Tagged with black - Personal View Talks https://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/black/p2/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 22:24:38 +0000 Tagged with black - Personal View Talks en-CA Place and time to presure Black Magic Design if they don´t deliver the goods ;o) https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7445/place-and-time-to-presure-black-magic-design-if-they-dont-deliver-the-goods-o Sat, 06 Jul 2013 22:52:59 +0000 Cid 7445@/talks/discussions http://invite.blackmagicdesign.com/event2013/

moved to hackintosh topic https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7135/moved-to-hackintosh-topic Sun, 02 Jun 2013 13:40:50 +0000 andrevanberlo 7135@/talks/discussions moved to hackintosh topic

The stage of DSLR cameras in the future https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6662/the-stage-of-dslr-cameras-in-the-future Wed, 10 Apr 2013 16:13:48 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 6662@/talks/discussions This thread isnt for talk or praise the quality of the Pocket Camera that are already well known and there are two thread of it, its for analyze and maybe a little speculate because I havent a crystal ball and dont know anyone who works within the industry film or camera makers to speak firmly of things to come.

Some time ago I've been thinking that one day they will see cameras with dreamy benefits available to our pockets and BMC has taken the first big step.

After impact caused by Pocket Camera at NAB seems as if all DSLR cameras literally stay in the past, the film market and videographic intermediate, semi-pro and professional low budget now has a gear of very low cost, then I wonder how that argument would have for example someone who wants today to buy a 5D MKIII about U$3000 for videos and films when for a third of the cost you have a body that offers RAW with 13 EVF of DR. Who less would suffer possibly are cameras under US$1,000 where the user amateur looking a camera for photo and with video to record the dog pacing on the garden, the family eating BBQ, an afternoon at the beach or something without more pretense, but I dont know if that market segment is sufficient for these traditional manufacturers.

I assume that traditional manufacturers must have a headache because they did not expect this movement. Anybody what will buy a camera for video a film low cost will prefer a DSLR digital -regardless the record format- to a camera to record in RAW?

BMC's movement beneficent the market because it will be forced to Sony, Panasonic, Canon and Nikon to compete with similar or better gear features, that or leave the market for inematographers and filmakers low budget because they havent argument to compete equal now.

PS, sorry for my poor english.

New Black Magic RAW Cameras: Pocket and S35 4k, general talk https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6630/new-black-magic-raw-cameras-pocket-and-s35-4k-general-talk Sun, 07 Apr 2013 22:51:56 +0000 miko 6630@/talks/discussions Two cams from Black Magic:

https://twitter.com/danielogarcia1/status/321087295606386691 https://twitter.com/michaelkammes/status/321082752566964224/photo/1


GoPro Hero3 Black 3D https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5786/gopro-hero3-black-3d Tue, 15 Jan 2013 11:32:36 +0000 BlueBomberTurbo 5786@/talks/discussions Did some field testing of my GoPro Hero3 Black 3D setup this weekend at drifting. Here's my setup:

3D Rig: image

Shoulder Rig:


Test video 1:

1080p60, Narrow FOV, Protune, CamRAW WB

Neat Video, Magic Bullet Looks, a little Shadow/Highlight to recover the clouds

Here's a frame without 3D for reference: image

Gotta say, I LOVE the dynamic range on these cameras! Unless you're shooting something really dark, all but the brightest highlights (ie. the sun) can almost always be recovered in post. There doesn't seem to be much of an issue recovering shadows under most conditions, either. Of course, you'll need to use noise reduction on more serious shadow lifting. I find Neat Video invaluable for heavy processing, as it will remove blocking on smooth areas once you start pushing the limits.

Rig Setup:

Pretty simple, actually. For the 3D part, I got a pair of macro sliders, tore off the rubber surface grip for the bottom piece, removed one of the mounts for use as the top piece, used a 1/4-20 hex standoff to link them together, and slid the GoPros inside. The tension holds them in place perfectly, and the gap from no grip lets me perfectly align the cameras in parallel. The only downfall of this one is that things 5ft or closer tend to hurt the 3D effect, since the lenses are spaced around 3" or so apart. If you're focusing on a subject further back, close objects will look quite a bit off. Same with close subjects, things behind him will be off. After about 5ft, though, everything is fine. I'll be making a more sophisticated and lightweight setup soon, which will allow me to invert one of the cameras to get the lenses much closer.

