Tagged with v-log - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/v-log/feed.rss Wed, 26 Jun 24 18:05:59 +0000 Tagged with v-log - Personal View Talks en-CA Is V-log identical in both the GH4 and GH5? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17140/is-v-log-identical-in-both-the-gh4-and-gh5 Tue, 13 Jun 2017 10:57:17 +0000 Brian_Siano 17140@/talks/discussions I can't determine if this has been asked before, so I apologize for any duplication. But is the V-log implementation identical between these cameras?

For example, if I were to shot the same scene with the two cameras, both using V-log and otherwise identical settings, would the resulting video be more or less the same?

Could I use the same LUTs on the footage? Or does GH5 V-log footage require different LUTs than those of the GH4?

GH4 problem reactivating V-LOG after v2.6 firmware update http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16123/gh4-problem-reactivating-v-log-after-v2.6-firmware-update Thu, 01 Dec 2016 03:08:36 +0000 jpl 16123@/talks/discussions After updating to firmware v2.6 I'm trying to reactivate my V-LOG activation key. After entering the cameras activation code on the Panasonic website it says "ERROR!!: This key code is already used with another product" . I presume the problem is that the activation code must now be linked to a specific version number. Any one else experienced this problem of know of a work around?

Panasonic Vlog: matching non-Vlog footage http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16451/panasonic-vlog-matching-non-vlog-footage Mon, 13 Feb 2017 10:40:50 +0000 Brian_Siano 16451@/talks/discussions I'm working on a project where we shot with three Panasonic cameras: a GH4, a GH2, and a GX7. On the GH2 and GX7, we used the Standard setting, but I decided to try using Vlog on the GH4.

Obviously, my question's about matching the color grades. I can't see to find a set of settings or a LUT that would take my GH4 footage and conform it to the standard Panasonic curves in any consistent way. The LUTs that are closest-- the standard Vlog to v35, Balazar's luts-- have two faults: they're a bit greyish in the low end, and they're actually kind of dim, so I have to adjust the floor and boost the low-to-midranges.

Seems to me that there ought to be a LUT that accurately brings the Vlog footage to something very close to Standard. Any suggestions?

GH4 V-LOG contrast/gamma shift on external recorder http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16338/gh4-v-log-contrastgamma-shift-on-external-recorder Tue, 17 Jan 2017 23:03:15 +0000 AlexMcV 16338@/talks/discussions Heya,

Not sure if anyone else has encountered this, I've done a quick search and come up with nothin...

I've been using the atomos assassin with my GH4, and noticed that the footage from the assassin is slightly more contrasty/darker than footage recorded internally. I assume it's something the GH4 is doing, because it only seems to happen with V-LOG, not with standard. (I couldn't really be bothered checking with all the other colour modes...)

Here's a clip of me A/B-ing it on a premiere timeline with the scopes up. V-LOG, then standard. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hiugamp6hfbved4/gh4-assassin-contrast-level.mp4?dl=0

(obviously I don't own a colour chart, a set of pencils was the bet I could manage...)

This was recorded 8-bit, as it was the only way I could record both at the same time, but it happens with 10-bit too. At 4K as well as HD. Both the assassin and GH4 are running the most up-to-date firmware, as of Jan 2017.

Did I mess with some settings somewhere? Is my camera haunted? Is this something other people have noticed?

It doesn't actually bother me that much, I guess this is just a "what's up with that?" kinda question. So yeah. What's up with that?

1000$ camera... what is the best choice (mainly for video)? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14858/1000-camera...-what-is-the-best-choice-mainly-for-video Thu, 24 Mar 2016 02:07:55 +0000 lumixmaxgh3 14858@/talks/discussions Panasonic GH4 (v-log) Samsung NX1 (upcoming hack) Sony a6300 (S-log3)

your opinion?

