Tagged with gh2 - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/gh2/p25/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 21:54:49 +0000 Tagged with gh2 - Personal View Talks en-CA Best hack for filming live music https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5446/best-hack-for-filming-live-music Mon, 10 Dec 2012 19:00:04 +0000 athirdeye 5446@/talks/discussions I recently filmed a performance in a small venue where I had no control over the lights. I used the most recent (sharp) drewnet hack with a 50mm canon FD lens on 720p. I noticed in post that the lights caused my video to come out choppy. Meaning each time the lights changed it would split the video in 3 horizontal bars. Still great quality but wtf.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a hack that would work best in a live music setting with constant changing lights and what not?

Which settings recommended for a dark short with the GH2? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2707/which-settings-recommended-for-a-dark-short-with-the-gh2 Tue, 27 Mar 2012 19:34:52 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 2707@/talks/discussions Im not very technical, i trust by my instincts and I am sometimes some confused by the amount of patches so my english isnt very good. But i like council for this.

In April or May I will codirecting and making of DP in a short i wrote with a friend. The story have some common elements with the novel 'The tunel' of Ernesto Sabato. Its a psychological drama, with elements of noir cinema, thriller, etc. its dark. My intentions aesthetic are closer to the tenebrism of the painter Caravaggio, films like The Godfather, Stay, Gattaca, etc. Palette with predominantly brown-ochre, black and some of red.

I have this gear in the Panix with TerraQuake: Two cards SanDisk Extreme 16 GB @ 30MB/S Class 10. Lenses FD: 50mm f1.8, 35mm f2, 28mm f2, 80-210 f3.8 & 135mm 2.8. M4/3 glases: Pancake 14mm f2.5 and kit 14-42. But i think need to acquire the pancake 20mm f1.7 have a soft look.

Thanks by help friends.

PS: I have the first and probably one GH2 in my country. Everyone told me acquired Canon, so I hope show what can this noble camera.

Connecting with GH2 users in Bangalore, India https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5403/connecting-with-gh2-users-in-bangalore-india Fri, 07 Dec 2012 12:24:23 +0000 HimaB 5403@/talks/discussions I'm a NYC based filmmaker & am currently in Bangalore, India. Are there any other GH2 users out here that I can connect with? Please contact me (himaphiliac AT gmail DOT com) if you're interested in meeting up & shooting. I'm new to the GH2 but have been doing film work for a while & mostly do documentaries.

AN "Valkyrie", GOLGOP3-13, GOP3ZILLA, natural, Freeze-less Reliable All-round GOP3 Settings :-) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2960/an-valkyrie-golgop3-13-gop3zilla-natural-freeze-less-reliable-all-round-gop3-settings- Sat, 21 Apr 2012 02:30:56 +0000 bkmcwd 2960@/talks/discussions Series 2: http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5385/gh2-freeze-less-reliable-all-round-settings-series-2-valkyrie-golgop3-13-gop3zilla-natural-

The meanings of my account name "bkmcwd" are "Burger King, McDonald's, and Wendy's." LOL Please do not mistake! :-)

At the same time as the silent users of my settings have increased in number, the request to me has also increased. Moreover, those who improve my settings uniquely also appeared. Therefore, I start a new topic, in order to arrange them.

I am a resident of Official Low GOP Topics. I was shocked from @kae's 3GOP in August, last year. In compromise to image quality and motion, I have thought since then that 3GOP is the best solution, in some mode like 24p at least. Although surely many wonderful longGOP settings also exist, the clearness of noise grain does not match Intra and 3GOP.

It is serious that I acquire information from this forum since I am poor at English. And in Japan which is a home country of GH2, I was hardly able to acquire information. However, I have learned much know-how from many experts, @cbrandin, @LPowell, @Ralph_B, @balazer, @towi, @Stray, @proaudio4..., especially the great settings of @driftwood!

I do not know whether my settings are the best. However, since those who are pleased with my settings adhering to big I frame size and short GOP have also increased in number, I continue improvement further more.

Because my English is poor, there may be many unclear things, but I do my best in some questions to answer enduringly.

