Tagged with cut - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/cut/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 23:07:10 +0000 Tagged with cut - Personal View Talks en-CA Marker Data for Final Cut Pro for Free https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/28104/marker-data-for-final-cut-pro-for-free Thu, 11 Jul 2024 19:49:07 +0000 halfmac 28104@/talks/discussions The avant-garde Marker extraction application crafted for Final Cut Pro. It allows users to extract, convert and create databases from Final Cut Pro’s Marker metadata effortlessly.

Core Features

Functionality allowing batch extraction and rendering of stills or animated GIFs based on each Marker's timecode.

Automatically analyse and embed colour swatches from extracted images for shot reference.

Integrates with Final Cut Pro, boasting a native Share Destination & Workflow Extension.

Precise extraction of Markers, ensuring an accurate representation of metadata.

Native integration with renowned databases such as Notion and Airtable.

Effortlessly synchronise Final Cut Pro's Marker metadata to cloud databases with a single click.

Versatile features for batch burning-in labels, embedding comprehensive metadata of each Marker onto stills or animated GIFs.

Comprehensive timeline functionality, encompassing support for timelines such as Projects and Compound Clips.

Allows the creation of multiple configurations tailored to diverse project requirements.

Harnesses the potential to utilise Captions as Markers, adding a layer of flexibility.

Written in Apple Swift language and SwiftUI framework.

Application is Notarised by Apple.

Available Extract Profiles

Notion (JSON), Airtable (JSON), Comma-separated values (CSV) - Compatible with spreadsheet applications, Tab-separated values (TSV) - Compatible with spreadsheet application, Microsoft Excel (XLSX), YouTube Chapters (TXT), Standard MIDI File - Compatible with most audio DAWs


Workflow HLG HDR to YouTube https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/18825/workflow-hlg-hdr-to-youtube Fri, 19 Jan 2018 23:32:09 +0000 jonpais 18825@/talks/discussions https://jonpais.wordpress.com/2018/01/20/how-to-upload-hlg-hdr-to-youtube-in-two-minutes/

Gh4 on FCP7 File size problems https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16751/gh4-on-fcp7-file-size-problems Sat, 15 Apr 2017 12:57:18 +0000 Nic 16751@/talks/discussions Hi,

I just bought a GH4 and I am trying to get it to work with my FCP 7, but is does not really work well yet. I prefer to film in FHD 100Mbps 25P, and I need to film longer than 30 min..The camera is bought in US and does film continuously more than 30, but it chops up the files in small pieces of 4.27GB (6.40 min). There are 2 problems in this: 1) When importing in FCP7 it imports well, but when put on the timeline, "General Error" appears and it will not play it. I have tried to convert to ProRess HQ, and this plays well, but a second problem appears: 2)every 6:40 min I lack 2 frames both audio and video, and this is really not what I need, I need a continuos file for more than 6.40 min...

What can I do?

Tip for importing 'missing' GH2 clips in Final Cut Pro X https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12929/tip-for-importing-missing-gh2-clips-in-final-cut-pro-x Mon, 04 May 2015 22:52:04 +0000 arvidtp 12929@/talks/discussions Often I find that when I go to import footage from an SD card I've shot on my GH2 (hacked, settings are Sanity 5.1 or Sanity X) Final Cut X's import window will not see some earlier video clips I'd shot (and not yet imported). I discovered after a recent shoot that if I turned the camera off, changed the battery, turned it back on and kept shooting, only the clips shot after the battery change were visible to FCPX. So, after cursing at FCPX as I am wont to do, I started copying the .MTS files (which thankfully are always still there on the card) and preparing for the annoying process of concatenating spanned clips by hand and re-wrapping them all, when I hit upon the idea of seeing if I could just repair the AVCHD file structure.

Well, it turns out to be pretty simple. It seems that when the GH2 is power cycled, it makes a new playlist in the AVCHD structure (you can tell because there are multiple .MPL files in PRIVATE/AVCHD/BDMV/PLAYLIST/), and FCPX only sees clips from the most recent playlist with no way to switch to another playlist.

After a little hunting with a hex editor, I found that PRIVATE/AVCHD/BDMV/INDEX.BDM tells the importing software (at least in the case of FCPX) which playlist to look at. There is a number at the end that matches the number of the most recent playlist file (eg 00001) for 00001.MPL. So if you import the visible footage, you can then backup INDEX.BDM and use a hex editor to change that last number in it to the number of the previous playlist. You're just changing a single byte! Save, then open the FCPX import window again (maybe you need to relaunch FCPX? - don't remember) and the clips that were missing will probably be there. I assume you could repeat the process if you had 3 or more AVCHD playlist files on the card.

for a free hex editor on mac, I recommend Hex Fiend: http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/22589/hex-fiend

Don't use a normal text editor – more than that single byte will probably change and you'll be sorry.

So to summarize

If missing clips in FCPX import:

  • import what you can see
  • check for the presence of multiple .MPL files
  • change the 5 digit number (eg 00001) in INDEX.BDM to refer to a different .MPL file
  • import again in FCPX - missing clips should show up

attached are some screenshots of changing the contents of INDEX.BDM.

Hope this tidbit of knowledge helps some people out. I wish I had discovered it a year ago – would have saved me some aggravation for sure.

Editing GH4 C4K (.mov) Final Cut Pro X 10.1.1 On a Mac Pro https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10660/editing-gh4-c4k-.mov-final-cut-pro-x-10.1.1-on-a-mac-pro- Mon, 23 Jun 2014 20:51:35 +0000 chasehagen 10660@/talks/discussions Anyone else having trouble editing native GH4 C4K (.mov) in Final Cut Pro X (10.1.1). I have a Mac Pro Mid-2012 3.2x4, ATI5870, 16GB RAM, 7200RPM Drive and it stutters like hell Playing Back a 5 minute sequence with no effects... Even with Smoother Playback selected it just will not playback smooth even with nothing else open... I would love not to have fro transcode to ProRes if I don't have to...

FCPX Error Message https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11969/fcpx-error-message Tue, 16 Dec 2014 08:00:57 +0000 diggedyfresh 11969@/talks/discussions I've been using FCPX at work for simple editing and DVD creation. I just tried to burn a 1 hour 15 minute DVD and received the following error message after it tried to burn for a while:

(com.apple.compressor.compressorkit.errordomain error -1.)

As far as I know no one changed any settings between the last burn and this one. I've found other forums with 15-20 people having the same issue but no one has posted a solution that I've seen. Anybody seen this issue before and been able to troubleshoot it?

FCPX v. 10.1.4

24" iMac, Early 2008 OSX 10.9.5 (Mavericks) 3.06 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo 6 GB 800 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GS 512 MB

Notice (short film, festival winner) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9642/notice-short-film-festival-winner Mon, 17 Feb 2014 12:56:23 +0000 hempo22 9642@/talks/discussions A girl is trying to get the guy she likes to notice her...

About: A workshop for a school acting group to understand the difference between acting for the stage and acting for a camera. Focus on the acting in one afternoon we shot it with natural light and kept the fancy equipment to a minimum: a reflector and a home built slider.

Shot in three hours with a hacked GH2 (Flow Motion) and vintage Nikon lenses. Edited in Final Cut Pro X. Graded in Davinci Resolve 10. Sound mix in Pro Tools 11.

Winner of the audience award at the TellUs Short Film Festival.

REJOICE! MTS support now available for Final Cut X! https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9141/rejoice-mts-support-now-available-for-final-cut-x Thu, 19 Dec 2013 08:37:22 +0000 T1000 9141@/talks/discussions With the release of the new Mac Pro comes updates to FCX! MTS support is one of them!:


GH3 codecs and workflow https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5410/gh3-codecs-and-workflow Fri, 07 Dec 2012 19:32:27 +0000 jonbeeotch 5410@/talks/discussions I'd like to start a conversation about the pros and cons of the different options with the GH3.

I primarily work as an editor, but im not super "tech". For the past few years i've been using a hacked gh1 for my personal stuff, editing on an imac with FCP 7, log and transfer to prores. As far as i have experienced h264 has not been good to edit with? every time i have had footage shot with canons sent to me for work, an assistant editor would trans-code to prores.

so with one of the main selling points of the GH3 being ALL-I, and the talk of "edit ready" h264, im confused.

like everyone else, i want to get the most out of this camera in terms of image quality, so my question is, to transcode or not? if you were to transcode ALL-I footage to prores, would it defeat the purpose of shooting it in the first place? what are the pros and cons of working with H.264?

the primary size and frame rates i'd be using are 1080 24p and 1080 60p for slow motion.

what are you guys doing for post? what are your opinions on codecs and workflow?

thanks! jon

Is this keyboard helpful when learning Final Cut Pro X short cuts? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6109/is-this-keyboard-helpful-when-learning-final-cut-pro-x-short-cuts- Wed, 13 Feb 2013 19:22:42 +0000 DanPV 6109@/talks/discussions Just wondering if any of you use a keyboard cover like this. Do you find it helpful while learning keyboard shortcuts?


Post-Prodocution Workflow GH2>After Effects>Twixtor>Final Cut Pro https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5875/post-prodocution-workflow-gh2after-effectstwixtorfinal-cut-pro Wed, 23 Jan 2013 01:06:47 +0000 Bania 5875@/talks/discussions Hi All,

I am in need of a little guidance regarding my workflow options for an upcoming project I will be shooting on a Panasonic GH2.

Footage from my GH2 is in the .mts format/AVCHD codec and my usual workflow is to use FCP's 'log and transfer' function to convert the footage to ProRes, for editing in FCP. I usually also archive each SD card as back up.

However, I am wondering whether there is a better method for this project, which will involve heavy use of the Twixtor plugin in After Effects. My initial instinct was to transcode the raw files into ProRes via FCP as per usual and then import these ProRes files into After Effects for processing. But I wonder whether I would be better of editing the .mts files directly in After Effects before exporting for FCP. My understanding is that this method involves one less re-compression and should theoretically result in less artifacts.

I am also unsure about what the most efficient codec for exporting from After Effects to bring back into FCP.

My ultimate goal here is to preserve quality and minimise re-compression artifacts.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Cheers. J

THE NOTHERN LAND: Poetry on moving canvas (English subtitles) [GH2 Sedna] https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3282/the-nothern-land-poetry-on-moving-canvas-english-subtitles-gh2-sedna Sun, 20 May 2012 18:28:00 +0000 richardwouter 3282@/talks/discussions Visual composition of the poem ‘It Noarderlân’ by Frisian poet Durk van der Ploeg. The poet returns to the land of his ancestors (English subtitles).

Camera : Panasonic GH2 AVC-Intra Sedna ~140mb/s Lens : Nikon AF-S 24-70mm f2.8 G ED Gear : Sachtler FSB-4 75 CF, Gini Rig Follow Focus, Lilliput field monitor Tools : FCPX, Magic Bullet Looks

The poem is written by the Frisian poet Durk van der Ploeg, a dutch writer and poet. His work is mainly published in the Frisian language and he is a Knight of the Order of Oranje Nassau.

The images portrait Frisian landscape architect Siem de Vlas working in his studio and visiting the grave of the famous dutch landscape architect Lucas Pieters Roodbaard (1782 - 1851). Roodbaard laid out many English landscape gardens in major cities in the Netherlands.

The Frisian languages are a closely related group of Germanic languages, spoken by about 500,000 members of Frisian ethnic groups, who live on the southern fringes of the North Sea in the Netherlands and Germany. The Frisian languages are the second closest living languages to English, after Scots.

Concept, Camera, Editing : Richard van der Laan Poem writer : Durk van der Ploeg Poem reading : Siem de Vlas

I hope you enjoy watching..

Help with GH2 30p in FCP https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4700/help-with-gh2-30p-in-fcp Mon, 24 Sep 2012 22:15:03 +0000 digger 4700@/talks/discussions This seems like a very simple thing to understand, but try as I have I cannot find a clear answer. So I ask it here:

Despite all my objections a client has insisted on shooting the GH2 in 30p, so I'm doing as told and want to make sure I have it down pat since I've only shot 1080p24 or 720p60 before. I set the mode to HBR NTSC and shot some test footage, but when I bring it into FCP (which is where the client will be editing the final project) and convert it to ProRes, it's 29.97 with Upper Fields. The footage I am to shoot is to be mixed with other footage all shot at 30p. Is the fix in FCP as simple as setting the fields of the individual converted prores files to none? Or should I do something with Cinema Tools to make the GH2 footage true 30p? I have tried to find this answer but to no avail.

How to down-sample with motion blur 60 fps framerate to 30 fps? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2814/how-to-down-sample-with-motion-blur-60-fps-framerate-to-30-fps Sun, 08 Apr 2012 15:04:25 +0000 bdegazio 2814@/talks/discussions I know this isn't specifically a GH2-related question, but I've seen a lot expertise on this forum and thought someone might know how to do this. I've searched online but can't find anything relevant.

I've got some computer generated video at 60 fps (and higher framerates up to 120 fps) which I would like to convert to standard 30 fps, with motion blur derived from blending the intermediate frames.

Specifically, my question is, is there an After Effects or (preferably) Apple Motion plugin that does this correctly? Or some utility software like MPEG StreamClip?

To be clear, I don't want to change the playback speed of the video, just blend intermediate frames to simulate footage shot at a lower frame rate and corresponding shutter speed.

thanks in advance


[edit] - on a hunch, I just checked the export options in StreamClip. There are "frame blending" and "better downscaling" options in the "Frame Rate" section. Does anyone have experience with using these for the purpose I described? Specifically wha's on my mind is, if downscaling a high frame rate video (e.g. 120 fps) to 30 fps, are ALL intermediate frames used in the blending? And in what proportion?

Avc-intra to ProRes for final cut pro 7 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1915/avc-intra-to-prores-for-final-cut-pro-7 Mon, 02 Jan 2012 22:41:14 +0000 Qsik 1915@/talks/discussions Is Motion 5 (SmoothCam) in Final cut pro compared to warp stabilizer in after effects https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1271/is-motion-5-smoothcam-in-final-cut-pro-compared-to-warp-stabilizer-in-after-effects Tue, 25 Oct 2011 00:33:17 +0000 learrocket 1271@/talks/discussions
What settings to use in post for Final cut pro X and After Effects??? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1270/what-settings-to-use-in-post-for-final-cut-pro-x-and-after-effects Mon, 24 Oct 2011 23:43:22 +0000 learrocket 1270@/talks/discussions
Then I edit my project. when I'm happy I want to send it to after effects to add some motion stabilizer and magic bullet looks cause FCPX can't handle looks yet. Now should I export it full size?? ok then I get it in AE C5.5 (this time the file was 1,8 Gb). I do my things but its extremely slow cause of the big file.

then I export it again and put it in FCPX again to add music and then I export it to vimeo (this time the file is 10,5 Gb?????).

I feel I'm not doing the right thing files are huge and the computer is suffering :).

would be nice if you (or someone) could describe a step by step how to do it!]]>
Unable to import some files in FCP https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1150/unable-to-import-some-files-in-fcp Tue, 11 Oct 2011 19:31:32 +0000 jonblon 1150@/talks/discussions Hacked GH1 and Final Cut Pro https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1052/hacked-gh1-and-final-cut-pro Wed, 28 Sep 2011 21:31:05 +0000 gohanmj 1052@/talks/discussions
1. I have hacked my previously unhackable GH17 with all of the popular patches and a couple of my own modified patches using ptool 362.

2. Of all patches I have tried, lpowell's max latitude 100mbps patch seems to have the highest average bit rate according to Media Info.

3. Media Info says the max latitude patch has a max overall bit rate of 108 Mbps and averages 20.8 Mbps

4. Media Info says that footage from my unhacked GH17 has a max overall bit rate of 18 Mbps and averages 11.8 Mbps

5. Once my footage is transferred into Final Cut Pro 7 using Pro Res 422, the data rate in FCP7 of my unhacked footage averages 17 MBps while the data rate of my hacked footage averages about 13.5 MBps.

6. This discrepancy makes no sense to me. And moreover it would seem that if you edit in FCP7 that you are better off not hacking the GH1. Is this assumption correct? Can someone share more information on this issue?]]>
Log and transfer old problems https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/615/log-and-transfer-old-problems Sun, 07 Aug 2011 06:09:19 +0000 kitekid 615@/talks/discussions I have applied the patch to my GH2 been using the 42mbs 24 fps
I can't seem to import my footage in to final cut 7 anymore using log and transfer error message (contains unsupported media or has an invalid directory structure. Please choose a folder whose directory structure matches supported media.)
anyone else had this issue?
I am running lion now aswel but couldn't find anything on mac forums about compatible issues.

Sorry if i have posted this in the wrong section]]>
FCX Explained- Fresh Perspective https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/665/fcx-explained-fresh-perspective Sat, 13 Aug 2011 21:26:06 +0000 B3Guy 665@/talks/discussions