Tagged with gh2 - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/gh2/p16/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 22:32:57 +0000 Tagged with gh2 - Personal View Talks en-CA HDMI Current draw on GH2 stops camera https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7963/hdmi-current-draw-on-gh2-stops-camera Sat, 31 Aug 2013 23:55:07 +0000 DrDave 7963@/talks/discussions I had a funny thing happen while filming today. I setup the cams, then plugged in my new Neway HMDI monitor. The GH2--which was on DC--gave me the "you can't use this battery message". I've never seen that one before, anyone else? Or is it just totally random. I'm wondering if the HDMI can cause a current drop under certain conditions.

GH2 for sale $550 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7908/gh2-for-sale-550 Mon, 26 Aug 2013 19:22:29 +0000 vicharris 7908@/talks/discussions Selling my Bcam GH2. Have two, for sure selling one and this one is is great condition, the other, well it's been battle tested ;) Anyways not a scratch on her and comes with a spare, aftermarket battery and all the crap that comes with the box originally. Selling my 14mm pancake as well if you're interested in that. Prob do some sort of discount together. PM and we can talk if you're interested. I'm located in Los Angeles. Shipping shouldn't be more than $20 or so for continental US. I almost feel stupid putting pics up here but here ya go!


Panasonic DMW-MA1 4/3 to mFT adapter, CZ Jena 35mm, Sigma 19mm, lots of FD lenses for sale https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7607/panasonic-dmw-ma1-43-to-mft-adapter-cz-jena-35mm-sigma-19mm-lots-of-fd-lenses-for-sale Fri, 26 Jul 2013 00:53:03 +0000 Tokyo03 7607@/talks/discussions For sale: 1) SOLD! Lumix GH2 Silver (Made in Japan ver) - It was purchased in Japan in Jan 2013 and was brought it back to the US. It's in great condition. Never been abused and has been well taken care.

2) SOLD! Sigma 19mm F2.8 EX DN M43 Great condition.

3) Panasonic DMW-MA1 Lumix G Four Thirds DSLR Lens Mount Adapter FT - MFT adapter - Great condtion $80usd + shipping

4) SOLD! Singer 16-D 2x Anamorphic lens (See the pix below...) It will come with a case and lens caps. It throws beautiful blue flares. I was using this with Helios 58mm and works great.

5) SOLD! Panasonic Lumix 14mm F2.5 M43 Pancake lens - Silver

6) Canon FD 50mm F3.5 Macro lens $60 usd+ shipping

7) Canon FD 24mm F2.8 prime lens $50 usd+ shipping

8) Sigma FD 50mm F2.8 prime lens $40 usd+ shipping

9) Carl Zeiss Jena Flektogon 35mm 2.8 lens - It works great as a macro lens too. $180 usd + shipping

10) Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 50mm 2.8 lens - Aperture blades only open and close when the lens is facing downwards - it could be easy fix. $30 usd + shipping

Pickup is available in Las Vegas, NV. I'll accept Paypal.

New web series "Te$timoney" shot with hacked GH2"Intravenus" and Sony F3 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7997/new-web-series-tetimoney-shot-with-hacked-gh2intravenus-and-sony-f3 Wed, 04 Sep 2013 06:41:38 +0000 Cinexa 7997@/talks/discussions This is a new web series that we just finished the first episode for. "Te$timoney". Enjoy.

"Young Man"- A new short shot on the GH2 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7982/young-man-a-new-short-shot-on-the-gh2 Mon, 02 Sep 2013 08:44:51 +0000 Philldaagony 7982@/talks/discussions It's been far too long since I've shared something here on Personal View (I think "The Date" was the last video I posted.). Anyway, here is "Young Man" a narrative music video/short film we shot at the beginning of August.

Password: 10111987


We shot this using two GH2s and varied between the Voigt 25mm, a Nikkor 50mm f1.4, and the stock panny 14-42mm kit lens (wide interiors). The patches we used were older versions of the Nebula pactch (GOP6 I believe Cluster X series 1) and the series one version of Moon (maybe even T5), not quite sure.

