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Google compute engine available for everyone now
  • Today, Google Compute Engine is Generally Available (GA), offering virtual machines that are performant, scalable, reliable, and offer industry-leading security features like encryption of data at rest. Compute Engine is available with 24/7 support and a 99.95% monthly SLA for your mission-critical workloads. We are also introducing several new features and lower prices for persistent disks and popular compute instances.

  • 9 Replies sorted by
  • shure google, compute and stay with all my code FOR FREE.

  • @endotoxic

    Are you ok? As comment make no sense at all.

  • this digital infrastructure to me is like 2 sided shit. On one hand you can develop and cloud all your data. Even now the processing it is on cloud. But then they manage to stay with all code and snik on it.

    For me its grate to see advance in this sector since will make more easy to approach different services with much more freedom. But i dont like the way google sneaks on data.

  • this digital infrastructure to me is like 2 sided shit. On one hand you can develop and cloud all your data. Even now the processing it is on cloud. But then they manage to stay with all code and snik on it.

    I still do not understand that you mean with so emotional passages.

    It is just very powerful virtual machines. Mostly used for hard tasks, including 3D rendering, recoding, etc. They also have GPU instances with very good GPU cards. With singly purpose to provide them to someone who need such resources rarely or do not have necessary admins.

  • The cloud plataform is consisted of 3 parts.

    compute storage and app service.

    im talking about them all. Not only compute. I really dont like the idea of how google manages information. I know the thread is about compute and for that is quiet amazing what they have achived. one could only dream for that compute power and machine rooms. Maybe i am little emotional from the bad practices the make by spying and selling your data. I imagine a world wide cloud managment and i see lots of problems, lots of walls lots of donts, like today but worst.

    Do you remember internet in 94/1996 where it was almost free, now all data is filtered and managed. im off topic never mind

  • Maybe i am little emotional from the bad practices the make by spying and selling your data. I imagine a world wide cloud managment and i see lots of problems, lots of walls lots of donts, like today but worst.

    In this case you must tell same thing about any hoster or cloud provider. And 90% of compute machines do not have any sensitive information, as they are mostly number and graphics crunchers.

  • Your are right, almost all cloud provider must be in same situation. The 10% left of compute machines are highly complex analytic systems that can not only crunch but read and store data before even decoding proper pipeline.

    Vitaly i am paranoid enough lol ?

  • Vitaly i am paranoid enough lol ?

    You are :-)

  • But they are good guys, of course

    Google says if you have an account with them, it’s not just indiscriminately searching through your pictures, but their servers are looking for possible digital fingerprints the FBI may be interested in.

    The company says its database is share with law enforcement and watchdog groups such as the Internet Watch Foundation and the National Center For Missing And Exploited Children.