Tagged with cinematic - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/cinematic/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 22:55:07 +0000 Tagged with cinematic - Personal View Talks en-CA GH1 vs GH2 vs GH3 vs GH4. Better looking sensor. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5796/-gh1-vs-gh2-vs-gh3-vs-gh4.-better-looking-sensor. Wed, 16 Jan 2013 10:00:09 +0000 endotoxic 5796@/talks/discussions We have been discusing features, specs, footage and all that stuff since GH1 when out on 2009 on DVXuser forum. Time has passed really fast, and here we are with 3 cameras from the same lineup allready. Panasonic has made some grate inovation and pushed the frontier more than their competition on very much all the aspects of its camera.

Now that almost 4 years has pased, and we can happily review all GH series camera and drive some conclusion about their appeal.

*GH1 sensor has the best cinematic image from the 3 models. dynamic range, better color no stange color cast.

*GH2 sensor has the better resolution, and more detail, less dynamic range and green cast on footage.

*GH3 has even better resolution even more detail more dynamic range and a magenta cast.

For all of you forum GH partners, which is the best sensor from the 3 when talking about CINEMATIC image.

Remeber cinematic is almost WHAT YOU SHOW AND WAHT YOU DONT. If not take a look at hobbit mess at HFR 4k. So more detail and image quality is not always better.

THe best GH1 footage ive ever seen Grate DOF control and amazing cinematography (thank you @arnarfjodur )

One of the best GH2 result out there. Tipical Low Dynamic range, high contrast on flat image. Grate final picture (thank you @cekrem )

If you have grate footage from GH2 and GH3 please feel free to share for better comparison.

Long live GH series, and VK for hacking them.

Tutorial - Create a Cinematic Professional Golden Film Look https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10141/tutorial-create-a-cinematic-professional-golden-film-look Fri, 11 Apr 2014 08:56:50 +0000 davidhjlindberg 10141@/talks/discussions Hey guys!

Since it's Friday I decided to make a color grading tutorial for you guys on how to create the cinematic golden look as you can find in the beautiful film A Very Long Engagement.

I'm doing this all inside of Adobe Premiere Pro since that's the most common software you guys asks me to do a tutorial on.

Hope you'll like it!

"If it's purple, someones gonna die" - a useful guide to cinematic colour use https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16765/if-its-purple-someones-gonna-die-a-useful-guide-to-cinematic-colour-use Wed, 19 Apr 2017 07:03:09 +0000 andyharris 16765@/talks/discussions I bought this book and read it over the weekend:


It's a useful guide to why colours are chosen, and, how they have worked their way into our visual literacy. It reads easily and one can easily see the points raised in the context of each film discussed.

Putting that new knowledge into practice seems way more difficult, since you'll find orange and green used in many different ways - context is everything (probably).

I would say the PDF is well worth a glance over a cuppa.

Animation, puppetry, and wonder worlds Pot https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8999/animation-puppetry-and-wonder-worlds-pot Sat, 07 Dec 2013 06:17:41 +0000 maxr 8999@/talks/discussions  
Řeči, Řeči, Řeči (Words, Words, Words) • 1991



Director: Michaela Pavlatová
Producer: Dagmar Juráková
Script: Michaela Pavlatová
Dramaturgy: Jiři Kubíček
Sound: Ivo Špalj
Music: Zuzana Navarová / Vít Sázavský
Editor: Gaia Vítková
Photography: Jarka Zimová
Animation: Michaela Pavlatová
Production Company: Krátký Film

ProLUT - Professional Color Grading Preset Pack https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11604/prolut-professional-color-grading-preset-pack Mon, 20 Oct 2014 14:11:36 +0000 davidhjlindberg 11604@/talks/discussions Hey guys, I'm not very active here anymore since I've abandoned my GH2 to the RED Epic but I wanted you to know that my latest product ProLUT is finally released!

ProLUT is a color grading pack of looks based on real films and movies.

It comes in every format you can think of so that you can use it in whatever software you're using.

