Tagged with zero - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/zero/feed.rss Sun, 29 Sep 24 06:24:29 +0000 Tagged with zero - Personal View Talks en-CA My zero budget feature film shot entirely on the BMPCC :-) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/22682/my-zero-budget-feature-film-shot-entirely-on-the-bmpcc- Tue, 01 Oct 2019 06:16:16 +0000 disease8 22682@/talks/discussions As a long standing member of this forum and always finding inspiration and advice for my low budget DIY filmmaking, I wanted to share my zero budget feature film Polar:

More info about the making of the film here: https://www.dominicjacksonfilms.com/polar

It is a drama comedy about substance abuse, mental health and not fitting in. If you enjoy it please share the link and please leave a review on IMDB and AMAZON we really need it as we hardly have any!

Thanks so much for your time if your get to watch it I hope you like it, it is available at higher resolution and without the stamp in the corner for a low cost, the money will be used to keep the film production moving forward and possibly making another feature!

It is on Reelhouse.org and Amazon UK and USA.

Thank so much hope you enjoy and please subscribe to us on youtube I will be making more videos about the making of Polar and other similar stuff.

Regards, Dom.

Population Zero - Short shot on GH2 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6121/population-zero-short-shot-on-gh2 Thu, 14 Feb 2013 08:13:37 +0000 DaveVegas 6121@/talks/discussions Hi all!

After using RED and ARRI cameras for most of my shoots I was really impressed with this little camera and how well it performed.

Population Zero is my latest short film. Check it out :)

After an alien life form visited planet earth our fate was sealed. Two years later one of the last survivors is desperately trying to find out if there's still anyone out there. Haunted by the past he doesn't seem to see the obvious when he finds a boy in an abandoned house.

I used Canis Majoris hack (Day and Night) and following lenses:

  1. Voigtländer Nokton 25mm F0.95 Prime Lens

  2. SLR Magic Hyperprime 50mm F0.95 Lens

  3. SLR Magic Hyperprime 12mm T1.6 Lens

  4. Panasonic Pancake 20mm F1.7

  5. Canon 50mm f1.4 (For zooms, 100mm)

Best Rob

Extend physical (not focal) length of lens? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2650/extend-physical-not-focal-length-of-lens Thu, 22 Mar 2012 00:30:57 +0000 shane 2650@/talks/discussions I buckled down and bought the Voigtlander 25mm f.095 and I love it. But now it's time to put a follow focus on it. As anyone who owns this lens will know, the focus ring has old-school ridges that make it tricky to put a focus gear on, but right underneath it is a "smooth" area that I am convinced could be made to turn with my iDC System Zero follow focus (if not by itself, then with a standard office ziptie or something similar).

The problem is, the shape of this device puts the rubber about a millimeter shy of where it needs to be. It's so close, but it doesn't quite touch:



If I could find a way to add even 1/8 of an inch to the lens, I think that it could make contact and possibly work. But my problem is that all adapters tend to do something. I want one that does not do anything. Since it's a manual lens to begin with, I won't be losing any functionality.

Does anyone know of anything like this, or another workaround?

The Zero Adverse affects hack thread http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/541/the-zero-adverse-affects-hack-thread Sat, 30 Jul 2011 00:11:56 +0000 mpgxsvcd 541@/talks/discussions
This thread is dedicated to talk about the highest bit rate hack with no adverse affects. To qualify for this the hack must not cause any perceived quality loss at the beginning of the files. It also must be completely stable with all Class 10 memory cards.

So far the highest settings that I have been able to get to achieve this are setting the Video Bit rate FSH/SH and 24H to 32000000. No other changes are made to the settings.

I have settled on an extra two changes that also enable class 6 cards to work with the hack. That entails setting the Video Bitrate FH/H and 24L to 25000000. These extra settings allow you to switch to 1080p,1080i, or 720p Low and record stable video with Class 6 cards like the Eye-Fi wireless card.

I have also attached several images that demonstrate the differences between recording at the standard firmware bit rates and the hacked firmware bit rates. I have included samples from the default firmware, the 32 mb/sec settings, the 42 mb/sec settings, the 42 mb/sec 3 and 6 GOP settings, the standard bit rate MJPEG, and 166+ mb/sec MJPEG settings.

I have named each of the files with a number 1 through 20. There are 1080p @ 24 FPS, 1080i, and 720p High samples from each of the settings listed above. There are also samples from the low settings for each format from the default firmware and the default firmware with 1080p 3 GOP and 6 GOP for 720p and 1080i settings.

The question is can you determine what settings were used with each one of these pictures?

Just copy the list below and put the picture numbers 1 through 20 beside each entry you think is correct. I will post the sample videos to vimeo and post the stream parser grabs if someone can correctly identify each one of the pictures.

Default 1080p High = 3
Default 1080p Low = 2
Default 720p High = 20
Default 720p Low = 18
Default 1080i High = 11
Default 1080i Low = 7
32 mb/sec 1080p High = 4
32 mb/sec 720p High = 15
32 mb/sec 1080i High = 8
42 mb/sec 1080p High = 1
42 mb/sec 720p High = 14
42 mb/sec 1080i High = 9
3 GOP 42 mb/sec 1080p High = 5
3 GOP Default 1080p Low = 6
6 GOP 42 mb/sec 720p High = 13
6 GOP Default 720p Low = 17
6 GOP 42 mb/sec 1080i High = 10
6 GOP Default 1080i Low = 12
Default 720p MJPEG = 16
166+ mb/sec MJPEG = 19

I have included the 4 settings files for these tests. Each sample was recorded with the GH2 on a tripod with constant video light illuminating the subject. The lens was a manual focus 55mm F1.2 Canon FD lens. The focus and aperture were not changed at all between shots. I simply pulled the memory card out and replaced it with the new firmware. I was able to apply the new firmware even with the manual focus lens on the camera.

The ISO was fixed at ISO 3200 because my other testing has shown that the bit rate of the video is directly related to ISO of the video. The shutter speed was 1/800 of a second.

The 1080i samples have distinct interlaced artifacts because VLC does a progressive scan screen capture without applying deinterlacing. If anyone knows how to take a deinterlaced screen cap with VLC I would love to know about how to do it.]]>