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Sony Alpha hacks talk
  • All discussion that moved from site.

    Useful info:

    ILCE-6000 Level 2 & 3 Service Manual Level 2 and 3 document is available on

  • 258 Replies sorted by
  • Note that all wiki info had been moved from old nex-hack place into

  • The latest Sony cameras include an Android subsystem which allows to install apps from the proprietary Sony PlayMemories Camera appstore (PMCA). This application replicates the functionality of the Sony store and allows you to install custom Android apps on your camera

  • Hi, I've been looking at the Hack for NEX cameras for a couple months. Very happy to hear that the firmware tool was made and uploaded, but I haven't seen any topics about the hack update. I was wondering if there was any ground made with the NEX 3, and of course any hack for clean HDMI output (without display marks or focus box). Sorry if this already exists and I overlooked it.

  • Hi - does anybody have access to Sony Action Cam Remote (RM-LVR1) Service Manual Level 2 and 3?

  • Sony playmemories app reverse engineered so it can play third party apps...maybe someone here can make something out of this. cheers

  • @jagnje

    Look two posts above yours.

  • oh...sorry.

  • There is a TOSHIBA TMP19A44 on NEX5N main board , does anybody known which one file decrypted from Update_firmware package is for TMP19A44 ?

  • I took a look at NEX-F3 Level 3 service manual , Image Processor AVY2G2G05A UART1 communicates with E-mount lens , is anybody interested in resversing E-mount protocol ?

  • is anybody interested in resversing E-mount

    Adapter makers already did it, plus you can request documentation if you do something real, I think.

  • I don't think Adapter makers are willing to share the protocol with others , and Sony E-mount specification doesn't open for person .

  • Sony E-mount specification doesn't open for person .

    And why person need protocol?

  • Based on my decoding now , av-cam.bin runs on AVY2G2G05A , which communicates with lens over UART1.

  • Hacker's curiosity . EDIT : Vitaliy_Kiselev , i can not find "quote" for replying your post .

  • 3rd generation firmware unpack tool (for a5000, a6000, a7 series, RX100 series):

  • @ma1co

    Can you add changes to (to make standalone versions not requiring python) ?

    As I did not have time recently to add this 3rd generation compatibility.

  • Here you go, 3rd gen support for fwtool.

  • I have an A77 (first gen, not 77 II) en route to me, ex Japan...

    Silly me saw the "Japanese Language" mentioned in the ebay advert and thought "no probs, I can flick through the menu to English in settings somewhere"... A bit more digging today after buying it yesterday however brought up the J1 Japan model language being solely japanese, no menus of other languages to choose from.

    Google brought up the Nex-Hacks site. Which shuffled me off over here.

    I note Nonor in Nex-Hacks managed to run a firmware hack for his A77. Can anyone send me a firmware hack and walkthrough?

    I am tech savvy enough to use your typical windows GUI flash program, but I am not risking my camera bricking itself because I transposed the wrong digits in the wrong area of a file trying to hack it myself following this:

    I'm a reasonably tech aware normal guy, not a Hacker, and a Hacker is what is needed here.

    Cheers Rhys from NZ.

  • so? No-one here that can help?

  • but I am not risking my camera bricking itself because I transposed the wrong digits in the wrong area

    It is not made for people who can not do some more advanced stuff for now, sorry.

  • Hmm. but hacks already exist. I saw that Nonor from the old site has one, through I can't find a Nonor in a members list here on the New site. With an existing hack already out there and proven, isn't it just a case of flashing the hack onto the firmware just like an official update off

  • Kiwi303 , у меня есть то что тебе нужно. Мне удалось сделать в прошлом году из японской камеры русскую. Думаю и английскую получится.

  • Спасибо, так что ваши А77 на русский? Значит ли это, включить в меню языки? Не только русский язык, но меню русского, английского, немецкого, другие? Или только на русский?

    Простите мой плохой русский. только

  • With translation software these days any language is as good or bad as any other.

    But yeah, your site, your rules.

    Thanks @Mannokia does your Russian hack bring up a menu with several languages? or just the solo Russian replacing the solo Japanese? If it brings up a menu and the menu has English as an option and it works on your A77 I would love a copy.