Anyway, thought I'd share and just like to say thank you to this wonderful community, even if I've only been lurking lately (corporate life has a way of doing that, but that should be changing soon).

GH2 prices after GH3 launch https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4479/gh2-prices-after-gh3-launch Wed, 05 Sep 2012 15:50:24 +0000 simple 4479@/talks/discussions Whats you guys thoughts on this, what benchmark will it be - 400$ range?

For Sale: ReWo GH2 Cage [SOLD] https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7964/for-sale-rewo-gh2-cage-sold Sun, 01 Sep 2013 00:06:12 +0000 melt 7964@/talks/discussions Hi everyone! Just found out that I still have my ReWo cage for the GH2. It's up for sale and comes with the lugs. PM me if you are serious about buying. I live in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.

Will also throw in the aluminum iris rods you see in the pic that I purchased from Hot Rod Cameras.

GH2 in the pic is not for sale! :-)

PRICE: $300 (excluding paypal fees and shipping)


Movie shot on GH2 hacked https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6300/movie-shot-on-gh2-hacked Fri, 01 Mar 2013 14:01:35 +0000 madmax 6300@/talks/discussions So, after shooting a few music videos I've decided to take a big step and shoot an entire feature film on a Gh2 hack (150mbit/s). I was very scared to do so since it was the only camera i had and couldn't afford a backup camera in case the camera dies. But I must say we had no problems with it. The footage was converted to Apple Pro Res 422 HQ on 5DtoRGB Batch. Edited on FCP 7 on my old Macbook Pro (2008 2.4 Ghz Intel core 2 duo 4gigs. I would not recommend using this computer..it's old and slow, but all i had). I'm pretty happy with the results. I can't wait to get my hands on the GH3. Hopefully movie makes money and I can buy 2 of them!! haha. Anyways, guys.. check it out and let me know what you think. Here's the teaser trailer.

Aerial GH2 wide shots, suggest settings https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2875/aerial-gh2-wide-shots-suggest-settings Sun, 15 Apr 2012 19:26:57 +0000 robbie75vr 2875@/talks/discussions Hi guys,

I need your suggestion about what patch to use for low altitude aerial footage, filmed with panny 7-14, subjects are most of the times under very contrasted sunny light, most of the times buildings or detailed nature..

I need low contrast and high latitude to color grade in post and most of all I need the lowest amount of sharpness possible, or not at all would be perfect.

What patch and settings do you suggest me ? (24p or 25p is good)


Expose in the Zone - getting the best image for grading. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3773/expose-in-the-zone-getting-the-best-image-for-grading. Tue, 03 Jul 2012 21:45:46 +0000 shian 3773@/talks/discussions There isn't an "Education" category, but maybe there should be. I would have put this in there instead.

Many people following this thread - http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1937/finding-face-exposure-on-gh2#Item_51 - have heard me talk about the 4 stop (technically 5-stop) "Target Range" (or Target Zone) for DSLRs in which you should expose your scene to get clean images that grade exceptionally well with plenty of detail in the blacks and highlights.

But I've received so many questions about what exactly I mean by "the zone system" that I put this video together to demonstrate what I mean and why.

While I only touch very briefly on the actual Ansel Adams Zone System, which is way more complicated than explained herein, if you light and expose your scene using this "zone" technique, you'll never worry about macro-blocking, noisy blacks, or blown out highlights again.

...And you'll be able to grade the living hell out of the footage.

Question Regarding GH2's Settings (FSH/FH/L/H/SH/H ) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7879/question-regarding-gh2s-settings-fshfhlhshh- Sat, 24 Aug 2013 01:23:08 +0000 brettciao 7879@/talks/discussions Forgive me if this has been posted before. I cross-referenced, wikipedia'd, googled, and searched to death the differences between these video settings. Yet I have never found a succinct answer.

Basically, I'm shooting straight 24p with a hack. My footage has come out incredibly well thanks to that. However, can someone please explain to me what the core differences are between settings, and what are the pros/cons with each one?

  • 24H / 24L

  • FSH / FH

  • SH / H

Also, I hear shooting slow motion on a GH2 is best achieved with AVCHD 720, 60i. Again, what are the core differences between those settings? I am so incredibly confused, so you I sincerely thank-you for your patience.

Fracking Feature Documentary Shot w/ GH2 Driftwood 88mbs — Is GH2 Fit For Documentaries? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4762/fracking-feature-documentary-shot-w-gh2-driftwood-88mbs-is-gh2-fit-for-documentaries- Sat, 29 Sep 2012 16:25:02 +0000 jbpribanic 4762@/talks/discussions Trailer & intro to feature length documentary shot on GH2 driftwood hack (88mbs), transcoded w/ 5DtoRGB, edited in FCP, and color graded w/ CC3way:

Looking for any thoughts on color grading, or general impressions; and for anyone who is familiar with fracking to help us spread the word about the film. I'm also curios about whether people think the GH2 is fit for documentary productions?

Triple Divide » A Synopsis

Triple Divide attempts to answer the question, “How are state regulations and industry handling impacts from fracking?”

Actor Mark Ruffalo co-narrates this 18-month cradle-to-grave investigation by Public Herald, an investigative news nonprofit co-founded by journalists Joshua Pribanic and Melissa Troutman. Triple Divide features never before seen interviews with industry giants and advocates, exclusive reports with impacted landowners, uncovered state documents, and expert testimonies.

The film reveals how water contamination is being covered up by the industry and the state, essentially rewriting the history of water quality in Pennsylvania by dismissing predrill tests. Meanwhile, state regulators are using compliance as a means of regulating without enforcing the law, abandoning the public in the wake of shale gas development.

Triple Divide’s title represents one of only four Triple Continental Divides in North America, a place that provides drinking water to millions of Americans and feeds rivers that reach three separate sides of the continent, signaling to the audience that everything, and everyone, is downstream from shale gas extraction.

HACKED GH2 video showing postproduction potential https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7621/hacked-gh2-video-showing-postproduction-potential Sun, 28 Jul 2013 11:12:13 +0000 nicoiaco 7621@/talks/discussions Side by side comparison over hacked and no hacked gh2 is not always clear por beginners. Im searching for comprehensive video showing the potential of HACKED GH2 at postproduction, grading, color, etc

GH2 IR Filtering and How to Achieve Clean Shadows https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7785/gh2-ir-filtering-and-how-to-achieve-clean-shadows Wed, 14 Aug 2013 20:46:08 +0000 smsjr 7785@/talks/discussions For the most part I am very happy with the latest crop of hacks. I think they are squeezing about as much juice from the GH2 fruit as possible, but two areas I still am curious about.

Today I was testing with Tiffen Standard Hot Mirror. I will try to post some results in the coming days but two things jumped out at me. Black fabrics were contaminated with or without the hot mirror and as usual were also a bit noisy which is something this camera suffers from. The noise I can deal with in post, especially when I capture a nice accurate profile of it on set. Makes the job in post that much easier.

But I'm curious what people have experienced with IR solutions. In my arsenal, I currently have a Tiffen hot mirror, Tiffen IRND 1.5, 1.8, 2.1 as well as Pancro IRND 1.2 and 1.5. I have only tested with the Tiffen filters. Haven't tried my Pancros yet.

I also need to test more materials under various lighting.

I'd love to hear from people who have done this testing already so I can compare notes.

