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GH2 recording stops
  • Hello. I have a hacked gh2 with quantum v9b hack + sandisk extreme pro 64 gb 95 mb/s. everything was runnig prety cool in the first month.but after that all my recording stops at 01:09 most of the time!! I have tried all the things to fix it " formating with sd formater quick and slow format. I have change the firmware to 1.0 also the same thing . I have bought a usb cable and try to format with but the same thing.a friend of mine have told me maybe because i was using a cheap sd adaptor .or because i have used the sd card in another camera (5d mark 3 ) I dont know any help ? I appreciate that thank you .

  • 4 Replies sorted by
  • Replace the SD card, period, forget about "restoring it" or improving it any way.

  • Okay Thank you .I have another question.until now no body mentioned the hack that was used in feature film 2 guns .do you have any idea ?

  • Okay.Thank you for ur help.