For the shoulder rig, it's just a Cavision shoulder pad with some 15,000mah USB batteries gaffer taped to a flat section of a flash bracket, screwed into one of the holes in the back. I have a Swivi monitor up front with the 3D rig mounted onto it. It's really lightweight, but I definitely need something more in back to balance it better.

As far as battery life, I left the GoPros running for 6hrs straight. I was able to monitor the battery life through the Swivi's meter, and after that time period, even with the Swivi on, I only used about half the battery. So I should hopefully be able to get around 12 hrs max from that setup.

Here's my Red/Blue workflow:

As far as syncing the left and right, I've found that they're usually about 2 frames off. I try to find and event that is easy to spot on both cameras (subject just passing in front/behind something, light turning on, etc.) to do an easy sync. If that doesn't work, Pluraleyes has no problem matching them up.

Once that's done, I color correct and grade, then apply the 3D Glasses effect in AE. Using the Difference mode, I can align the frames and set keyframes, so the focus can follow the subject no matter where he moves. Then set Keframe Interpolation to smooth the transitions. It's tedious, but the effect is worth it.

Finally, I'll set to Balanced Colored Red Blue and adjust the Red/Blue balance to reduce/eliminate ghosting, scale up to get rid of the edges (aligning will throw them off), and export.

And for Side by Side:

A lot of it is the same, though I seem to have issues with the 3D Glasses effect in Stereo Pair leaving lots of empty space around each frame, and you can't scale each side up individually to fill it. To get around that, I set everything up in the 3D Glasses effect, then export the left and right sides individually. This aligns them properly from the start, so I can get around the empty space issue. Then I do correction and grading, and put them into a double-wide frame next to each other (3840x1080) to get the side by side 3D. YouTube doesn't seem to have a problem with this, though I'm not sure if it would be compatible with any place else.

In the end, it's not really much more work, just more time waiting for it to encode, and with the double wide setup, you get true 1080p 3D.

A note about Premiere/After Effects and 5DtoRGB:

Both Adobe programs will crush the highlights and shadows a bit, at least in Protune. Running the video through 5DtoRGB first will prevent this from happening. It'll also create a much higher quality file than converting through Cineform Studio, since it interpolates color, reducing blocking artifacts. Plus, you can reverse the Cinestyle curve while converting if you want. 5DtoRGB also makes the reds look redder, instead of the slight orange cast they seem to have.

Black line streaks across B&W ISO 12800 footage https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5278/black-line-streaks-across-bw-iso-12800-footage Fri, 23 Nov 2012 00:06:10 +0000 SightfulProd 5278@/talks/discussions I've been working on a project where I'm using the GH2's ISO 12800 setting for its grainy film look. I'm purposely underexposing my footage to give it a more grittier look and what I've noticed when using 1/40, 1/50 or 1/60 shutter speeds, I get a black line that goes across my video.

Watch the video in 1080p to see what I mean, anyone else get this? I'm wondering if it's a sensor problem, I'm using Sedna AQ1 patch.

GH2 + 35-100mm + GoPro 3 Black does BMX Freestyle https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5125/gh2-35-100mm-gopro-3-black-does-bmx-freestyle Tue, 06 Nov 2012 11:11:23 +0000 mpgxsvcd 5125@/talks/discussions Here is a set of highlights from a local BMX competition that I filmed with my GH2 + 35-100mm F2.8 @ F2.8 and my new GoPro 3 Black mounted to the hot shoe. The clicking noise in some of the clips is the GH2 taking stills while the GoPro Recorded video.

I know the editing is poor in this video. I shot WAY TOO MANY things this weekend and just didn't have time to do the editing justice. Take it for what it is. Just a bunch of samples from both cameras.

I tried editing the colors on the first few clips but after that I just didn't have time. I shot in 720p 60 FPS and F2.8 for the GH2 shots(Can you tell which one those are?). And I shot at 720p @ 120 FPS Narrow angle non-Protune, 720p @ 120 FPS Wide angle Pro-tune, 1080p @ 60 FPS Medium Angle Pro-tune, and 2.7K @ 30 FPS Pro-tune for the Go-Pro 3.

