Tagged with course - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/course/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 23:02:16 +0000 Tagged with course - Personal View Talks en-CA Stanford and MIT Digital Photography Courses https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/822/stanford-and-mit-digital-photography-courses Wed, 31 Aug 2011 12:50:33 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 822@/talks/discussions


Variables that Affect Exposure
exposure applet screenshot

Explores the tradeoffs between aperture, exposure time and ISO.

Lens Applets

Thin Lens
thin lens applet screenshot

Uses Gauss's ray tracing construction to show how thin lenses perform a 3D perspective transformation of object space into image space.

The Gaussian Lens-Maker's Formula
gaussian applet screenshot

The relationship between object distance, image distance, and focal length, and the distinction between focusing and zooming.

Depth of Field
depth of field applet screenshot

How do focal length, subject distance, F-number, and size of the circle of confusion affect depth of field?

Telephoto Zoom Lens
zoom applet screenshot

The operation of zoom lenses, telephoto zoom lenses, and optically-compensated telephoto zoom lens.


Spatial convolution
convolution applet screenshot

Interactively demonstrates 1D continuous convolution and 2D discrete convolution. Don't miss the "custom" buttons!


Autofocus: Phase Detection
autofocus: PD applet screenshot

Explore how some cameras (mostly SLRs) use phase detection to autofocus a picture.

Autofocus: Contrast Detection
autofocus: CD applet screenshot

Explore how other cameras (mostly point-and-shoots) use contrast detection to autofocus an image.


Introduction to Color Theory
locus applet screenshot

Explores the trichromatic theory of color vision and
considers its implications for human perception, color photography, and computer
display of color images.

Color Matching
color matching applet screenshot

Reenact Maxwell's color matching experiment to see how closely you can match the trichromatic matching functions for the given primaries.

Chromaticity Diagrams
chromaticity diagrams applet screenshot

Explores chromaticity diagrams and the meaning of the 2D gamut of perceivable colors.

Gamut Mapping
gamut mapping applet screenshot

Interactively shows the results of gamut mapping (both the primaries and the rendering intents) on the colors displayed in an image.

Color Mixing
color mixing applet screenshot

Explores additive and subtractive color mixing.


Gamma Correction
gamma applet screenshot

Unwrapping some of the tangled world of gamma correction.


Cylindrical Panoramas
projection applet screenshot

Demonstrates how images are projected from a plane to a cylinder to form a panorama.

Free courses related to sound and music https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7456/free-courses-related-to-sound-and-music Sun, 07 Jul 2013 21:20:05 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 7456@/talks/discussions Survey of Music Technology

Dr. Jason A. Freeman

Learn to make music with digital audio workstation software, understand the theory and history behind music production tools, and write your own computer programs to make new music and sounds.


Introduction to Music Production

Loudon Stearns

Learn about the music production process—including recording, editing, and mixing—and the tools available to you to create contemporary music on your computer.


Introduction to Digital Sound Design

Steve Everett

Sounds and music are embedded in almost every aspect of daily life. This course will provide an overview of the fundamental principles of sound and the factors that determine our audio perception. It will also explore techniques of recording, mixing, processing, synthesis, sampling, analysis, and editing of digital audio.


Fundamentals of Audio and Music Engineering: Part 1 Musical Sound & Electronics

Robert Clark and Mark Bocko

In this course students learn the basic concepts of acoustics and electronics and how they can applied to understand musical sound and make music with electronic instruments. Topics include: sound waves, musical sound, basic electronics, and applications of these basic principles in amplifiers and speaker design.


Working with Advertisers, by Youtube https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7446/working-with-advertisers-by-youtube Sun, 07 Jul 2013 00:38:43 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 7446@/talks/discussions

Photoshop Deep Dive: Creative Cloud, free live https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7336/photoshop-deep-dive-creative-cloud-free-live Mon, 24 Jun 2013 12:33:04 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 7336@/talks/discussions

Whether you’re an Adobe Photoshop beginner or an old pro, a strong mastery of key image editing skills and an understanding the newest version of the software (Creative Cloud) will take your images to a new level of creativity, quality, and impact.

In this one-day creativeLIVE course, taught by author and Photoshop expert Lesa Snider,You'll learn what the Creative Cloud is, how to use it, and how it affects your future. We'll break down the pricing schedule so you can learn exactly which package to purchase in order to get the most bang for your buck. Next, Lesa will dive deep into all the new features in Photoshop Creative Cloud, including how to use the new Shake Reduction & Camera Raw filters, how to use the new Image Size dialog box to make higher quality enlargements, edit the corners of a rounded rectangle after you've drawn it, create 3D text, and much more


Online at this time

Short video HDSLR course for beginners https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/96/short-video-hdslr-course-for-beginners Mon, 16 May 2011 05:23:19 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 96@/talks/discussions
But can be useful, if you understand the fact that B&H was sponsor of whole thing.