My first Music video with the GH4 8bit V-Log, anamorphic http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15907/my-first-music-video-with-the-gh4-8bit-v-log-anamorphic Wed, 19 Oct 2016 06:03:56 +0000 Iban_Corominas 15907@/talks/discussions Hi guys i want to show you my latest work with the GH4, I used the phantom 3 pro for the aerial shots. V-log at 8bits with a anamorphic adapter. Any feedback will be appreciate it, thanks.

mpv player now able to replay V-Log and HDR content directly with tone-mapping http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15488/mpv-player-now-able-to-replay-v-log-and-hdr-content-directly-with-tone-mapping Sun, 07 Aug 2016 15:20:20 +0000 karl 15488@/talks/discussions I thought I should mention here that my favourite video player software, mpv, was recently improved to be able to directly replay...

  • V-Log video material, applying the inverse transformation on the fly, as well as tone-mapping and color-space conversion.
    This allows you to review video clips as recorded e.g. by a GH4R directly, without having to go through a lengthy "video editor software import / rendering cycle".
    For example, to replay this sample V-Log video file posted by a forum member earlier, you could use an mpv command line like this:

    mpv --vf=format=gamma=v-log:colorlevels=full:primaries=v-gamut -vo opengl-hq:hdr-tone-mapping=clip SHOGUN_S001_S001_T008b.mov

... to obtain a video display like this:


  • HDR (SMPTE-ST-2084) video, as used (along with BT.2020) on UHD BluRay discs and generated by the latest PC and game console GPUs (see here for sample files).
    As with V-Log, both the electro-optical transfer function and colorspace conversions are done on the fly, and tone-mapping helps to display the content well also on non-HDR-capable displays. Unlike V-Log, which is not detectable automatically whether being used in a video file, HDR content is detected automatically by mpv, and reasonable default parameters chosen for the transformation.

Please notice that both HDR and V-Log display transformation support are implemented in the OpenGL video output module of mpv, which is the default to use on Linux/Windows/Mac. If you use another video output module, these on-the-fly transformation features are not available.

See here for mpv binaries for different platforms.

FS: Panasonic GH4, w/V-LOG, lenses, etc. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14480/fs-panasonic-gh4-wv-log-lenses-etc.- Sat, 23 Jan 2016 13:48:11 +0000 yiannis_zach 14480@/talks/discussions Selling my lightly used PANASONIC GH4, with V-LOG installed & NO TIME-LIMIT ON VIDEO RECORDING!

Very Lightly used camera & with great care. Cost of V-LOG is €100 & you understand how important it is the unlimited continuous recording... As long as your SD-card has space, this beast will shoot for hours without any stop! Including in the sale: all original packaging/accessories, PLUS 2 more extra batteries ("DSTE", same like the original ones), & a brand new never used half/cage-cable protector, so to protect your HDMI etc. cables when connect camera with external devices. Price €1200 total, including any PayPal fees & the shipping (from France).

Also selling:

  • a like new 12-35mm f/2.8 Lumix lens (€650 shipped),

  • a brand new never used Metabones Speed-Booster T Ultra 0.71x (€699 shipped).

Thanks a lot!

ultimately, which is the best lens turbo alternative to metabones? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13843/ultimately-which-is-the-best-lens-turbo-alternative-to-metabones Sun, 27 Sep 2015 09:04:51 +0000 lumixmaxgh3 13843@/talks/discussions Mitakon, RJ Lens Turbo, Roxsen... especially for micro four-thirds, which is the best??

For Sale: GH4 R Body only - Unlimited Recording, V-LOG L as standard, UK sale - £879 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14680/for-sale-gh4-r-body-only-unlimited-recording-v-log-l-as-standard-uk-sale-879 Wed, 02 Mar 2016 07:53:47 +0000 nobbystylus 14680@/talks/discussions Hi

I'm selling my 2nd camera - Its the latest GH4R model which comes with V-LOG L, and unlimited recording preinstalled - helpful for us in the EU!!

