Tagged with v4b - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/v4b/feed.rss Wed, 03 Jul 24 10:11:14 +0000 Tagged with v4b - Personal View Talks en-CA Gameboy Music (Chiptune) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3886/gameboy-music-chiptune Thu, 12 Jul 2012 22:31:16 +0000 leejb4 3886@/talks/discussions Hey guys, one of my friends is a Chiptune artist and has recently been gaining recognition in the chiptune scene here in virginia. When he found out that I was starting to learn to shoot, he asked if I could shoot a video for him considering chiptune artist here in VA have not ventured that far. So, we didn't spend much time editing the video, but this is the final product!

Mega Flare: Album Promo (Remember your first shoot?) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3704/mega-flare-album-promo-remember-your-first-shoot Wed, 27 Jun 2012 09:25:32 +0000 leejb4 3704@/talks/discussions Shooting this video has made me realize three things.

  1. I need to invest in new lenses. I shot this entirely with the 14-42mm Lumix and it was way to dark for f=3.5... I had so much trouble grading because although the setting held up well with the darkness, it was still REALLY dark. I had ISO cranked up to 1250+ most of the time.

  2. Lighting is the most important part of filming. All of this was shot in the rain during a storm that we did not expect would roll in (which definitely gave a cool shot at the end). This had a big impact on the quality of the video.

  3. Practice! Every time I shoot something, I learn something new about the limitations of the camera, what shots look good and which ones don't, how to operate the camera in a different way, which lighting conditions work and which don't, different editing tricks and what not. So I guess I learned that even though this is all a hobby for me, it is just like any other sport or hobby in the fact that you have to practice and develop your abilities in order to create a final product that is satisfactory for you work with and for others to watch.

This is my first "Real" work and there are two versions of the video. The version I felt was most cinematic (minimal grading) and this version.

I sat with the artist and was grading and he kept asking for more "Color" to the shots and once I over saturated and cranked up the color correction tools he was extremely happy while I was left thinking..."This looks horrible." But...I guess I am supposed to create what he likes since it is technically "His" video.

Apologize for the long message, I just thought it would be nice to share my beginner experience with others so they can possibly learn something or for other to just reminisce about what it was like when they shot their very first video. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

Shooting this video has finally made me realize two things.

  1. I need to invest in new lenses. I shot this entirely with the 14-42mm Lumix and it was way to dark for f=3.5...

  2. Lighting is the most important part of filming. All of this was shot in the rain during a storm that we did not expect would roll in (definitely gave a cool shot at the end) and this had a big impact on the quality of the video.
