Tagged with driftwood - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/driftwood/p1/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 22:57:29 +0000 Tagged with driftwood - Personal View Talks en-CA GH2 Driftwood Cluster v6 Issue: CANNOT RECORD. FILE NUMBER EXCEED LIMIT https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3910/gh2-driftwood-cluster-v6-issue-cannot-record.-file-number-exceed-limit Sun, 15 Jul 2012 12:30:10 +0000 quadrabay 3910@/talks/discussions Hi Folks,

I'm extremely sorry to be reporting any negative to this AMAZING hack/setting, but I went out on a FREE (Thankfully) Band Shoot last night with my GH2 under the Cluster v6 DrewNet patch. I'm using a SanDisk Ultra 64gb card (30 Mbit/sec) and I set the GH2 to the Lower of the two settings both for disc space and extra stability. With these settings I'm getting 2 Hours and 55 Mins on the card with a 50 Mbit/Sec Data Rate (equivalent to 100ish...Yay!)

After the first set I shut the camera down, and when I re-powered on for the second set (with still an Hour and 50 mins left on the card) it gives me this VERY unpleasant response when I hit the record button...


I gave it my best "college try" with powering down, card in and out, in a desperate effort to get it to record again, but alas it just laughed at me. (and a hacked GH2 has a very unpleasant laugh, let me tell you)

I'm DESPERATELY hoping there's something silly I'm doing, or a work-around that will fix this, as the v6 Cluster was SPANNING LIKE A CHAMP! I've tested it out to almost THREE HOURS more than once and it's doing it. But I've never shut down then tried to resume as I did last night.

If the only solution is to bend over on the price of an Extreme Card, I would gladly do that if it WILL solve this, but I get the feeling it won't and I'll be stuck paying WAY too much for a card that will go for $50 at some point down the road. (That always P's me off...the Ultra 64gb was $45 and it was working FINE other than this new glitch...and I'm not sure it's the card necessarily...I'm under the 60M point...)

Anyhow, I again apologize for reporting less than great news, and I'm truly hoping someone has a solution out there in the land of innovative photographic genius!

Take Care, Erik

PS: With an old Nikkor 50mm f 1.4 lens on the GH2, and in a DARK restaurant - it was like I had a LIGHTING CREW on the band...UNBELIEVABLY nice!

Panasonic GH2 Custom Neat Video Profiles (noise reduction) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/23754/panasonic-gh2-custom-neat-video-profiles-noise-reduction Thu, 09 Apr 2020 07:47:38 +0000 TreyM 23754@/talks/discussions Hi everyone, I spent a few hours over the past two days creating some Neat Video noise profiles for the GH2 running Moon T8. Currently, I have only created profiles for the 24H, 24L, and 720p60 SH settings, and I use Neat Video version 4. I'm not sure if these profiles will work on other versions, but they may.

If there is enough interest, I can begin to expand the profiles to support more video modes and various hacks beyond Moon T8.

I created a profile for each ISO setting, including secondary settings for the ISO bugged modes (up to 2500 ISO for those) ("clean" is normal, "dirty" is with the bug in case you forget to fix the problem and shoot with the ISO bug)

These profiles were created using the Smooth film mode at -2 -2 -2 -2, though they will probably still work with other modes. What is being picked up here is mostly sensor ISO noise since Moon T8's bitrate is so high.

The end result is that I have been able to recover about 1 - 1.5 stops of extra detail in the shadows on my shots as opposed to it looking like a total mess of noise. If you shoot at crazy high ISO settings, it can't make a shot at 12,800 ISO look like 200 ISO, but as long as your footage is reasonable, you can greatly expand the usable dynamic range of the camera and color grading is that much better.

These profiles should be used FIRST before doing any other processing such as grading, sharpening, scaling, or color correction. Etc...

The 1080p24 profiles seem to work fine on footage shot in variable mode, for example, if you use the 80% mode for slight slow motion.

Here is a link to an Imgur gallery showing what the profiles are capable of: Gallery

Download links:

1080p24 24H

1080p24 24L

1080p24 EX24H (Ex. Tele Convert Mode)

720p60 SH

Driftwood Cluster X series 3:│moon T7│ЅріzZ T6│Nebula T7│Drewnet T9│ https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7580/driftwood-cluster-x-series-3moon-t7%D0%85r%D1%96zz-t6nebula-t7drewnet-t9 Mon, 22 Jul 2013 17:27:25 +0000 driftwood 7580@/talks/discussions A 'cluster' of different GOPs (Group of Pictures) forms the basis of the Cluster X series - to boldly see how far we can push each GOP factor in terms of superb looking artifact free Intra & prediction based Longer GOP (> 3) out of the panasonic cameras - where a natural scale of compression and consumed bitrate begins to appear according to its GOP size.