Can you tell which clips are what resolution and frame rates for the GoPro? Hint, several of the clips having very bad aliasing in the fence in the background. That is eliminated by using a narrower field of view.

There is also a sample image below of what the GP3 looks like on the GH2 + 35-100mm.

Best Black&White (B&W) FIlm mode and setting for straight Black&White work https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4332/best-blackwhite-bw-film-mode-and-setting-for-straight-blackwhite-work Wed, 22 Aug 2012 17:32:33 +0000 mastroiani 4332@/talks/discussions Hello, I'm shooting a short film this Saturday which will be B&W end result. Im wondering if anyone can recommend best settings or film modes or patches for this kind of work. I'm a complete newbies to hacking and right now I'm using FlowMotion V2.02 patch for all around work. I like the idea of having just one patch setting for everything, but not sure what would be best for B&W.

I know that Nostalgic film mode has best dynamic range (from what I've read), but I also read on EOSHD Guide to GH2 that Black and White Smooth Film mode on GH2 is supposed to have the best DR and smoothest gradation out of all film modes. Should I just shoot Black and White Smooth mode straight in the camera or do use another mode and then do B&W in post? How about the best patch?

Any input is appreciated enormously,

Thank you so much.

BlackMagic: Official $2,995 raw cinema camera topic https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2888/blackmagic-official-2995-raw-cinema-camera-topic Mon, 16 Apr 2012 11:33:16 +0000 sohus 2888@/talks/discussions Remember that we have special pages about BlackMagic Cinema Camera in out Wiki now




Feature highlights include:

  • 13 stops of dynamic range
  • Large 2.5k sensor
  • Integrated solid state drive recorder (SSD)
  • Ability to capture CinemaDNG, RAW, ProRes and DNxHD files
  • Touchscreen for metadata entry
  • Compatibility with EF and F mou
  • SDI and Thunderbolt connectors
  • Includes a FULL copy of DaVinci Resolve and UltraScope software

First videos:


Full specs







If this camera delivers, this is going to be my next camera. BlackMagic Design is gong to deliver what RED promised with the original Scarlet announcement. Thunderbolt connector, free Resolve, Touchscreen for metadata entry!


This happens when honest companies like BlackMagic Design, which don't have to artificially protect their high-end gear (I am talking about you Sony, Panasonic, Canon) start entering the camera business. If the image quality lives up to the specifications, this is going to be THE camera to get. Sony, Canon, Panasonic won't be happy in that case. The 5D Mark III could do the same but Canon doesn't allow it because of C500/C300. Same for Sony, Panasonic. If BlackMagic delivers, I will respect them so much!

I won't be surprised if BlackMagic Design will launch their own NLE down the road as well.

Black Magic: Is internal battery complete disaster or reliable solution? https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3008/black-magic-is-internal-battery-complete-disaster-or-reliable-solution Wed, 25 Apr 2012 16:53:36 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 3008@/talks/discussions Look at the

http://www.mpoweruk.com/life.htm article

And also in PDF in attachment.

It is easy to see that heat does not help batteries.

As well as full charging (if you undercharge battery it'll live much longer and won't drop capacity so fast).



And it looks like in BM Cinema Camera we have both of this issues.
Battery is made small, so it is charged to full (hence it'll have very fast capacity drop) and it'll be made worse by temperature modes. Camera will make battery perform worse and battery in it's turn during charging will induce heat, and, hence, increased noise.

GH2 and the BMD HyperDeck Shuttle Record Problems https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4230/gh2-and-the-bmd-hyperdeck-shuttle-record-problems Mon, 13 Aug 2012 11:01:20 +0000 questech 4230@/talks/discussions Hello All :-)

I have a BMD HyperDeck Shuttle 2 and it records uncompressed and in the DNxHD (220) codec.

I can import, play and edit the files just fine, but there's a major problem that makes the files useless.

Static scenes are fine except they are flat and require color correction to make them aesthetically acceptable.

The main problem is that the files have horrible interlacing problems... and I'll explain.

First of all, it doesn't matter whether I shoot in FSH, HBR, 24p or don't hit the camera record button at all and just record from the cleaned display... the same problem occurs, so it isn't a camera setting (I've spent 2 days experimenting with different cam settings as well).

When panning I get fine interlacing lines. They are annoying and unacceptable in their own right, but it gets worst. Once encoded (as in for distribution) the problem is accentuated. Huge lines appear and and make the video look horrible... it is unusable.

On close inspection of the files in PP CS6 I can see that the file is filled with ghost images, which I thought were a result of duplicate frames that the GH2 has served to the BMD Shuttle 2.

I've read about certain fixes for this and a the color shift issues, but a) most sound too difficult to be used in a practical workflow and at the end of the day, they may not even work.

So I'm here with hat in hand hoping that a discussion might yield some fruit that can help me, and others that are having the same problem or looking to use a Shuttle with their GH2s.


I said that extra frames were being added, well I read that recording from the GH2's HDMI port added and deleted frames randomly, and that clouded my judgment and made me lean in that direction, but upon closer inspection (I was going to experiment with manually removing the extra frames) I found that there are no extra frames per-say.

The ghosting I described is at the heart of the problem.

When panning each frame appears to be a combination of 2 frames at different times. So depending on the speed of the pan (and the shutter speed - the higher the SS the closer together is the dual images) you get an interlaced image (half of the lines) at one point in time, and another (the other half of the lines) at a later point in time.

Where they overlap, the image is solid, but on either side you have a "ghost" image which when played back you can see through the image where the missing lines are, thereby giving a notched edge effect.

And I haven't even wrapped my head around how I can fix that yet??

Thanks for your interest and feedback!!


BlackMagic: Storage, SSDs, formatting and working https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2976/blackmagic-storage-ssds-formatting-and-working Sun, 22 Apr 2012 13:37:05 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 2976@/talks/discussions List of currently recommended SSD drives:
  1. OCZ 240GB Vertex 3
  2. OCZ 480GB Vertex 3
  3. Crucial 256GB C300
  4. Crucial 512GB M4 (firmware 009)
  5. Kingston 64GB SSDNow V+100
  6. Kingston 128GB SSDNow V+100
  7. Samsung SSD 830 512GB

I think any modern >=128Gb SSD will do.

From: http://www.blackmagic-design.com/support/detail/faqs/?sid=3960&pid=3968

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BlackMagic: Power solutions https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2995/blackmagic-power-solutions Tue, 24 Apr 2012 16:51:16 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 2995@/talks/discussions As we all know BM camera use internal battery, that, I think is bad design solution. So, for any real shooting you need external battery connected to power input. Most of this solutions will be using 12V output.

I'll be adding to this topic all suitable solutions that I know.

Some of our deal partners manufacture suitable solutions and I also hope to have them soon on deals in special kits aimed to future BM camera users.

See also


BlackMagic: FAQ maintenance topic https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3011/blackmagic-faq-maintenance-topic Wed, 25 Apr 2012 18:51:58 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 3011@/talks/discussions We now have FAQ about upcoming Black Magic Cinema Camera:


I am making this topic to help maintaining it in always actual state.

Let me know any questions or information that you have.

P.S. If you want to help me maintain it on Wiki send me PM.

I watched "Polytechnique" last night, was wondering if this is possible.... https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2874/i-watched-polytechnique-last-night-was-wondering-if-this-is-possible.... Sun, 15 Apr 2012 18:33:46 +0000 formula_swim 2874@/talks/discussions IMBD page: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1194238/

Would it be possible to get digital cinema 4k black and white out of the gh2?? or atleast 4096 × 1714 (2.39 aspect ratio 4k)??

I love my GH2 and the Driftwood quantum x v4b orion patch and its a bullet proof combo for my work. but i would love to experiment with black and white 4k.

Panasonic GH 2 LCD Monitor flickering https://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/527/panasonic-gh-2-lcd-monitor-flickering Thu, 28 Jul 2011 14:59:35 +0000 Retina 527@/talks/discussions
Is this normal behaviour, and if so, how can I prevent it? Or should I send it back to the store? :-(]]>