[The common feature of my settings]

For example, if some setting tries to use low qp with the frame size limited like Intra, many level lines of the high qp macroblocks will also appear in each frame pictures. Although it is unclear for appearance in looking with eyes, it means that the codec is not committing this correctly. I am making the settings which can use the lowest possible qp appropriately, avoiding this isuue by using the biggest possible I-frames. On the high definition scene, if the minimum qp is too low, the range of qp will spread and, as a result, many of these level lines of the high qp macroblocks will appear. Therefore, in my settings, on the high definition scene, it has adjusted so that the minimum qp may become high appropriately. On the other hand, it has adjusted so that the lowest possible qp can be positively used under the lowlight. I think that 3GOP can realize this all-round performance with the motion. Therefore, when using my settings as only for lowlight, you may feel thing insufficient only a few, although sufficient dark place performance is still given. However, also in a bright scene, the codec hardly wavers with my settings. This is the point that especially I am scrupulous. Another point to which I attach paramount importance is "recording does not stop by any means in any situations." In order to adjust so that recording may not stop in a high stress scene, you have to test supposing the stress beyond it. I have spent many hours also on the torture test for it.

*The purpose tested with this screen is the check of durability or reliability to the last. About image quality, it cannot check at all by this test.

If it may become unstable with SanDisk 95MB/s SDXC, please give me feedback.
These features are common in almost all my settings.

[The feature according to type]

About "Valkyrie", it is to here:http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4391/apocalypse-now-quest-for-simulated-444-smooth-cinema-quality-driftwood-cbrandin-bkmcwd/p1

Since the link place was closed, Valkyrie of the new improved versions have been released in this thread. Please look at the latest information on downward.

"GOLGOP3-13" series is the settings for using low qp under lowlight positively. Simultaneously, it has tuned up so that a codec may work also in the high stress scenes as correctly as possible. The value of "Q13" to which I have stuck from last year realizes high image quality by practically lowest qp.

Furthermore, the original matrix is adopted in the newest GOLGOP3-13s. It is the middle of a Sedna matrix and a stock character. If it says plainly, it will be the Sedna matrix optimized in 3GOP structure.

"GOP3ZILLA" series is the all-round settings which covers all the scenes with the mean bit rate. In a general shooting, this series realizes the highest image quality with the value of "Q15" to which I have stuck from last year.

This is the simple setting which harnessed the feature of the stock as it was. I recognize this to be the normal evolution version of the stock.

"natural" series is the economical settings which covers all the scenes with the mean bit rate. In these series, it has also aimed that a codec works correctly also in a however high-stress scene. The value of "Q18" to which I have stuck from last year realizes the safest and good balance setting.

"MAX" versions in each types are the settings using maximum I-frame size which GH2 can use in24p mode. However, with MAX version, playback in camera may not often be available in 24p. This is because the maximum frame size which can be played back by GH2 may be exceeded. Of course, the file which cannot be played back in camera can also be satisfactorily played in PC. Supposing you consider that the playback in a camera is important, I will not recommend you this setting. Please use normal version. However, IQ of MAX version is better than normal versions, IMO.

"A" means "Almighty" or "All-around". Since former GOLGOP3-13s were not able to use the too much low base Q all around, "standard" and "lowlight" were prepared, but since latest GOLGOP3-13 controlled qp appropriately on all the scenes, it was taken as "A." Unlike "MAX", in this "A" edition, in-camera-playback can be available in all the modes also including 24p.

*I decided that I did not use the name of "standard" and "lowlight" in the newest settings.

"standard": The Almighty setting which the codec works correctly as much as possible on bright scenes, and realizes low qp under the lowlight.

"lowlight": Although the codec may waver in a satisfactory grade on bright scenes, realize strongest high image quality under the lowlight.

*These features are mainly in 24p.

All my latest settings are here: http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/comment/57882#Comment_57882

All my latest experimental settings are here: http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/comment/57882#Comment_57881


Again, special thanks to @driftwood, @cbrandin, and of course @Vitaliy_Kiselev! :-)

Problem: Hacked Gh2 with very low bitrate https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5394/problem-hacked-gh2-with-very-low-bitrate Thu, 06 Dec 2012 05:17:41 +0000 theacumen 5394@/talks/discussions Hi,

I have hacked my gh2 and it used to record at 98000kbps but now with the same hack it will only do 15000kbps.

I can't seem to figure out why it is doing this.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Filters for video https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5368/filters-for-video Mon, 03 Dec 2012 12:50:33 +0000 Supaduparafael 5368@/talks/discussions Hi guys,

I'm a newbie (those dreaded words!)