What's so good about all these new Cluster X settings? In simple terms, after looking at the rate control, quantisation and scaling matrices found in the GH3, Nikon D800 and Canon 5DMKIII I decided upon a radical approach to find out if the GH2 was capable of getting near their very low QP values (which range from predominantly 1 to 30 depending on the detail and luminance of the subject).

What I found was (and this had me concerned before) was that Panasonic's implementation / or ptools labelling!) of rate control using the GH2's quantisation parameter isn't too clear. I needed a way of having a minumum Quant and a desired maximum quant. Strangely with Initial Quantizer = 30, Quantizer for 1080 modes = 3 (+-2 can offer a QP of 1 !) and Quantizer for 720 modes = 30 I could sortof achieve this!!!!

With 720 using B frames (switched on in the 720 encoder 1 settings as = 3) Quantizer for 720 modes seems to work as a highest Quantisation setting (high is worse, low quant is best) together with Initial Quant of 30 (don't worry about such a high starting value here - after the first frame it settles straight back to lowest achievable (best) for the scene. Subsequently, Quantizer for 1080 modes = 3 gives me my lowest desired (best quant) for each opt 24p, 1080i, HBR and 720 modes.

This quantizer rate control now seems to work as in newer High Profile Level 5 (5.1) cameras such as the 5DMKIII and Nikon D800 (and seemingly the GH3) and when matched with a new softer looking matrix - as analysed on the Canon 5DMKIII (with adjustments) - brings a degree of softening to the over sharpe Pany lenses.

I'm also sure that 1080i/FSH?HBR modes work better with half the coded picture buffer size of 720p modes (indeed I switched off 720 Bottom setting (the buffer amount as in automatically works it out) whilst offering a fairly low buffer in bitrate settings in 'patches for testers'.

In summary, the range of QP will be (certianly in 1080p24 modes) from 1 to 30 - often staying very low (less than 10) all round. I believe (although only tested by myself) that the result offers extremely good looking 720p modes (probably the best ever), certainly superior 24p with Intra & Long GOP, and great looking HBR/FSH and iA mode control (though further strenuous tests may well be required). High dynamic functions work it seems too.

All the new Cluster X series settings for each GOP attached below have been tested on the notoriously sharp Pany OIS lenses. Give me feedback.

Its as simple as A, B, C, D, E, F ! Each .ini setting in ptools for Cluster X Series will equate to setA ('DREWnet' 12/15 GOP), setB ('Nebula' 6 GOP), setC ('Spizz' 3 GOP), setD ('Moon' 1 GOP/3 GOP). Any updates will stay on these sets.

"Cluster X Series isn't for pussies!" Driftwood 2013

If you enjoy these settings please don't forget to donate to personal-view by clicking on the link above. Gratitude and thanks to Vitaliy Kiselev.

Driftwood Cluster X Series 4:│Moon T8│Spizz T7 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10978/driftwood-cluster-x-series-4moon-t8spizz-t7 Mon, 04 Aug 2014 09:28:29 +0000 driftwood 10978@/talks/discussions Yes, Ive been away... Apologies for this delay.

DRIFTWOOD 'moon T8' - 23.976p/29.97p/ 59.94p After interpreting some of the GH4 stuff in mp4 files AVCHD, and fine tuning the matrices, lowering the GOP Related stuff (to achieve more power in non death chart situations and subsequent higher bitrates) this setting should achieve better IQ with a stronger matrix to knock out any artefacting that people may be suffering with moon T7 on HBR/50p/60p modes.

Subsequently, you get a finer low frequency matrix that strives to knock out artefacting at the expense of QP and higher bitrates.

Ive settled on a QP rate control centre point of Q14 and the matrix adapted from the GH4 and improved has been tweaked to the max. However, its untested outside of me and needs your input.

Let me know how you get on.

Peak bitrates for all modes means only the best SD cards should be used. I doubt this will work in iA modes and iDynamic.