GH2 post production -Premiere Pro CS6 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7773/gh2-post-production-premiere-pro-cs6 Tue, 13 Aug 2013 18:47:31 +0000 tokyo187 7773@/talks/discussions Pertaining to post production with the GH2 - Using slipstream 3 moon hack. As I attempt to bring in footage to Premier Pro CS6 the playback is hicuppy at best, starting with the audio cutting out. Would anyone have any workable preference for this situation. The media files all natively save to a private folder in which I transferred to my HDD. From there I took the footage into Premier. I began with opening the files, then after the hiccups, I decided to import, still same problems occur. Also using Dynamic Link, do you have to import all used media files to each different program?

Windows 8 Intel Corei7-3630QM Geforce GTX 680M / 4GB GDDR5 12GB RAM DDRIIII 750GB 7200RPM

hence, should have no problem running any of these programs in cohesion.

GH_2 PTools problem https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7594/gh_2-ptools-problem- Wed, 24 Jul 2013 18:35:00 +0000 tokyo187 7594@/talks/discussions I am new to this whole process. I have modded only on PC's, never camera's. I have downloaded PTools as prompted. I have also tried several different settings redshift_v4, moon, apocolypse now, just to see if I could get to work. ptools doesn't recognize any of the files for uploading. The only one it does recognize is the -V103 which is supposed to emulate the original firmware. Please help! I think the Sanity 5 patch I bought the GH2 with is corrupted, because In video mode it's stuck in automatic. I can't change the ISO, or anything. Very strange. I find the GH2's firmware rather shoddy to begin with. If there are any really good firmware updates that you would recommend after the ptools issue is fixed, I would very much appreciate that as well.


Short Review of the Varavon Slider (Lite 600) and Motorroid https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7758/short-review-of-the-varavon-slider-lite-600-and-motorroid- Mon, 12 Aug 2013 10:12:09 +0000 donniewagner 7758@/talks/discussions
For ~$500 I am very happy with the combo of the Lite 600 slider and Motorroid unit found here http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1029/catchit-deals-varavon-day#Item_1

My battery is giving me problems but I bought a cheap one off ebay so not at all the fault of Varavon. (if anyone has a suggestion for a decent and right priced battery let me know.)

One suggestion to Varavon is to have the Motorroid unit attach to the slider with more than one screw. If it were attached with two screws on each end, rather than one, I believe it would be more resistant to loosening. This wasn't a major issue, but was something I noticed.

Above is the first video I did with the slider and it added a ton of production value to the short film. I probably overused the slider because I was excited about adding that slow, steady, cinematic motion to my shots. Combined with a 90 degree plate I was able to get nice looking pseudo-jib shots (the camera moving vertically instead of horizontally) in the garage and over the stone wall. I'd also suggest getting a good ball head to go between the camera and the slider to quickly be able to level up any shot. Huge benefit. The best part of using the motorroid is its ability to slide the camera very slowly, and very steadily. When I use the slider without the Motorroid, I cannot move the camera as slowly and steadily, and the "high production value" look is lost.

Just my 2 cents.


Selling Gear: two GH1s, one GH2, two Oly 14-54mm MK1s https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7749/selling-gear-two-gh1s-one-gh2-two-oly-14-54mm-mk1s Sun, 11 Aug 2013 10:20:56 +0000 CRFilms 7749@/talks/discussions Can't resist the allure of the new BMCC price so selling all my GH gear. Priced to move:

My first and oldest GH1: $250: Slightly newer GH1: $275 http://www.imagebam.com/image/65c37f269962586

The older one does not come with the silkypix cd or a neck strap. First one to order gets a free spare non oem battery, but the bat's only good for a half hour, then it goes from full to 1/3 full then it starts to flash red quick. The older one also has these markings on the back LCD cover. They look like scratches, but they don't feel like scratches. It's smooth. EDIT: also discolorations on the older manual are light food stains, sorry. >_< http://www.imagebam.com/image/c32da2269962521 Also the rubber eyecup has a little hole/tear: http://www.imagebam.com/image/55f96d269962536

GH2 : $550 http://www.imagebam.com/image/4db272269962608 The only problem is the LCD has three small dots on the lower right corner, they look like smudges, but when I tried to clean it off, they wouldn't come out. Only visible when dark, under normal use, can't see em. I only noticed them when I started looking the camera over to sell it. I tried to take a picture of them, but I couldn't get them to show.