The item comes in the original packaging with a battery, charger, AV cables and all manuals in the original box AS NEW. This camera was only used on one project as I needed two cameras, but I no longer need both so I'm selling this one. The camera was purchased in Nov 2015 so has 8 months left on its warranty.

I'm keeping my other GH4 for sure (I love it! and use it all the time), but no longer need two cameras.

£879 via paypal, +£15 postage to the UK. Can discuss Euro price if needed.

Jamais (Never) - A Short (GH4 V-Log L) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14140/jamais-never-a-short-gh4-v-log-l Tue, 01 Dec 2015 08:23:31 +0000 izash 14140@/talks/discussions Sadly in the corner sits your parrot Flaubert.
He says, "jamais" crying in French.
(Alexander Vertinsky)

A short film exercise, testing V-Log -L on the GH4.
Featuring Alona K.
Shot and Edited by Izhar Ashdot.
Music: Theme from "Weeping Suzannah" by Izhar Ashdot
Edited on FCPX, graded with FilmConvert.

Where's a good explanation of v-log? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13641/wheres-a-good-explanation-of-v-log Tue, 01 Sep 2015 13:04:08 +0000 Brian_Siano 13641@/talks/discussions I think I'm misunderstanding something about the virtues of v-log and flat profiles. If someone could explain this to me, I'd be grateful.

This is what I think is going on. V-log delivers a very flat image, where the darkest elements are greyish, and the lightest elements are bright, but not completely blown out. This enables color graders to "stretch" those values, and thus, have some play with the midrange gamma. But doesn't this mean that the color palette leaves out a lot of value?

I don't mean that it leaves out the highs and lows. It seems to me that if you take a narrow range of luminance, and scale it to a larger range, you don't get pixels with in-between values. Say I have a photo with luminance ranges from 0 to 100, and I scale that to 0-200. Thus, each luminance value would be doubled: 1 becomes 2, 3 becomes 6, 42 becomes 82, etc.) There'd be no real increase in the range of luminances. And in some circumstances, you'd get banding if the jump is too big.

And if this is the case., then why compress the luminances into such a narrow range? Why not scale it to the camera's full luminance range, and preserve as much of the "in -between" luminances as possible? If your camera has a range of, say, 1-1000, then why reduce the image to 300-700?

As I said, I don't think I'm understanding this correctly. Anyone got a good FAQ?

GH4 Firmware News http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12234/gh4-firmware-news Fri, 23 Jan 2015 14:19:48 +0000 tedbrah 12234@/talks/discussions Post any news about upcomimg rumors or releases of gh4 firmware. Im personally really excited about the V-Log color profile that may come soon or the confirmed 4k hdmi output that's confirmed.

Panasonic Varicam 35 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11960/panasonic-varicam-35 Sun, 14 Dec 2014 03:06:26 +0000 discomandavis 11960@/talks/discussions image

-S35MM 4096 X 2160 Advanced MOS Imager
-14+ Stops of Latitude
-Variable Frame Rate — 1 to 120 fps in 4K(VRAW)
-Records simultaneous 4K/ 2K/Proxy, or UHD/HD/Proxy + Raw to Codex (option)
-Apple ProRes 4:4:4:4 and ProRes HQ Built-in
-AVC-Intra Codecs -- Class 100 / Class 200 / Class 4:4:4
-2-piece Modular Design (docks to AU-VREC1G recording module)
-Dual-Native ISOs

Retails at, $55,000

Brochure: ftp://ftp.panasonic.com/provideo/varicam_35/varicam-35_brochure.pdf
Manual: ftp://ftp.panasonic.com/provideo/varicam_35/varicam-35_oi.pdf

Video Series on the camera:
Part 1, Overview:

Part 2, Hands On:

Part 3, VRaw:

Part4, Workflow:

Part 5, Wireless CDL:

Part 6, Dual ISO Demonstration:

Part 7, Theo Van De Sande Review:

Part 8, QA &Acknowledgements:
