion.

Critical feedback will be much appreciated.

Voigtlander Nokton 50 (1.5), Nokton 58 or Leica Summicron R 50 on the GH2 - your "Personal View" https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5095/voigtlander-nokton-50-1.5-nokton-58-or-leica-summicron-r-50-on-the-gh2-your-personal-view Sat, 03 Nov 2012 10:39:56 +0000 gameb 5095@/talks/discussions Don't kill me because these lenses were partly discussed in earlier topics. I don't want to discuss the sharpness or optical details of these lenses. What interests me is their character... I am a bit tired of the sterile Panasonic look, even if I love my 20mm Pancake or the 14mm. But I want to change my whole line-up to a more personal aesthetic, including the wideangle, normal and tele range. I would like to try them all out and see which one I like, but this is impossible for me. This is why I am asking you your "Personal View" about them (lenses mentioned in the title are more or less in the same price category). May be some video samples?

Johan Reinhold - Tears From The Start (Music Video made entirely on GH2) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5049/-johan-reinhold-tears-from-the-start-music-video-made-entirely-on-gh2 Wed, 31 Oct 2012 05:47:36 +0000 davidhjlindberg 5049@/talks/discussions Hi creative people!

Warner Music just released my latest music video and I am very proud to mention that I was able to shoot on Red Scarlet but chosen GH2 instead. Some may say I'm stupid but I wanted to show them what a cinematic result that little beast can give us.

Shot with Panasonic GH2, Sedna AQ1 & Apocalypse BOOM (Smooth -2-2-2-2) and Zeiss 50mm 1.8 Shot, directed, edited and graded by me.

Completely edited in Smoke 2012 and graded in DaVinci Resolve 9.

Read this article to find out more about the video: davidhjlindberg.blogspot.se/2012/10/music-video-johan-reinhold-tears-from.html

FS: Panasonic GH2 w/ 14-42mm Kit lens https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5093/fs-panasonic-gh2-w-14-42mm-kit-lens Sat, 03 Nov 2012 03:45:34 +0000 strancali 5093@/talks/discussions Since I placed my order for the GH3, I will now sell my barely used GH2 w/14-42mm kit lens. This camera is ALWAYS in the camera bag and it's like brand new. Comes with all accessories when purchased new and the original box.

Price: $650 + shipping no paypal fees if paid via personal else you add the 3%.

Let me know if anyone is interested. Thank you for looking.

Value of gh2 in relation to gh3 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5089/value-of-gh2-in-relation-to-gh3- Fri, 02 Nov 2012 23:44:58 +0000 hay 5089@/talks/discussions i could use some input re: the soon to be discontinued gh2.

my projects are displayed on 60 inch+ lcd panels and digital projectors. i've used, extensive in the past, a borrowed gh2 and have been impressed with the hacks over the stock firmware. considerations: - i don't plan to use in-camera audio recording, - DR isn't as important as image sharpness and pixel structure, - i have enjoyed using the high bit rate hacks in the past, particularly the v9b and i do a fair amount of grading in post

also, any idea how the 100mbps+ hacks impact the life of the camera? i recall reading something by a panasonic engineer who thought the hack "overload" would diminish the lifecycle. any real world examples of this?

thanks for the help.

Longboarding https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5101/longboarding Sun, 04 Nov 2012 14:45:39 +0000 B3Guy 5101@/talks/discussions Here's a short longboarding video that my friends asked me to film for them earlier this summer. As always, I'd love some feedback! I'm still working on my grading skills with Resolve Lite, and on my grain effect, which Vimeo still doesn't seem to be capable of encoding properly.

Panasonic Lumix GH2 | Standard Firmware | Mir-1B 37mm f2.8 | Kowa 16-H Anamorphic Lens | 72mm Lightcraft Workshop Fader ND MKII | Anamorphic front and rear clamps by Redstan

The Hills https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5081/the-hills Fri, 02 Nov 2012 12:48:46 +0000 pvjames 5081@/talks/discussions Footage around Eastern Sierras in California.