2 Olympus 14-54mm F2.8-3.5: $250 each First order get's free Lens Hood. Only one Lens Hood. http://www.imagebam.com/image/aae2b4269962655 Good condition.

Free shipping in the U.S., add $10 for overseas shipping.

// phab : Port du plomb https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7748/-phab-port-du-plomb Sun, 11 Aug 2013 02:51:56 +0000 etreetsoi 7748@/talks/discussions Une petite escape dans le Port du plomb : bernezac.com/Houmeau.htm

Panasonic GH2 Voigtländer 0.95f . 25mn 14-140 HD

GH2 Making a weird sound. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3955/gh2-making-a-weird-sound. Wed, 18 Jul 2012 12:18:03 +0000 Diffusion33 3955@/talks/discussions I woke up this morning intending on doing a timelapse video and when i switch the GH2 it makes a weird electronic sound just when switching it on, that it did not make before!!! This prompted me to bring my ear to the camera and i now also ear a fan like sound that i hadn't noticed before!!! Not sure if this is normal as i never checked it before! I'm sending my cam to the panna repair center www.dkavs.co.uk I'm still under warranty. As anyone sent their GH2 their and did it matter if it was hacked or not. Should i revert to the pana firmware? Any info on this would be much appreciated

Stable settings for high bitrate 720 60p? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7712/stable-settings-for-high-bitrate-720-60p Wed, 07 Aug 2013 11:04:25 +0000 zm15 7712@/talks/discussions I'm looking for a higher bitrate patch, ~ 100mb/s, at 720 60p for the use of slow motion with Twixtor. I've discovered that having a higher bitrate can dramatically improve the results, but am having a hard time finding advice for a stable high bitrate 60p patch.

Good patch for this use?

"2 Guns" Film Used Hacked Gh2s as 'B' Camera https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7694/2-guns-film-used-hacked-gh2s-as-b-camera Mon, 05 Aug 2013 16:27:13 +0000 qwerty123 7694@/talks/discussions Hot Rod Cameras has reported that the new Denzel Washington / Mark Wahlberg movie "2 Guns" was partially shot on 3xGh2s hacked by Hot Rod for use with Panavision lenses during stunt / action work:

It would be interesting to hear from the Cinematographer / Camera team how they utilized / rigged it.

Is there something wrong with my GH2? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7687/is-there-something-wrong-with-my-gh2 Sun, 04 Aug 2013 23:23:33 +0000 apauloh 7687@/talks/discussions So I just bought a gh2 off ebay. Bought a 32gb class 10 sd card to accompany it. I uploaded a hack and it works I think. The thing is that pretty often, I am asked to reintall the 1.1 firmware page for the hack? So when I check my photos, it asks. When I turn off my camera and turn it back off, it asks. Is this normal or is something wrong with the internal firmware of the gh2?

Pride (live music video) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7666/pride-live-music-video Fri, 02 Aug 2013 09:18:30 +0000 hempo22 7666@/talks/discussions Pride week in Sweden and the band Le Maine celebrates by releasing a live video of their song "Pride" that they wrote for the Swedish festival last year. And with all the shit we've been hearing about lately concerning LGBT people it was time to remind people that they are not alone. I'm not gay, bi or trans, but many friends and family are and think we should stand beside them. I feel honored to be friends with Tove (lead singer and songwriter of Le Maine) and help her film this important song and help her share it as much as possible.

Just to give you a bit of the process: I was asked just the day before and I was lucky that two of my students had tickets and would be in the audience. I gave the each a camera and I was backstage (We used Sony EX1/3, all handheld), but I also handed out a consumer handycam and my iPhone (with Filmic Pro) to people I didn't know in the audience to really get a documentary feel to it. And to play a little safe I had my GH2 (Flowmotion) and Tokina 11-16 on a tripod in the back. A friend of mine mixed in Pro Tools.

