Tagged with driftwood - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/driftwood/p2/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 22:27:24 +0000 Tagged with driftwood - Personal View Talks en-CA Fracking Feature Documentary Shot w/ GH2 Driftwood 88mbs — Is GH2 Fit For Documentaries? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4762/fracking-feature-documentary-shot-w-gh2-driftwood-88mbs-is-gh2-fit-for-documentaries- Sat, 29 Sep 2012 16:25:02 +0000 jbpribanic 4762@/talks/discussions Trailer & intro to feature length documentary shot on GH2 driftwood hack (88mbs), transcoded w/ 5DtoRGB, edited in FCP, and color graded w/ CC3way:

Looking for any thoughts on color grading, or general impressions; and for anyone who is familiar with fracking to help us spread the word about the film. I'm also curios about whether people think the GH2 is fit for documentary productions?

Triple Divide » A Synopsis

Triple Divide attempts to answer the question, “How are state regulations and industry handling impacts from fracking?”

Actor Mark Ruffalo co-narrates this 18-month cradle-to-grave investigation by Public Herald, an investigative news nonprofit co-founded by journalists Joshua Pribanic and Melissa Troutman. Triple Divide features never before seen interviews with industry giants and advocates, exclusive reports with impacted landowners, uncovered state documents, and expert testimonies.

The film reveals how water contamination is being covered up by the industry and the state, essentially rewriting the history of water quality in Pennsylvania by dismissing predrill tests. Meanwhile, state regulators are using compliance as a means of regulating without enforcing the law, abandoning the public in the wake of shale gas development.

Triple Divide’s title represents one of only four Triple Continental Divides in North America, a place that provides drinking water to millions of Americans and feeds rivers that reach three separate sides of the continent, signaling to the audience that everything, and everyone, is downstream from shale gas extraction.

HACKED GH2 video showing postproduction potential https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7621/hacked-gh2-video-showing-postproduction-potential Sun, 28 Jul 2013 11:12:13 +0000 nicoiaco 7621@/talks/discussions Side by side comparison over hacked and no hacked gh2 is not always clear por beginners. Im searching for comprehensive video showing the potential of HACKED GH2 at postproduction, grading, color, etc

GH_2 PTools problem https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7594/gh_2-ptools-problem- Wed, 24 Jul 2013 18:35:00 +0000 tokyo187 7594@/talks/discussions I am new to this whole process. I have modded only on PC's, never camera's. I have downloaded PTools as prompted. I have also tried several different settings redshift_v4, moon, apocolypse now, just to see if I could get to work. ptools doesn't recognize any of the files for uploading. The only one it does recognize is the -V103 which is supposed to emulate the original firmware. Please help! I think the Sanity 5 patch I bought the GH2 with is corrupted, because In video mode it's stuck in automatic. I can't change the ISO, or anything. Very strange. I find the GH2's firmware rather shoddy to begin with. If there are any really good firmware updates that you would recommend after the ptools issue is fixed, I would very much appreciate that as well.


FRED AND AMANDA - short 'love story' video shot on GH2 using moon https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7647/fred-and-amanda-short-love-story-video-shot-on-gh2-using-moon Wed, 31 Jul 2013 20:14:33 +0000 JPB1138 7647@/talks/discussions Here is small project I shot with the GH2 and various lenses, for a couple I know, GH2 did the job. ENJOY. COmments and questions welcome.

Apocalypse Now Hack Search https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7636/apocalypse-now-hack-search Tue, 30 Jul 2013 16:49:09 +0000 dnltrxll 7636@/talks/discussions Where do I download the hacks?????????????????????????????????? All I can find is discussion threads at best, and whenever I find a "file," it only says "save as .png image" someone please link me to Apocalypse Now 444 hack, please!!!

Trouble copying SD Card to Computer, but can play the file directly from the SD Card no problem. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7474/trouble-copying-sd-card-to-computer-but-can-play-the-file-directly-from-the-sd-card-no-problem. Tue, 09 Jul 2013 16:38:15 +0000 eddietor 7474@/talks/discussions I used GH2 Driftwood hack Cluster X Drewnet 12-15 Classic GOP. I was using a class 10 64 gb card. I only used one file for like 20 minutes. It stopped recording and said I have exceeded the files able to record or something. So in a quick panic I switched to a 32gb sd card that was not class 10. It recorded fine for the few minutes I needed to finish the interview with my subject. But then it said, "cannot write to card due to writing speed of card." (I'm paraphrasing). Anyway the record button kept flashing and no matter what I did it wouldn't stop writing to the card. I waited a few minutes and nothing changed so I pulled the battery out. I went to my PC Windows 7 computer and inserted the card. It plays back just fine but it won't let me pause or rewind. I saw the video it looks great, but my computer will not allow me to copy it to my computer. The error message I get says, "An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, use the error code to search for help with this problem" Error Code: 0x80070570: The file directory is corrupted and unreadable" I tried to see if I could put the file in Adobe Premiere CC. The reason is I was going to try to export it as a new video but the import process alone caused the whole computer to freeze. It's a desktop and very fast.

Any ideas of how to get my file off of the sd card? I'm scared to remove the sd card from the reader attached to my computer. (WRITTEN ON TUES. JULY 9, 2013 at 4:37pm Eastern Standard Time, U.S.)

LF stable outdoor GH2 Hack AVCHD suitable for Pany Lens (Advice needed) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7248/lf-stable-outdoor-gh2-hack-avchd-suitable-for-pany-lens-advice-needed Fri, 14 Jun 2013 01:04:41 +0000 pilotisafk 7248@/talks/discussions Hello Folks,

New to the GH2 Hacking world. Recently purchased a GH2 with the 14-140mm kit & 20mm pancake lens. I did my research on the subject and I am not looking to get spoon fed. Just want some insight, as the hacking hobby can get quite overwhelming for beginners such as myself. I will try to explain my needs to the best of my knowledge.

I am looking for a hack that will bring my GH2 some glory for outdoor filming of mainly car meets and events. As I understand certain hacks shine best in specific scenarios, and I will attempt to describe my need. I will be flying the camera using a Glidecam stabilizer. Most of the footage will be done with the 14-140mm kit lens. Exposure will be good, cars will be static objects with several scenes capturing cars driving in/out of the event area. (you get the idea). I would also love to capture some footage of cars on the track (this adds a fast-motion requirement as well - but I am okay with two separate hacks to best suit the composition). I am not looking for spanning footage, a maximum of 25 seconds per take.

I would certainly love to try some Driftwood patches out, but since there are so many I am kindly asking for some advice in the right direction. Would the all Intra low GOP settings be suitable? I am looking to shoot in 24p 1080. Please share your thoughts,

Thanks in advance,

False Notes (2013) - Short Film https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7391/false-notes-2013-short-film Sun, 30 Jun 2013 15:45:55 +0000 sakattaq76 7391@/talks/discussions Backstage video, during filming the short film "False Notes", in Athens! For more information and credits, visit my vimeo page or the official web site. You could also "like" the facebook page, for future developments! Watch on HD, enjoy . . .

Official Web Site http://www.falsenotes.com/

Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/pages/False-Notes/320258744777463

Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/sakattaq/sets/72157634409371663/

A [GH2] Tribute To Hitchcock / Vimeo STAFF PICK https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7255/a-gh2-tribute-to-hitchcock-vimeo-staff-pick Fri, 14 Jun 2013 19:11:25 +0000 ghostlayer 7255@/talks/discussions Here's my latest project, shot on GH2 using Driftwood Cluster X (Slipstream #2) The footage were handled in AE CS6 (some use of Element 3D) I had the great honor to be featured in Vimeo STAFF PICKS today ! I Hope you'll enjoy

My first results using a hacked GH2 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7192/my-first-results-using-a-hacked-gh2 Sat, 08 Jun 2013 01:45:04 +0000 JohnDoe57 7192@/talks/discussions Shot this after installing the INTRA GOP1 AQ3 176M patch. This is my first time hacking a GH2 so please tell me if what you see below, doesn't really show the results I should be getting with this patch. Thanks!

Shot On Driftwood https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7190/shot-on-driftwood Fri, 07 Jun 2013 18:57:39 +0000 soundgh2 7190@/talks/discussions http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-22794760

Muppets and the BBC love the Sedna - titles shot entirely on Sedna and GH2 + Rokkor 35-70 old beast for the upcoming primetime BBC Saturday night show:) Love the "I don't give a fuck if you think my camera is small" of me chum, who filmed it the day after a 10 camera Epic shoot in LA with the crew from IronMan 3.

Cluster X: Series 1 - moon - ЅріzZ - nebula - drewnet - Slipstream https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5806/cluster-x-series-1-moon-%D0%85r%D1%96zz-nebula-drewnet-slipstream Wed, 16 Jan 2013 22:11:18 +0000 driftwood 5806@/talks/discussions Cluster X Series Settings.

Whats it all about? Achieving the best looking overall pictures around - throughtout the popular GOPs. The great thing about Cluster X developments is you can mix and match some of the settings to combine into your favourite setting (e.g. GOP1 for 24p and 25p/FSH, GOP 6 For 1080i60/30p and 12/15 for 720p etc...). Slipstream settings do this for you (mixed and matched and with spanning capabilities where we can plus 80% modes on H & iA mode support).

This has been a tough (and still ongoing) challenge, each setting (and ptools patch change) takes an age to check & measure. Its exhausting work - even with 4 cameras on the go. The measuring to check Quantisation, frame sizes and stability adapting one change at a time is pretty debilitating on mental energy. I hope people appreciate waiting for each setting to appear.

All the new Cluster X series settings for each GOP attached below have been tested on the notorious 14-140 Pany sharp lens. Give me feedback.

Its as simple as A, B, C, D, E, F ! Each .ini setting in ptools for Cluster X Series will equate to setA ('DREWnet' 12/15 GOP), setB ('Nebula' 6 GOP), setC ('Spizz' 3 GOP), setD ('Moon' 1 GOP/3 GOP), setE (Slipstream 1) & setF (Slipstream 2). Any updates will stay on these sets.

"Bitrate is King. Who needs hi powered scaling matrices when enough Bitrate (if you have it) can drive the quantisation..." Quote from my conversation with Dark Shikari - X264 dev 2012

If you enjoy these settings please don't forget to donate to personal-view by clicking on the link above. Gratitude and thanks to Vitaliy Kiselev.


Cluster X 'Slipstream'

A series of GOP combination settings drawn from the Cluster X series but set at nominal bitrate settings (40 to 72Mbps) to achieve a better spanning percentage for longer recordings plus the ability to be used on slower sd cards. Slipstream attempts to correlate the actual clip duration to the TS (transport stream) duration whilst providing error free population of the cpb buffers. And it seems to work very well at these settings. :-)

Slipstream #1 (Rev B): Release Date: 10/03/2013

A mix of Nebula and DREWnet settings all tightly packed into 72Mbps max 24p and around 40-52Mbps for everything else which in my PAL tests SPAN! You also get 80% mode at 24H and iA modes working. NTSC 720p60 and FSH/HBR30p should now span.

1080p24/1080i50/HBR25p/720p50 at GOP 6 1080i60/HBR30p & 720p60 at 12 GOP

Slipstream #2: Release Date: 10/03/2013


1080p24H 88Mbps GOP3

FSH1080i50/HBR25p 60Mbps GOP3

720p50 62Mbps GOP6

FSH1080i60/HBR30p 44Mbps GOP12

720p60 52Mbps GOP12

Slipstream #3: Release Date: 15/03/2013


1080p24H 150Mbps GOP1 (moon style)

FSH1080i50/HBR25p 70Mbps GOP1

720p50 62Mbps GOP6

FSH1080i60/HBR30p 64Mbps GOP3

720p60 52Mbps GOP12

NB: Ive had one occasion where the camera just freezes with no apparent error. If this happens simply leave the camera alone for a minute or two until it fully writes out to sdcard (emptying all buffers) THEN turn off/battery pull. Hopefully you will notice that all your spanned files are there on next powerup.

Nightclub video https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6426/nightclub-video- Mon, 18 Mar 2013 03:47:58 +0000 TJBlack24 6426@/talks/discussions If you have the time, let me know what you think, if you don't like it, if you like it, if you are indifferent about it. Let me know so I can do it better or try different methods next time! Thanks!

Hack for Feature Lenght Documentary Film for the BIG SCREEN - "Digital Cinema Package" https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5491/hack-for-feature-lenght-documentary-film-for-the-big-screen-digital-cinema-package Sat, 15 Dec 2012 07:41:03 +0000 MisterJ 5491@/talks/discussions Hi!

It's been around a Year I signed in here for the very first time. So now, after many test shoots, I'm planning to choose GH2 for the next film project.

Film is about 85 minute long documentary. Films shooting style is mainly situation-based documentary (Cinéma Vérité aka Direct Cinema) with some "cinematic scenes". So some of the scenes are classic documentary and some more stylistic - fiction like - with lightning crew, dolly, directed action etc.

These situation-based events I'm going to shoot with GH2 attached to the Steadicam Pilot. And yes, no interviews. This means I don't have very long takes.

I really like Lee's Flow Motion v2 and Nick's Sedna (AQ1-A) or Cluster v6&7. These I've tested quite a lot. What I'm looking for is best combination in detail and in fluid motion (motion rendering - no strobo effect). And of course hacks reliability is a virtue too! =D

So does anyone has any extra pointers about taking a project to Big Screen? Or if You think there is superior Hack for this kind of project - please don't hesitate to speak out.

Thanx and all the Best, MisterJ

Sci-fi / fantasy music video shot on the GH2 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6143/sci-fi-fantasy-music-video-shot-on-the-gh2 Fri, 15 Feb 2013 22:45:27 +0000 charlie_orozco 6143@/talks/discussions Hi! The band I made this video for finally released it and I'm very happy, so I wanted to share it with you guys.

It was a lot of work and it's not without its flaws, but considering the crew (three people including me apart from the make-up artist) and the time we had it came out quite decent.

Please tell me what you think!

By the way, I shot it with the Driftwood Apocalypse Now! 6GOP Nebula patch, and the lenses I used were:

· Rokinon 28mm f2.8 · Minolta MD 50mm f1.7 · Minolta MD 135mm f2.8

If you have any questions just ask!

SHIFTING-Feature documentary shot with GH2 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2615/shifting-feature-documentary-shot-with-gh2 Mon, 19 Mar 2012 10:13:47 +0000 Lincoln11 2615@/talks/discussions PTool v3.64, Orion, Canon 5dmk3, digital Bolex...leave for a few weeks and look what happens. Anyway back from Antarctica, first film I've made completely on my own. The GH2 worked great, loaded with LPowell's flo-motion, CBrandin's 66m, Driftwood's Quantum v9b and GH13timelapser. Used flo-motion for steadicam, CBrandin for interviews and Driftwood Quantum v9b for beauty shots, but running and gunning had me using them all for different situations.

I'll load up more later but for now here's a penguin.

Thanks to Vitaliy and everyone on this site for making it possible for us all to go out and shoot quality stuff that will hopefully reflect well the efforts and sense of community that you can find only here.

A bit different music vid with lot of VFX https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5838/a-bit-different-music-vid-with-lot-of-vfx Sat, 19 Jan 2013 08:04:30 +0000 otcx 5838@/talks/discussions

Music Video made with GH2 and 7D. 0 Budget, just lot of work. Youtube do not make justise to picture quality. Boht cams hold werry well heavy post procesing. Hope you like it, and pleas comment (if you like). GH2 was hacked with Driftwood settings.

Distance (short film- GH2) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5746/distance-short-film-gh2 Fri, 11 Jan 2013 02:55:27 +0000 Greek_m43 5746@/talks/discussions Here's a film I shot back in May with the Sedna AAQ1 patch. Shot in LA. Enjoy!

Hack suggestions for shooting 60p for use with twixtor - SanDisk Extreme Pro 95 MB/s cards https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5733/hack-suggestions-for-shooting-60p-for-use-with-twixtor-sandisk-extreme-pro-95-mbs-cards Wed, 09 Jan 2013 21:01:44 +0000 Bania 5733@/talks/discussions Hi all

For my next music video project I'll be shooting scenes in 60p which will be processed using twixtor to emulate approximate speeds between 500-1000fps.

I have invested in some SanDisk Extreme Pro 95 MB/s cards and I've searched around similar threads but most other posters are using slower cards.

So, I'm wondering if anyone has had experience shooting with these cards and if anyone can give recommendations for the best hack to use in this instance. I would like to push the cards to their upper limit without sacrificing stability.

Some of the shots I have in mind will contain large amounts of detail - splashing water, dust, etc so the higher the bit rate the better. They will all almost all be locked off frames.

Other posters have suggested the Flowmotion 2.02 is good for this purpose but the bitrate maxes out at 95 MB/s for this patch and if possible I'd like to make the most of the cards' capabilities and record at a higher bitrate. Will I be able to use one of Driftwood's 176MB/s patches? Does anyone have any experience shooting at 60p with these?

Are there other factors that I need to consider here to ensure the best workflow through twixtor?

Thanks JB

Denoising Footage | Collection for Future Reference https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1914/denoising-footage-collection-for-future-reference Mon, 02 Jan 2012 20:02:23 +0000 kholi 1914@/talks/discussions
http://www.campcomet.com/archives/884 | www.campcomet.com

That's one I just posted after people were inquiring. Hope to add Neat Video to it if I can get a license at some point. ]]>
Noise Test: Panasonic GH2 with Driftwood's 176mb GOP1 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1117/noise-test-panasonic-gh2-with-driftwoods-176mb-gop1 Thu, 06 Oct 2011 13:10:38 +0000 Gabel 1117@/talks/discussions
I shot 10 seconds (which now might have been too long) at each ISO value, with the body cap on. Settings were:
- Driftwood's "GOPStoppa" GOP1 176mb hack.
- White balance at 5600K
- Shutter at 50

I've upped the mids in After Effects quite a bit.

The major surprise was 320, which looks awful... Shot a second one, but had the same results! Very surprising...

Here's the video:

And the link to the original clips:
An artistic video about some cool NYC wall art https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5658/an-artistic-video-about-some-cool-nyc-wall-art Fri, 04 Jan 2013 03:23:34 +0000 B3Guy 5658@/talks/discussions

Feedback very much appreciated, it is how I learn and improve my craft!

Minnesota Snow in Anamorphic https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5623/minnesota-snow-in-anamorphic Sun, 30 Dec 2012 16:40:15 +0000 B3Guy 5623@/talks/discussions It is winter in Minnesota, and that means snow. There is nothing quite like the experience of a walk in the snow clad Minnesota forests. The soft snow and sharp cold winter air create a new extreme of quiet that can only really be experienced first-hand. The accompanying music can only hope to capture some of the mood. Shut out the hustle and bustle this holiday season for a relaxing 11 minute walk by the frozen Sunrise River behind my home.

Ice Sculpture Artists: 250,000 kilograms of ice and 250,000 kilograms of snow [GH2 Canis Majoris] https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5574/ice-sculpture-artists-250000-kilograms-of-ice-and-250000-kilograms-of-snow-gh2-canis-majoris Mon, 24 Dec 2012 15:28:18 +0000 richardwouter 5574@/talks/discussions Promotional video for the International Ice Sculpture Festival in the Netherlands.

250,000 kilograms of ice and 250,000 kilograms of snow will be used to represent the fairytales of Little Red Riding Hood, Puss in Boots, Cinderella and Rumpelstiltskin, making it the single biggest ice sculpture festival in Europe.

This winter will see Zwolle’s city centre dominated by the Grimm brothers and their famous fairytales. Dozens of Dutch and international ice artists will be creating ice sculptures on the Rodetorenplein square, showing off their personal interpretation of the Grimm tales.

Music : "Be a tease" by Luciano Foglia (lucianofoglia.com), "AUTUMN SUNSET" by Jason Shaw (audionautix.com)

Camera : Michiel Boogerman, Richard van Der Laan.

Montage / Post : Michiel Boogerman, Richard van Der Laan.

Camera : 2x Panasonic GH2 AVC-Intra Driftwood VY Canis Majoris Day.

Lens : Nikon AF-S 24-70mm f2.8 G ED, Nikon NIKKOR 80-200mm f/4.5, Tokina 11-16mm F2.8 AT-X PRO DX.

FOLA DJEMBE - Portrait of a Djembe drum [Music/Art Video, GH2 Canis Majoris] https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5591/fola-djembe-portrait-of-a-djembe-drum-musicart-video-gh2-canis-majoris Thu, 27 Dec 2012 04:01:25 +0000 richardwouter 5591@/talks/discussions Portrait of a Djembe drum, handcrafted and played by Martin Bernhard. Djembe comes from the saying "Anke djé, anke bé" which translates to "everyone gather together in peace" and defines the drum's purpose.

Martin Bernhard is a well-established dutch Djembe drum maker, teacher and owner of foladjembe.nl

ADVICE: For best experience, turn on your HiFi speakers or put on a headphone.

Camera : Richard van Der Laan, Michiel Boogerman Sound : Maarten Boogerman Edit / Post : Richard van der Laan Artists : Martin Bernhard, Annebeth Elfrink, Marlijn Dompeling, Patrick Pol Location : Brink 21, Deventer (Netherlands) Photos : Patrick Pol Production : veasonic.nl

Camera : 2x Panasonic GH2 AVC-Intra Driftwood VY Canis Majoris Day Lens : Nikon AF-S 24-70mm f2.8 G ED, Tokina 11-16mm F2.8 AT-X PRO DX Gear : Sachtler FSB-4 75 CF, Kessler Hercules 2.0 Head, Kessler K-Pod Tripod System, Gini Follow Focus Rig, Lilliput monitors Recorder : Fostex FR-2LE Microphone : Superlux S502

Filming an Apple Store Grand Opening with 'Quantum' Intra GH3 Matrix TRIAL 2 Patch https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5498/filming-an-apple-store-grand-opening-with-quantum-intra-gh3-matrix-trial-2-patch Sat, 15 Dec 2012 15:35:24 +0000 chrisappleseed 5498@/talks/discussions hi friends, It's with great pleasure that I share with you these images, shot entirely with my GH2 using 'Quantum' Intra GH3 Matrix TRIAL 2 Patch.

3 Pana Lens are used -- 20mm pancake, 14-42mm X lens, 45-150 lens. Most of the footage were filmed in 720 60P. Used Twixtor for slow-mo effect. Edited in Premiere Pro.

AN "Valkyrie", GOLGOP3-13, GOP3ZILLA, natural, Freeze-less Reliable All-round GOP3 Settings :-) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2960/an-valkyrie-golgop3-13-gop3zilla-natural-freeze-less-reliable-all-round-gop3-settings- Sat, 21 Apr 2012 02:30:56 +0000 bkmcwd 2960@/talks/discussions Series 2: http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5385/gh2-freeze-less-reliable-all-round-settings-series-2-valkyrie-golgop3-13-gop3zilla-natural-

The meanings of my account name "bkmcwd" are "Burger King, McDonald's, and Wendy's." LOL Please do not mistake! :-)

At the same time as the silent users of my settings have increased in number, the request to me has also increased. Moreover, those who improve my settings uniquely also appeared. Therefore, I start a new topic, in order to arrange them.