140Mbps to 148Mbps Intra 24p 52Mbps to 68Mbps 720p Upto 88+Mbps FSH/HBR

This is a TEST and report back setting!

Just Released: 5th Aug 2014 - Driftwood Spizz T7 - The Comfortable Setting!

101 Mbps Max 23.97fps(24p) 50Mbps Min-80Mbps Max 25p/30p 50Mbps Min-77Mbps Max 50p/60p

Very good IQ. Check it.

Driftwood Settings: Series 6 - COMP Apocalypse Now, Cluster v6, GalaXian GX1, Sedna, Canis, etc... https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3945/driftwood-settings-series-6-comp-apocalypse-now-cluster-v6-galaxian-gx1-sedna-canis-etc... Tue, 17 Jul 2012 18:30:56 +0000 driftwood 3945@/talks/discussions Driftwood GH2 & GFx Settings


Series 1 Link

Series 2 Link

Series 3 Link

Series 4 Link

Series 5 Link

The old Intra VY Canis Majoris Link

ALL Settings require Panasonic firmware v1.11 & ptools 3.64D '200212' OR 3.65d required). Settings for GH2 & GFx Lumix cameras.


21/12/2012 NEW Driftwood Canis Majoris Day AM GOP1 with 720p 50 at GOP3 and 720p60 at GOP6 - Featuring the 'mid freq' matrix See below under Canis Majoris settings to download.

17-07-2012 NEW Driftwood 'Apocalypse Now' GOP1 and Long GOP variations - More news soon Featuring Chris 'cbrandin' Brandin matrices


These settings are dedicated to VK @Vitaliy_Kiselev (master in control) and Chris Brandin @cbrandin (thee font of information).


Good SD Card for GH2 Driftwood MoonT7 170Mbps https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/27309/good-sd-card-for-gh2-driftwood-moont7-170mbps- Sun, 18 Sep 2022 07:20:48 +0000 Anatoli 27309@/talks/discussions Hello, hope you're all doing well.

Since this patches are all a bit dated, I wanted to know if I they would work well on a 170MBps or faster Sand Disk card, like a SanDisk SDXC 64Gb 170MBps or faster.

Thanks in advance

Have a nice weekend

Driftwood - Experimental Series 2: Low Rider, Cluster v8, V9, Intravenus II, GH3onaGH2, AN, Boom https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4828/driftwood-experimental-series-2-low-rider-cluster-v8-v9-intravenus-ii-gh3onagh2-an-boom Fri, 05 Oct 2012 20:13:32 +0000 driftwood 4828@/talks/discussions Driftwood GH2 & GFx Settings


EXPERIMENTAL SERIES 1 - Apocalypse Now Series & Boom! Also the place to find Cluster v7 settings with cbrandin 444 matrix and sharp variation.

Series 1 Link

Series 2 Link

Series 3 Link

Series 4 Link

Series 5 Link

The old Intra VY Canis Majoris Link

ALL Settings require Panasonic firmware v1.11 & ptools 3.64D '200212' OR 3.65d required). Settings for GH2 & GFx Lumix cameras.


11-01-2013 NEW Cluster v8 'DREWnet' 'cbrandin Cinema Smooth' setting 12/15 GOP released. See below.

12-01-2013 NEW Cluster v9 'DREWnet' 'Boom 4444 matrix' setting 12/15 GOP released. See below.

PLUS New Cluster X in trial amongst the thread. Nebula versions (6 GOP) of all three Cluster 12/15 settings will appear here soon.


These settings are dedicated to VK @Vitaliy_Kiselev (master in control) and Chris Brandin @cbrandin (thee font of information).


Micro Budget Feature Film "Middleman" Shot with GH2 in China. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13104/micro-budget-feature-film-middleman-shot-with-gh2-in-china. Wed, 03 Jun 2015 02:10:23 +0000 phoria 13104@/talks/discussions Thanks to @Vitaliy_Kiselev & @driftwood with brilliant patch (Moon T5) Please vote it for International Movie Trailer Festival


Please let me know, if there's any questions. Thank You

FS: GH2 w/Driftwood's Drewnet 10 and more! https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14534/fs-gh2-wdriftwoods-drewnet-10-and-more Wed, 03 Feb 2016 22:38:31 +0000 T1000 14534@/talks/discussions Its time to part with some gear and upgrade! Up for sale are the following:

  • Panasonic GH2 Body only: $350.00 + 3 batteries, two chargers. Two battery are genuine Panasonic. Other is off brand. $70 for 2nd Panasonic and $40 for off brand. (Original Box is available if you'd like
  • Nikon Nikkor 50mm F1.8 AIS: $70.00
  • Nikon Nikkor 24mm F2.8 AIS: $150.00 - protrusion filed down to fit RJ Lens Turbo. Operates perfect! Original buying price. $250
  • RJ Lens Turbo - Nikon F/G reducer speed booster turbo adapter to m4/3 mft GF5 GF6 GX1 EM5 EM1 BM - $100 (Comes in original box)
  • Lowell Pro SlingShot 102 : $60.00 TOTAL: $860

Original price for all totals over $1000.

You can opt to BUY ALL for $700. I'll put it all in the Lowell Pro Sling Shot 102.

PM me if interested. US only. Paypal only. Buyer pays shipping. All equipment is well taken care of and maintained. Here are some videos I've made with this little powerhouse!

Arts and Culture Festivals do work! Driftwood ROAD https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14022/arts-and-culture-festivals-do-work-driftwood-road Tue, 03 Nov 2015 06:18:44 +0000 driftwood 14022@/talks/discussions

I have been extremely busy recently touring my ROAD film (www.driftwoodroad.co.uk) made with a Lumix GH4 around the UK arts and culture festivals.

Recently we entered into the Frequency Festival of Culture in Lincoln, UK and received some tremendous reviews.

We borrowed a DZ13K 17:10 projector & the amazing D75LE6 lens to create a > 200" screen and built a cinema around it, finishing off the auditorium with a car chair ripped out of an old Austin, placed directly in front of the screen (to represent the windscreen vision that the Panasonic GH4 was placed behind).

We received hundreds of really encouraging comments regarding the film which traverses 5 states of the American South West (California, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado) to show a half hour cut from 32 hours of constant road footage. We constructed it as a series of Movements, working closely with musical composer Kevin Matthews: Palm Springs; Wipers; Monument Valley; Night Trucks; The Chase; Utah; Vegas; Death Valley and Big Sur.
We wanted to recreate that perfect feeling of freedom that you feel on a road trip, almost meditative - alone but in perfect harmony with the world around you.

It also gave me the chance to experiment with my new 'Chromarithm' algorithm - mapping music midi controller values from YUV picture values and motion vectors. More about this soon as I get further down the line with version 2.

All in all, I was gobsmacked by how well it was received by both festival attendees and the press alike. Indeed it was a wholly encouraging experience as I never assumed arts & culture festivals would generate great feedback, ask lots of questions, and were as interested in the technical as well as the creative.

Hopefully the film will be shown at other up and coming festivals around Europe soon - hope to see you there!


Design Week: https://t.co/lQlGYi8T6M

The Telegraph: https://t.co/4AvHwnr0BR

Fused: https://t.co/7opowWYybE

New Scientist: https://t.co/UfTyzsgtfy


Excessive Grain (Not ISO Bug) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13886/excessive-grain-not-iso-bug Mon, 05 Oct 2015 21:49:52 +0000 jondshank 13886@/talks/discussions I recently loaded the Moon T7 hack onto my GH2.

In my most recent shoot I was using a 95mb/s Extreme Sandisk and 24H mode.

I played the video on my computer when I got home to find it looks grainy. I used 400 ISO throughout the entire shoot and according to my meter I was properly exposed.

Attached is a photo. I've seen shots from other people's moon t7 footage that are far more crisp. Any ideas?

Driftwood ClusterX series 2:│moon│ЅріzZ│nebula│drewnet│Slipstream │Redshift https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6429/driftwood-clusterx-series-2moon%D0%85r%D1%96zznebuladrewnetslipstream-redshift Mon, 18 Mar 2013 10:03:08 +0000 driftwood 6429@/talks/discussions Cluster X Settings - Series 2

After receiving over a thousand replies in the last 8 weeks in the previous thread we continue the series here from the following link:-


Whats it all about? Achieving the best looking overall pictures around - throughtout the popular GOPs. The great thing about Cluster X developments is you can mix and match some of the settings to combine into your favourite setting (e.g. GOP1 for 24p and 25p/FSH, GOP 6 For 1080i60/30p and 12/15 for 720p etc...). Slipstream settings do this for you (mixed and matched and with spanning capabilities where we can plus 80% modes on H & iA mode support).

