Tagged with war - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/war/feed.rss Sat, 28 Sep 24 23:32:40 +0000 Tagged with war - Personal View Talks en-CA Paris Attacks: EARLY HISTORY OF THE THIRD WORLD WAR http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14064/-paris-attacks-early-history-of-the-third-world-war Fri, 13 Nov 2015 18:05:32 +0000 endotoxic 14064@/talks/discussions With the almos 7 terrorist attack carried out in France some hours ago, the Third World War begins.

This attack allegedly by Islamic terrorists, is the perfect excuse to go to full NATO Islamic war. France and other Europeans now have a reason to enter, in fact FORCED TO ENTER by usa. These attacks have been carried out due to the incursion of Putin's war in Syria. It has ousted the Islamic factions supported by NATO at 60% in the last three weeks. This France attacks has been made from Usa in coordination with france. Thus indicating that the attacks are a desperation move, the US is losing the opportunity to take control of a second Islamic state, losing, oil, assets, money machine war, and people, this, because Iraq his main asset over middle east has give his back to NATO only a week ago. They were the main "ally" of that side of the Middle East, their biger investment over the las 15 years.

The geopolitical situation has just changed completely.

Now it's official, BRICS thus Russia, knows that an attack by European Union starts, just when Germany wanted to start talks with Russia and Syria to seek not to interfere in this situation, which generated some US blocks to this country. USA has inflicted its final damage. This will make the dollar colapse, due to lack of support from the rest of the world, BRICS, will be an option, so this is a grate excuse to make transitional money a must, emergin the amero as new currency. trumping the dollar, making it almos value of 0 This is their opportunity to demolish its debt, and gain control geopolitically and economically. Make new money, force those who cannot fight to change currency by bringing its exchange rate to almost 0, gaining control over corporations small buisnes and property in general.

Why? because the can,

Now officially NATO have a reason to start war, the United States will be the first to push over, and send troops to where those "terrorist" A.K.A USA contractor are:



One Word - A short film shot in Tel Aviv (GH4) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10822/one-word-a-short-film-shot-in-tel-aviv-gh4 Thu, 17 Jul 2014 12:43:16 +0000 izash 10822@/talks/discussions Earlier this week, I took my camera to the streets of my neighbourhood in Tel Aviv.
I asked people to say one word to the camera, with no explanations or commentary, just one word out of two.
Peace or War.

Shot with GH4, Lumix 12-35mm. Edited with FCPX

War is not too far http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2199/war-is-not-too-far Sun, 05 Feb 2012 03:43:37 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 2199@/talks/discussions image

Fighters for real democracy (tm) are coming to conquer couple of new countries.

Using same criminal mass media making news out of nothing.

It can be repeat of the 1930's. Time left for US and EU economic systems is running out and China is fighting for any extra second to invest in the fire power as much as they can. As it is pretty clear who'll be named responsible for final fuck up.

Syrya and Iran are responsible for all evil things just because they exist.

Let's start a new war! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1189/lets-start-a-new-war Fri, 14 Oct 2011 22:52:41 +0000 brianluce 1189@/talks/discussions

WASHINGTON — The first wave of U.S. Special Forces Green Berets arrived in Uganda this week to support the battle against a guerrilla group accused of widespread atrocities, Pentagon and military officials told NBC News.

President Barack Obama has ordered up to 100 U.S. military trainers into central Africa to help combat the Lord's Resistance Army, a band of just 200 rebels behind a campaign of murder, rape and kidnapping that began 20 years ago.

Officials told NBC News on Friday the first dozen Green Berets were in Uganda and the remaining American trainers would be deployed to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic and South Sudan.

In the president's notification to Congress on Friday, Obama said the U.S. forces were combat-equipped and would provide assistance and training to regional forces working to remove the group's leader, Joseph Kony, and his band from the battlefield.

U.S. military officials told NBC News that although the Lord's Resistance Army has a force of only about 200 rebels, they have managed to operate for decades because the African nations involved have not pursued them.

The rebels' mobility and the terrain's difficulties also have made for a difficult fight. Attempts to negotiate peace failed in 2008 after Kony refused to sign a deal to end the killing.

U.S. officials told NBC News that the presence of American forces was intended, in part, to push the regional forces into taking action against the rebels.
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Col. Felix Kulayigye, Uganda's military spokesman, said of the troops: "We are aware that they are coming. We are happy about it. We look forward to working with them and eliminating Kony and his fighters."]]>
68 years since the germans defeat in Kursk Arch battle http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/742/68-years-since-the-germans-defeat-in-kursk-arch-battle Tue, 23 Aug 2011 13:19:50 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 742@/talks/discussions

Must listen on big loudspeakers turned to max :-).]]>