I am a resident of Official Low GOP Topics. I was shocked from @kae's 3GOP in August, last year. In compromise to image quality and motion, I have thought since then that 3GOP is the best solution, in some mode like 24p at least. Although surely many wonderful longGOP settings also exist, the clearness of noise grain does not match Intra and 3GOP.

It is serious that I acquire information from this forum since I am poor at English. And in Japan which is a home country of GH2, I was hardly able to acquire information. However, I have learned much know-how from many experts, @cbrandin, @LPowell, @Ralph_B, @balazer, @towi, @Stray, @proaudio4..., especially the great settings of @driftwood!

I do not know whether my settings are the best. However, since those who are pleased with my settings adhering to big I frame size and short GOP have also increased in number, I continue improvement further more.

Because my English is poor, there may be many unclear things, but I do my best in some questions to answer enduringly.

[The common feature of my settings]

For example, if some setting tries to use low qp with the frame size limited like Intra, many level lines of the high qp macroblocks will also appear in each frame pictures. Although it is unclear for appearance in looking with eyes, it means that the codec is not committing this correctly. I am making the settings which can use the lowest possible qp appropriately, avoiding this isuue by using the biggest possible I-frames. On the high definition scene, if the minimum qp is too low, the range of qp will spread and, as a result, many of these level lines of the high qp macroblocks will appear. Therefore, in my settings, on the high definition scene, it has adjusted so that the minimum qp may become high appropriately. On the other hand, it has adjusted so that the lowest possible qp can be positively used under the lowlight. I think that 3GOP can realize this all-round performance with the motion. Therefore, when using my settings as only for lowlight, you may feel thing insufficient only a few, although sufficient dark place performance is still given. However, also in a bright scene, the codec hardly wavers with my settings. This is the point that especially I am scrupulous. Another point to which I attach paramount importance is "recording does not stop by any means in any situations." In order to adjust so that recording may not stop in a high stress scene, you have to test supposing the stress beyond it. I have spent many hours also on the torture test for it.

*The purpose tested with this screen is the check of durability or reliability to the last. About image quality, it cannot check at all by this test.

If it may become unstable with SanDisk 95MB/s SDXC, please give me feedback.
These features are common in almost all my settings.

[The feature according to type]

About "Valkyrie", it is to here:http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4391/apocalypse-now-quest-for-simulated-444-smooth-cinema-quality-driftwood-cbrandin-bkmcwd/p1

Since the link place was closed, Valkyrie of the new improved versions have been released in this thread. Please look at the latest information on downward.

"GOLGOP3-13" series is the settings for using low qp under lowlight positively. Simultaneously, it has tuned up so that a codec may work also in the high stress scenes as correctly as possible. The value of "Q13" to which I have stuck from last year realizes high image quality by practically lowest qp.

Furthermore, the original matrix is adopted in the newest GOLGOP3-13s. It is the middle of a Sedna matrix and a stock character. If it says plainly, it will be the Sedna matrix optimized in 3GOP structure.

"GOP3ZILLA" series is the all-round settings which covers all the scenes with the mean bit rate. In a general shooting, this series realizes the highest image quality with the value of "Q15" to which I have stuck from last year.

This is the simple setting which harnessed the feature of the stock as it was. I recognize this to be the normal evolution version of the stock.

"natural" series is the economical settings which covers all the scenes with the mean bit rate. In these series, it has also aimed that a codec works correctly also in a however high-stress scene. The value of "Q18" to which I have stuck from last year realizes the safest and good balance setting.

