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Good quote: How communists must deal with capitalists if they need them
  • The directive of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolshevik) to the head of "Amtorg" P.A. Bogdanov at the talks in America about a 200 million loan for the supply of equipment to the USSR ...

    “... The term of the loan is 4-5 years, with no payments in the first year after delivery. Payments start 12 months after delivery, with equal maturity over the remaining 3-4 years. The cost of the loan is not more than 7% per annum. ... Do not in any way conduct any negotiations with the United States government or with any government agencies. Likewise, one should not start negotiating with banks or with any financial institutions, bearing in mind the need to achieve, first of all, pressure from the most interested industry circles on the banking institutions that finance them ... "

    Operation of getting industrial equipment, knowledge, papers, engineers and more is considered as absolute example and hated till this time by all capitalist countries (as it is their crisis and weakness that had been used against them).