Tagged with xml - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/xml/feed.rss Fri, 04 Oct 24 21:36:27 +0000 Tagged with xml - Personal View Talks en-CA WinRewrap - Batch ReWrap MTS to MP4/MOV . http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4775/-winrewrap-batch-rewrap-mts-to-mp4mov-. Sun, 30 Sep 2012 17:42:50 +0000 fatpig 4775@/talks/discussions Hello,

I wrote a little Tool called WinRewrap. It will Batch Process MTS Files to MP4/MOV and adjust References to the MTS accordingly in your XML File. It uses ffmbc. ( http://code.google.com/p/ffmbc/ ) I wrote it primarily for exchange between the new Sony Vegas Pro 12 and DaVinci Resolve. But it can be used for any Batch rewrapping task of MTS.

Of course, this is a very early version, so please let me know any problems that may occur. Note: Audio was converted to AAC in v0.1. Later version keeps the audio stream.

I hope you can use it as well as I can. Ideas, suggestions and Bug Reports, please post here.



Homepage: http://www.fatpigtures.com/software/

The Homepage is still in development. Anybody who would like to donate a small amount is appreciated :)

WinRewrap v 0.4

Changelog 0.4:

  • Added Cancel Option while ReWrapping
  • Added PCM and No Audio option

Changelog 0.3:

  • Added Option to Convert Audio to AAC
  • Added Check for 0-byte Files (returns error now)



  • ffmbc.exe (Release was tested with version 0.7.1 rc7) put it in the same folder as the WinRewrap exe.

  • Windows 7 / Vista Users may experience errors related to writing permissions.

Fix: Turn up your UAC to "always notify". if you turn it to not notifying, some applications are automatically denied access. like winrewrap.

to fix those, copy WinRewrap and ffmbc.exe to your Project Folder. (Tip: WinRewrap starts with its containing Folder under the Browse Dialog, If its your project Folder you can just click OK.)



support for rewrapping .MTS Files to .MP4 and .MOV using ffmbc.exe

this is essentially a frontend for ffmbc, designed for batch processing project folders containing multiple MTS Files and optionally an XML.

This enables project export from The New Sony Vegas Pro 12 to DaVinci Resolve, and can also be used for normal batch processing of entire Folders from GH2, etc.

It will automatically replace the MTS extensions to your new Container inside the XML, so you can automatically use it with the rewrapped files.

Known Issues:

Big Endian PCM Audio is not supported in Stream Copy Mode as of Version 0.4 (AF100) WinRewrap can, however convert to little Endian PCM Audio.

Bug reports please in the dedicated thread on personal-view.com




ClipExporter vs. Xto7 for Final Cut Pro X - Does anyone use this? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4517/clipexporter-vs.-xto7-for-final-cut-pro-x-does-anyone-use-this Sun, 09 Sep 2012 02:27:35 +0000 TraumManufaktur 4517@/talks/discussions I'm looking for a reliable way to get my cuts from FCP X to AE for grading and sometimes into ProTools/OMF for final mixes.

Has anyone used this product? At 25$ it has the right price, to be helpful as the new XML workflow develops.


How does ClipExporter compare to Xto7?


The version 1.1 adds AE export