"MAX" versions in each types are the settings using maximum I-frame size which GH2 can use in24p mode. However, with MAX version, playback in camera may not often be available in 24p. This is because the maximum frame size which can be played back by GH2 may be exceeded. Of course, the file which cannot be played back in camera can also be satisfactorily played in PC. Supposing you consider that the playback in a camera is important, I will not recommend you this setting. Please use normal version. However, IQ of MAX version is better than normal versions, IMO.

"A" means "Almighty" or "All-around". Since former GOLGOP3-13s were not able to use the too much low base Q all around, "standard" and "lowlight" were prepared, but since latest GOLGOP3-13 controlled qp appropriately on all the scenes, it was taken as "A." Unlike "MAX", in this "A" edition, in-camera-playback can be available in all the modes also including 24p.

*I decided that I did not use the name of "standard" and "lowlight" in the newest settings.

"standard": The Almighty setting which the codec works correctly as much as possible on bright scenes, and realizes low qp under the lowlight.

"lowlight": Although the codec may waver in a satisfactory grade on bright scenes, realize strongest high image quality under the lowlight.

*These features are mainly in 24p.

All my latest settings are here: http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/comment/57882#Comment_57882

All my latest experimental settings are here: http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/comment/57882#Comment_57881


Again, special thanks to @driftwood, @cbrandin, and of course @Vitaliy_Kiselev! :-)

Where oh where to find patches https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5289/where-oh-where-to-find-patches Sat, 24 Nov 2012 12:34:15 +0000 burgor57 5289@/talks/discussions I have spent ages (really) pouring over these topics trying to find Driftwoods Cluster patches, or his Aquamotion patches or any other patches. There seems to be no way to locate them - I tried. Why can't we have patches that are commonly used and tested available from a easilt navigated location. Can someone please point me oin the right direction. Thanks

Malice (sedna q20) + Purgatorium (canis majoris) two shorts with GH2 + my first short ever https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3566/malice-sedna-q20-purgatorium-canis-majoris-two-shorts-with-gh2-my-first-short-ever Wed, 13 Jun 2012 13:23:55 +0000 conscius 3566@/talks/discussions
I know it's short, but for school i had to make a film from 1 minute. Inspired and based on een film by "side films" (really talented filmmakers!!)

And i wanted to test canis majoris, so for me it was a win-win :) Now, first of all, i did use log and transfer in fcp. I've not used 5DToRGB. Because, i didn't know, till a few minutes ago. Next time i will test 5DToRGB. (is it so much better?)

so i used: GH2 with canis majoris night patch with nokton 25mm f0,95 lens

other shortfilm (8 minutes)

with Sedna Q20 patch

Two Fingers - Smurf (Anamorphic Music Video) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5069/two-fingers-smurf-anamorphic-music-video Thu, 01 Nov 2012 19:55:17 +0000 Oedipax 5069@/talks/discussions

Here's a music video I shot recently with my friends. We've been working with Atlanta rapper Bre Fontaine for a while, and recently he was given a guest spot on Amon Tobin's new Two Fingers side project, which in turn gave us a chance to shoot a higher profile video than we have in the past.

I shot with the GH2 using my Kowa 16-D (I have the 16-H as well, but went with the lighter-weight D for this project) and Driftwood's Sedna 'A' AQ1 patch (Smooth -2 everything). The taking lens was an old Nikon 50mm f/1.4 AI. Redstan's anamorphic clamps (for orienting the lens and for mounting filters) rounded out the setup, plus a set of diopters (the +0.5 Redstan sells plus some lower quality +1 and +2's).

Graded with FilmConvert and a touch of adjustment layer curves in After Effects - mostly because I only had a couple days after editing and vfx were done to do the grade before we had to push it out. But I'm happy with the look overall. As a cinematographer it does pain me that the song is so short, because we had a lot of great looking stuff that you only see glimpses of in the video!

I'm linking the YouTube version up above because the streaming 1080p version looks better, but you can also check it out on Vimeo (vimeo.com/52431231) and download the original upload for a few more days.

Hope you guys dig it, it was fun to finally do a real project on anamorphic.