Better Quality: http://photos.jamesthorpe.com/Other/Film/22905243_LRBs44#!i=2084189442&k=VPTsv35&lb=1&s=A

La Salle de Classe - GH2 + Dolly Test (Driftwood) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5056/la-salle-de-classe-gh2-dolly-test-driftwood Wed, 31 Oct 2012 15:19:48 +0000 brettplank 5056@/talks/discussions

I managed to use my school's dolly to pull off some test shots for smooth camera movements. Take note that I used and controlled everything singularly: I pulled focus, performed pans, and physically pushed the dolly itself. It was difficult, but I managed to get some usable footage. With one or two extra grips I can easily pull off great looking, smooth shots. I'll be shooting more with the dolly this week. I like grain.

  • GH2 w/ Driftwood Hack
  • Canon FD 50mm f/1.4
  • Sigma 30mm f/1.4
  • 16mm grain overlay

Brett Plank 2012

A cautionary tale (about hacking and memory cards) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2331/a-cautionary-tale-about-hacking-and-memory-cards Sun, 19 Feb 2012 15:01:51 +0000 TommiH 2331@/talks/discussions I had the opportunity to fly a DC9 simulator with my father (i'm sitting on the left, my father sitting on the right seat in the video). Planned on recording every second of this once-in-a-lifetime deal (that's why i'm wearing the GoPRO). And what did I forget to check? The memory capacity.. "V1"..[END]. THAT'S WHY you always make sure, you have large enough memory card in the camera! :D -- Card Full, 3 seconds before rotate... In a (soon to be extinct) DC9 simulator. Now that sucks. Shot with a 44 Mbit setting on a hacked GH2

Car Explosion Slow Motion https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5033/car-explosion-slow-motion Mon, 29 Oct 2012 18:51:34 +0000 SightfulProd 5033@/talks/discussions A few days ago our Art Department tutor demonstrated a Car Explosion, I went and shot it in slow motion :)

Broadcast quality issues with the GH2 in Europe https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5028/broadcast-quality-issues-with-the-gh2-in-europe Mon, 29 Oct 2012 15:57:11 +0000 gameb 5028@/talks/discussions Anybody heard of broadcast quality issues lately shooting with the GH2 for national TV stations, like german TV, british or french? Somebody told me, they won't accept documentaries shot with the GH2 any more, is that true?

How do i reset my GH2 back to the original state? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5030/how-do-i-reset-my-gh2-back-to-the-original-state Mon, 29 Oct 2012 16:49:20 +0000 Qullander 5030@/talks/discussions Hi!

I want to remove my hack and reset the camera to original state. I tried to install the 1.1 firmware update and change the name. But the camera doesn't want update :( Help please!

Hacked GH2 - No Spanning, multiple copies of the same file instead. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5011/hacked-gh2-no-spanning-multiple-copies-of-the-same-file-instead. Sun, 28 Oct 2012 03:44:50 +0000 MetaControl 5011@/talks/discussions I just got the GH2 and tried some hacks, but they do not seem to work for me.

I tried Flow Motion 2 and some Driftwood series 6 settings, but I had the same problem with both of them. I did not go into quality tests yet, because I wanted to check workflow options first, with different fps settings in Flow Motion 2, without success, but also found out that spanning did not work with it and I wanted to get that right first. After some tests I found something strange happened. Instead of a range of MTS files spanning, I now get several files with the same content. The longer the clip gets, the more files there are, which makes me believe it creates a new copy of the original file every time it is supposed to span into a new clip due to the 4GB limitation. The files do have subtle differences in size, but are all around 4gigs, but I think it is only the variable bit rate. Here is some stream info example on 3 (of five) duplicate files.