I've recently got a GH2 and mainly use it for filming. I'm now looking to get some filters for it (polarising and variable ND) purely for video.

Initially I thought I'd just buy screw in filters, namely the digital ones from Hoya but it quickly dawned on me that that would be an expensive option as it would mean individual filters for each lens due to the different thread sizes on each of them, also I have one which doesn't take filters ( the Panasonic 7-14mm wide zoom).

I then thought that a good option would be slot in filters such as the Cookin variety, as a cheaper option to the screw in type. Also with the slot in filters I would be able to filter the Panasonic 7-14mm? However these filters I understand are made of resin (plastic) so would I be right in thinking that they would not be ideal for filming, not as good as glass screw in filters?

I'm confused to say the least!

I'm contemplating just buying uv filters for all lenses (for protection) and getting a polariser and variable nd one screw in just for my main lens ( the panasonic 14-140mm).

I'm just imagining myself on a sunny day and wanting to reach for 7-14mm panasonic but then thinking "Gee wizz Batman, I can't polarise or use an nd on this" colours could turn out washed out due to reflections, I guess the nd issue could be resolved by stopping down the aperture as I wouldn't get a shallow depth of field on this lens anyhow :-P

I understand a lens as wide as this just isnt possible to have a thread (vignetting issues, protruding lens,) so do I guess the best thing i can do is just stop down on sunny days but no solution for the polarisation?



The Dark Knight Rises - Bane Epilogue ( Spoof ) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5382/the-dark-knight-rises-bane-epilogue-spoof- Wed, 05 Dec 2012 09:30:22 +0000 x_worpig_x 5382@/talks/discussions I shot this over the summer with no crew, no sound. GH2 Flow Motion 2.0

Another Codec Busting Vid shot in Hong Kong https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5359/another-codec-busting-vid-shot-in-hong-kong- Sun, 02 Dec 2012 19:43:12 +0000 Rambo 5359@/talks/discussions GH1 LPowell 75Peak patch, 720p50 1/100 shutter, 14-140 kit. GH2 Flowmotion 2.02 HBR 1080p25 1/50, 14mm kit pancake. Sennheiser K6 Shotgun direct into GH2 mic socket level 1setting. Exported 720p 25fps 10Mbps for Vimeo

This stuff really stresses the AVCHD codec and the poor bugger that has to shoot it :-)

Wobbly GH2 footage https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5362/wobbly-gh2-footage- Mon, 03 Dec 2012 02:37:17 +0000 djhessler 5362@/talks/discussions I have owned my gh2's for over a year now, and for the first time I have experienced this really nasty wobble / shaky effect:

does any one know what causes this? it looks like an IS problem to me, I have tried to replicate the problem here at home but I don't get the same results. I was using the new 35-100mm and I hope this is not a bug, because this is my most expensive lens and it would be a shame. I shot 24p and shutter was high since I did not have an ND filter with me, so things to consider:

  • 24p
  • new 35-100mm IS on
  • Shutter was high
  • bug on the lens?
  • I was using a slider, so there was some minimal shaking when sliding, but very minimal

if anyone has had this issue, what was the conclusion? how is it avoided?

Fot the record, I have used the 14-140mm with IS on with no issues, and no ND filter and I have had no problems.

Advice on shooting situation needed involving GH3+GH2 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5365/advice-on-shooting-situation-needed-involving-gh3-gh2 Mon, 03 Dec 2012 09:23:06 +0000 bobsomebody 5365@/talks/discussions I have a shoot coming up which will involve fast motion and situations where I might only get one chance to film a clip. I need the most reliable/highest quality hack for the GH2 that will provide good slow mo if needed. I will also be mainly shooting with my GH3. The clip will be for a web/download clip so which settings do you think would make most sense-Im shooting in PAL. 720p? 24p? any advice? The footage from both cams will be mixed in the edit but I just need to match settings for both so one or the other wont seem out of place too much even after edit and grade. Thanks in advance.

ColorGHear TOOLKIT- color grading SYSTEM for AE https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1817/colorghear-toolkit-color-grading-system-for-ae Thu, 22 Dec 2011 22:41:24 +0000 shian 1817@/talks/discussions
So as not to be misleading, ColorGHear is an add-on of MODULAR PRESETS, and not a true plug-in.