This has been a tough (and still ongoing) challenge, each setting (and ptools patch change) takes an age to check & measure. Its exhausting work - even with 4 cameras on the go. The measuring to check Quantisation, frame sizes and stability adapting one change at a time is pretty debilitating on mental energy. I hope people appreciate waiting for each setting to appear.

All the new Cluster X series settings for each GOP attached below have been tested on the notorious 14-140 Pany sharp lens. Give me feedback.

Its as simple as A, B, C, D, E, F ! Each .ini setting in ptools for Cluster X Series will equate to setA ('DREWnet' 12/15 GOP), setB ('Nebula' 6 GOP), setC ('Spizz' 3 GOP), setD ('Moon' 1 GOP/3 GOP), setE (Slipstream 1) & setF (Slipstream 2) setG (Slipstream 3) and finally setH (Redshift). Any updates will stay on these sets.

"Bitrate is King. Who needs hi powered scaling matrices when enough Bitrate (if you have it) can drive the quantisation..." Quote from my conversation with Dark Shikari - X264 dev 2012

If you enjoy these settings please don't forget to donate to personal-view by clicking on the link above. Gratitude and thanks to Vitaliy Kiselev.


Beat Poet K Matthews performs 'Queen: I'm Your Mouse' Live https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12606/beat-poet-k-matthews-performs-queen-im-your-mouse-live Sat, 14 Mar 2015 12:03:29 +0000 driftwood 12606@/talks/discussions

Friend and genius, K Matthews performs his political hit ' Queen: I'm Your Mouse'.

[GH4 + Shogun + Voightlander Nokton 25mm]

360 degree recording & projection https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2601/360-degree-recording-projection Sat, 17 Mar 2012 10:23:55 +0000 driftwood 2601@/talks/discussions A few years back, the troubled Japanese company, Olympus, showed off a 360-degree HD camera and projector system - the first 360-degree, 1080i camera and projection solution.

Utilizing a proprietary system based around an "axisymmetric free-form-surface lens," the camera could shoot video at horizontal and vertical viewing angles of 360-and-50-degrees, respectively; the images could then be projected in the same range by a separate unit.

That was back in 2007 and nothing has ever materialised from them.

I am trying to help a company involved in the events sector to seek and find a current solution where they could offer a walk-in 360 arena (tent or whatever) and immersive world for an audience to view a dramatic show utilising 360 degree projected switchable backgrounds.

Does anyone know of where this technology is going (is it doomed?) or of any other viable solutions that could be made and put together using today's technology?

Filming a music video at night with Minolta MD lenses & Panasonic GH2 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10863/filming-a-music-video-at-night-with-minolta-md-lenses-panasonic-gh2 Tue, 22 Jul 2014 16:04:21 +0000 dlzn 10863@/talks/discussions Shot with Panasonic GH2, Canis Majoris Night and some Flowmotion. Lenses used: Minolta MD 50mm F1.7 and Minolta MD 35mm F1.8. Mostly handheld + run & gun.



Music Video Shot with GH2, DW Cluster 7, Moon T6 (modified to 110mbps) and Russian M39 Lenses. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11166/music-video-shot-with-gh2-dw-cluster-7-moon-t6-modified-to-110mbps-and-russian-m39-lenses. Mon, 01 Sep 2014 15:34:35 +0000 IntoCRASH 11166@/talks/discussions

Lenses used: Jupiter 3 50mm f1.5, and Jupiter 9 85mm f2.0 M39 mount adapted to M4/3 A few clips were colored with FilmConvert. Edited in Sony Vegas. Enjoy!

Music video I shot with the gh2 and driftwood hack https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3515/music-video-i-shot-with-the-gh2-and-driftwood-hack Fri, 08 Jun 2012 20:31:58 +0000 josh_chiara 3515@/talks/discussions So I finally finished this music video, and since I'm on this forum so much and I find it so useful, I wanted to post this video here.

Let me know what you guys think. The compression on youtube and vimeo is awful, so if you want to see it for real, you can download the file from vimeo. There's also an annoying glitch at the end that I couldn't fix. i uploaded the video several times and every time it did the exact same thing.

It looks a lot better if you download it from vimeo.

Panasonic GH2 Hacks good for a Noob https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10356/panasonic-gh2-hacks-good-for-a-noob Sat, 10 May 2014 16:41:21 +0000 GAH80 10356@/talks/discussions Hi There,

I know the GH2 hack topic has been discussed extensively on this forum and thanks to @driftwood for the great work, but as a noob I was hoping someone can help break down some of the benefits of the following Hacks that seem to be very popular. I want to get the best quality video and stills possible without compromising stability.

From my research these seem to be some of the most popular hacks out there: TerraQuake, Mysteron, Sedna, Quantum...

My main reason for purchasing the camera is to shoot a music video in the park. Lots of greens and earthy colors during the daytime. Yet I want to create my own versatile Cam for great video and stills while being stable.

Not sure if any of the patches I mention can produce stunning images and video in this setting. Would that same patch be good for shooting low light indoor settings? Also, maybe a silly question but do these hacks work with video and stills?

Quantum 9b looks like it does great with lowlight:

However I've seen some videos slight glitches in the footage with more movement involved:

Please keep in mind I will be using a 64 GB SDHC Class 10 UHS-1 Flash Memory Card 95MB/s.

I found this link very useful, for noobs attempting to hack their GH2: http://www.sam-mallery.com/2011/11/an-ez-guide-to-hacking-the-panasonic-gh2/

I'm looking for experienced filmographers who can direct me accordingly - pros and cons.

Any help would be extremely appreciated and help relief a lot of anxiety accompanying this process ; )

Thank you all!!

LIVE MUSIC SESSIONS SHOT w/4 - 7 GH2s running various hacks. Think KEXP or Yours Truly https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10638/live-music-sessions-shot-w4-7-gh2s-running-various-hacks.-think-kexp-or-yours-truly Thu, 19 Jun 2014 19:22:02 +0000 Ahrynick 10638@/talks/discussions

Mini movie first on gh4 in 4k https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10289/mini-movie-first-on-gh4-in-4k Thu, 01 May 2014 06:28:20 +0000 driftwood 10289@/talks/discussions

Details to follow. Currently in Falmouth.

FS: GH2 with Driftwood hack (from EU to worldwide) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9984/fs-gh2-with-driftwood-hack-from-eu-to-worldwide- Thu, 27 Mar 2014 13:04:20 +0000 yiannis_zach 9984@/talks/discussions As per the title, a used GH2 with the Driftwood hack. Fully working condition, ready for your next project. Camera body + original strap + original battery + original charger with cable. Price: €390 via Paypal, including fees & shipping cost. Shipping from France, to any worldwide destination. If you prefer the sale via the feebay, send me pm so to give you the link. 100% positive feedback & over hundreds of sales. Thanks for your attention.

RETROSPECTIVE https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9797/retrospective- Wed, 05 Mar 2014 12:50:50 +0000 spiel77 9797@/talks/discussions "Retrospective" is a short round-trip, that takes one through places, moments, ways of life and social fabrics - whilst passing continents. This is a short edit with footage from my last projects. It gives a hint, on how diverse life can be, which is what I tried to carve out, with that first attempt. I welcome any feedback! Thank you for watching!

Ultimately, GH2 hacked or GH3, what is better for you and why? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9260/ultimately-gh2-hacked-or-gh3-what-is-better-for-you-and-why Sun, 05 Jan 2014 07:42:05 +0000 lumixmaxgh3 9260@/talks/discussions A simple question, based on your experience.

Looking for a GH2 Hack For a somewhat specific project. Final Uni Piece, so must be perfect. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9709/looking-for-a-gh2-hack-for-a-somewhat-specific-project.-final-uni-piece-so-must-be-perfect. Tue, 25 Feb 2014 16:28:44 +0000 Wilrus 9709@/talks/discussions Hey guys, next month, I'll be shooting my Final uni film, and im looking to make my shoot look phenomenal... I have a 'Class 10, 45/mbs sandisk Extreme 32GB card' and I will be shooting it on a (if all goes to plan) Canon 50mm (F/1.4) There's alot of dialogue in the film, and im planning to try roll from one end of the convosation to the other (about 10 minuets in length) (im not sure if this will cause 'spanning' (I think its called) ) Long story short... I'm looking for the best cinematic-looking hack that i can can shoot for 10 minuets without fear of overheating and won't fill up my card like crazy (as I have about a 6 hour shoot, so am looking to be able to carry a fair amount of footage (obvously i won't be shooting for 6 hours straight, but i'll still walk away with a fair bit of footage)

Thanks in advance guys

Re-edit of a horrorshortfilm of mine. Purgatorium (hacked GH2) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9331/re-edit-of-a-horrorshortfilm-of-mine.-purgatorium-hacked-gh2 Mon, 13 Jan 2014 10:34:03 +0000 conscius 9331@/talks/discussions

This is a re edit of a horrorshort i made 2 years ago. Shot with panasonic GH2: drifwood's Canis Majoris night hack (class 10 45mb/s card) With Voigtlander Nokton 25mm F0,95 lens

Waqti film trailer - shot with GH2 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9173/waqti-film-trailer-shot-with-gh2 Mon, 23 Dec 2013 05:08:01 +0000 Passman 9173@/talks/discussions Here is a trailer for a film i shot last summer on the GH2. If anyone is interested in any details you can just ask here and i will do my best to answer. So what does everyone think of the trailer?

Still Master Vodka - Take A Moment https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8449/still-master-vodka-take-a-moment Wed, 16 Oct 2013 17:13:42 +0000 pchristoph 8449@/talks/discussions
This was a fun commercial I shot at the end of August for a new product line of Canadian Vodka from Shelter Point Distillery. The clients have great personalities and it is rewarding to build relationships with people who trust my work and ideas. I think together we are developing a good brand that represents who they are. That sandbar is over 600ft from shore. It was a chore to get all our gear there at low tide. At high tide, we used row boats to cart everything back though. Coordinating the time of day for the shoot with the tides in and out for shots was tricky. It made me glad I am a sailor and knew how to read tide and current tables during preproduction! The aerial shot at the end was captured using an octocopter by Duane over at AboveGroundLevel.ca All shots on GH2 (magenta filter in front of sensor) ISO 200, Super Takumar lenses (28mm, 35mm, 50mm macro, 135mm), smooth all -2, Driftwood's Moon Trial 7, Speedbooster, colored and edited in FCPX.

The deep blue UNESCO-protected fjord Geiranger in Norway. Anamorphic. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7690/the-deep-blue-unesco-protected-fjord-geiranger-in-norway.-anamorphic. Mon, 05 Aug 2013 06:37:44 +0000 elkanah77 7690@/talks/discussions

New web series "Te$timoney" shot with hacked GH2"Intravenus" and Sony F3 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7997/new-web-series-tetimoney-shot-with-hacked-gh2intravenus-and-sony-f3 Wed, 04 Sep 2013 06:41:38 +0000 Cinexa 7997@/talks/discussions This is a new web series that we just finished the first episode for. "Te$timoney". Enjoy.

sorry but having a hard time hacking Gh2 to moon t5 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7946/sorry-but-having-a-hard-time-hacking-gh2-to-moon-t5 Fri, 30 Aug 2013 01:54:29 +0000 madmax 7946@/talks/discussions I did everything like i was told in the instructions...

  1. I put everything in the same "hack" folder. Including the setd.ini file for "moon t5" hack
  2. I opened ptools
  3. loaded firmware that i got from Panasonic website
  4. click green letter (i think it was "D")
  5. save as "GH2__V12" (old firmware was called GH2__V11)
  6. Put knew firmware in sd card
  7. load in fully charged camera
  8. hit play and it updated to the new one.... and that's it.

But the file size still seems small to me even though my time got shorter. I'm using 16gb 95mb/s SD extreme Pro card. Which gave a 13 minutes and 48 seconds recording time when camera is set to 24P CINEMA (24H).

a 10 second clip came out to 52mb in size. Then i imported the MTS file into Premiere CS5 and looked up the properties of the native clip and this is what i got:

File Path: /Volumes/NO NAME/PRIVATE/AVCHD/BDMV/STREAM/00000.MTS Type: MPEG Movie File Size: 50.3 MB Image Size: 1920 x 1080 Pixel Depth: 32 Frame Rate: 23.976 Source Audio Format: 48000 Hz - compressed - Stereo Project Audio Format: 48000 Hz - 32 bit floating point - Stereo Total Duration: 00:00:09:22 Average Data Rate: 5.1 MB / second Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.0

Then I also imported it into VLC and got this (check attached pics)

I don't know what else to do. I know nothing about this but i'm trying to learn. It's hard when i don't have a PC and i'm always working (wine doesn't work on my mac). I've attached another link to download a 10 second MTS file. I hope I gave you guys enough info to help me out.

Download link http://we.tl/OtuyqtkhLV