\PRIVATE\AVCHD\BDMV\STREAM\00000.MTS Size = 4.305.033.216 Bytes (22.422.048 Packets) Stream: TS Max Speed = 96.897.200 bps Mode = 1080/24p Average PCR Timing Interval = 0,094 seconds Clip Duration = 0:08:06,02 PCR Duration = 0:08:06,10 Average Total Bitrate = 70.861.957 Average Video Bitrate = 69.022.876 Average Audio Bitrate = 235.013 Average Other Bitrate = 1.604.066 Max GOP Size = 4.662.528 Bytes (37.300.224 bits) Video Frame Count (All-I/P/B) = 11.653 - 971 / 2.914 / 7.767 Video Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 12.288 / 367.482 / 1.031.232 I Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 282.624 / 979.755 / 1.031.232 P Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 87.552 / 463.923 / 504.384 B Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 12.288 / 254.803 / 329.664

\PRIVATE\AVCHD\BDMV\STREAM\00001.MTS Size = 4.302.151.680 Bytes (22.407.040 Packets) Stream: TS Max Speed = 96.897.200 bps Mode = 1080/24p Average PCR Timing Interval = 0,094 seconds Clip Duration = 0:08:11,98 PCR Duration = 0:08:11,93 Average Total Bitrate = 69.956.059 Average Video Bitrate = 68.133.383 Average Audio Bitrate = 235.007 Average Other Bitrate = 1.587.668 Max GOP Size = 4.587.648 Bytes (36.701.184 bits) Video Frame Count (All-I/P/B) = 11.796 - 983 / 2.949 / 7.863 Video Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 234.240 / 362.747 / 1.009.728 I Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 945.216 / 967.698 / 1.009.728 P Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 440.640 / 470.262 / 520.704 B Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 234.240 / 246.841 / 264.192

\PRIVATE\AVCHD\BDMV\STREAM\00002.MTS Size = 4.301.021.184 Bytes (22.401.152 Packets) Stream: TS Max Speed = 96.897.200 bps Mode = 1080/24p Average PCR Timing Interval = 0,094 seconds Clip Duration = 0:08:14,99 PCR Duration = 0:08:14,87 Average Total Bitrate = 69.513.383 Average Video Bitrate = 67.701.911 Average Audio Bitrate = 234.995 Average Other Bitrate = 1.576.476 Max GOP Size = 4.569.792 Bytes (36.558.336 bits) Video Frame Count (All-I/P/B) = 11.868 - 989 / 2.967 / 7.911 Video Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 234.432 / 360.450 / 991.488 I Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 934.656 / 948.918 / 991.488 P Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 457.344 / 471.075 / 510.720 B Frame Size (Min/Ave/Max) = 234.432 / 245.438 / 264.192

Even the clip duration seems vary, but inside premiere they are all the same length. Usually only one of the files retains any sound. I am deeply confused to what is happening, and would appreciate any insight any one might have. I will try some more settings and probably go back to stock too, just to check whether it happens there too.

One thing to note is the card I am using. I read some controversial and mostly unclear posts one which cards work or do not. I have been using a 64GB SanDisk Extreme the SDXC1 U1 Class 10 with 45MB/s. Even if, what some of the posts say, it would be only half as fast, it should still be able to keep up with the bps the tried settings use. The only other card I have to test at the moment is a 32GB Transcend Class 10, but that has only 10MB/s and is used usually for photography only. I am about to order the 64GB Extreme Pro 90MB/s but I still think the one I haver should be fine. I am not using the highest bit rates anyway...

Thanks for any knowledge you can share

HILL 235 - teaser (GH2 - Canis Majoris Night) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5017/hill-235-teaser-gh2-canis-majoris-night Sun, 28 Oct 2012 12:53:36 +0000 thougts2uk 5017@/talks/discussions This is a teaser from my new project.

HILL 235 from Stuart Howe on Vimeo.

It's still undergoing some grading tweaks, but thought I would start creating some buzz.

GH2 Flow Motion SH Hack Issue https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4827/gh2-flow-motion-sh-hack-issue Fri, 05 Oct 2012 19:00:56 +0000 tderuiter 4827@/talks/discussions Hey guys,

I just recently bought a 64GB Sandisk Extreme Pro Card (With 95mb/s) and I applied the Flow Motion v2 hack and tried the Driftwood Apocalypse hack and 720p at 60fps doesn't work. It cancels the recording and says the write speed of my card isn't fast enough. I don't understand why it won't work. The card is the top SD card for the GH2.