The toolkit isn't just a collection of drag and drop "looks." It is a series of modular presets, or nodes, specially designed to contend with the codec limitations native to HDSLR footage. Along with these modular nodes, comes a system of use - learned through the online tutorials - which will open up the full power and functionality of After Effects to absolute beginners as well as long time users. Doing so will give users amazing power and flexibility to reduce noise and artifacts, and apply vibrant, astounding color grading to DSLR footage. In short, ColorGHear transforms After Effects from a Animation and Compositing tool, into a Color Grading Monster!

The power of ColorGHear is presented in the video demonstrations below.

ColorGHear is available at http://www.ColorGHear.com

CGT retails for $50

With your purchase of ColorGHear, you will get a free subscription to my video tutorial series showing how to unleash the power of After Effects using ColorGHear to turn your footage into stunning, film-like images.

As of July 1st, 2012 CGT will only be available under a subscription plan. $50 will get you CGT and access to all Grading and Filmschool tutorials for one year. If you choose not to renew, you can keep the GHears, but will lose access to the tutorials, and oh, the tutorials I have yet to show you. (Yes, a mild Hellraiser reference)

All of you who currently have CGT or buy it before July 1st, 2012 will be grandfathered in (no annual subscription rate for the current "CGT for AFX" version....ever. I did say early adopters would be rewarded, did I not?)

Subscription plans for other platforms will vary. Those currently in development are Davinci Resolve and Premiere Pro. And while CGT won't really work in FCP X there will be tutorials for getting the most out of the grading tools in FCP X, as well as creation and integration of SpeedGrade LUTs into AFX. '

Also, as I promised, all CGT Members will get discounted prices on versions for other platforms.

Below is a link to our special deals portal, which will change often, and without notice. Some days you will come here and find fantastic deals on ColorGHear products, and on other days you'll find no deals at all. We reserve the right to offer our products at our set price, and give discounts when we see fit. If you come here and see a price lower than what you paid for a product we will not offer any kind of rebate or refund. It's the beauty and wonder of chance at work.

Which settings to use on GH2 for winter garden wildlife in the UK? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5338/which-settings-to-use-on-gh2-for-winter-garden-wildlife-in-the-uk Fri, 30 Nov 2012 18:38:42 +0000 SAS 5338@/talks/discussions Hi again people of personal view!

I want to thank everyone who has helped me out with information so far. I plan to donate a small amount to the site soon, having some financial issues currently though.

Anyway, I have a GH2. I also have FLow Motion V2.2 on a 32gb Class 10 Transcend SD card. I also have Kit Lens 14-140 & an M42 -> M43 adapted Helios 44-2 Lens.

I would like to know which settings (iso, etc etc) to use for wildlife photography and video work in my garden in the UK this December.

I have some time off from studies so wish to film a wildlife short based in my garden. If you can help I really appreciate your time!


Help! https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5337/help Fri, 30 Nov 2012 15:38:00 +0000 Dr_Mabuse 5337@/talks/discussions I've mainly used my GH2 for photography up to now but I want to use it to shoot a short film in 1080p, 24fps at high bit rate because it'll be shown of fairly large screens. Could anyone recommend which hack would be best for the purpose. And I freely admit that I have no idea what I'm doing.

GH2 hack 2K footage with Samyang lens https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2587/gh2-hack-2k-footage-with-samyang-lens Thu, 15 Mar 2012 11:31:09 +0000 cinfx 2587@/talks/discussions With the help of the tutorial of eyepatchproductions, here is a clip at 2K that i've posted on Youtube. I am impress by the quality of the Samyang lens.

I just received my Red 17-50mm Prime lens i am now waiting for the adapter to fully test it on the GH2

Views from Talent & Tech - Chemical film is finally dead & the GH2 rates close to the big dogs! https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3816/views-from-talent-tech-chemical-film-is-finally-dead-the-gh2-rates-close-to-the-big-dogs Sat, 07 Jul 2012 14:54:29 +0000 Blackout 3816@/talks/discussions Long time no see guys. I realized this is more the place for it as the old dogs are very biased over there. I took a bit of a break from the film world to attend to some pressing needs, but I figured I'd update you and rant a little for the old school and newbs alike:

I'm an imagination person first. There's a theme park carnival universe in my head / heart - then I'm an an actor, then a writer, then a director, then a DP and then an editor (I think... the orders of those things switch around a lot - and I'm not including music or broadcasting or hosting which I did a lot of too).