Of course it's not perfect, both coverage lacked sometimes and the LED lighting gave some nasty artifacts, but the raw feel of the footage and the energy of the band and the amazing old theatre we filmed in gave it all av very special feel. I edited in FCPX we're I also did my grading with Filmconvert (to enhance the raw feel and it did combat the harsh blues of the LED lighting and the grain hid a lot of the artifacts.) Not the best I've done technically , but considering the circumstances I'm happy with it and it's all about the song and helping my friend and her band to reach out.

"We will never lose our pride".

The Magnetist, a short documentary about cassette tape obsession, Flow Motion v2.02 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7616/the-magnetist-a-short-documentary-about-cassette-tape-obsession-flow-motion-v2.02 Sat, 27 Jul 2013 15:19:07 +0000 Alfaerik 7616@/talks/discussions This is a short documentary I've made with Flow motion 2.02. It is about a guy here in Stockholm who is called "The Magnetist" because he is obsessed with cassette tapes. I used a pair of GH2s and Voigtlander 25mm and SLR Magic 12mm, a cheap chinese 35mm cctv lens and a Konica Hexanon 135mm vintage lens in two shots. I also converted the files with 5D2RGB to get rid of the diagonal rain pattern in Premiere.

"THE MAGNETIST is a short documentary about Micke, also known as 'The Magnetist', whose life revolves around cassette tapes.

Most of Micke's time is spent on varius tape-related projects; he blogs about them, he makes music with them and he got a monthly tape club in his hometown Stockholm. Sometimes it's a struggle. Here we get an insight to Micke's life as a tapeologist and joins him to his tape-only club to find out the motivation behind his interest."

Does anyone have problems watching since it's in 1080p, I'm not sure if some computers might struggle?

A huge thank to Vitaliy the Personal View community for hacks and information!

Gareth Bale - World's most expensive Footballer https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7653/gareth-bale-worlds-most-expensive-footballer Thu, 01 Aug 2013 04:33:38 +0000 driftwood 7653@/talks/discussions Doesn't time fly? It only seems like yesterday when I was trying out Kae's 3 GOP setting for the Panasonic GH2 at a Brighton v Spurs match 2 years ago that Gareth Bale was impressing us with his silky skills. Now he is set to become the World's highest paid footballer.

FRED AND AMANDA - short 'love story' video shot on GH2 using moon https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7647/fred-and-amanda-short-love-story-video-shot-on-gh2-using-moon Wed, 31 Jul 2013 20:14:33 +0000 JPB1138 7647@/talks/discussions Here is small project I shot with the GH2 and various lenses, for a couple I know, GH2 did the job. ENJOY. COmments and questions welcome.

Apocalypse Now Hack Search https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7636/apocalypse-now-hack-search Tue, 30 Jul 2013 16:49:09 +0000 dnltrxll 7636@/talks/discussions Where do I download the hacks?????????????????????????????????? All I can find is discussion threads at best, and whenever I find a "file," it only says "save as .png image" someone please link me to Apocalypse Now 444 hack, please!!!

Is there any 'EXIF' style data available in GH2 videos? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/814/is-there-any-exif-style-data-available-in-gh2-videos Tue, 30 Aug 2011 13:59:22 +0000 jimtreats 814@/talks/discussions

Colors Of Life | GH2 non hacked | 1 min Experimental | Save Water Campaign Video https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7614/colors-of-life-gh2-non-hacked-1-min-experimental-save-water-campaign-video Fri, 26 Jul 2013 23:15:02 +0000 yulunchong 7614@/talks/discussions Take 1 min to watch this. Help us vote if you like it!

Vote here! http://mytakeonwater.sg/vote.php?id=949
