Tagged with ursa - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/ursa/feed.rss Wed, 26 Jun 24 18:18:47 +0000 Tagged with ursa - Personal View Talks en-CA BMCC / BMPCC BozBMDFilm to Rec709 LUT http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16392/bmcc-bmpcc-bozbmdfilm-to-rec709-lut Wed, 01 Feb 2017 06:01:05 +0000 Bozzie 16392@/talks/discussions [Original RAW video by John Brawley DP]

Not to be confused with a ‘Stylized Look LUT’ – I created the BozBMDFilm_to_Rec709 Utility LUT out of a need to make my own color grading life easier when dealing with the Blackmagic BMCC / BMPCC Cinema Camera Film LOG and RAW files. And now I'm making it available to you.

Download Page: https://bulentozdemirfilms.wordpress.com/downloads/bmcc-bmpcc-bozbmdfilm-to-rec709-lut/

The LUT brings out the contrast and color values captured by the BMCC / BMPCC in Film or RAW mode and strives to preserve highlight and shadow detail [more examples can be found on the download page]

Though it's not free, I think the small asking price of £3.00GBP (approx $3.80USD) is enough to take a leap of faith on. Made a difference to my work flow as I’m sure it will with yours :)

Download Page: https://bulentozdemirfilms.wordpress.com/downloads/bmcc-bmpcc-bozbmdfilm-to-rec709-lut/

Thank you.

Camera Upgrade 4k, Blackmagic, or Not? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14938/camera-upgrade-4k-blackmagic-or-not Fri, 08 Apr 2016 17:26:43 +0000 AnamatisRmG 14938@/talks/discussions Let me keep this short. I've secured $5000 funding for a camera upgrade. I've been using an FS100 for 3/4 years and have enjoyed low light and 60fps capabilities. I've been freelancing and running my small prod company for the same amount of time and my commercial is reaching new levels, and my clientele is slightly climbing the ladder.

The big question is : Do I need to upgrade to a 4k system to be able to compete next year and the following 3?

If so do I go the Big Ursa route? Or the Ursa Mini 4.6 k. (I may be able to acquire a Big Ursa V1 for $3800)

Either way I'm looking at pairing with an A7s as lowlight isn't a huge muscle with these cameras.

If 4k isn't necessary than I'm looking at an FS700 as over crank is a big component of my work and I maintain low light capabilities.

My main concerns about the Big Ursa are flying it (gimbal, crane, slider, hand held, tripod for that matter)

Werner Herzog Reviews: The Red One MX, The Sony F-35, and the Digital Bolex 16 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13019/werner-herzog-reviews-the-red-one-mx-the-sony-f-35-and-the-digital-bolex-16- Thu, 21 May 2015 05:17:09 +0000 eddavid 13019@/talks/discussions

Very grateful to do a test with the world-famous filmmaker, Werner Herzog. He came down to my studio last week to do a quick test for his next film, "Untitiled Film About Death and Little People." Special thanks to the actors and the camera people - Nachiketa Amin, Phil Kibbe, and Carolina Ravassa and my producer Lily Henderson. Dedicated to the character development coaches I had - Chris Bagnall, Mariel Snynan, John Meese, Jaimie DeFina, and Sean Kennedy and my film school teacher who said, "Werner, you are never going to make it. Not with that facial hair." I graded DPX files 12 bit out of f35, redlogcine and reddragoncolor2, and BMD gamma from DB. My coloring job was lackluster, to say the least. Inconsistent. Digital Bolex fans - I'm sorry - I couldn't figure out how to make the footage not look terrible. I am sorry. I failed you. I am ready for you to tell me how I loaded in the footage wrong. That is okay. I make many mistakes in life.

Azden gear in Brisbane! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11031/azden-gear-in-brisbane Mon, 11 Aug 2014 21:39:50 +0000 laMacroblock 11031@/talks/discussions Hi Guys If Needed here's a Azden reseller & camera hire facility from Brisbane Australia.
They hire BMCC2.5k & 4k alsoThe GH4 .

http://videocamerahirebrisbane.com.au/?page_id=10 Cheers