Somehow after or before or quantum sideways of that I have something to do with the Thrice Great Okapi but let's not get into that now. Why must you readers always distract me? Oh wait, you haven't read this yet. It's me who's distracting me. So sorry, let me get on with it:

As the title says. Digital Film Making Finally Beats Chemical Film Making.

I just viewed Prometheus. This article is not so much about the movie plot or merits. It was OK. OK it was a little better than OK... I'd say 3 stars out of 4 for you geeks out there. It was dark and highly predictable in that same way that so many sci fi movies are with their ominous shots of Halo like activity that we've seen so many times before but it was a [i]fairly[/i] good movie none the less and the visuals are amazing!

The focus here is that it was shot, edited, and projected entirely digitally. No chemical film. Remember when CDs had AAD, DAD, DAA OR DDD? Well this was the DDD of motion pictures (and then in 3D too so really it's almost DDD+3D). I viewed it in 3D on dual 8K digital projectors from a digital source (it was shot on Red Epic digital cameras with Zeiss Ultra Prime and Angenieux Optimo Lenses) and I was so impressed that it led me to write this column that will only be appreciated by hard core film or motion picture buffs, fellow film makers, or total and absolute techy nerds.

I apologize to my regular 'wacky guy with a hat" audience about the extreme levels of techy geek I am about to enter but I am compelled to write on this for my film making friends. We really need to change that terminology to 'motion picture' or 'movie' making, because old school film making is finally really dead and unnecessary. OOPS I just blew my whole article away! That was a huge spoiler... oh well ...crap...so anyway I thought I'd give the above disclaimer, and now having done that... here we go!

Chemical film is finally dead. Let me make it clear I don't say this with any sort of hatred of chemical film like it is some witch or beast that needed to be slayed. I LOVED the look of it, but it was/is just way too expensive. People who had the money liked this fact as it keep them in some sort of elitist control club. I did not. I used to have fantasies of stealing panavision film equipment when I found out they only rented and didn't sell film cameras and related equipment. I say this as a LOVER of the motion picture 24p chemical film look who has been on a loooong (add as many o's as you need to make that long really looooong) quest to make movies that looked like what...well... movies looked like... well.. at the movies!!!

I was not once ever satisfied with my 60i vhs or 8mm or hi8 or super v or even later with supposed masters work on the digitally shot and digitally projected movies from the Star Wars fiascos to the IMAX lies (especially in 3D) until now.

Watching Prometheus on dual 8K projectors was the first time I could sit closer than mid row and be absolutely immersed in the entire film without seeing the artifacts of digital film making or 3D problems. The picture was as detailed as I have ever seen - other than some outstanding real (chemical film) IMAX 3D films - but nearly the same, and there were no pixels, the brightness was excellent, the 3D did not flicker. I mean seriously - holy s*%t it finally works! Give someone a gold star sticker!!!


When Harry Met Genie - short film for the Toronto 48hr Film Project https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5335/when-harry-met-genie-short-film-for-the-toronto-48hr-film-project Fri, 30 Nov 2012 14:21:12 +0000 mattlazz 5335@/talks/discussions Hey guys, Did a short for the 2012 Toronto 48 Hour Film Project a couple weeks ago, shot on a hacked GH2 with the Panasonic 20mm + 25mm, plus the OLympus 12mm, 45mm, and 75mm:

My GH2 Rig Demo (Youtube) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5333/my-gh2-rig-demo-youtube Thu, 29 Nov 2012 16:42:22 +0000 fosterchen 5333@/talks/discussions

GH2 Gini Rig with modified Rainbow H6x8-II F1.0 Zoom Lens, zip tie gears by Wide Open Camera, utilizing 2 Fifty Dollar Follow Focus for both zoom and focus. In shoulder mode, the levers adjust down for better use while gripping the handles for support.

my new short : Amélie https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5332/my-new-short-amelie Thu, 29 Nov 2012 07:55:16 +0000 etreetsoi 5332@/talks/discussions Bonjour à tous, Portrait de ma fille...composé sous after effects.

bonne visualisation Panasonic GH2 . 14-140 HD . firmware 1.1 . 1920x1080 50i AVCHD