Watch the demonstration video here:

More info http://www.davidhjlindberg.com/?product=prolut

Looking for a GH2 Hack For a somewhat specific project. Final Uni Piece, so must be perfect. https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9709/looking-for-a-gh2-hack-for-a-somewhat-specific-project.-final-uni-piece-so-must-be-perfect. Tue, 25 Feb 2014 16:28:44 +0000 Wilrus 9709@/talks/discussions Hey guys, next month, I'll be shooting my Final uni film, and im looking to make my shoot look phenomenal... I have a 'Class 10, 45/mbs sandisk Extreme 32GB card' and I will be shooting it on a (if all goes to plan) Canon 50mm (F/1.4) There's alot of dialogue in the film, and im planning to try roll from one end of the convosation to the other (about 10 minuets in length) (im not sure if this will cause 'spanning' (I think its called) ) Long story short... I'm looking for the best cinematic-looking hack that i can can shoot for 10 minuets without fear of overheating and won't fill up my card like crazy (as I have about a 6 hour shoot, so am looking to be able to carry a fair amount of footage (obvously i won't be shooting for 6 hours straight, but i'll still walk away with a fair bit of footage)

Thanks in advance guys

All my footage looks like cheap video... https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8097/all-my-footage-looks-like-cheap-video... Fri, 13 Sep 2013 16:21:22 +0000 Mckinise 8097@/talks/discussions I created a concept video for a larger project we are starting next month. GH2, hacked, inexperienced camera op. Basically, there were 3 scenes I wanted to see if we could shoot. It looks okay for the most part, but there is something missing.

I am looking to light, frame, and create more cinematic footage. What do you guys see that could be changed or modified for next time?

Advice: Nokton 25mm f0.95 vs PanaLeica 25mm f1.4 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6310/advice-nokton-25mm-f0.95-vs-panaleica-25mm-f1.4 Sat, 02 Mar 2013 17:20:33 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 6310@/talks/discussions I know both are two great optics. The Nokton lens is tested with the GH2, the PanaLeica've seen a few videos, references and analysis in the video section. I think the Nokton is manual, so it is more than indificated video stills, and PanaLeica is suitable for photo and video.

I'm saving for the Nokton, but its price is a bit prohibitive -at least for my third world economy-, PanaLeica wanted to know if it is a good option and I can get a result close and as cinematic as the Nokton or the step and go straight to the Nokton.

I would like to arguments for and against each.


Lenses to achieve Cinematic/Filmic look on m43 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5845/lenses-to-achieve-cinematicfilmic-look-on-m43 Sun, 20 Jan 2013 01:19:47 +0000 kronstadt 5845@/talks/discussions This topic was inspired from another discussion here, where @feha suggested that achieving that "Holy Grail" filmic look depends a lot also on the choice of lenses. @endotoxic went on list his favourite Takumar lenses achieve that much desired filmic look on GH1.

So I invite you all to list your favorite lenses that have helped you to achieve that filmic look on GH1, GH2 and GH3.

A Boundless Wane - GH2 - Sedna 'A' AQ1 https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4207/a-boundless-wane-gh2-sedna-a-aq1 Sat, 11 Aug 2012 08:23:27 +0000 JPB1138 4207@/talks/discussions

A creative vacation video shot on (and off) of Chebeague Island. Located a few miles off the coast of southern Maine. Shot on a Hacked GH2. Download Original for maximum quality (FINALLY a PLUS member)!

Lenses used:

Tokina 11-16mm f2,8 Lumix/Leica 25mm f1.4 Zeiss 85mm f1.4.

Filter: Singh Ray Vari-ND DUO (Vari-ND and Polarizer in one)

Simple color corrections within Final Cut Pro, and some Magic Bullet Looks

SONG: "Daily(drops) - 5/1/2012 [Day One] (1)" (Infinite Third) / CC BY-NC 3.0 soundcloud.com/infinitethird/daily-drops-5-1-2012-day-one-1

MORE INFO on how the filming process on Vimeo