GoPro on Smoothee, GH1, GH2 mixed same project - Hong Kong https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5291/gopro-on-smoothee-gh1-gh2-mixed-same-project-hong-kong Sat, 24 Nov 2012 21:45:34 +0000 Rambo 5291@/talks/discussions GoPro HD1, Gh1 LPowell 75Peak patch, 720p50 1/100 shutter, 14-140 kit, GH2 Flowmotion 2.02 HBR 1080p25 1/50, 14mm kit pancake, Sennheiser k6 direct into GH2 mic socket level 1setting ( little bit overdriven if mic placement is too close - watch out or this is you use a sensitive mic)

Shot in Hong Hong in killer humidity two weeks ago, minimalistic, everything in a 10kg carry-on bag No tripod. ( I wore the same shorts and top for three days - how's that for commitment ...lol)

Testing out the GH2 and the 1DX together https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5303/testing-out-the-gh2-and-the-1dx-together Mon, 26 Nov 2012 00:58:00 +0000 L1N3ARX 5303@/talks/discussions Just a few shots from each camera in similar conditions, but not much of a comparison. Thought maybe it might be interesting to see how they differ.

Black line streaks across B&W ISO 12800 footage https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5278/black-line-streaks-across-bw-iso-12800-footage Fri, 23 Nov 2012 00:06:10 +0000 SightfulProd 5278@/talks/discussions I've been working on a project where I'm using the GH2's ISO 12800 setting for its grainy film look. I'm purposely underexposing my footage to give it a more grittier look and what I've noticed when using 1/40, 1/50 or 1/60 shutter speeds, I get a black line that goes across my video.

Watch the video in 1080p to see what I mean, anyone else get this? I'm wondering if it's a sensor problem, I'm using Sedna AQ1 patch.

Good 1080/60i hack to match a AG-HMC80 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5282/good-108060i-hack-to-match-a-ag-hmc80 Fri, 23 Nov 2012 14:58:35 +0000 cuspclub 5282@/talks/discussions Hello all. I'm brand new to the GH2 scene. Great site!

I'm using a GH2 as a wide-shot B cam for a Christmas Parade next weekend. I will be doing a multi-cam edit in Premiere using the footage of the GH2 and the tripod panning shots of a Panasonic AG-HMC80 using the PH mode: Approx. 21 Mbps (VBR).

I noticed the stock 1080/60i preset in the GH2 only goes to 17Mbps. I know there's a ton of talk about progressive hacks, but is there a good hack that spans properly and gives me a higher quality and bit rate for 1080/60i footage?

The show is being produced for broadcast on a local cable channel.

Thanks, Nick

Building Campaign for Short Film https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5275/building-campaign-for-short-film Thu, 22 Nov 2012 13:15:06 +0000 kingmixer 5275@/talks/discussions Well, it is Thanksgiving afterall... thought it'd be worth a shot to ask.


I just launched a campaign for a short film I'll be working on – shot in Dallas, on the GH2. Feel free to check out the campaign video and let me know what you think. It's called "The Deal", and I'm looking forward to shooting it – in not just that it has good messages about respecting women and addressing greed, but in that it will have especially good production quality – with special focus on Sound as well (for an independent, you know what I mean).

I appreciate any help I can get, even just a quick forward or mention would be great. Thanks!

For Hackers: Adding Horizontal Line to Custom Guide. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5269/for-hackers-adding-horizontal-line-to-custom-guide. Thu, 22 Nov 2012 00:58:22 +0000 willianaleman 5269@/talks/discussions The trick to simulate a cinemascope, 2.35:1 in the GH2 requires to mark the external top and bottom of LCD with a 3M tape or mobile screen guard protection to frame the subject during recording in a way that matches the crop to be done in post to achieve the desired look.

It would be helpful if a patch would add an extra moveable line to the Custom Guide, which from factory, the GH2 brings only one. The addition of the line would help in marking internally the top of the LCD and with the second one the bottom. Hackers, would be this possible?

Here is the wished two lines and GH2 factory (single) Custom Guide.

Searching GH2 Hack 1080p 50p https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5253/searching-gh2-hack-1080p-50p Tue, 20 Nov 2012 02:52:41 +0000 Marown 5253@/talks/discussions Hello every one. I hear from many frends there is a 1080p 50p hack outside there but i just cant finde it. I have many hacks for Mbit boost but all off the amre 24 or 25 ...

Can anybody say to me if there is a 1080p 50p hack?

Thanks for you help!

Adapting integrated (motorized) zoom lenses from super8mm cine camera? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5247/adapting-integrated-motorized-zoom-lenses-from-super8mm-cine-camera Mon, 19 Nov 2012 18:26:14 +0000 tomek123 5247@/talks/discussions Hello,

I found some VERY good offers for super8 film cameras like these:





Unfortunately, I heard from the sellers that they have unchangeable lenses.

As I understood the zoom distance of this lenses can be changed from a button on the camera body, so probably it would be difficult to take off the lens from the cam... One of the sellers told me the lens has electric control of the zoom and the aperture is changed also from the camera.

I don't know anything about this, but these zoom lenses are pretty fast and VERY cheap (Revue Reflex Zoom f: 1.7 \ F: 8-40 mm and Canon 9.5 - 47.5mm f/1.8 and especially Schneider Macro-Variogon 1,4 / 7 - 80 mm from the Brown cameras) .

I think they could be useful for GH2/3 with a ETC mode, so I wondered if someone already achieved some adaptation of this lens type to micro 4/3?

Thank you in advance.

Gh2 to 5DtoRGB just gives me audio files in Vegas 12 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5242/gh2-to-5dtorgb-just-gives-me-audio-files-in-vegas-12 Mon, 19 Nov 2012 15:11:09 +0000 Loganm187 5242@/talks/discussions I am editing a short film with hacked gh2 files and it keeps crashing so I decided to convert and no matter if I convert to apple pro res or DNXHD when i carry over to vegas 11 or 12 is just brings the audio over. VLC player will play the files fine with video and audio. Any help guys?

Anyone ever considered a Sony NEX-5N Hack?! https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1977/anyone-ever-considered-a-sony-nex-5n-hack Tue, 10 Jan 2012 09:01:56 +0000 Jonesy91 1977@/talks/discussions I'm a long time GH1/GH2 hacked user. I viewed the Christmas Shootout videos from Phillip Bloom, and I realized that the DSLR with the most cinematic potential aside from the GH2 is the NEX 5N. If someone could hack the NEX 5N to a higher bitrate, it could probably gain all the advantages of the GH2, while keeping or improving what it already does better. A list for perspective:

GH2 (Hacked): -Better Resolution -Higher ISO values -More native lenses -External Mic Jack -Swivel out LCD

NEX5N: -Better Low light Capability -Sensor has better crop factor -60p!( better Full HD slow motion potential) -Flatter Pictures Profiles

...and I sure I'm missing something for both, but it would be helpful if anyone could add anything else they know. I don't know which one has better AF/AF tracking for its lenses. Just thought that the Sony NEX 5N may, if hacked, have everything we have in the GH2, and more (of course with no mic jack). SOMEONE PLEASE HACK THE SONY NEX 5N, PLEASE!!!!

Malice (sedna q20) + Purgatorium (canis majoris) two shorts with GH2 + my first short ever https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3566/malice-sedna-q20-purgatorium-canis-majoris-two-shorts-with-gh2-my-first-short-ever Wed, 13 Jun 2012 13:23:55 +0000 conscius 3566@/talks/discussions
I know it's short, but for school i had to make a film from 1 minute. Inspired and based on een film by "side films" (really talented filmmakers!!)

And i wanted to test canis majoris, so for me it was a win-win :) Now, first of all, i did use log and transfer in fcp. I've not used 5DToRGB. Because, i didn't know, till a few minutes ago. Next time i will test 5DToRGB. (is it so much better?)

so i used: GH2 with canis majoris night patch with nokton 25mm f0,95 lens

other shortfilm (8 minutes)

with Sedna Q20 patch

Carl Zeiss Jena Pancolar 80mm f1.8 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5225/carl-zeiss-jena-pancolar-80mm-f1.8- Sat, 17 Nov 2012 13:50:58 +0000 JCVD 5225@/talks/discussions Hi guys!

I am selling this VERY VERY RARE great lens in excellent condition!

I am from Hungary, Europe.

I can receive money via Paypal.

Price: 799 USD + 29 USD shipping cost worldwide (as priority and registered mail with tracking code)

Worths to take a look about this rare lens:


If anybody is interested, please PM me! ;)

Have a nice weekend for everybody on this forum! ;)

